Page 15 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE FOOTBALL SOCCE.R jSPORTSj VICTORY ANNEX TERRORS DAZZLE OWLS WITH BRILLIANT DISPLAY I INTERCEPTED I FROSH EXCITING STRUGGLE IN BLUE RIDGE BEATEN TO TAKE PLACE AMONG LEADING COLLEGE TEAMS BY TERROR BOOTERS While the Varsity was rlc~:~:!~rn1~~2~~~(1~~~~~~JC'S ~~~~J~~Y:~ and curried to the Scores: VAnSITY Temple last University in the Presh man team the The Blne Western 11nryJand eleven in downed Sta- the Baltimore bcctcrs Baturrlay Doughty ccpted by dium Ridge College a hard W. M.'s me.n eleven jolted "Dick" Hu-low ta faultlessly planned touchback were stripe. lit this point scoring a W_ )L C_ 23-Tclllple .Ridge] 0. (football) (Soccer) defeated the 011 George the Washington field Fresh- a fought game, winning by a. score of 3-1. uhaneee with C. S-Blne by lntter ts W .. M. 5trut~gy 1'-'1''' ~XCCUUHg it with exacting 15·yard penalty. Temple was penalized 7-Gscorc. The visitors put up stiff opposition and perfection, completely overwhelmed the for offside. Lawrence theu threw a long FRESRMEN the 'I'errcrs had some trouble breaking W. M. C. 7-G~0. WashiJlgton 6 (Foot- Playing wns close during the entire through their defense. lughly-tootec TplIlple Ilniversity at me forward to Bales who crossed goal un ball. gnme, the pigskin see-sawing back and Baltimore Stadium last Saturday before scathed and Ekaitis kicked point from forth in mid-field until Kopp made a. Western Marylarid was the first to '.lle(]UllllYd.~'-idedcrOWdOfsomel0'OOO placement. The quarter ended ia a observers of l ha W. M.-Temple long ]lllSS to .Brown who raa the remain- scoreearlyinthefir-st(]llUrter,thevisi- . people. It as the 'I'ermrs" first show- punting duel, the Terrors being content game Snturdnj- were not aware that ing .Ifi-ynrda to the "\\'ashiugtou's goal toes soon evened the count. Thc Ter- IIlg in the _ numeutal City this season to dofend their mnrglu without again tile day marked Coach "Dick" Har- Brown made ror" then took jhe lead as the half ended and those II' I were fortunate enough to trying offense. wne. ulao tbe extra point when Willis scored on a. well placed low's birthday. The victory wns indeed which decided the' game. be numbered ~.n t-.hat spacious bowl were Second Quarter:- Pass, Wenrahing to a very apprcprtnte birthday prescnt. and penalty kick. Townshend made a fine treated to 01 of the finest exhibitions shot to accre the last 'I'error goal in the Schultz was good for first down on he enjoyed it Inuucnaely as did so many of complex,~ intricately developed Temple's 40. Line attack failed to gain W_ M. followers. "Dick" was very seecud half. football mnuet ers enacted here in some and Hmtsen pUll ted. Doughty returned on receiving that present and ~nid SOCCER TEAM FORCES NAVY BUT The ']'f'rmr lio,," worked smonthly, hut time. The ga: e wus spotted with thrjJ the kick. After 3 plays lIausen Ug:dll fiisforty yearshB felt no LOSES GAME IN EXTRA PERIOD 4-3 nt times were unable to put through the ler$ ill e\'er~ qmrhncut of ]llay with punted to Terrors 20. Klepac. gained older than the score. necessary driye when near the goa\. vicioUii !aeklu:., chnrgillg, running, and fi"e and W. M.drew allotherfifteen-yard The Western Maryland College Soccer bold football {{olies that completely cap- penalty. Doughty pnntcd to midfield. w. iI[ remains untai.nted ill stu Team made a wonderful showing agniust The line up: ti\·atedtheon-.ookers. Weninger substituted fOl'Lall'"renee. Line (lium N.w), yesterdllY, for
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