Page 21 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 21
r TERRORS-LOYOLA COl ::rROSH-U. of M. BALTIMORE STADIUM COLLEGE PARK MONDAY 2:30 P. M. FRIDAY Vol. 7, No.6 November 7, 1929 MIUTARY UNIT HOLDS GROUP FROM SINGERS COLLEGE PEABODY COLLEGE OALENDAR REOITAL VERY IN ENTERTAINING HALL IS ALOHA PROGRESSING ALUMNI ENJOYS AT ENGLISH ANNUAL FALL REVIEW Several college students had the prjy· )o'RlDAY, NOVE1.1BER 8- RAPIDLY ON PICTURES of attending the recital of the Eng 1<~re8hUlanj'ootbau, vs. G, of ~laJ"y' An unusual and iuterest ing entertain- SingH~ Ilt th of :~~~;:n~~~P~:lfle~~Jep~;~;e~~~'t:r~'P:'~~: IS THEME OF LECTURE ~iritllfll powers lire :::~";~·nc:ol~clj(;,·oS,~~~~~.l"SC:~:::~:~~egr~~:~ 1::;~l::~H!:~~' IInd.a word the wise is h ~~;l~~~lL~!~:!~l,~~~~:;~tY{US~i~~~:S:J~ ('010111.'1BuJJo~k, the iral'e1illg Secre- ;~:::t,:r growth ;: i~~\;~i:P~;~l".U~:eo~~:;:: in ;~J~deo~~;:~r):to:~~gh8 ;!(I~I~il::~t~::i:~~t;~~I~~tJ~O~~r~:!~Oe~JtO~:;; Technology, Ulli\"crsity of Pithburg, tllr~' of the l!Wak ""IValto)\ Leugue ad· liOlI of Go(l who rel·e3.1sHims~lf iu pro· ),[1". K()oekog.::y,1(S master of llereU\o· Ih~ prcsent senior t1.~ss will be Ilblc to tlu(l Pellllsylviluia State Colloge. Ris dr('ssed thc studeut bOd.\"in Smith 11all portion to "MIU\'S search for Him aud his produce allothel" Annual to whieh el-ery· ni..,.;,!lllIlOUUoedthe el'en!s on ihe com mont, made 'Jfter th~ e\oso of the on i\lollday, NO"rmber 4. His ;1:~\\~\~:Yn~::;\\":.:~.~~t::n!;n~OdCI~:is~llil~ exhausting himself and" on(' e\"en though most remotely connect· whistle ill his efi'ol"h to get ("d with lhe college can rcfer to with :.~~:;~e::·~tn:J::;to~~~:a~J:~:~II:~:;:~ ~\I:~~~~ ~~:;n~~yw;:~~:~,1~H~e:J:~it:I~i~h''t~~U~I~~::~ ,,,,,I the eO)lsuJ\lI\l~tiou of ~ra\I 's seRreh of the crowd. A qlHll"tetCOI11- sincerest p_,I_',_._~_ il1s1,e~II'd could drill with ours. It i~ ;:u~ :i~~':'1~~:.l)n:;~~8~:lt~~tib~Y!\::;;;!~~ ~::(l~:dGOd ~I";:~;~~'~~~:;u.\\'I~~hCI~!:~': \leBsrs. E. Laa!l" Dny, ~Je· SpragIW. Sl(ug two selCttionJl, OFFICERS CLUB ORGANIZES AND ~::i~t~I1~~;::~i:,u;~isd:~~~I!.y'~::~e:\:~lsi~'~ lished through cduenting the YOllth or llIay "Mau well 911Y, "111 llim if:!el'eT~' "LOI'e's Old ~wect Song" ~nd ELECTS OFFIOERS of GeOTgetOWH,Cniyersity of W:)~c.I~I:~:3a)~lJ~s~Ji~::::n:~~~s;lJld~~s thill!,! I neud." "Sweet and Low." A jllnyld pl"\'~Cllt Johu~ Hopkins, Gett.l's1..lllfg, eu, wilh the alJscllee 0( light~, I,y the The Unkers Club of \\'estenl ~lLlrJ"' l>CllnB~'IYRl\ia1\[ilitnry Colleg(', l.Jafn.\'· the el~:e~h;:~hU!; o:h~II:::~:h':: freshmiln gil"is. pJ'oduo('d /I weird effett. Innrl College assembled for its first meet· BIOLOGY LABORATORY The Gr\'('ll mal Gold trio. llessrs. ing of the on Friday, !\ol'ember 1, ~~,::~eIG;~:~~ut::'n;'I;~~fJ~~~1~~~~~;Si~;:: to ~ee if Ih"y ,He m~ki!lg the most of WELL EQUIPPED AS THE BEST Bolton nnd i\.lcGowun,won with 11. D. Wooll~y presiding. ~Iitlltc, and Virgillin P\JI.dcclmic Illsli· :~:~I:P/;l:rt~~',~~~i:sf\~:~:h,,'~,~~e2:1~:J:~:~~h~~: cries of "Encore" with 'I'he elected Capt. W~isbeck for The nell"Sei~nee llull of ""IVester!!~lIlry their jaz~ !lumbcrs. l:'iu311y ,\lcs8J·s. their Presidcnr. He. promptly tool, the Anoth<:r i.nspection will be held ill the the Uuiter! States will be proud to own lalld College contains one unit of which ehnir ,mil with the clcotion. spring at which timc West('rn },hry· as her eitizeus. 'Ill.\"tul1cg~ might be proud. 'rhia i8 the \\'eisbe~k, Reill '''1(1 Dd:lul"eu presented Cadet hI. Sterling was thosen for 1(\l\d will be rated cOJupnratil'ely with Colonel Bullock is primnrily interested n('lI"uililogyl:llJ{>rlltory. lleonsistsof their el'er-lIew, CI'er-amusing iutCl"]Jreta \;il·I'·PI·e~id~ul. FOJ' 'I'n',Ullrer the e1ub th~se other achools. Last ~'ellr it "'ill ill lh~ conservation of naturu.1 resouree8 thr~e Illborntories, three offices, 11 (llll"k tion nf th~ "!:;bo<)ting of Dan .lleGrew." selected Cadet 1st. Lien!. Sbck, 11m' lie remembered Wostern Mar~'land'~ of which he Iws Illnde nn cxtcllsh·e. stully. room ,1Ild a l)l·e.paratioll rQom. Of 1111.' 1'loeGrand ~lan'h thell bcgau and faH a guoa Secretar)" Ill<' corps uehi(!yed the high!;"t possible !"Ilt· <\~ serretary of the lsntlit Walton Leu· three luJ"wr9toricsoneisa large room de· t:J~tie ~ouples circled slowly around the 1st. Lieut. Bun~e i.llg, Uwt of "E:Ii new c')llstituli(lll. U is the desire DENTS ATTEND DRY CONFER-- \·in;ltiug experiene('s in this sport. it uot prol"ides n room for t.he de the cho~e II~ the Il\O~toriginal, ,,; till' 11Icmbersof the Club to DlIlintain lf~inecke, who WtlSde\'~l"l.'" ~JiHS ENCE Colonel Bullock is ill grcat demnlld ,11 WhlplHcnt or photogruphs !Jut can nlso :11101,ld"lUl"e tll1lt "espl"it de eorps" nian.'· colleges /llld ,Vcstorll ClJurylulld l>eused 'IS a pro.i~ctiou room \\'hen it is imperso""tiHg "'[wecdle Dum", WIIS \\"hith \\"on for \\'e~tern :;..rnr."lnmlthe \\'e,;teru .\1l1r~'lulld(,ollege waf:!r.opre' is rer~' grutefuJ to President Wurd for wished to oholl' ~Iides 011/I serecn. 'fhe (Iresseil in .111aSfI(lrtnll'ul of tin ~"ns. nlling· \If "Exl'ellent" during the gOI" ~[i~M:.taurl Gessoer, ,,~ II bell of the ~ellted lit a Prohibition Inquiry Confer· hnl"lngim"'ile(lll.imheretosp(',lk. preparation foom Mil be Illlliutnined ~t {jO'~, W:lSEelected as hH\'iug till' most l'rllmcnt in~pr:dion last spring. 'fhe "nee held ntLeverulg Hall, Johns Hop· !11I.1·lemperatur(' within ~imits which is 1\ eillbol'n!e eOS!UH,e. The prize for the ~'IlILCsJ!irit which was em'ried to camp killS Unhersily, to determin'ethe stu(]ent DEBATING COUNCIL DISCUSSES neet~ssi()'for prop~r seetiouing. In this wh('re C{)nlll!ln.'·B, 'Vestern )Iarylund's attitude townrd prohibit.ion in tho col· PLANS IN OPEN MEETING rllOIHnrc kept the rellgl'nts aud mate' funniest costume \\'ent to lir. Cnh'in ,·ompan." neei"clrybnd, Del(i.ware, ulJ{l the rials fllr the preparntion of s1idea. l\"lrl\er, who came:lS the "two-fnced" (,f the 8all1l1iou and the llIembers of the District of Columbia. The Conference In II meetiug in Missiou Parlor Por tile l,roper Equ\pment of the nell' IIwn. 'I'he Grau(l llnr~h then resoll"ed grou1J frOUl Western )Iaryland qualified it!Jl'lf info a "brea<1 line" and 1I10l"e((to· wns aJ!onaored I,y the Intercollegiato night the Western M:lryland debating I"b nuoul *2500.00 ofn('\\" equipment hUN wards tlle em] of the where 80pho· on the rnnge the highest pcrtentuge of l'r<>hil)itiun Association, in cooperlltion council disoussed plana for the coming heen purchased. This combined with the ,,,ore girls sen'ed llI~n of ~ny group in the enll\p. 1I,;tll t.he Council of Ghri8tirul Associa· season and decided ou generlll policies. equi]lHlent which I\'sa mOI'ed from the punch. tio08 of the "Tri·Slllte" nrea. The was open to all students tl1tl lalJoratory pro"ides for i.nstructioH Congelliul grOllps gathered to enjoy If you wa.nt THE GOLD BUG this )lr. Welllc~'Day, who was ~ memb~.r ilitcrest.edinforensicactivitiO'!:landthl) inalmostallbrllllthesofthese.ience. yea.r, kindly send in your subscription uf the "Y" committee elloBeuto co·oper· gronp assembled waB 8110has to A.mong the new appsrntlls is an illl the refreshm(\nt~ together and with the immedia.tely in order to reeeive the next Ilte with tIle Prohibition Association, was ('an!e prophe<:ies of an unuaually ~ue· pnJl"~(l form of'(ltor for lantnn of the Ihwl frngments copy. M3i1 subscription to elect('d ehairmunof tltateomHlittee, and ressful season t.hiswint,er. )ilides. With this projector the instruc- sanntered th"nngh the (loors to Circulation Manager, THE GOLD BUG, thus eh:1irm:!lI of the proceedings 'fhlll"e are many persous nn the "Hill" tor stands below the screeu and can the girl's dorms where t.ouching Western MaryJand Oollege, throughout the eonielence. Not. onl)" with debating experienCe unit )lointto theYllrioua partsoi it in the Farew(·lls wcre soid n5 f\Jn(] swnn~ Westminl!ter, Maryland. wl're the student opinions ,"oieed and or others interested in making tho teall1~ course of hi~ ledure. There. is also a fouuditha>"dtolenyefll.irlntiiesafte'· j!ani~d, bnt sen'rul prominent men COli· so th,~t, oOHlpetition should be sharp iu mieroprojeetor for the projlll'.tion of mi· ~ueh pleu~ant us~ocintion, Name. tributed mueh iniormntion of ,·n.1ueto t.ho selection of the Varsity lute-rcol· tro~cope slide$. Another ue.w piMe of The Sophomore committees dcsen'e th~ eonfereoee, including ('ommi~8i(mer logi~tl' teoms. There arc "aenneies (Ill Ilppnratu8 is s kymograph which is u!f('d great credit for the effie.i(,lIt \I'll:' in City. ,T."M, Doran, director of Prohibition in tha taams for any eight per~ous show· to trace graph of bCllrl beat, muscular which tlic~'el.lllallct~dthe party IIJd m~de Ihe United States. iug the reqnired effort. (Continuad on Page 4) it 1I night of good times for everyone. State .
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