Page 29 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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COl TERRORS VS. ST, FRANCIS I TONY SARG'S MARIONETTES SATURDAY ALTOONA, PENNA. ALUMNI HALL 8:15 P. M. 2:15 AND Vol. 7, No.8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER. MD. November 21, 1929 WEBSTER-IRVING DEBATE FIRST MUSIC STUDENT REOITAL IN COLLEGE OALENDAR CURTIS INSTITUTE SINGERS TO COLLEGE PLAYERS PLAN PRESENT TONIGHT OCCURS MUSICAL RECITAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE Tho;! Xlueic Department will present SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23- FOR PLAY COMPLETED in Smith Hall on 'I'hur sday, November '1'1'0 first scheduled ]l"ogram for V/Hsity Football; St. Pruncta; Al Thnlll\sgiving ,\roek will be n reuitnl ANNUAL THANKSGIVING SHOW QUESTION SELECTED WILL BE 21st, an evening of Sehumaun. 'l'his tocnn, Pa. jlTl'scnted by the Curtis Institute of USED IN INTER·OOLLEGIATES will be the- first ~tU(1cllt recital of. the Philadelphia in AlulIllli Hall on )'Ion OF SPEECH AND MUSIC DEPTS. college year. The program is as fol· ),Iarionette Performance; Alumui uen, per- under stlldunt.s, The Plans are now made for the lows: 2:15 P. 111. day evcnillg, makcs November 25. This regu- directiou Seuior SpcccJ, Gweudchu Mnun the the. lip a part. of form~nee Webster-Irving whieh takes Novelette in F Marionette Porformancc; Alumni of 1.fiss of place l:'riday evening, December 13. In -c-Evelyu Muther aeu, 8:15 P.ll. lar eourecs of lCetures given by the COl· the Bpeeeh department, are working on vi(,w of th ... fnet that lrdng won tuc Widmung lege, " three-act play, "TILe Gypsy Trail," dobe te Inst yeflr it is the privilege. of -c-Aruanda Bell SUNDAY, NOVE~rnER. 24- The artist.s will be UiM Helen Jep- which they will present in Alulllni Hall !l'e Society to select the topic for this Aufschuruug College Sunday Schoo}; Baker sou, sopnlllOj Mr, Clareuce Rclncrt, bas l- lit eight c'eloek on Tllnnksgi\'ing even- yerl1"'~ (lucountcr. W\\bsler is pcnllit- -TsabelWentz Chapel, 9:00 A, M. tone; and Mr. Paul Gcrsumcn, violinist, ing. The prescntatlon by tho SClliora ted to ronsider the question nud scleet DerNU8sbaum Buker Clmpel Service; i:15 p, M nil of the Ourtis Institute of Music, of a play at 'I'hauksgiving has become the aide o!' the argument wllich it -c-Minule Strawbridge Philadelphia, an nuuunl event at Western Mnryland wishes to uJ1l,old. Des Abends ~10NDAT, NOVE)1BER 25- Those who 'Ire acquainted with tim College, 'I'he question for dl'but.c wiJieh In'ing Grillen Literal'Y Societies; 6:15 P. 1\[. Curti~ Institute reeitals re,llize tlrat tllia "The Gypsy Trnil" is a modern roo seleded is ene of those which were do· Ll'aumes Willen program will pro\'o .;lutertniu· manee by Robert Housum, an(l is being ei!lcd U]lOIl Lhe Peulls~-h'anin Debat· -CIlt1leriIiO Hobby Curli~ Institute Singers_; Alumni ing and iutereating, !lIe-artists produced !.t.r speeial arrnngcmeut with ing ConnCil inter·eolteginhl debat· Du Ring 1\11 MeinCIII }'illgcr 11all; 8:00 P.)1. ,,~rfonnil1g on t.he progralll .11'0 prouli- Samuel French of New Yorll. Thc piny ing:. l~esolve(l, 'l'hflt the intro(\llction -MnrgHret Lec Nelsoll 'l'Ul~SDAY, NOVEMBER 213- nent in the field of l1Iusic. Western rcnt.l'l"snrOllne gaiety, a eertniu (lel)Utes beb"ee" the. enrolled meHllH!r~ METHODS OBSERVED touch of give tho ]llny ~u un- ill order t.o ~elr:ct the 1;est debates to 'l'llURSD.AY; NOVEMl3"ER 28- ']'(111,1' S,ng's mnrionettes, as un· form tilll t.elllll to defend tile Society, Thanksgiving Dillne.r 1I01lM{'(1 laRt week "ill "isit ,Vt'~t]llill- ,]'I,,·ce. :letnal dehnters and one alter· Miss !.inr,\' Ebnugh of the .Elducl1t.ion Vnr~ity li'ootbaUj 1I1uhlenbll"g; ster ror a one·day program of puppet nnte compose the and traditioll :~~~~.rt:~eu~i~~~1 ~[:I~:e~~::,ie r~~~;rkn(':d (l~~ Allentown, Pa. ~::~I;~Ste~"~~:~~~t~~:sP~:~lsOO~~ t;~~e. ':l~:~: lIli~lLa,'1 Ruilder., .:Mnrvin B; Sterling lHlS limited the to the first three ('I'lSses excluding tho seniors. S t d N 1; 16 fit College Players aIHl Powder Puffs; iOllcttc~ will appcur nt a mnlinee at :Edwnrd Andrews ... William G. Enton The qUll.Btion selected this yenr is of V~Si~r t~Y~Vil~:~~n a~lrd Mnr;ol~ol~C;elO:t Alumni H:Ill; 8:00 p, III. ~:15 P. M. and an evening performance ~:~::\:~,~:~~~d: : .. ~~~:l~:r~'i\~a;:~~ "ital concern :lud is one of the most V~:fli:~:, a:l~redt:ric~~~ ~::,:15 P. ),1. iu AlumHi Hall 011 Satur· Prances Rn.Ylllond .. Virginia C. i\Ierrill prominent in the ooncalil;mai fic.ld, "IUllY nrgull1ents !lre to be [ld\-t\nccd on two DR. BERTHOLF SPEAKS lJurg, Virginio. They visited these The afternoon progr:"" features ::~:~ ~~i~::!~~;·I~:::~I~e~.~::~ institutions for the purpose of obsen' Sarg's two most reeeut '1IIdition~ to ~;u:d~:l:I~: ~~ is f,ectC:etl:: :~: ~::-i~~~~,~~~~,:;;' most interesting in reecnt years, i~;E~~~!!)'~';'~:~;~~;,~.~;~i:{;:,:~:;~"':-~-"11"'NHSl'iU';4-N"'·}ji't'<1\iif-fC"'i1HAi1i't.'E.. tr--~it'l":~"'~:"",~~;~O-:inTJ:~~"~..IB",",:;;~n~~:ni~ :~:~:~: there as compnred with thosc beiug fol tation from the. G('rmaJl laic by Belween aets the Pow(lcr Puffs ,dll MiliTARY COURT ANNOUNCES 101:etd b::hW';:~:~'1ll1l~~~~I;~~r)~~~:~(;e~hO Dr. Bel'tholf, head 0.£ the Biology Dc· ~:.'~~';~l i~:~I(~: i::' \:'~:~C~CCf:~'~;ler, II C~l~~~~ ~~:~101:;~~:~ ?'~;':an Tr~~:"~lIIe';~ut::~ VERDICT IN MOOT TRIAL State Teachers' College practieo teael1' ~~':~I:I:,~I~~r::::I\:n ~U1~~:/:~:'~~g~~~~.r :~;~::~ ~~~s~~~, ~~,~' n~~U:III:~~:;rg~n; "Moonlight". ~:~Il~o:~IlSse~~::r n~~!'~I:I1~:r~n o~d\~~eat~:~: ember Ii. He took as his text part oj' Tile Stolell Prineess is an Oriciltal ex' ------ The defensu opened its case by present· Tt is seheduled before any other course, John 10:10: "T.1111 come ihat they might trnl'~gnnza hy n~miJton Willinmsol1. GIRLS HOLD UNIQUE PARTY AS ing Ihe l~stimonies of Private St:lch and and the reat of the colloge program is han lile., !Iud that Ih('." might have it Rip Vau Winkle, huilod 1;y milny :'s CLASSES ENTERTAIN Pelton, The former aeeounted for the nrmngcd nhout. it. Students arc reo 1ll0rc abundantly!' 0110 of tire most clnborate of Ur. Snrg's .:1J:luge, which the nccu~ed, Pri\'llte Gus D. Lotte, hnd in his possessioll, fro1ll C"p· (juired to do one period n dny of llfa!'. In opcning, D,'. Bertholf said that I'e U1!1rioHc.tte Clitert,ailllllenh, \I'il! be reo An unusual purty WIlS held for the tain Bunec's ten (Ioliars ginn Lotte for tice tcn('hi"g for thc wllole yl'ar, cr two would like to introdu\le a dear fricII(\ "i"N] nt, t.he el'cuiHg perfernumce for girls ill MeDalliel Hnll}larlor, Sat.urday Rl'leuting the Captain's watel, from periods a day for Olle senl(lster. The of his-Jesus. He went on to say thnh both ~hiWrcn und adults, n haa beell night, NOWlIlber ]6. Ent.ertnilllllellt )'Jeyer's l{qmir Shop. 'I'he latter ae· work inellldes not only mere te.acj,ing most tollegc ~tudellts know Jesus as II ]>UJlllctized f"om the folk sior~' l)or· \\'asfu1"llishcll by elLchuftheclIlSSeS.· counted rOJ" Ihe nrti"1(,5 with which the Tho Preslnnan girls gave the play (If ~:,~~o:~:~~re~i~i~lt~,all~~lr~li:~~~A~n~~O~:'eo~~e IlCl"~on to be respeeted, to be ob('.reil, :::11~~;~I:.el~~e"~,~tI:~01~m~~erSg J~~r(lVeling "TheBlI1;es in the Wood", a clever pal" illg seores of tcsts, ti,e lJauding in of ill part, and ns a I,cacher, but few know 9110\\'s. The cost cOHsi~tI:! of thirty mar· Ilf ".Homeo lind .Tuliet" was given n:gulnr teachers' I\loutlily reports, and him:ls" friend. Jesus did not say thai iOll('t.te~, for which noorc than 500 1.11' Sophomores. The Juniora pre- ::'11'. J. A. in fact e,ery phn!!e connected witli r{'nl he C;lllle to tenth 1I101'e a1.JO\lt life, but slrings will l,a\'~ to be in constnnt IIlnll- s~nted n fnree of "The Welld.illg of the Miss Eb:lllgh had the oppor. tll:,t he C:lme to gi>-c life, 1II0re ablll' nccu6cr! fourth iplliation t.hrough the perforlllanec. Painted Doli". Two short sketches were tn"it.'" obscrve some of ihe practice tlant life. Not nlor, WITH DEAN OF EDUCATION wiih II Hong by Margnrd Lt'e "citlier (If the two hn"(O anything re· WI"IL type of life docs Jesus givre$it1<'''t A. N. Ward and P1"ofcs~or slIch a course of actiOI' 10 the ilccused; which is in opcmt.ion /It this college. whith h\l eh/\llgt'S "clay to IIII'll, and A. }'1. were \'j~jtors during the fr('(l Bush, and Susan Cock(>~' hn\'Lllg assrrh'd thai he full.\" ""11er· l\fiss P/lrker oilscrvrd pl'atllice t('ach· lII~n to goris", a Ill;gativc pt:rsoHality to LveQ'one then pnrtieiplllcd in a \h~ ~ol1sequ(>riccs ot' sueh Aclion, llie early part week 'It Seaford High aqu:lrc d~lllce, which refre~hmc"t-s ac~lIseil, ll!){)n ilglliu requ~sti!'g ::::Hti.H ~;~~hP~~I~~~~s,E'~~~:I!i:l~c~e~~~,~- II posil"ive one, l'ur~10seleasnes6 to ]ll1l'- SCIIOOI, where tl",," were eOl'llintl~' rc· wcrcsCfved, sworn ill by th(l Tri,,1 Ju<1g(l sienl }:aucntioll as it major subject, lJj.MI~. 111 thr Jones fully sur· ,,"crc jll('lIS(ld to find n modern, w('11· Pri":1te LollI"" sel'miugly large, well.trained sIMI of instruclors. rendcred liis life t? Chru,t lie \\":tS ill equipped $ehool fit S(ll.rol"ll. 8to,·er. explained \!\"\!ry (·harge on, he WilS Although her ,,"ork hcre lIlust ),ecessar poor be(lltlJ, but sillte his eomplote ~ur· arraigned; but, uniler shurp !·r(lss·exnllL· ily he. on n small scale, hl.iss Parker T['lIder he has known only good hoalth. inali(11I, fir!>1 by jhe T. J. A .. ~nd nrter· IrO]l~S to be atole to ineorporate in it Clrrist enn gi\'e (\le.ulal power and pur· \\":1l'd !)~. the Court, marked inconsisten· se\"er~1 of the plulses wl,i('h alre ob· posc 10 n liie, DB well n$ ph:"sicol pow· .. i('s :1Il interior of the present library is well known to the students on tho T. J. A. ha"ing rfOnil !l,e stat(,lllel1t of /l.ceel)t them. Tlie,~ 0..... n ehallenge to BilL So popular has it boeome this year thut the enuiug eongestion there the nt'~used '
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