Page 14 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryla.nd College, Westminster, Md. 1Jnter-(!llll1rgiatl' lifadl'tl1 G01 I Anlltnll t1fl' (!lampU!! I Columbns, Ohio--(TP)-George Sirup A REVIEW OF BOOKS, WrUl!! PLA YS AND LIFE dis- :Heal college spirit was eertsinly The Theatre Gnild opened its engage- plnyed runner ever to be limed at 100 yards in evctj-one an Saturday when practically son, of Ohio State Uulver slty, the only ment tn Balfimoru Last week \,';th It re- on Il!e Hill migrated into Balti- more for the Temple game. It seemed n.4.seconds, is II member of the Ohio turn engagement of that remarkable Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published 'lin Thursday during that some were wont to leave t.he big Stille football aqund this year- negro folk-plaj- by Dorothy and DnBose the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, metropolis, but early dawn and later Heyward, Porgy. The readers of Va- Maryland. Entered as eeeoud-cluea matter at the Westminster Postoffiee. buses fonnd many of the stray sheep reo New York-(lP)-Whut he terms an riety will recall that an appreciation Subscription Price, $2.00 II; Year turning. =nlmoat stnrUing" slowing up in the of the play filled au entire column in rate of inerell~e of college registrntions oueof last year's editions so it is not Ocngrntulntione nre in order to Prufes the. idea of the writer to cxteuaively re MANAGING STAFF scr and 'Mrs. Sehaeffer. Naturally was ucted by Dr. Adam L. Jones, director view the play at present. lian)' on the Columbia Iluiveraity of admissions of girl, but or third time, addition to their family isa EOITOR-iN-CmEF •.. .. William G. Eaton, '30 everyone knows by now that the latest inhiSlllllmal report issued recently. Hill saw Porgy lust, week and several It saw it for the second After studying 21() colleges whidl are UA.t,\,AGING EDITOR. .. Wilmer V. Bell, '30 did you know that they expected to give on the approvcd list of the American is understood tha~ the company will soon ASST. MANAGlNG EDITOR. .... weldon G. Dawson, '30 her the name of hlnrtlm.' University Association, Dr. Jones found disband and Porgy will then be only II. delightful and intimate memory. that the rush to enter college which fol- BUSINESS MANAGER .• . .Paul L. Bates, '31 Letters have been given out for Field lowed the World War is ever . In the world of the thea.ire genuine AOVERTISL"lO MANAGER., . . . . .Joe C. Newcomer, '31 Ball l)y the WOI\l~n's Athletic Depart- "'I'here nrc good reasons forbeliev-· comcdy can nnve its place as well as the The letters were presented after ment. more scrious aspects of the stage lind it CIRCULATION l1'IANAGER. ...... James A. Stach, '30 a written test was given. Eleanor Gar- iug," Dr. Jones said, "that the drop in is natural to accept true eomcdlnns us JOSiahD. Btillwagou.Tr., '32 eelon received her F but as yet she registrations be more than temper- artists. It is only fitting that the Marx In :lr)'. states last year there ASST. CIRCULATION :MANAGERS. ,. Joseph T. Addison, '32~ lwsn't decided whether it stands for were fewer and Ulli\'crsity stu- Brothers be considered in this group. { "rayne W. Moore, '32 Pteldball or is her grade for the test. (It'ntsthan in the previous year, and these They were recently seen and heard at the local Westminster Theatre, and with . . .Alex. OLeair, '3~ However, she is a little dubious . States were scattered SPORTS EDITOR. evcryseetionoftheednutry." the rather poor sound accompaniment H. O. Smith has again been selected there, they sueeceded ill proving hilar- REPOR'l'ORIAL STAFF to serve as President of Iris elasa, this The smaller colleges are suffering the iously entertaining to mall}' though uot .ASSOCIATE EDITORS time the Seniors. He not be u five worst losses, he said. b~lang to the letter mnn but he is a three there that one Virginia C. :Merrill, '30 C. W. I{oockogey, '32 year man. Good going liorryl Bryan, Tex:ls-(IP)-Allcn P. Powell, sees,them 1[. College, wns junior at 'rexas Their latest sInge & COpy EOtTORS This week brings to a close the first killed recently whell A. the airplano in whiell Crackers is coming to YCllielc, ~.l..l\imal the Maryland Catherine E. Read, '30 W. C. Reiu, '31 six·week term. All grndes will be turn he was ridillg crashed nellr Jo~~ ;,,,me at Thentrc in Baltimore the week 0.£ OctO' cd in by Saturilay and then-Well, of Celllre\';lle, Tex;!s. The accident happeu· ber ZS. It ill claimed ot be the most REPORTERS course tJlcre will follow those promises cd Oil Powell's twenty-first birthdn~'. entertaining prodnetion. The story deals Grace .Armstrong, '30 Harry 0, Smith, '30 of more timB in the Library, fewer with the new rith \'luiety (If the sodnI Elizabeth Clough, '30 John L. Watkins, '30 modra, leEISweek-cnds lind 11\(.>r;) hard Snl~m, hlass.-(lP)-The "Salem setou}"ougTshllld !lnd illl'oil'es the .Arvalene Hitchens, '30 Hoy 'r. Edwards, '31 work. Naturally everyone knows how it Trade SehoQI" will ne,'cr lose llllOther stealing of All oil painting to be ull\'eiled Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 is. football gmuc, nor will it cyer win one Isabel Douglas, '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 'rhelma Reid, '31 Staniord I. Hoff, '32 ElnlJorate plans are being made for again. As n matter of fact it never has Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncan C. lUlll'ehison, '32 the Hallowe'en Pnrl)' by the Sophomores. won a game, for there isn't ilny such are ,lIsa invited l\ profes· \Vinifred Bush, '32 Samuel G. 'l'owilselld, Jr., '32 It shonld pro\'(I, an unusually genteel sehool. Bnt here's the low·down: b)' Hnrpo).Jllrx, a mus- Mary Lee Shipley, '32 looking nlhir with e"eryone masked. Six yellrs ngQ Rilehie Ray King, of an orchestra engnged to i!lg to take unto llilllself some of that The llew members of J. G, C. euter furnish the musiefor th(';occaSioll, which Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. tained !lIe Qld membcl'8 of the organ· which is called filthy lucre, organi1.eil a. introduces CI,ieO. Znppo .Marx is, as football team, created the mythical "Sa- izntion at dinuer at College Inn on TueB l~m Trade School" for the team to play usual, Groueho's !lssistaut. da}" October 22. Needless to say, real and procceded to signnp elenm high 'l'he .1ifarxBrothcrs are difficnlt to de· !E-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -L! J. G. C. appetites m:lde themseh'es much g/lllles all O,'cr New England. scribe. Ther are just the ,\br" Bro· incvdienee. "For the salle of dear old Siwash" thers nud are illimitable. The second Guild produe.tiou for Bal- The First This. week brings to a close the first si.."",week term. This is Th~ library will soon h~ve ~o begin ;;~~~\ ,~i,t~~;l\~'~~ ~~;~:'d::!a:~~t)~ ~~:~: timorewilll)e the lJfOI)hetieelramaR. U. R. an abbreviation of ROS5UIll'SUni· Term realized at first with expustulations of the impossibility of hanglll~ out an s'. R. O. S.,g11lf att~n. ball game. If you do you're fire(l.' , .J, na"Illg alre(iCiy oWi o1r"the RilllSLx weeks, bllt lhe old aclage;- ~e~c;e~~!!.R:~~~~~;~~!~~!; !;rr~~ 'o:J~~->~~~ -~~""*hUtH "Time w~its for no man,': is as sound as ever. Fm'ther realization of t.he dnring the la;t two weeks. C e'~':~e~~~:~~~;~ e~~Sr:llti~n:t~~~re~~;~ matter brmgs deep TcflectlOIJ and too often deep regret, for a pOOl' begm- Sp~aking of the library, we wonder the "Salem 'l'raile Sehool." The ning is too oftcn indicative of a similar endi·ug. Naturfllly there al'e some jnst what kind of a place 60me persons School line had holes in it a mile signals, ,yho have no apprehensions what-so-ever for they have done a good j,ob think that it is. For instance, thore is wiele, and if the opposing team couldn't tiOllS. Originally OIlS 11(1W as a startling piece and know H. What fl hanest they reap at a time like this! ~~:ks;:rett;:o~~~v~~~~t~.:!I~;\Se:~do~f~!~~ :::~: ~:~~: t:::~~'.tI~i;l~a~:h~=~~:ln~O~~~ drama appears Some of its chnrllcters ior of prophecy. The Freshmen especially SllOUld seriously consider the results of ways tnrned out to see the games, be the Jlrst. time designated by the their fi1'st six weeks' ,,"ork on the Hill. They have for the most part in:oil~:ni:1S~o::lfcl;::~Si:h~f:~~n~b:l~gl~~~ ~I~~:sl~ knew the home town boys word "robots", the author pre· sented to the rceentdietionnries ill all beeome aequainted with the general College activities, bnt now comes the four quart (ilel'l). This brought gate receipts, nnd Sa· 11lngungcs of tile world, are highly effi. nrst definite expression of their l'cholast.ic effOl'ts--or otherwise. Likc the lem's 'frude &hool reeeh'ed its share eient lllecilaniC31l)eing$ allll(l6t human upper classmcn, those among them who fall short of standard require- Imagine ProfeSMr Sander's embltr- thereof. In the joy of vietory, no high in tht>ir aspect,butsupcrhulllan in thcir rassment when, nfter the excitement of school officinl thought to in\-~stig'lte 1he ments or parental and pel'sonal e..~pectatiolls, will vow to bold their nose watching the Terrofs drfeat Temple last gridders from Salem. powers to do thelalJor of man. the in ~'hey are the forerunners to the grindstone in the future. Bow much easier this would have been Satnrday, he was unable to recaU where Then some oohcol principle wallted to dra.matist's imagination of sueh atart· six weeks ago. It is not impossible, however, but how "ery much more his cnr wns parked. Some of Weslern pIal' the Salem tenm on it's home field, in,'cntions as Mr. Televox, who, Of Now young gnllnnts finally Nurylnnd's :Iud the result was au e."p(l8nre. 9U(';· iuitiati"e it is going to take, how "cry much more "sticktuitiveness." ceeded in locating it for him, and in got· se\'eral Nell' England High sellOols arc is being naed ill many of our ting liim 'lin the right track for home. looking for game/! t,o fiU open dates on industries lolls," In the pl:l.1'they be their 19~9 schedules. come the cellter of a mclndra- "Everyone has been remarking 011 the "csnwlllle, the eleven youths Qll the tIll. beginning as ~lt in- wonderful moon-light uights we have Trade SchQol tenm Il:lI'e pocketed teresting account of their natnrc and The Square It. pays to play tIle game squllt'e! Naturally there comes been bal'ing lately. Some sigh and COli ~nnctiOlls, grnduall.r gains 11l.(4mentn.l'll Game that personal feeling of self-pleasure '\'hen a deed is spenk about the wonderful mOOllSwhich sidersble mone~' on the gridiron. until the stagc quil'ers wiU.l the clasll squarely done, and then there is the other fellow's slap on nrc going to waste. Others merely speak Wnsllington, Pa. (lP)-A fourteen· of their re,'oU ngainst hUlUan society. the shoulder and "Bravo 1" which eOllnts for much more. Over the past of the moon.light lIights. inch Dirigold rup i~ to be nWllrded the their 'rho grimnes.s of thcir attitnde toward lUakers imparts tQ the story tile week-cnd two men from the Hill before le11ving Baltimore lluppened to "Dick" Willis nnd Bnnee e1aiw that best high sehool weekly in the Unitrd t.hrills of 3 weird 1U~'stery play. Yet be whiling away a few hours in a dowlJ-toWJl l'estaurnnt waiting for a the wind was so sl'rollg the other day Stales by the Red and Black, Wushing· dcJjglltful llllman tonches relieve the th.ird. A young man at a neighboring table, after identifying them with it blew stones in thci.r f!lees from the ton and JelTer90u eollege weekly, ill eel- gripping suspense at \'arious PQints aunil'ersary. its twentielh ebration of 'Westel'll Maryland, came over and introc1uet)d himself flS H student of road in front of the Seience Bnilding. Th!.l.contest is QP~_nto >Ill high school and throngh the tender sympathy ShOWltby And Willis and Bunce ure honorsblc Giuria. ihe heroine a.nd UH.' elanghter Georgetown. He said he wished to congratulate 'Western Maryhmd for men! ]JTcpnratQrys(hools in the Ullited Stntes. of tha president of Rossum's fadory. the splendid victory over his Alma Mater the week before. Unexpected :Before the modernistic 8~ttings of It is surprising how many mobs ha"e Philadelphill, Pa. (IP)-A rare In· Lee Simonson .,nd fresh frQm the di· as was this defeat the entire University with one accord agreed that they been meving nrnuuil indil'idually over dian helmet, richl]' can-cd ,"lnd highlJ rection of Houbeu ')r~1l10nlirjn,the fol- had neyer witnessed a better played game or encountered such co-opera~ the (':lmpns I;inte the leetUl'e Monday painted like a shark's head, has just low;ng leading players will appear- tive playing which in the eud meant victory for \Vestel'll ilIaryland. \Vith night. been gi"en the Ullil'ersity of Pennsyl- ~arle LHriore, til(l \'ersatiJe star of the Temple score still ringing in their ears, tills lUlexpectcd remllrk from vania Museum. The helmet 1\'IlS dis· O'Neil's :\Inreo :l!illions; Sylvia }'ield, Mr. Ito of the Seminary displayod sn a stranger added much to an already intense feeling of pride for Western assortment of JapllHese lloveltics in the covered in Tingit Indi/In conntry of Alas· Henry Trn\'ers, Ernest Cuasart, Sydney llelen Tilden, Albert Van Greenstreet, Maryland and for the team which so gloriously represents it. lobby of McDaniel Hall Tuesday after· ka, 1'he helmet was made lit least 300 Dellker, Theresa Guerini, Vincent Sher- ~'earS'ago ont (If a hea\'J walrus hide. i\lr.lto invites the men to visit man, I,ouis Ye(ln, }'rederiek Rolaud, his permanent assortment at the Semi Sanforil :'lIeisner and {lthers. nary at :my time, A trip there often Lexington, Va. (IP)-The skeleton of Spenking of Porgy snd its cO·9.nthors, solve~ the problem of several Xmas gifts. Traveler, thc horse which General Robert Mr. Southwick's The students of Western Uaryland College "'ere ac- E. Lee rode throughout the Civil War, UnBose He~'wl\rd and his sister, DoroillY, them was sclcet- a more rl'l'ent nO"el Reading corded a great priyilegc in being nble to heal' Mr. li IIlIS been snggested that the hat has been plaeed in the chapel of Wash· ed AS 1he best of the month in Southwick's reading of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar racks for the men in the Dining Hall en- ington >lnd Lee University hore. wldeh it was published. The no\'el is trance be lowered Gentlemen, that is Tr:\\'eler, a blue ribbon wilmer nnd on Monday night. 1I[ost of the students on the Hill who heard the read· not a hat raek,it isa ehnndelier. said to be one of the best horses in Vir· ,M.amba's Daughters und if 01le care
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