Page 19 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ FOOTBALL SOCCER \SPORTSi ALBRIGHT SUCCUMBS TO I'ROSH TRIM FOLLOW "HILLTOPPER" AND TOTS INTERCEPTED SPORT ITEMS SOCCERITES EXTEND NAVY FASHION TRIUMPHANT TERRORS The Bah.\' Terrors remained in the 'l'exas-(TP)-Appl~s, band is fresh· t hc BUT LOSE CLOSE CONTEST the. uuiveraity wiu C01UIl1l1 and gnve n lair account of BEAT ST. JOHN'S. _f1lciug Ulli,.ei~it,\" of Texas nth After rceci,-jng tl slight scare ill the themaelres on the home field l:Jst Satur- officials. 'The Western Maryland soccer team fir~t half of the game with Albright Oct- rjny, while the Varsity wall defeating AI· Apples and peanuts hnve long beeu outplayed the Nary tooters at A!llwpolis lege JlI Reeding. Pn., lust Sntnrdny, W. lJright at Reading. The Prosh look the Scores: Vltrsity found next to »cecestucs to the students but were defeated in an extrn period by 4 :1Il.'s inrtnclbie 'GreCH Terrcrs ' came Georgetown Freshmen illto camp by an ntbcndlug football games h~re, but a bau score of -l·3. Lady luck gave Nal'y the tHIck strang in the last per-iod by scoring 18·0 score, after It thrilliug rally in the W. M., 21; Albright, 6 {football) lias beeu placed Oil apples, and here's brNlks which proved to be the feature three h.luch(]owns !lnd three points after second Half. wiry: that won the game. tcuchduvu to win hnudilv b)' II ~1·6 mar- 1'00 mnny apple cores have been hurled thellilltop eyes, gin. The victory wns the fifth in five pets With blood an-ivcd in their in We~lllinstCl" at freshmen ill the lower sections of the starts for the jjarlow machine and it mined hnd 1.0 nvenge the defent which d~ter· W. 1L, 3; Navy, 4 ~tan{js at llemorial Btudium, ~nd too thUlr remnius in thc countTJ's selected group Varsity had received at the hands of W. )1., 1; Army, 1 lllIJ.n)"of the apples found their way to of untied nnd uuderented teams. the college band, seated st.ilI further ,,'estern lI~rylnn(l three weeks before. '1'he~c made 0 strenuous effort to square Western ~lnrylnud College is numbered down. Tbe members of the baud kicked rest period was called the account and at the end of the first 8l1l0ng the four undefeated and untied vociferously, and President R. J. Ett· Taking ad,-antage of the Terror's Ull· half', it looked as though they might ue- teams iu the Eost. The records of these linger issued au edict ell1lsing the apple mimlfnl pla)'ing in the first two qnarters (!oIllVJish their goal. Throughout tlii~ ,'endo!"s fron~ ihe stadium on the grounds the Penns~']yanjnns uncorked n vU1"ied half th~ ball see-sawed J)auk and forth, W. L. T. that they were dispensing impll'ments of off,'nsive late iu the seeond period to BrOll'n's 50 aud 55·ynrd pnnts being the Dartmoulh .. o worfure. work the ol'al to the Green aud Gold only fent-url! of note. Ncithel' team U. of Pithburgh ... o 3-)'llrd line. ITere tbey were held for Seemed to be abll! to get within Se()rillg Western ,\J~ryland .. t.hrel' downs the "idor's forward wall hut the WashillgtOlli(lnl! .1ppar Cornell .. Chicago-----(IP)-At least t\\"o dozcn llllt on fourth with IICurcely n. ynTd ('ntly the upper halld. fQotbnll games f!<'.heduled for Snturdny, lillo lind cl'ntered it in to the seoring po· to go tor a wore, Pctrolonns, Albright's :Uattcrsehangedin lliethird qnnrtcr, NO"elUber are of enough importance "';Iion Chandler got his toe on two of big bucker, fonnd an opening and just howf"'cr, when Brubnkcr tore of!' n.n end to be of to fans thronghout the paSSCflllud drO"e tllcm through barely touehed the par stripe for the t.he goal Westel"ll Man'lalld's reconl to date fol· contiuent. run thnt ellrriecl hi!n o,'er \ine lows: 0]11~' scoro registered by his team. 'fhe for the first louehdown of tlle game. The In the Far West, t;out!Jl'rn California tr_y for point. from plrwenwnt wos block· \\r. :111., 34; U. of Baltimore,..... .0 will CIlt-~r1ajl1CaJifomia in the big game tr.y for point by i.lliled, but W. ),1., 7; Georgetown 0 ed. Tiule for the first, half was enllco of the YCllr for eaeh. Oregon Stnte and I'or~ Bally Terror tooK auother JU!llp W. 111., 12; St. Thomns..... . 6 s()ona£terthekie.k·off. II'hen, a few minute~ later~ BrubakC'r was Wltshington State will likewise piny a The secoud hnl! hogan with Western Cnming out for the second half 10 off on !jnotlier en(l run whi(!\1 netted the W. :'II., 23; Temple. . ...6 0 tl"nJitional game. California Southern :'ItlllTlnll{llendilig 2·1. Early in thetliir(l face an ull.ra·iuspired eleveu theW.:1.1. The W. 11., 21; Albright. BI"~nch will journey to Oregon, Stanford qn:lrler the Mhldies ngnin Iyillg IIl't'{'nd louehdowll. quarter ended gridder.~ prQmptly got dowH to the busi 12·0 with 'iV.11. Frosh in the lead. 07 will piny C~liforllin Colora{!o will the ("oun!. men The couch begun send began !less of maintuining lUI unblemished fee· Tn the last quarter a pa'ss, Gaely to 12 play host to Deliver, /lnd will enter in relief dTeds tllld l'errors but, they to ord and once they got going the out· Brubaker, brought the final tally. Again t1lin Brigh"m Young. show of the strain djd come eeased to be ill donbt. Shortly tIle placement kick fuiled lind the game U.'s Tu Ihe South, Geo!"ge aTid Tulane will not fnlter once but fOllght gnmely on. Tn nfter thekick-offW.N.ohtnined pos eHdedJ8·0. Geol'gia 1'eeh amI Notre Dame the laltcrpurtoftliethir(l Wooleyagnin session of the loall on 40-ynnl will un outst.anding game- of the tool, the ball down hi" side and dribbled line by rl'coY!;1"ing a fumble. Seore br quarters: Carolina nud North Carolina throngh the ~n"Y bo1eks nnd drove the l'rOHl hl're an ann)" of bnekfield thrush W. M. Freshmen 00126-18 will attempt to brenk last b,lll into tIle nl't, ng:,in puttiug Ilia tealll fought gnmely t.he lend. with Frank Terror tHiIl toter, G. U. F"eshmen 00 0 0-0 tie, Texas will go ol'er to in w hold their The Terrors the fresh material lead but carrying tho;> l)laeed the pigskiu on _Methodist, and Vlliiderbilt will encoun· that the eoacheontinuedtose.ndin the 1·ynrd line. Clar.\" registered the 'fouell(lowus-Wcstern 1lnl"yl(lull Frosh tcr Alnbam9. way Hut Lonehdown Ollll short buck a1l(1 -Brub3ker (3). Try for point by The qther Dr. 'Ward recom- The Mid-West fans will view gnmes finally wore knot the through the Terror El\lncement following 11 cOHI'crenee here 1'owllshend LR.. Williamsou "ho1nge of pllnts and futile th~ir blood. The game with Penn State. that Arn,.l"S !lth<,dule for Ihe rest of the Etzler RE.. Shol'esteel It'lllph W. :'d. began a drive from their is tllO;> first to be scheduled with that W. ~r. ~'ear Is too full. Anu.y will play (t I.lO!t· Suhstitute: W. 1'-. Taylor. GOllls: ilwu 30-yard line. With 'iVeliinger, lleet college nn\l the tcnm is u little (\ubious 'rhe Inst game plllyed betwecn ae~gon game Dce~mber ~8 nt Stllnford, <;'handler, 2; Woolley, 1; Bell, 1: GlIb· f!,()ted back, ad"/Illeilig the ball in ex· ami St. John's was played in 1!l23 and Clllifornin. bins, 1; MeGlnstry, 1; 11efere~: Liellt. of what to expect. pert fashion for long gains nroun(] either ended in :t 7·7 tic. Saturday'S fray Goldbcl'g (Army.) eu\l deep inlo Albright territory W.?\t. TheM two gnU1es being pla.rcil in one might well be said to be but a eontinua week offer ~ splcn\lid trip for the pIny· was able 1.0 s(!orc their third nnd last tion of that game. Pittsburg, Pll.-(IP)-'J'hc g~ne!"ally louehdo,nl. On ono of his dashes We!· ers :llld has prOl'cn an incentiye for theory that big mt'H nre C"Ssen THERE IS CHARM IN YOUR steady dnily praetice. The ]\Jen who a f()ot\.lall sqnad if it would be HAIR- lingw fell 8hortof the g<>alh,r nyl!fd The opposing lealll~ will oerupy 'the but 011 the next piny h(' followed a well· mnk(\ the trip retnrn with more t(des of same bendl durlug Salnrd:.y's tussle. Af· successful, is being disputed by Du· oIe"eloped in·~"fe."",,,, ~:""l']ld end for Il. n(l .. entureth:lntuleBoiactuale.onfiir,r, ler the game they will be fetcd togetlier quesne University here, ",hidl hns Be"~r' YOUR hair can be made to look ~l,arC. Ekujtis' ail\! for the Il,;ril (,Oil on t.1HJsoeecr field. aiabanquet. al small men as its Olostimportant pIny. beautiful-to add to your smartness ~eellti ..e boot was good for the c.xtrR Those who were selceted by Coach and chic. point ~nd the fiual eoded 11t :n·6. B~1Ju(!htllllP to malIC the trip were: Buff D0l1llclli,wlio lIas the dis A8 1'1:1)' QPetled to start the game \\. Smith, ,\"illis, Trice, Groyer, Belote, Studenls on the "Hill" will again of beillg able 10 get off long The answer is, of course, a Marcelle ?II. hl'g~n .1 long 1l1llrch Oil th~ Keys!ol!Cfg L'H,dis, George, 1tnrtin, 'Wooley, D., linl'C IIIl opportunit)' of seeing their Ull punts with either rigllt or left, foot, is Wave. g,,"l. Arridng iuto a fine s~oring ~hanee {'hnndler, Nohl(·, '1'{)"'n~hClHI, Etzler, defe"tcd cle'-eu in aCtion. The. game i~ fiYefcrt,sevellinchcstalL Sel'eral Let us REWAVE your Permanent within the 10'ynrd line the 'i'errors let Rouison, Hastings, Tllylor nnd Flatef. s~II(:(lule(1 for 2:30 P. JJ. at tho Balti· pln_,.ers arc the salHO height or np just enough to he held for downs nJ1(l )(nunger Willard nl$O ,,~'ompanied 1111" more Stadium. sllll!ller. The biggest man on the team Phone 395 to lose the ball. On allOt her occ8sion in squud. is Knss ITo"olehad, plunging flllJ back, for appointment with the first half \Y. M. lacked a scoring six ieet two incliestall. punch deep in the home team's territory. BEAT ST. JOHN'S. MRS. JONES " It was a r1ifferent team that made lIimi- George Hnd Leonard Tell'S, of Mil· Inr i",'asions (In !lIe losers goal in the wauke"J are freshmen at ?l[arque~te i\lilwaukec, Wi9.-(IP)-.).rarquette'~ Lowry Beauty Shop lasl period, howe"er, flnd similar seoring University, lifter having trtlvelod 27, free11mnn footb~11 squad lins as lIlClll\)crs Near Westminstet Hotel ~hrtnceB were conl"llrted illta loue.1!d(lwus. 000 miles around !lIe worl!l in three College Kickers Check named Robert Gallnglicr ana 'fiLe pln.I· in this half was confined en months. Army in Tied Game Eugene tirely to Albright's territory and the n. A. Steele 10SNS did not once again threateu tlle 'Perror goalliue. Engle, ~ud Koliout, also hail good after The Western Maryland College Publishers Representative The outstanding exl!ibition.fer W . .).l. 'wons. Liueup und snmmary: sot~er team tied Arm)' yesterday iu New 'lork-(IP)~Night football is wa~ turned in proh1lbly by Fr3nk Glary, W. :'If. C. Albright the most exciting contest this year. so prevnlent, the rules e.ommittcc has 5 Columbus Circle e]u$i"e backfield artist. Getting his see· Rates L. E. . .. Neff Scoring early in the gamo our team authorized use of white £ootbnl\s. New YOI'I!, N. Y. oud reol chaneI' this $cason Frank outdid WiTher L. T Snyder c~rried the fight deep into Army's his flashy performance agaillst St. 1'hom· \\'cishll<'k L. G Semlilollz territory and kel)t it there for the .18 in which ll~, with If:lrry Lawrence best part of the- game. Army's de· Announcing a New Line of Jewelry ATTENTION STUDENTS H"VCllS, (Capt) .C HnttoH, F. WrTe the main cogs in the winning dri,·ca. fOllse lI'as imp,'~nnble to furthn at by Por srlf,suppol"ting shldeuts desiring T\oholll R. G. ...Garney Clnr.l"", who was chief ground gainer ill tllck, however, .·nd n sudden counter remunerative work eith(lr O'Leair, A R. T.1\laeI"arlane, the game, consistently tUL off·tackle and (Cnp!.) Intack by them re:llllt~d in tying L. G. Balfour Co. tcmporary or pcrmnneut, may T snggest around end for gains that were. deeisive Pelton R. E Piehoeolns the geOl"e. 'fhe fi~ltl see'6awell o\'er tlH)t mall}' students of both sexes1tave ill W . .).I. scoring opportunities. Wei· Ek:titis Q. . Emmett fl,e fidd alld at thi-' ~nd of the allot.· FRATERNITY JEWELRY earne\l aeholarships and cash suffieient ]ju.I!"eT was also a big fa(·tor in the vic- Doughl.\" 1,. H Norris tl'd time, th~ srore ~til1 being a tie, to defrllY all eoll~go expeHses represent· tOr 's g~oring. Ek~itig again turned in It Clary.. . n. H Hatton,L. 'HI e:<11"n puiOII was,ealled. In this CLASS RINGS iug Hational nmgazine publishers. If high·grade \lefensive game. Bntes play· GOllJwk. . F Pctrolonus perioll howen!r Ho;,[urtherscore was STATIONERY interested ,nite or wire for det:lils-- cd his Hsual baug,uJ.l game at end de nm!le iUld (larkness prCI'ented fur· :'II. A. Stecl~, Natiounl Organizer, G Col· fens.;'·el.l· while eontributing a touch· Sub.: W. )I.-Plo~ura, Benson, Engle, th..,r play. T. D. D. Braun, Representative umbus Circle, New York, N. Y. down to his team's score. Capt. Havens, B~1ton, Klepnc, Wellinger, Lawrence. I
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