Page 30 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 30
PAGg TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, ]tttrr-(!1011rgiutr lIfurirtt! GOt I i\rOltltll t1)1'(!1UlltpUSI Philadclphia-(IP)-Durillg a recent A REVIEW OF BOOKS, Nrws PLA YS AND LIFE Thaukegivlng-Diuncr is in tho offing! It will be the fir8t ill the new Dining COLLEGE BABBIT Leopold Btokowski, Ball ~ogreat are our expectations: progrn.m of the Philudelplnu Ijrcheat ra, THE By Howard Crawford director of the or' Ilere'e hoping the dietit.inu reads tIllS cuestrn paused to reqnest his nudience "Pigskin," by Chnrlcs W. Fc'tgnson, Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, puullehed on Thursday during nnd l)re]lllrs >l menu whleh will surpass tnat it consider stopping its "medio""l" published this monti, by Doubleday, the ncademlc year by tho students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, thesccxpoctatlous. We shull see. practice of clapping hands. Doran will (;1l11~emore talk on the cam- Maryland. Entored as second-class matter at t,lIc Westminster Postoffice, "This stralJge bCllting togoU,er of PIIS than Pcreey Mnrks' "PlAStiC .Age," Professor Hall tens us that in the Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year Orient they have a elgurett e culled lIe said, "has no meaning, To albeit tho two books have differcnt Happy Hit, the foreign adaptation of me is vcry disturbing. We try to subjects. There Me (I, number of col- l\IANAGTNG STAPF our famous Lncky Strikes, make 80111l(lslike music, and tlHlIl in be- lege librarians, we feel snfo in pre- tween comes this stmngc whi"h sound E!)l'l'Oft-IN~CnIE~' .. .William G, Enton, '30 Curiosity ia a charaeteristic of ttie yon make. J am not eriticiztug you. dicting, who will not send speeiul de- livery orders for this expose of "'1'he lIL-\NAGlNG EDITOR.. -Wilmer V. Bell, '30 precocious, Ellen Gnrcelou wants to r am eriticizing n custom. I don't Prima Donnas of Rigllcr Learning!' kuow if tho Medlter raueau is II high in this to attempt It would be fuflle ASST. ],fANAGlNG EDITOR. .. Weldon G. Dawson, '30 $ruf Cnn anyone tall her exactly hOI\' know ,,-herc it origina.ted, but probably short eolurun to take up [L thorough dis back in some dark forest in medieval BOSINESS lIllNAOER" .. , .Paul L. Bates, '31 I, it is! dnys. cusslon of the met-its of the eha'rgcs ADVER.TlSING lIIANAGl::U, . .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 "I rebllke nobody. But r want you Senior pIn," rehenrsal s present fine against North American colleges l\'IJiC!~ CIRCULATION I1IANAGER,. .. Jumos A. Stach, '30 opportunities for finding alit those wllo to think tlJis oyer and later ill the sea are implied in "Pigskin". Suffice it to JOSied] D. Stillwagon, .r-, '32 are c~lj)abloof giving ndvice on t110 art son decide whether you W:lnt to show say that Ferguson has sketched for us ASS'i'. CmCULA'j'IQN lIL\NAGERS., ., Joseph 'l'. Addison, '32 of aeting, especinlly along amorous your appruclntrcn by dnpping hands." the truth insofar as any cnr icature per- { He conduded, bowed slightly, and t,110 trny~ Truth. Ju"t, ns t],e cartoonist \\Tflyne "\V. Moore, ';~2 lines. In fact one young lady soom~ audionce returnod tllUnderous applause. to bo a c1oso socolI(l to Dorothy Dix, wishing 10 instruct a swell as to amUSll SPOR.'l'S EDITOR. .Alex. OLeail', '30 IlcMntuatl's Ihopeeuliaritic~of his sub- REPORTORIAL S'I'AFF Exactly what is meant whell on~ E\·nllston, lll.-(JP)-Dalllly Mills, jed, so hns the Author of "Pigskin" ex- reada on the Dean's attendanco cards, :Icoording to t,he Assoc.iated Pres~, re- aggcruted to gaill his point. This is Hot, ASSOC!ATEEm'J'oJts S. A. 1.' The Senior mcn have their hcld a little populnrity contest only legitim:l.te but n~CeSS(Hyif the ellll Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. "\1'. Koockogcy, '32 but how vCt'y ninny han, all hilll~elf in an Evanston jail eell. in vic\\' is to be accomplished, and those surpasscll the S. /1.,1. mark! 'rhe canse of his confinement was his eollege clI1hugiash who uudertAlle t.o COpy EI)I'I'ORS Catherine E. Read, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 "Di~k" Willis is tull credit overzcalou~ intcrferenee in bchnH of "rguc tllC cxaggar~tiO!ls (and we know for !I mat,,11bHI\'l'~ll two prom- Jamcs'linrtbnt, a fell(lw Nqrthwost.('rll there will be limn_}'11'110\\ill aUc!llpt REPOftnms in"lIt ill Jourllnlism 'llld Dral\laties. His U!liversity atUllllllt who ",us arrested this) willl\ccolUplish Ilothing 1m!.a (lis- Or1\ce Armstrong, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 otlices while taking them practice teaoh for speeding. ' play llf their ignorancc-and theil'laek Elizabeth Clough, '30 ,John L. Wail, ins, '30 ing ill Rd$tl!rsto\\'ll form t-llo i.>asi$of "I'm Danny :Mills' sister," explllinotl of a senae of hlllLlor, Al'V,ilene nitchells, '30 Hoy '1', Ec1\\'lll'c\s, '31 his {·l.~im. Others belin\'c the to 'I pretty eo·ed to the desk sergeant. Brien,I', as the publish(!r tclls liS, Fer- lhe]Y11 lIlather '30 IJoward .1\. BoHon, '32 (latc ha..l, he)'ond thnt time, having' been "l'''e brought some things for his guson "leads one to wonder if pigsldll habel Douglas; '31 Chlll'les 11. Etzler, '32 froIU3ppcaring,useofhulllor. ~or instance, to coll~ge migrates, tire ubly seekiug higher learning, Imagine of rueC'r nnd a ten-course brenk6~st to the scene of tho Beason's big gallic, lfcr Poe shooting the raven which so in Dann:-·. 'rhe desk sergeant pau~cd at gll5011 disembarks his gHllg of col- ~~t;:Jons ~1~01!~~:e:;'ef11~;~a:,~~l7o~E~\~:S~~~~ ~:~V;~;~l;t\~~i:: ~~~:_\~]'~l;t :\~:::~cI~~V:n~:::dt~'!Sb::::~gC ~:I~li;'~I~~ j)!muy's cell door to inquire nfter his legions, and r('m;)"ks joyousl,I': "'1'0 tho tlu'~ army square the of courthouse 'fhi." [1bl'ar), is intcnded' fOI' the :futm'c [mcl 0111'more 1m- sky light had been blown upf fa;~il~";1nHl't n rclative within miles," higher ICfll'llillg marcl,Nl." Find any, mediate conccl'n is the present Jibr1\l'v, l'nder ordinary conditions the Dllnn,\' admitted eheerfully. thing quite !!O good in Lewis, if you library is omply equipped to take ca~'e of the student I~eeds hut l'eMnt Wilson's Studio is \'er~' busy now fill· So Danny Ill.ngulSlH.!dsolltnry UlltJl obsel"-ations haye Sl10WIl that at certain times,.._E'specinll\· c1m'wg the lllg ;emor orueu f~r ]lhotograpl,~ \Vhnt _f'~, 1 iii- I ~rg~r~'e.t."'''':1fJY! ";"1', .1 "'.r-,,~ ei;'enmg hOtlrSln wllich ifTS opille:o-tT-ieeonmtiom. have become olmo~" 95 61 II ",e u ,,' LUl , ltg.l ,LII,:"UI "'~~ his fino, • Dr. ilorace Ethelmore l)it:kc~', new too crowdecl fOI' satisTRcton' accOIllmoclation.~, The cause Illav he. and (!a.rtoous WIll soon bo turned out 11l Pnris-(IP)-The Ulliveraity of P,,-r. president of Marthn SUIIIIIl'1'Universit~" traced to two logical sourcefii.' BUher thp lesson as"iignments are in~lnd- Ihis vieinityl is reeently bestowed upon Professor AI, a weakling iu the Southern Con.ferenec, iug much I'efel'ence work or the dormitory conditions al'e UJlftlYol'ahk Som" of tIle \I'omen in tIm Freslnnnu bert Ein~teill, he (If the relativity, the Dr. Dickey's wif() calls him something for stud,v in the ind.iyidnal rooms, It ha$ been suggested tlwt an in- ela-ss are dioting, probaloly the eigh- drgrllc of Doctor of NOlloris Causn, wltich resembles more thnn anyfhing vp~tigation be made especialh' of this second cJ:)use and any I'emedial tuen-d,,)' diet. By their eOHllt, here's Otller foreign scholars to bo so hon elso, "llorse". Since t.he DoetOI"Rpro, efforts possible be made by tile student govel'llments. 'I'hi&' should he bettillg Thanksgiving is the Ilinctllellth ored by tIle French university are: f,,~sioll heretofore llils been that of the clone but it. sCrlrcely seems logical to suspect that 11great number of tbe (lay, Edw:lrd Jcnks, English ,iurist; Dr. B;J]Jlist miuistry, his fir~t hope is that stlHlenh using the library do so because of COllditiom; in their l'cspec- Beloic's favorite song at the present CeBar noux, of Lousanne; Professo)' he can crenle a grent re\'iYal 011 the tive dormitories. And' [waciicall:v evel'Y stmlent seelllS to he nsing time Bl1emsto be the th(' Prisonor's 19nnce Mose.icki, President of Poland; campus, TIe ~oon finds that before he some library book for reference, 'Phis cannot he done in the rooms of SOllg, "nd FrlJnZ eUIlIOnt, of Brussels. The call aecolll]lli-sh IlLis, he must pl~,\' up the students. Further uJ\'cstigation of the courses will show tllat Qrae- Poliah president was unallle to attend to the football team. Let us journey e 1 the ccremonies be~'luse of political dif- to the stadium with the Doctor. :~Cn~~ Y ~a\~:~u ~II~:11~~C;I~~,;:'Sa;~IOC~l~!~inn~;;t~1:11~lt~l~~i::~~;I'~.I~~~Ii~~'~~; n11<1 Ul::: 1a~~~~~~'rH~11:'Bt~:~1l0: a\'0 ficlllties llt home. "He had never st'en such ~ (bring anll a superb sl.ef.taole as t.he l)lunging, lung relie"e the situation somewlmt but evell thell one will hHve to go ~~:nl~u:~:.11'~:::,~S:~'~;I,:~::Il;~~: they al'.' Chicllgo, m.-(lP)-Dr. Franklin II'. ing, speeding figure of the f;\phinx, 10 get a seat." nllrigllt hilt terribly h:ud 011the toe1l1 Johnaon, IHesidcnt of Colby Oollege, 'l'hOuM\l(!~ of eyes had been centered -th:lt is the eracking of thelll.\'iIle, Maine, '.\Tld :Mrs. Imogelle UpOIlhim. Evcr~' ,"ouug mnn and "'om Letter to Editor ']-'hoLighting Crusade rC(·ently visitod Donovan Hall 1\'ere lllurried recently in an inlhoinstitutioll II'ould lJa\'olJim to for an idol. He was, the doctorhnd :iUr.Editor: Wanl Hall. Cellfiscationsml(l diro ,,'aru- tlie Uni\'orsity of Chieago Clwpcl. udmit, the 1lI0st import,nnt man in tlh' Now that the eoUege is running on tIle 11l"'" schedule in J'elrttion to inga wore a Illcllt~·. HIlI'I'~' wcre thos() Hiram, O.-(lP)-After ~1 yenra as univcrsity. ,\nd he reali:te{l Ihat if hl;; 1I'hosaw the \'isilors coming down the classes. nllhongh there are some of dllYs on which S0111('or I.lS do not lmlls. ' l11'esidcnt ollliram College, Dr. MilneI' high resol\'e 10 rlenu np the mornl lifo 113"0 time to get lilly ltmch, there is one tIling we "'ould tikr t.he au- Le(>Batos hus pros(}ntell his resignation of the call1[lus\\'ereto bCQome-areulitJ', thorities to COilSideI'. "\Vh.r 1101 heep \lIe librfll'.Y OPCll from twclve to Senior womOllh,L\'e 11CQnnoticed COlll- 10 the BOllrd of Tr\l~tces. Dr. Bntes Sphinx llIuet be the bellwether who led oIlI"-fift-cenY Some of m who are doing extnJ,clll'l'ieuJIlI' work find thnt posillg impromptu hallads (leili(;l!ted to declar('(l tlmt the work hehlJd wished to th~ 1\'3.y." at night we Cll111l0tget t.o tlte librilJ'y !llHI complete 0111'si'ud'ies hy 10 :30 certain !\lell who hapllen to be paSsing accomplish when he took thepresi<1cney, The l'Cv;,'nl t.urns out gnwsomely, and 1'. !If. at whicll tillie the Ijgbts fire cxtinguish('d. and during 1\.1(' dflY we Iheir windows. Bo'l is tho fir~t \'ietim, h'1I1bel'n Ilccomplished, alld he wished tho doctor SOOIlturns toward greater "i\lartlLn Sumncr must bo tho things, lHlYc the hours olf belll'cen 1] :25 [Inc]] :15. Finishing OIlL·lunch ahout unll you cun imagine thc rimo, to sec tl'e reins in younger hands, largest university in the Soutli. 'I'he ]2:00 we have to II'nit \lill-il 1 :15 fol' the lihnlJ·.v to Ollen thn!; thJ,'l'c is Wesley Dn,Yis sporting a 11ewtoiiture. Shallgliai-(lP)-Rev. Ulrich Krent, story hns 10 denl mostly with the n,cau~ 0\'01' an boul' durillg \\'Jlieh we c.oulll get our I'eference work done if the 'rhl' writer of thiil ~<;lllllnni~ assigning n zen, of CahllHot, Mich., u mi$sionnr.l' at of obtnini'lg this {'nd, and tI,e results, lihrary were open. (]etettin' 10 tILe,'asc and hopes to report Wueliallg, Uupeh Province, hns bt'cu PerIUl]lS I,he highpoint of the book is AnotJlel· rcaSOl] is that the £lilY stlHlcllts fi1ll1 it ineollveniellt., as SOOlIthe rt'!ISOll. SnspiriollS will sen-c tul,en captive by bandits, and llCld lor reached when the doctor a.nd scholarly they eome fJ'Olll class atl] :25, eHt their 111neh it is nccessary £01· them a~ ~llIes. *lO,(JOOransom. Professor Eastman meet in ~rgnment. to wait until] :15, flnd O\'el' an hOll1' is pnleticnlly wasted whieh might Being told in Fr('llth to lea\'c the rOOll) Sllys ProfeBsor l!:nshuan: "I stand for be put to good 118e by the students. • (lllrin!!, gIJllWS ill the }'renCll Denver, Colo,-(lP)-"B.\· virtne of a college where something besia~R skull 'l'his matlf'r seems to me to be of: sufficient importHllee to crcdit Rood misunderstood tlle D('1I1'er's \'ictorr o\'cr Utnll Aggies a practice shlllllJe tnught, where the read, some r SoanleH urank ilLg for Iho light switch. the storms of ehrllp intelle~,tualisnl, a ticuloJ' "date". to the most elaborate dub tea 01' hanquet. Tt also serves The hemloek! "\11 by the way-the)' Hchool whicl! shall have ih solid fOUll- Some of the eo-eds on the Hill eluim as II place to entertain ol'er-l]ight Yisitors. fI need long fE-it on the might eXllmine the eO~lposition' of th·e nil'e men lire hard to pkk up latel~'. dation on thc rock of Christinn principle }Iill. The patronage or botll the stlldcnts and yisitors fl'om the to'1I'11 glass('s. Tht')" lIPPfH rat-her hazy, too. and its bulwark in Ihoaffections of the and elsewhere, pl'oye that all \yhich has been said is tirml~' grollnded ill The President (L~ the Student Couneil people!' truth. Yes, t.he College lnll, :from Hil nppeal'ance". is a cl(·cided success WHSalmost late Ifor diuner the other Row man)' haH SCIClithe magnificent Bnt Dr. TIorace Ethehnore Dkkey and it should 13(':thc eal'lle!;t clesil'e of everyone concerned that it night. Hc forgol to tllrn out his light ~ulltise about 6:30 e\'(>ry 1Il0rlling----or soon ~ens hls sonl for thirty pieces of become one of the "traditions" of tIle IIill. and had to run 1ia~k, haye hpard ~bout them. 5ill'e?,
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