Page 18 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 18
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lIutl'r-ffiolll'giutl' ]furil'tU GOt The spectators were intensely interested Memphla, Tenn.-By Intercollegiate A REVIEW AND OF BOOKS, \ i\rollllll tl)l' ffiumpUll Nl'IDll LIFE PLAYS bst. ill (he }'resilnlen on Broadway {!(l('$ the a srudcntta tlLe,\" eoufdn-t help game w01Hl\lrillg Saturday what but Press and Sou 'westl'l')-8mokillg Illclltnl powere The only Heard BroadWAy plnywright 11'110 Vanity score waa. At one time during when comes to intelligence lind class Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during the game the score was nunouueed us work nt Southwestern College. was rcolly born in Times Square is Eu· the acedemle yenr by the students of Welltern Maryland College, Westminster, 0·0. Cntheriue Imrncdintely want- This fact was proved by Miss Linnie gene 0 'Neill. I1~ "II~ born ill the Bur Maryland. Entered as eecoud-claea matter at the Westminster Pcatoflice, Read rett, House, now the Hotel Cadillac, at ed to knOll" who was ahead. Sue Cnr,\' nud her group of student 1)8Y' Eorty-third Street aud Broadway. The Bubscrtptton Price, $2.00 a Year cho)ogists ill recent iutelligenee tests be- 'rhe Clrriatiun Endeavor Conveuficu tween ouehuudred amokera and fift,y non- date; if you must know, was October 16, was cerlninly an enlightening event. In smokers on the campus. Twc out of 1888. When writing, he uses either pen lI1.AJ.~AGINGSTAFF fatl the University ktd lights until past three men lit Southwestern smoke, il11d ink on or whieh n t)·pewritcr. H He merely de- is aJways is hatrong,'30 IIan)" O. Smith, '30 :1 birthdn,l". Let us When it ill his ha nds for ~! fell' III ,nntes :llId oUl'e"tr!\·hournui! Elizllbcth Clough, '30 John L. \VatkillS, '30 ellrlier thUll th"" ~nid to ti,e nuthor; "Bill-Illis is n Arvlliene.ilitchens, '30 Roy '1'. Edwflrds, '31 ~cript I'm ~fntir1 the Evelyn Mfl1.her,'30 Howllrd A. Bolton, '32 usunl. c\'cry· You iJettereut it." Isabel Douglfls, '31 Charles It. Etzler, '32 "Gua"Belote snggests Ihnt the .hlili Ouee he drove a hen off her lle~t 'l'llClmn Reid, '31 Stanford L floli', '32 tllr)" appoint nnussistant to tried to hatch her eggs hitUselt An· Evelyn CoUison, '31 Duncan C. l\lmchison, '32 rhe of the B:md, "Frenchy" ot.her time he mnde n concoction of bird Wiuifred Bush, '32 Samuel G. 'l'o\\"l)sencl,Jr., '32 Dclf,n'ellto nssist if! sharing the burdcn foodund fed it to Ihe lllaid to see if Eddic DowHng lots l\Ial'Y Lee Sllipley, '32 d iJoth medals and horn! Gus se('ms to she would,,'t lh"t fly, you He mny dirl rend of nbolltiu other n mU8ic~1 think tliM it is ,\'~Il nigh impossible to Tile Big Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. curr), all lit ll!e snme time. is HOK iu Seattle. I'al'm/c. uwdc, Dowling first In il rccClit Shakc!:Ipcarenn test the fo!· ",llIlt liberties he lowiug question was asked: "To what SnIt Lake Cit.l'-(T.P)-The A. B. de seript. Stnllings "You can do IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI prof('ssion does the expression 'emu· lJ_y Alllel'ican Colleges merely nn.nhing you wallt-but, plcll!!C don't poullded of 11Iany simple8' reIer~" One lhnt the undergradllllnnd. Yes, 1md must be done edian'!:! gugs, made the next joke or ftDW don't go speer;h harll to hear. However, this one def('rr has lJeeneorrected. Jcitit. 'rilere 'is:I ncw device whie,iI lnllghs. It i$ ealled "th~ fad· (lud is a r-('lUlLd lllllthiu!'. whiolh is T'rew YOI·k-(lP)-TII"cntr·fi,·c hUll(lred operated by a mlln in the lIudi erowd, girls I educntol's and students, present ente. ltiSSlllUIi to he heW in utlhe of his sC\'elllil'th birtit· III Stiellcc I1nll dnJ a~ liotel Astor, procIilimed Dr. Jehn ilis lap, nlmost linseI'll, nnd hns 1I11l1!lJers metllodof nn· frolll onc to fifte\'11 on both sides. Ou th(' of Philosophy ul CI· as "America's fore h'ft they are printed in white and on thl) most philosoplwr aUll te:lei1er." IT('ft for W('st Puint ~Drllillg. Those til' Dr. Dewey's own birthda.r te the nla)) wh-o 0llcrate~ the "fadder" is really tmitories knew thnt 1Hltion w~s his Qwn redpe for liesllid: lhe cue man, :lHd h.\' 1lI0\'ing n signal ~ men h.U\'e n w~nk hallrItodiJTercntuumherson!i1emaehillc " ~l~\~~ll:t~~ ::::~ he regulates IiiI'. "olume of the sny the picture the ~ed clothed II~ life. Show SOHlC interest ill the"fnddcI'''isollnt fILings tllIlt arc goiug on," Dr, Dew(')" number nille nnd Jnek Benny lia8 just flltofftniJlter'col' adl"ised, ndrling that, "the two greatest told :I ve!'~' funny slory. The nUlliencc is prohibition to be ;!(}urecs of I!>lPJlille~s iu my life have been Inughing loud. In order thnt Bann.,"s at Johns ROllkins Illy family, nud thinking." following words will not he the 'rhe r. ,"Row enmpusf" wet OJ' dry contillUed, greatcst is our e1ril in Ameriea todn.r, "We he "fnddrr"islllo\'ed lrOlll1111IHber "intcnmliSlll." e How wercd thi~ question pllrSllcilappiDcssi.n exlernul tllingsbe· to say, nUHlber t\\"ch·e. 'rhis ill('reaSC$ enuse we do nol. pos~css our 0\\'11 souls," the "ohlllle of Be1l1'S'~ words- to snell Hn hesnid. <,,,tellt !l'll( tlley :Ire hCllrtl OYer the 11lugh· ter. If Benn~"s ne"l wQrds shonid hap' New York-(IP)-The oilly publie lip' pcn to be (he eu!! for a song by Bessie ]lenrn11ce of l\lndrunc Curie, eo,diseO,'crCf LOI'C, the "fndder" with the twelve with her !lUsband of will be the slill registering on the left side, is nOK o('(\Ilsion of the third dinner of being mude rend)' to regulate on the lhe New York Committee of the Amer· right side at number Slll"lm for Miss ican Society for the ContrOl of Cancer, at I_,OI'e's song. When the eue i~ gil'en, which the noted French wOlll.1n, now vis· number tw~ll'e is merely gwitehed to i1ing in til is COUlltry, will be the guest "off" uud !lumber sCI'('n is switclled to of honor. 'file dinner will be held Oct. 31. "on." H.1111ilton, N. Y. (IP)-Intelligonce is It hnppellcrl during the Cltnrlie Chaplin )111 has been newl~' lIOt inncased br going to college, nor is it craze, When (he entire nation wastr)"ing Of e011f6e, this an· nu aecideut, according to Donald A. 10 imitnl'e lhe nHW wilh (111l fUllIIY legs. II-littlelatoin.the Lnird, director of Colgate Uniwrsity, In Chieago they h'HI a r('gnlar !!onle!!! to ,vcments until now ps)'tilologienI Jaborntory. publicity. Go up "PnrNlt~ with bl'nins much lIbove thc ~~~n:h;h:~:!I:ln::~:;s~\~ha:: ~:,:' ~l:S:. ,~~ 'lling, mcn, and look nl"Crnge," he snys, "ha\"e childrcn with Wall second prize prO"ed to be nOlle \:~' brnillS nbo\"e tbe ul'erage. Brains seem \(~P qllitcdefinitel.,·wbeil1herited,justI18 tl'l1ll Charlie ChapEn himself. be Sophomore Cl:lss eye ~olor, stature or temperament. Col busy preparing for lege 1111111 bU"e rnor(' brains than tile lllnD 1mI' of the fnir se" Oil the street beeuuse they had more It is Bugs Baer's nifty-"Lon ChDDf took the eighteen-day diet ~nd lo~t sel' II [I'll :ltrocionsly ig· brllius ill the first place, aDd therefore come to college." faces."
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