Page 26 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 26
PAGE 1'WO The G01d Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]J Uril'll1 \Ie; Arounll till' (!1UlltPUll 3Jltll'r-(!1011rgiulr A REVIEW AND LIFE Nl'IUll OF BOOKS, PLAYS ToronIO-(lP)-W count, lind 'I'he he Editor wishes is to again publicly baek Ilt thank his post hi6 Stelme de Champ, burly hen French Professor G{ld conceived the world, that asstetants who ec suceessfully published came to Canada 7 years ago, flowing poelry; IU!lt week '8 edition of tIle GOT_D BUG. beards were all the rage. He formed lt , that was sculpture; Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurqday during The wrlt er of this column seemed Un· They were the dream of youth and the 111' colored it, that was painting; tile academic yenr by the students of We~tern Maryland College, Westminster, certain. as to the cause of his ind.iapo- ptide of mi(](lle age. Coinc.idcut with his He peopled it with living beings; that Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westmin8ter POlltoffice. aitlon. It was an ordinary senior mal- appointment to the department of Subscription Price, '2.00 II YeAr ady, "teechingitis." Erench in the Uniw~rsity of Toronto, 'l'hegrand,di\·ine,ctf'rIl(lldr(lI113. Count de Champ began growing a full Ye~, you were right, cnluuiniet.. It beard which in all the years between haa And to add another line, the 'l'heat,re was the force of their vital personalities been point.ed out 10 freshmen with other Gnild hns been created to preserve tho MANAGING S'fAFF wlticb induced the Dean to invite the campus sights an(l has charmed many n grandeur, th(' the immortality an EDl'rOR-IN-CHIEF .. . .William G. Eaton, '30 senior mell to partake of dinner at his eo-edts romnntic heart . of couaider this dmmn. writer of this ror artir.le instant the senti· table last week. Now he is going to ent it off-not of l\L\N"AGlNG EDITOR .• .. Wilmer V. BeB, '30 his own vnltnon. Thllt beard is a prized ",cntul or prejudiced but he has-seen Af';ST. l\[ANAGLNG EDITOR •• .... weldon G. Dawson, '30 Fall hue gctfeu into the bones of many paSSC$sion. But Toronto has been dis' aince the theatre gen~Olt begun, three of our st.rong uthletes l OLcair has no- Guild productions and it is rather diffi his at mocked BUSINESS ·MANAGER .. . .Paul L. Bates, '31 ticed n "cooling" of his tempcTRturB courteous, has de Chump reeattcd whiskers cries . express "his estcem and Professor Ole ADVERTISING MANAGER •. . .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 and "Dillk" 'Willis has been seen "rrua- of "boIBhe>ik," "give him a dime for II their work. First there CmCUI,ATION J\L\NAGER .. ....... James A. Stach, '30 scling" around, using the terminology shave," and "look at which have cnmc thnt popular folk piny, Porgy, so ot the Ieaves. greetc(l him hill infre· often referred to in this colullln; then Josiah D. Stillwagon, J1'\ '32 that Illecl"wiealaud sluistcr B. U. ASS'I'. CIRCULATION l\fANAGERS .• .. Joseph T. Addison, '32 Court is on! The militllr)' world is queuu veotcres R., last week the sophisticated { ngog! Gus B. Lotte is up for trial. "Eveu the little bell-bora," he eom 'Wayne \V. :Moore, '32 ]lIninI'd reecnny, "join in the general (lrawing-roOIlI comedy, Caprice. He dare has SPORTS ElDI'J"OR. .. .. Alex. Oheair, '30 Enlr.\" suit the iuiuginable ?lInn.\" a been person brought on No, it is not I'ery polite, but not ling"r with Porgy again, so will con aeeu8'ed. against then people of Toronto are not noted linue with the other two. the Hill is sheking his head knowingly. J'orllicircollrtesy." They simply knew the evil ways of B. R,EPOl~TORI..AL S'l'AF:H' 'Yhcn Count de Chalup came to '1'oron R U. R. Lotte would find him out. And now he is Cl"cr)'tenprogessorsinthe ASSOClA'rE EDI'I'ons on tria!. 'l'llenOO$Clstoogood wore beards. He deplores the The frnH1ework of the satire, R. U. R. Virginia C. 1\1erri11, '30 C. W. Koockogey, '32 mllaner iu \\' lhe men. of i~ the illlltnstic illl'Clltion of a mnn nam· The Fire-Captain has been aWIly. The this city hare fo!lowed tho lCild of those edllossum, who hns diseo"cred Ihc pro COpy EOI1'oRs ground wardens hal"O taken Ihis oppor· in N~w York, one b.r on~ visiting tho ce~s for mauufacinring robots, mechan· eould CathCl'ine "E. Read, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 tunity of pilM of ICfll'cS o"er barber. ienl creatures were who highlr 11101'1'~nd labor :1nd I).t thc Cll!njlUS. Just in time, Cllptainl Out 'rheprofesO!OrisunllUthOrityonpipes. no rensouing powers, thought or All his bCI'IL Qlles I're lH:\dc in the F.reneb REPORTERS with ~'our hose and protect our unworlhy Jura. A can'ed head of Voltaire, repro- '1'hey ln~ked, however, emo· Gl'ace Armstrong, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 lives! duced hOllltheflllllouaaintue Rondon tions !lnd feelings. Now and then tlte robot Elizabeth Clough, '30 Johu L. Watkins, '30 'I'he men in Senior·Rali in 9OIel11n (lee· on Ille Comedic Prnncaise forms bowl ('og~ b~oll1e fus~, brokl'n but nnd whe.n the such would fUlIIll errors ,,,,d At-valene BiteliClls, '30 TIoy '1'. Edwards, '31 laratifHl beqnenthed all confiscated elee- of one. wore discol'crcd lhe llrG~IUre WIlS sent Bvelyn Mather, '30 Howllrd A. Bolton, '32 trionl equipment to the U5e of the Es back 10 the st,,,"ping mill to be crnshC(l Isobcl Doug-IllS, '31 Chal"les R.. Etzler, '32 kiltlos for their loug sb: months o.f dark· )farinettl), Wis.-(IP)-A onll·day 'lluJ remade. At thll time of the st[)ry 'rhelma Heid, '31 Stanford 1. Hoff, '32 II"/llkout of ]00 students of the IIfllrinette lIlilliolls were being uscd over the entire Evelyn COll.iSOll, '31 DUllcan C. Murchison, '32 Rats off to Ruth! Slight traees of school hererCSlIltcd in fnilurero' world. '1'h(, ....V. Principnl Rossum Winifred Bush, '32 Samuel G. Townsend, Jr., '32 scant.)" underbrusb han' been noticed 011 Ihrentellcd whelL to cud out8ideactivitics B. Senty mnnufacture eldl'r rcalmcn had nnd intended but to if the l\Iary I,ee Shipley, '32 llisnpper A disguise, Ruth, or mere· I:' a for the frequent soup students stayed all'a.r from school an~' his son, who inherited the was lunches1 longer. . wiser. Ullhappily for the hUIl1:1u race, appcars protest Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. Wnllted: A traffieeopLodirclltth(lstu. '1'he studellts wnlkerl of out three as a members I' kindly and marries srmpathetie the chief girl dircetor, and on Ihe the dents lell\'ing Sunday eq~ning Chapel til alleged to ha\'e par· in her llit.y for the robots, illduces the College Tnn licipatetl in drinking parties. n friendly scient;"t to dl'""l""elop s~nsations E. D-I-T-O-R-I I '--__-__ ~ - A - LJ (If nve pain [v and pleasurc in all ot.easional linw Ihe_))I1sW3NuolWs_hr4" of eqU~~~~~~g~:n~h~~ffr:~c~~:l~c~~:'r TOl"onlo, (11') Ten teach ~'ears come di8l'.ontented, rise up against their formnnee at the Loyola game last }IOll- hHe fin:lll)" eonduced Dr. E. A. Bott, mnatera unO. kill HHyOne 01' the earlh Debating 'rhe alHlUol debating season at Western r.Ial'ylaud usually day. One close observer thinks, l!owc\"er, of the department. of psychology at _~nve one, who is spared because he works begins immediately aiter the Christmas holidays but even Ilml their sweaters are all lyres Rnd nO the University of '.I'oronto, that the IJcst with his hauds. But Helene Domin, be· letters. pS~'(lhological lahol·ut.ory ill thc world is 110W it is not too cilrly to fOl'nHllate definite plans. The Debating Coun- fore her 11:t~ destroyed his own fireside, 1111(1 tho't a .faeulty mcet· cil realizes this fact and almacly haw held several meetings. At the Dr. Whitfield aUi;wereo the "eall of ingi:llheseeondbest. ani! nothiug but ~ silent and the stomach" lIfonday afternoon by ar "The social contacts of Ihe home and first meeting delegates were elected to attend the Inter-State Cmmei] the Hill seems anelld ul1til the lone ri"ing buck on after the Loyola stl'oet," I.e s~ys, "make experimontal tects in n 11l:11e and felllale tIle signs of whose hllsiness it InIS to select the questions for debate fol' t.he coming gnlll~ .iust before grare was offered. I'syehologists of llS ali, alld a rellso,,~ble 101·e. .And Ihecnrlaill fflils n!fJ'rimlls Goo{l going--or eoming' knowlcdge of b,,~ie jl&ychology is as es l)e,1son. Only recently another meeting was called to malw plal1s for and Helene Hobot, like Ad:Jtn and Eve, senlinl to II safe life ~s 11 reaflOnable seem·jng engagenients with othel' instit.utions fol' debating encounters. 'l'hl) sororitieS' on the Hill were ex knowledge of physics." go fOl"th to seck tlte apple and tltctalk· tremelJ' busy Inst FridnT el'cnillg with ing Bnnke. Evidentlr, thcn, the Council is at "'ol'k, and jud'ging from. its eal'iy Before simple and iJllpr~ssil'e settings, final rllsh parties. 'l'he{'n(lofan· iHJti\'ity a bus,\' "SeflsOl1 may be anticipI·cralassistllntS. ItwonltlsccmtlHlt t,iou, wi!! be turtlcd over to the Unil'ersity really a pnrtofthe revolution past tlu)t they al'e '\Tong. It will be neceSSlll'Y to encoUl"age those some techniquc would he adopted in place /I~ nn endowment fund. of rooots. One time it a~ if the people all the 11iU ,dlO lwve all inclination fOl' debating to join the ofthisbrut.cstrength. "err tlle:1lre was about til bc wiped out. In fact, R. U. l? WIIS an eon\"incing one council nlld pat"ticipnte in t.he ;lctual debates. 'Phe invitntioll to these Probubly Ihe 11I0St r~diclll mlln ou the CleI"Chnd-(IP)-"ProLlilbly the wondered [IS he left the theatre whether ill the IICC(! men and 1I"0mell ill ah"ays open unc1 the COllncil promises fI mutual Hill is one \\"ho answers in- church '5 greatest the intelleetual loda~' H~pec!s re of he wus renll.,' /llive or merely retrospect· vnluntioll of ste(ld of "hcrc"nt roll ing from 80011' ethereol realm. b(·nefit to tho,,>e stndents who CATe to hecome intcresl"ed in inter-col- ChristiAn truth to the ""'" development TIl(' height of intliff.e.rence: A Weh· illlllankind'sintelluet." legiate debating. All-eady definite plans nrc heing made for the men's CAPRICE stcr didloll~r.\, in Irving Litemry Unl!. 'l'his i$ the Opillio11 of Dr. Clement B. illicl"-soeiety d'ehate to be held before Chl'i&ilUIlS. '1'his debate pl'esents As onc loyal mcmbn r):pr~ssnd it: ~onw· lIlcAfr.e, of Chicago, llrofessor of sya· 'Po rclicl'e th!lt fceling of totul ann; !('mHie theology hl tile Presbyterian Dn excellent OPPOl'tUllity in making II beginning for the inLe!'-collegiate !bing should be done Ilbout it.. Ex~ctlJ hilal;oll, thllt grotC3que picture of human what would rou suggestf Theological S~lIlinllry and 1I10der~tor of machines, Ihe Guild Hext preseuted ut seoson which is jnst ahead. Ihe Presb:rterian General Ass{'mbly, who F()rd'B lin extremelJ sophisticated C01l1 Sereral more bill·boards have been in- ~poke It~re rellently. eo.,', Caprice by Sil_Vnl'~, presentee] in stalled in the. 1'~riOU.~ hans. When wo JI1 his addres~ Dr .. MeAl'fe said: perfecl n' lu Guild style. The plot of nrr, looking for nn announeement exactly "Chri~tiallity has often been behind in the piece is a minor detail aud the SUI' whieh board are we to refer to' Wh)" t~lIectuully in thab its message has ,·cr.l· ccss of lhe plu~' crnters uround the 811- Nothing "T nevel" IHln~ anything to do on this Hill, except lessons," not sclicdulen "bill·board period" nt often not been worded to suit the Limes." pniJ actiug of the few characters, es- To Do wailed someone just tIle other day. which time Clleh student will make the pecil1lJy lh:\t of Alfred I_unt and .L~·nn roundS' Hlld gleau Ilny lIews relnting t.o }~ont8illlle. So perfect is the pla:ring to- Now, "'c ask again. isn't that n. rathel' pathetic plight to Anll Arbor, "lIfidl.-(LP)-Alln Arbor him (lr hel"1 Give liS the good oW morn Jl()ti~e nrc seeking two Univnsity of gether of these two thut, t.hey hSI'c been find yourself ill~ Nothing to do-with something interesting going on illg Chapel annollncements! rewHrded by the grl)atest praise from :'Ilir:higan students belie\"Cd to be diree- all of the time. The trouble is tbat some of us don't take the trouble tors of II; college bootlegging lJu~iness, critics in both New Yori, And London. Rildll Cohen presents all the asprets .E,·ell the h~'pcr·{'Titielll St. John Er"inl) II l"Ilid IbU, to lind lhat something. JO~1l oue, or filL of the "arions £llnbs. "\Vb)", of an armadillo in hockey uniform, or following dormitory, Of! whcre Fletel!(.·r offieers ulli· wa~ for~ed to slllother liis rage lind praise eon- I·ersit~· tJle th(>re is Shakespeal'e Club, li'rench Club, Science Cluh. Poets' Clnb. Glee probably a robot. fl$~.atcd a case of win~ nnd whiskey. in IlHJst clllhul;iastie i.erms the work of thC/ie Guild slars in Capricc. EMnghl Club. JTome Ec. Club.-sw·cly at least one of these must appeal to au'y- Ellen Garccloll is on the look·out for Th~ hooU~ggillg opcmtions are said 10 ha\"efinllnccdihesturlents'education,lhe Briefly the plot of Caprice concerns the to whom with someone n teachers' hold Oll!;" whatevcr his spec.inl il1terests might be. And how about the Y. i\L two hndng sold liquar to fil'e fruternl- Jove of the ellpri~ious Viennese IIIceHng. Those interested :11"1' to look Counselor, Albert Yon Eckllardt. When or the Y. "\V.~ Plenty of ehllnce for work in either of them. 'l'hen ties whieh were recentl.\' placed on pro- for a girl with son-killSl)d hllir. So ~yln' the story opens he is \'cry much illratu· lhm'C al'e the pOOl' old Literal'}, SocietieEi. It eCl"taillly would not do pl!thetir IlJ"I) her friends that if Ellen's blltion for staging drinking parties. Med wilh lIsa Von n~en, an extremely plans work ont Trice has consented to The tlormitor.l", on the third floor of IUly ]ull'm for more time And 'eoel'g'y to he de"oted to them. Debating, which the student hootleggers took their fnscinaLing nnd modern youug widow. ~hlg 0 Promise _\11', P.t the oecasion. dramatics. d·ancing. music, good lJOok$, hiking, tennis. gam!;'s of all orders by telephone for "The Best Can HI' is pvpn contemplating marriage wilen Koockogcy's education uloug amorous IIdian stu.ff," is owned and managed b)" II former sweetheart appears iutrodueing 15orts-(ake up some of these, or anything else tlHlt will keep you in .alumni of the llnil·ersit~·. .Judge 'William ~ sixteen·year·old son whom Eekardt had )i,,~s was rl)cently t('rmed complete by a ~cen. tOllcll with peoplc and life. Then. if time still hangs heavy on your fnir young co·ed ou !he Hill. Heston of Detroit, famous root- nenf In the eompliC1!.tion8 that player, is one of thl'stoekholders. follow it seellls that Amalia, lile fermer hands. begin writing for the GOuD BUG and you'll find that idle mom_ School l)e11s are Iinging merrilr at It nceommodales 200 studeutsund is con- sweetheart, will really win tbl' Con.nllelor, ents are "memories of by-gone clays." 'I':meytown thi5 weekI duetI'd underuni"ersity regulations. (Continued on Page :I)
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