Page 23 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE \SPORTS I FOOTBALL SOCCER I SPORTS \ JOHNNIES NO BAR TO two games. Both Rip and Karl weru the BOOTERS TIE ARMY TEAM; GIRLS' HOCKEY GAMES TO BEGIN illnesaes VICTORIOUS TERRORS INTERCEPTED strieken lime of with along like uunvalescence nt about nud is quite the LOSE TO PENN STATE WITH INTERCLASS TEAMS earue with Havens history t.hcir leadership Under of pnra'llel. 'l'hey have been held in re- Phr$i~al the Education Director, our Nias Girls' Par \\'est('rn ~.arrlllnd Oollege aoutinued BEAT LOYOLAI serve rnuee thnu their captain but wIlen Tile Western Marylund soccer team ke;, has made fine prugreea. ~'his season-s vtutorious march 11lSt Sutur- called on they unhesitatingly cOnlplied hehl the. ~t,.oug Arm.)' tellm to a 1·1 tie week probably conclude pr~liHlinarJ' at the B~lti!l101'e Stadium by com- Scores Varsity with diatinctty meritorious perfcr- but lost to Penn State College, 5-1, on wilh lntur-elnss gnmes echedu o\'en,-]lelllliul; n reorganized St. W. M., 20-St. J'ohns, 0 (football) uiauces ill critical moments of each their uurthern trip last week. for He:''. Noble ntt,,~k of the StHte temu. ney to Rending, Pa., he plnyed a great nies might uiller.sll, The prc-gllme an The banquet gil'en for the combined Bartlett l.L, 'I'oll"nsend game against Albright. Last week he O. L. Eizkr '1'],e!ine,uj1:- ti~i!,alions of the l)nttle had attained 11 aqulld lit the Lonl Baltimore follol\ing J;:~sterurook high pi(dl of Cllthusiasm over the (lut· suffered 3 re·attack of the same ailmeIlt the "\V. _\L·St . .Tohns game pro,'eel to h~ P"~nl'd (Cnp!.) LR C'lwudler C.~'. Nollk hut it fuiled to keep him out of the come, lnrgol.\' beennge of kccli a "er." agreeable nff!.!;r and 11""8 unjoyed Plllllpel1~· O.R TArlor 'l'l'lll'is I. L. 'r()wlIshcud th~t c:''111t't~1 Smith, g'lin~d hut fil'e yards. A ~hort ex GOII' Landia Charlie'li !tow!:vcr, eclipses thHt wrek, Loyoll1 01\ Armi"tirQ Dn)' at the punts followed ane] \Y."?II. held of Rip Englf Knrl Wellinger only Baltimore Sta(liulll "nil. theu l'IH. S1. 'l'h~ 51l11J~tlJ working P""lll Stale tellJll oftheballn{'artheirOII·u35. Goals-E:tzler, DeBori~ ~. Luh, in point of sl'.l"\'ice rendered ill thoso 1far.I"s at 'F,mmitlsbnl'g on Sntnr·da_r. /Oltte';lsHr(l the 1'erroh on a l"ety n\lul(l.,' Sul).-D, Woolley. thrusts lit the line netted (J first 1101\"n. GIl!llS:lk, W. )1. stellar plunger, theu found:1 \I-ide hole ill St. John's left side, broke iuto (he opcn field and ran 27 ;ranIs· to llie mlln befor1! he w,H downed. Clar.", alld GOl1lsok 1lI1\de tll'O more first downs to lilace the In a kick its DISTANCI; I I)ig~kin' in s~oring distance. Clary ad, I',lneed Ihe line tG the three for thc first ~\WI'e .i"~t l!8 the game had harel.,' begun __ ~ __ ~!L__ _______ \.~~.:~;~I~kt~:~'l~~:::~rl,~,:I;OI~C~:;~~ b.y Fnl11k Clar," featured thi!! first sue· cessfuldri,·c. \\'.:'1.1. seoredagainbefore the 'lila rl cr \l'OS eal~ ed on a brillia lit re tu]"" of a pU1l1 by La\I'J'ence. St. John's ki('k"d ()wrtile goal this lime a (ouehhll(·k. immedi nlel.'·/l11dreeo\'eredou 30-'yardliue, ",IINl ihereceil-cr fUllibled the kick on tackled. This 'renor II'as {"he~ked tempornrily penult.y. Clary punted to St. 10. Lynch punted from his OWIl go:" line aud Harr.\' L"wrence, recei"ing 1>11 the4.},)",'rd shipc, cleverly eluded n lielt! of i:1cklers and nlll the left side of tlli' field nil impeded for a sei:Oll(l tuuell (low1], Tl lYas II s-parkliug return and it~ SU(!d('llne$S was" Bad bloll" to .<;;i. John's rlrfense, Ekaitis agllin p'aee·kitkc(lae, ('uratel.,· f~r tIll" fourteeIlth ~eore. Follow. a pUIlt exdHlnge the t('"m3 eh~nged t"orthefirs(qllnrter. Lynch aud ('la)'~'trD(]cd kicks 10 opeu the seeond qu~rter. St. John's then fl1!lIbl~d 011 (heir 40. ('IHry hit ~<.'l1tel" fur 1(1 ,,,,11 \\'.~1. \l'as pellillizc\l J5. ·W . .\1. l"(·cm·ere'[;)lIulherflllllhled puntalHl J.,(·g>1n.1 tldrd assnnlt o1l.tlie_-\1l1U'politnlle goal. With L'(l1'renee, ela,·.'· ~nd GOllls,ak (luee more collaborating, cnrrying the r"-~110 (he 9-)'arl1 line, with first downs. St. Johu's defense here depriwd the 1.\'r in a cigarette it'sTA ST ~ / rors of tI,e hall ,,·heu a surprising I',' newt'd \'igor 'l11d fight th"t checked .., further srore, Ly"ch punted to 40 from • wllort' ruus of 15 and ,17 Tards by I.Jtlw, r~n~c !lull Clarr respee!ively brought the "Do ONE THING, and do it well." In making 1'11111nfnr the dt'nied stripe. CI:lTY hit cigarettes. choose the one thing [hat countS- center for a si:'<-poiutff but Ekaitis fnilerl good taste-and give full measure! in point tr.Y. W.),1. then begrm apllIlt From start to finish, that's the Chesterfield illg ;Iud drf('llsi,'e g'"nr being eontent to win at fhM margin and thus conceal ita Story. Good tobaccos, skilfully bJended and att~tk. cross-blended, the standard Chesterfield method !'it .. rohn's 11('51,'e was displnyt'd -appetizing flavor, rich fragrance. wholesome in thc last p"rtoi the thiril qUIlr\cra1l!1 satisfying character- (Continued on "Page 4) .•TAS T E a60ve ever!lthing " SlL"\~RWAI!E WATCHES A. H. Fetting Co. ~[ANUF'ACTURING JEWELERS 314 Clmr1cs St., North CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS
   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28