Page 22 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Mary and College, Westminster, Md. GOt 'I'lle Hallo,,'e'cn 'Pur ty last Thursday lhtlrr-(!]:oUrgiutr II NOdI] unb Thlurk K"~:~:l~)-Th's,," eome interesting uight to light Till! talent. Ilrought Unbounded eredl t belongs to of Lleuhh uf KllIlHn~. has issued ,-------- western .!\1'lryl:mu aoeecr team rules for kL~scrs. They follow' Im~ ridur'ncu from its northern trip, the freshmen girls in the Hallowe'en ~el'er kiss in crowded plneea cr n !,OOf- Onidal newspaper of Western Maryland Ocllege, published on Thursday during 1\"110 stuck to their posh in the which begun 'l'ucsdny, Oetober-':!9th, and tho acndemte yenr by the students of Western :Maryland College, Westminster, I~' vcntiluted room, Imt if you IllUst kiss, cudod f:)undny, November 3, with inter- of. most disheartening circum- take a hot mustnrd tootbnth nud avuid Maryland. Entored as aeecnd-elass matter at tho weat minater Poaboffice. estillg nceount.s of a wonderful exper- dr:>ftsillcase'youfeel"alliu,"aftcr iCIICC, Subscription Price, $2,00 II. Year III general things went along smooth· III the lill)' hours of '.rucsday mor-n- 1,,·-tJvun the punch and doughnuts I,,~ld lng nl:lrlll clodts began cburniug a out. Howel"ur, tile Sophs are still try- 1·lnu,,,,. onl,l' too lardil)' aileneed by MANAGING S1'A Fl!-' ing to find out who reeelved the 2·pound ']r'o'\'Sr grllJling _t;'ol1()",ing the box of ehoeolates as First Pr-ize. eustomnry extra minutes of rest i'JDI'.fOR-IN-CflillP, . ,William G, Baton, '30 Johnny Rood, big aetil"ities nU1U »t (I'd al'p~arcd from the lower a ruaa of ~L\:'<'\G!NG EDITOR. , . , . Wilmer V. Bell, '30 til,' lo('ni campus, nppeara to nave de- Or fen·,. it par-tv where "poslofiice" und loulIdlcdbl'Ulkots)\.ndwcre-$'Ubscquent· At ASST. iUANA(]INO EDITOR,. .\Velc1on G, Dawson, '30 veloped n Budden Hltir for ruo promoting similm' g:I!I1CS are played, be sure to gar l.r tollowed b~' legs, torsos and so on game. Jollllu)' is lI'iJling to pr()lllote . in the regular ortler of nppearunce. BUSINESS MANAGER,. . Paul L. Bates, '31 anything promotable, Proapect ivc eua- g:lefreqlwlltly . III due time niuereeu kickers em- ADV811'fTSING :MANAOEIl. ,.Joe C, Newcomer, '31 tomers Should ace him before ruuning ron~:"'·S, x. Y.-(lP)-Experiments bur-ked . upon land ~chOOller number CIRCULATION 1\L-I.NAGER,. , ... ,James A. Staeli, '30 to "Cold Cash" Pylc with thcir sUI'c-firc made r<.'t~ntJ.I' at the Boy'ee Thompson ~(;"cllty·se"clJ (Iud :.Imid rousing far~ 1II0Ilc~"U1akiHg ideas, Josiah D'. StillwlIgon, Jr" '32 In3titute for Plant l{esearch here Iw\'e ASST. CmOULATION 1I.IAN.AGEnS, .. Joseph 'r. Ac1disOIJ, '32 In tlle nbscnee of the edit()r-in·chicf showed the possibility of upre- rattll'd through IH:ln~ " { of the Gold Bug, his nnderlings have forestratiollilild th., plant$ WflYJ1C \V, TI[OOl'C, ':~2 lrac1 tile plea$."lnt task of putting out useful 10 n,nH. 1'n'e for illSlance, au\! run,r loeroru ilL~ miLkman SPOR'l'S ED!'l'OR, . ,AJe~, OJJeair, ';10 this issue, \Ve tirO not eel'tain >IS to which will Hot gel'lninntc without hal'ing kiss 10 thl" roSy clleeked ;laity· tliuclllIseofllisindisposition,butsOllle' hc~n ihnmgh a 1I'iuln season, bltl'!3 been m"id da\\'lI. REPOR'l'ORIAL STA,PP on~' hns suggllstell thnt his plan ,,'ns to ""Ide to l!erUlin~te after being: The uillctecll kicked more vig· hoW Iti~ l1~ual Gold Bug mC!ctiug~:lt the I" :I teml!~r;olur.., of frcezing t() de· the 11ppuJlilig thought tltat ASSOCIATE ED!'fOIlS hours spI'd ~i"ec th~ir ruda awaken- Hies~ers!o\\'u !rig'li sellOo!' ~ree~ for I:!\l d:lys, iH moist soi!. \'ilginin C. 1\Ierrill, '30 C. IV, l(ooclwgey, '32 ing ""d no ilJOught h:,\! het!u gil'en tho O"orlrcHl'll in the uookroonr: "011 y<'s. in"el' ""'''. Thi~ CIT()f' was speedily )'OU ~nfl ~ee hN' auy tim,! nOll-, she's ,\k"'''r, O,-(!l')-What is bcli~"utl 10 ""'IUlcd, L:lOlJrokell IIIOUgiit WHS deyot· COpy EDITORS had lr<'l'lIppendix rcmon'd:' "'liB (lis('overed C,dherine E. Head, '30 '\\T, C. Rein, '31 "tltolhillpoor'starl'linguntillhcbus And no,,' \\,()'l'l~ ",aiting for Ihe l'l'()- school room ~tolll)l'd at. LlIllell~tl'r olld slighted here, REPORTERS 1-<'I'l_,i[[1 nb~eHt'lllilldcu professor to 11nd Iry to lulk t,() the senl' Grace fu'msj-I'Ong, '80 Harry 0, Smith, '30 Elil.nLelh Clongl1, '30 ,lohn .L, Watkins, '3D 011 the of Ihe old telephonc'room l\rvalcne liitchens, '30 Hoy '1'. Edwards, '31 that we USN) to cl1l1 62·\\', Come to EI'ulYl1 Mather, '30 nO\nll'd A. Bolton. '3::>- Ihinl, of it, Ihe remoyul of this fll.lIIoUS lsnbel Douglas, '31 Charles R Etzlcl', "82 liit ()f the saill 'l'ltelmn Reid, '31 Shmlord 1. Holi', '32 (U~) -Dr, with gusto Ran Walter Evelyn Collisoll, '31 Dllllenn C. MUl'chillon. '::;2 'I'iullue, Jo'I'llllri$co- Xcurologit:ll lnstitute npOll'l ueighll(!ring "oodle. Immediate of tlie \\Tinifred BllSh, '32 ::lamuel G, 'l'owJ]scnd, J 1'., '32 S, D, 111il11> I1l1in'rsal aelion \\"18 the oulcome and nr~lry TJee t:lhipley, '32 jnHi~h lilat 11 whell the fra~' was uuisl'cd liw liter- t()lunrlf I,rst wcek cOlleP1'uing I,im, "II i~ IJ fll"t til:ll I'ifiims of mClIi'll al'." guild f()lIl1d themselves ill New 'fit,· ~Cl'ncry is rl']lorted to lLa\'e olll~' Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. far' liS Ire "nu in ref1ll'mbPr, riug the is n spongc, thiug rIO d()uilt is ~\'cn now) quit" the ltc's tlrr()\\'11 Aml then there was the brilliant fnillous for its ilillners, young pr(!·mNI. who upon being nske,lI word from any as \\'011 :Hi hi~ of 1a\\'B lila\' IE-D-I-T-O-R-I lry thc professor for an expbHlation of me,nL('1' of the family SOll1ctinles ~rouses would hal'ebeell hi~ [[11 early mOl'Uiug elll.s~ lhencurot-ie to seize:1 knife, a pillte, Of replied, got a room·mate!" else, as lilt' aggressor in" quar one." The Hallowe'en COllgl'lltl!lutiollf> fire in ol'del' to Ute President of the We ,,-ouuer whet.her tire for"e of t.heir dpnl'ient b\:o~~~,dition is lJ.'lun.lly due to ~o~~::':lI::.e};~ ~:():j;~.:~~::;~::~:'",,~;~l~ __ P_arty SOphOIllOl'C Class s)l(l' the committl'f' wh') ,.:;o_ablr------1te:tmunlilinft." ~Lf .1Jt.l"'lPiiL'-"'"o _:=::__:=~==- --"'",!t,,,"', -':""',,,"',,g~.,,U":"-,,!lw"',c':'O""k-,t"',,w'.~'f:'h'iI,_ ,~- plallllCd ~ncl-e;~d onllhe lIn\!owe 'en party gi\'en ;,':~~~liOll~ or tl~: ~~~d~~~:~Il;f p!~,~~ <:ll'n~Jand-(lP)-''E\'el'.Y lllsijon is:l Hudson UPllOared " Hmjcstkally lasl Thm'sday evening for the faculty find stndetlt-hody. In past ~'eurs of Dean urgent im'itatiml to lesson in English," 1)r, 1l0wllrd L. to the sen" nnd at length West P()int, thif) tllllllHll PUl'ty llHd become a routine e\'cllt as IlHtch like the preced- cortain students 10 take dilluor (It Drigg8, profl'~sor (>f English the WII.~ at hond tu be gre('tetl histnble. t~lkiHg hilariousl~' tlie tm\'e1 wearied rcpre· ing one as fl lapse of one ,Ycal' could permit. This .venr, hOWeyel·. the here dec10red IIl'nt!lti,'es tI!(1 Oreen :>nd Gold. There 1!Ui; been lil,til.\ ~hange ill the genenll ot'del' of e'l>ents, if this tel'lll may be considered n propos, were conduct of the Seniors at tile Jf>ful than tbm;e in the past 1m{\' :111 praise naturally faUs on tllOse who Lrought it about. First, tIle cha.nge of the location of the evellt from the old gymnH- known tllJIt one ()f the fuir Sopl,onrores \\'I'it,ing, \\'e are wUijling ~r('nt sums of ~",(,k" of l:l~rnl!l()n to "Tilkesb:l1Te amI sitlm to the one recently equipped fOl' the women wa" (Jilite ('Oll1111cn- rcs.itling U!('l'e r()d1ilL Far fl'OIIi til\! :!nLl a hnH, (lP) - "piril of U... s()""eriIC$ i:> much more accessible, All entertainillg pl'Ogrnm hnd been Hl'r!lngecl I>ri,,~etou - 81111<1,-,," QI-enillg Tile Gold Bug \\'i~h~'s 1.0 ,q!Ologize to Ilis~ll~~ioll gr'OU]l8 "1'0 hpi"g: tried at svn',ltl tl) i!riug ()ut HIllel! I"tent yoc~1 whic\t was for the most part f;uitahle for the occasio1\ ang the ".-\)]yil features 011 account of th.e trowel pl'¢flellt were ullllble toile heard by t,ll'l1illl'SS was merely fi,'!' ~ixths of tire tl!e \·orIlJ!ulsol'.'· SUllda,\' e!J:lpcl atien- ('I",rll~" :lnd O[h('l' umnbers most of the guests. The Sllccess of t.he party, howevcl', lil,\' ill the fact blilf !rum' wit.h which he wali ((lis)ered· d'll!<'(' rule !r,'re, lI'hi,·I, lr,,!s hfl\\"u'ull CUl!~ctl a notice· tliflt lllany and varied costumes gal'C the PI1I't,\' 11 genuine JLlllowc'en dCllis. Tllose 11'1'0 the disCII~' '11,1" lIostlllgia foy th~ fcsti";ties :-:;",riOl'8 jJl':tdie.c tel!ehing tillS week atll:.o~phel'e. Probably ncver befOl'e. on the Hill wel'e so llHln,v costutnc< I",n' beell with the aslol1ndil'g siou gronJ>$ ne~d no! go t'o ('lIl1r(!1r 1)11 uf "(,,,neg,· Hill", wearin\lss 1I"0rn and more originnlit? sllOw1\ in designhlg them. Ihe fcminine of monk Suntl":'S' I)ro,jglit 8111Hlhcrand forgetJ'ulness in "Tioe N~'fI'" al Sunbury, i~ r"onl{e~', of I](>il' is hUrI'icnnc, of cock I'll ill~tit.uling the new l,bu, Deau is follawiug is either roouer or chieken, of baron \\'icll~ out liis own belief Th' ,·UlIl1 SI,lle the lI~xt morning over moun· of deneollis preneher iou with slcdcllts f:lr beUpr hy talking t:I1I1S auillhl'()uglr vulleysin lludlesiS sue· iufOl'rnalll," Ihan I,~' holdinr;; pl'H)'cr lIud ('('s~iolJ uutil Ll," destinl,tion was The I()eal purYQyors of POI!ulur uc"- Distributing As eaeh s~ll{lent plans his scholastic and t'xtI'H_cl1l'l'icu_ Ir,\'lllll singing meetings. l'l'llgCS will he, 110 douut, delighttld to '1'1,(, ),('~t COllies la~( ill ~l'{'Jrer.r a8 iu Responsibility lill' p!'ogram at the begil1uing or .'neh Y(,l1t' he lISllllll,\- learn Ihat statisties show lllat thc n\'- dusse!'t. TlJ~ urost 1!(';Jl1tiflJ! "icll's of filld's himseH literally swamped with worle At tIle l'l'II.~t' An1Crjcun drinl,s more thnll 11 ,Tns!in PtHtz, prO~IHilll()(l till" J,c~t f()ot· ih"",lIoletripII'ereeneouulcrcdllsthc Imlh-tub full of soft drinks per yeAr, Sl1Ule time he solemnly \'0\\'8 that in bis seniol' year, if it enn possiLl,), hil.ers j-ra"ek'tl frolll Punn Stnte along Earl (;al'r()ll; we sllppose, is aeqOnillted ern UHi"H~it~· ~l Cleveland, tile SusfjuelJlllUf<1 into liarrisl)urg. Pe- he Ilrrllllged he is goillg to IHwe flS casy Ilnd as effective schcrlule H~ wil1r tlresu figures, is a s()d~ clerk. lie gra(]u:Jtl'd lnst "llliluroe11 formations, rfi.\'ines, preci pos~ible. And then cOllles the senior v('nr! H the stlldent is at all ill- Bunce 1mB sllggeBt~d lliat tile collegu Jlil'l'~ und tcrrllcel1 ro:,d\\',,~-s werl' of te!'ested in extra activitjes, these, plus a minimum of I'CflUit'ed ItOUI''', grJ,l,\lu:lfe ~tn(lent~ li/lTe I\'illi a" E, D. spec·ial intcrest, hut nothillg M pleased f[ttlocr Or(I11 fl.n A, B, STUDENTS ARE PUBLISHERS the plUlldering p[\~k :,s the iner()'!lsing lllilke his last year on the Rill probably tIle busiest of the foUl', (Nebraska Alumnlls) nUIllI!l'f of fnmililJr I:>ndmal'ks lending Ouc of Lho S('lIi(lr men takes tin' ,VIMt, can be done about itl Of coursc 11 SClliol' :-;llOllld not have llUBillC~Sof pressing his "auit" seriolls· Th", 1'"1,lk:>lioli of college ~tndellt !lirl'ctl,l' til "College Hill". games eollcge~ too mueh free time, hut there are so lllany ullsclwduled deii'liis \\'hiell I,", We saw him ~lcDaniel ""\\"~I)aJlrrs hns eornc to be " bll~illcs~ rm Tho' ll~ still, sorcer be it c'-er lllld ~o rain," I"e're heck all 11;011 with it oyur I,is shollider reeentl~·. the extent of ",hidl few Jleo]ll~ r<'lllize. dellHlnd .bis time, 80 many PI'C'IHll'lltiom; for next YI'Hl"S joh, e:;pl'ci1l11y for "Collt'gc run", We notice that "H, 0." Smith i~ 1'here /,1'<1 more- ililln !our I"ll'drer! eol- during the seeOlld semester, which 1111l'e to be made, 1t hilS of Ien heel! ,-,t n. "'caring :, mci],11 for pfoficiellcy in es- loge 1':Ij'U'S publ1shed INtEl' oHec suggested that some of tlte c:<..-tm aetivitil"s which at pl'es(,nt ha\'e hCCll ml~'ing, His friends will tell you he i~ "-~l'l[, with nil f!1'el'age of SOIll] tWCllt;,,.. Olfcea week but more Oft"H thlIu month· tt'
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