Page 17 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 17
COl VARSITY VB. ST. JOHNS REOITAL BALTIMORE STADIUM ALUMNI HALL SATURDAY 2:30 1'. M. FRIDAY 8 1'. M. Vol. 7, No.5 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 31, 1929 BUILDING PROPOSED FOR SOCIAL-RELIGIOUS WORK RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPART- MENT TO BE INAUGURATED SOON Build· ill!; l:agest of It'ge group as plrtnn~d and will provide the cent"r for nil tho "(Jcinl and religious Th(!ssor Taggart left 'I'exns in Oetc- lJCI', 1!J28 for Belize, a Central amcr icnn town in BritiSh Honduras on the Car rtbcau Sen. While there, he expert Baker Chapel enced one of his most \I0ND_" Y, NOVE earricdon. Lle Iearned Col. Lecture ~l·. The aeerlou of country in which West Hall, A. ern .\lar~-ln!ld Collegc is located offers a Ne\I' York "Times," Ihe New LiternryBoelet fine field for the operation of a Depart- i York "World" and the Chicago "'f!'i- ment of Religious Educe ...tjun, N() couogo TUESDAY, NOV \JUne." These three leadiug papers of in ~J:17.ylalld or Delaware offers what is country Socinl Ch!bs, 7[~ [he assigned him to cover the proposed above. 'I'ho best "{lying colonclts ' stop at Belize and WJmXESDAY, :1\( work of (his kind ts uot ill a 'l~SO hig return from Panama L ~r.C. A. 6:·! scmilWr.,·, "'hosc field is Rome int.el'estillg dntn about Belize stl'icted largely to miJlistera, nor cxperiellccsthcre, lI'ero rc· institution j'lwt offers only work ill lhis coruc(l Profes~or Taggart During field l)ut in a Libcral Arts College \\'hell his trip as "goud·will alllhassndor," studenTs !Ire pursuing their courst's l~ml LindlJergh nstonished the tho illg to the Bae.helor's degree, and at the Latin·American town snmc time em) take adnllltage of cour!!{'s pl~lle hlllding on reeonl tllere. This feat h~a formerly been held to he rtn illl]lOssi- offered in Religious EdlleMion which will b'ilii.'- tha lot!)l nCl'onnuts. In Feb- f(~ceil-c rollcge credit. Lindbergh \)eertme ill- areheology, and he 'flllJfillal111cetiug base for his recent State Christian Ell~1 ALUMNI HOLD "PEP" MEETING IN eX]Jlorations, with hi;; wife. PREPARATION FOR NEXT GAME ;:tl!~~~on~~~TOb'~~I, Professor Taggart h~s mall)' a tale to tell of this little port by the Carribean. fOl~~) On Tuesday night, October ~!), lit eight }'rom his description of it we arc rc- ~~~~)Cllhe o 'clock an Alumni Pap ~[el'ting was minded of Ihe lropk port in O. Hcnry's dent~. held in one of ihe banquet hnlls of the famous "Cnhbagcs and Kings." ReI'. Wilbur:Jl. Lord Baltimore Hotel ill Baltimore. "First Presh~-terian Tile purpose of th~ meeting II-as to create NOTICE delil-ere(l f'ntlmsinslll among the Alumni 'Phesub, of the college W~sterJl :\[orylnlld The HllllOI\-e'en Party tonight will WllS "-I'he Lord and H~\-. The -St. John'8 gallll' in Baltimore Stadium be held ;11 the Girls' Gymnasium in- Life." Jesus is wo whether 11 Saturday. A number of the Alum- stead of the old tingling G.I'J11l1nsium re pr~sent and sever:'!l offieials from :IS fQrm~rly 1).nllounee(l. Elaborate ill' ~aid tll"l he, p ~ t ollege_ Preaidm!t Ward. Coaeh plans have been made nnd fl most he willing Imless to surrell .1nyone thllt , ,rlowaml members of the Alumni A th sueeessfnl pnrty seems ill stor~ for 11]1 the guests. Ag:lin the cOlllmittee highest type. It is l( ic Comllli~5ioll made Ilddre~ses. The urg{'S the- atudeJlts and faculty to gil'e Olles~lf O"cr e . m( itiJ'g W[18 nrranged by Dr. C. A. he l('d. A gronp of COIlle m~sked. Get ready now; the Sh "een, '06, Exeeuti,1' Sl'eretnr~' of Ule party starts nt8:15. week-end part)' loge AI Ill"i Assoeiation. (Contillued OD
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