Page 16 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. (!!laaa, C!lhib, anfl ~ortd1J ioinga I Five Years Ago ]l{apprninga Among tl]r Ahlimni Elizabeth Clough, '30 FEBRUARY 12, '24- Mrs. Earl Hoahall, nee "Bug" Huut, WEBSTER Y. W. C. A. The Black and 'Vhite newspaper bas Rosalie Smith, '27 and Thelma Cross, ex-'27, has a tine son. Slle is living at proven the old adage, "E\"ory knock is a '27, spent the summer touring Europe. In order to co-operate with the. ad The Y. W. C. A. was addressed by Ur. boos!.," to be true. The Snnncia l HUC- They sailed on the S. S. Majestie the lat- Lonaconing, Md., where her husband is ministration in making Mr. Southwicka Ito of the Seminary on Wednesday, Oc- cess of tIle paper has been assured and ter part of June and returned the first an Instructor in the Lonaconing high t Shakespearean reading a success, Webster tober 16. He gave ft. most interesting weekly editions will continuo for the of September. Rosalie is now teaching school. Literary Boelcty postponed its weekly ;wd instructive tulk, eontre Amer- year. public school music at Mardela Springs, :Mrs. T. W. Wills, Jr., ne(\Ann Swann, meeting last :Monaay night. 'l'he pro- ican and Japanese life. This was fol· Nanticoke, Sharptown and Hebrcu, Md. '2i, is tho mother of a. dllgbt!!r born gram which hud been planned will be lowed by n series of beautiful slides show- The Lion Tmner's Club present-ed all Thelma is teaching "History, Erench and June 2. The baby's name i.;;~)lnryKath. presouted, however, ncxt Monday even illg J'epuneee shrinea, gardens nud homes. net program in Smith Hall for the en- Physical Education lit West Friendship, erine. iug, October 28. The lecture ended with a few Bibllcnl tire .student body. The lecture was de- "d. As usual, 2''orliuea is booked for scenes explaiued by Mr. Roberts of the li,ercd by Chapin W. Day. Professor 1£ you want to know wllat the Alumni cue of his ").fuKic-al Pruludes," and Seminary who said he considered them S. B. Schofield lent llis valuable assist- 1.frs.l:'loyd Hopkins, nee Louise Baus, were doing over thc week-end, they were attelldil.,g theweaten"'ft,nd'TemPte "Charlie" promises to make thls one II very appropriate conclusion for Mr. ance and helped make the evening a de- '28, has a son two weeks cld. "Bausie" better than ever-c-f and that's sayiug a Jlo's lecture siuce they showed clearly cidedsuccess. is now liviug at Salisbury, Md. game at the Stadium in Itimore. Jot). Neither the program cOllllllittee his purposr: in coming to America. He---T,ast night I dreamed I was mar· nor "Ken" Lyyns will gh'c the slight· Mis" BII~' auuoune~d the continuation ried to the most beautiful girl in the INTERCEPTED King's Ph rmacy ets hint concerning what "Ken" is go- of the morning worship sen-ices Wllich world. iug to say wlleu be is called upon to were started as a prepal"ation .for tbe She-Oh, George! Were we happy'f (Continued from Page 1) mnke a "Talk", but we can be llssured "Y" retreat. They pf{)ved 10 be ,so nbout but the wound had not mended Tbe Rexall that he will have somdhing worth while int~rcsting and helpful thnt it was de- The Hllsh·Slinger's Club of which sufficieutl:r to aUow his playing yester- 55 E. Main St., We ninster, Md. to say. Wilmer Bell is next with a cided to continue them another week at Bronco 'frader is Grand Potentate, will "Reading." Those wllo know "Ding least. dQ the Epicurean stunt at the .Annnal day. Dong's" ability iu this line know, also, The Y. W. C. A. plans to have a li- B~nqnet on Valentine's Day, February u. W. 1': iller that. hereis:mother treat truly Webster- brary for the use of its members and Hlh, in The College 'rea Room. W. M. was supposed to hnve played Cleaner and ;Oyer ian. :Marl;.Reed is "signed up" to tell friends. A request was mado for books The Prep SellOol "Brutes" smashed the Temple game with I), weakened line the ~ociety about "The Kew Club to be}onned to the librllry for this year. their way to vietory in basket ball by up nffceted by the absence of "Tiny" Westmin.ster, Md. Room" of thc Theologers, (Delta Pi The program was concluded by n duet, PincurJJ the Terror 200·ponnd lineman R. M. REED, Rep. Alpha,) a club which is destined 10 be "Shailowill" by ) Bush and Nord Ileating the St. John '.8 Five, the final aud "Pete" Gelllsnk, star bucker, who come one of the most Eberal and influen· wall. count being 6-5. werc nursing injuries sustailled in St. tial fmte"nul organi~fltions on The Hill. 'i'he Y. M. C. A. held a memorial ThOlllns frncas. On paper it appeared "Anoiher Legend", by "Twig" ser\"i~e for the late ex·President Wilson. so. In reality however, both Klepac, Phillips, tells !I.1l tlJ1.ltneeds besnid about IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY A. E. Benson delil'ered the eulogy. who replnced Pete und .Kohout who snb· this item of entertainment. But the :lIfonday uight It\' Lit(lr.1ry Soeict,y stituted for "'l'iny" performed so cred aeme of the whole prog-rnm is the all fcaimed .1 brief bIlt interesting AII- Announcements were made that W. ~I. that lhe supposition assumcs a Freshman (lebatc on the much discussed Nell" Men program. would begin the fir~t Inter·collegiate. de· diffcrentaspect. question: Resolved 171tr/ compulsory dwp· At- sel'en o'clock President Hickle bating. The first toam was selected el a(tf'7ldll!lCC 8110111(1 be (lbolis/1IJ1lat Balled the meeting to ordur and Chaplnin from the lITen's Literary Society, being Bates find Engle the Terror's star Western. j\[(lr!llr!1ld Col/ege." The nffir- eomposed of Bish, Trader and Betton. wingmen hal'e turned in some high.grade mative. will be upheld by :Measrs. Wer- Day offered the inyocatiou. Arrflllgcmeuts were made to moet Eliz- end plays IIll1s far in the season. Last ner and Lamlis. The negative will be Mr. 1.furchison re\'iewed thn current abethtown and, if possible, Da,is nnd EI· SatnrdllJ' they scored all three toueh· argued by Messrs. Pyles and Hussell. e"ents of the past week to the eillight- kins and Wnshington College. downs between them. ,,"ment of those present. Mr. Sprague cnterUlineil the society Ekaitis had a perfec.t score witb his D. S. GEHR W.W. witll severnl pi:lllO !!elections. }.:Ir. AUTHORS CONTRIBUTE TO NOVEL toe on points aiter touchdown:swith three Sprague h38 a way with the piano·keys PILE IN LIBRARY counters in as many attempts. (Established 1866) The W. W. Club entertained a number whiell is almost enchanting. of sophomore girls at the Western Mary_ Prof!!SSQrTaggart deseribc(l Ilia very (Continued from Page 1) Tho Baby Terrors broke into the win Wholesale and Retail land-Temple football game on Saturday, interesting cxperieuce in Centrll.lAmerica amount of intimacy breeds contempt on. cplumn for the first time Illis season. October HI. After the game tile elub reporling to the newspaper syndicates Some cluy I hope to write plays." An· Their piny wns very de8el.,.ing of the. girls, the gue~ts" nud a number of elub n visit of Colonel Lindbergh's. Pro other interesting letter came from Chsrles break. HARDWARE alumnae had dinuer at the 'l'ally-ho in fossor Taggart told the inllide story of Alexander, that lover of birds and ani Bnltimore. lhis lucky event in his successful jour· mala, who hns written "Splendid Snlll- BEAT ALBRIGHT Phone 318 -------- ••~AMM~~=------~B..~ACh ••~_------~"~~~:~~<~~7.·:~~~"M"""~JOfumM'dnt"h,nf~"roIOIW.'Uhl'"P~~~::~';~~~::~t~~c~F:~:&mg'~~:~r:~~~'~~~:~~~~fr';'~~S'-=~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- ~~.i;~:n:~~iety, after whieh the se~ion ~':::;h:\:~~~;.eo~\~::~ t~~!g~\:~sfi~'a~t J.C.PENNEYCO. Westminster Savings Bank The Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity takes pleasure in announeing the following ly got me and this alone I wanted to in Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty Capital $50,000.00 mea as pledges to the Fraternit~': :MessTS. terpret, talk about. And 1 started Brewbaker, Brown, H. H. Benson, Ed· Phi Alpha \[u entertained II number writing." E\"idently his early writrngs Goods for Students Surplus "Earned" $400,000.00 wards, Gealey, Hunter, J. 0 'Leair, Mur of guests at dinner at College Inn on Fri- werc not so well received, which greatly c.hiSL 31 nnd kick was returned. Capt. STATIONERY 5 Columbus Circlr: Send his collars and shirts to us Havcns intercepted a pass sud weuL out T. D. D. Brown, Representative and he'll sing "Home, Sweet of bounds on Templo 45. Dongllty's New York, N. Y. Home." He will feel sure that mis fumble WIlB recol'ered by Temple. A pa&!! laundry is his bosom friend. Starch gained first down. Another was good for WATCHES ATTENTION STUDENTS Smith & Reifsnider used eroperly - where needed. five. A third wns tried but W. M.line SILVERWARE Neckbands will fit comfortably. Real broke there to nail !osserfor 10·ya.rdloss. For self-supporting students desiring family service at economical rates. Temple punted to Terror 15 and Dougltty faseinuting relllUllerntive work eitller Westminster, Md. returned kiek to Owl 3:;. Temple kept A. H. Fetting Co. or permll.lleut, may I suggest passing desperately rn attempt to Beore. man~' students of bot.h sexes LUMBER, BUILDING SUPPLIES Tuxedo Laundry A short pass folIo-wed by runs by linn· J{ANUFACTURlNG JEWELERS earned acllOlnrsllips and eash sufficient 199 E. Main St. sen and Marcella gained 4-.8 yards nnd au Cbarles St., North to del'ray nIl college expense!! represent- AND COAL put- ball on Terror J5-)"ard mark. ing national mngazine publishers. 1£ SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND Calf for and Deliver Three tries at line gained sU: yards illterested write or wire for details- and on fourth down Wearshing missed a CLASS PL.'\'S CLASS RINGS :lILA. Steehl, Natiollal Organizer, 5 Col- GENERAL MILL WORK placement kick, t·he ball going ""ide. umbus Circle, New York, N. Y. W. M. punted from ita own 20 to mid·
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