Page 13 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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COL TERRORS VS. ALBRIGHT FROSH VS. GEORGETOWN READING, PENNA. HOFFA FIELD OCTOBER een SATURDAY, 2.30 P. M. Vol. 7, Nu.4 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 24, 1929 AUTHORS CONTRIBUTE TO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PUBLISHES COLLEGE OALENDAR ANNUAL CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR COLLEGE DELEGATES AT QUARTERLY FIRST BULLETIN CONVENTION BEGINS TODAY NOVEL FILE IN LIBRARY The first issue of the Alumni Qua.rterly THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2±---- The thtrtv-mnth annual eouventton of BALTIMORE CONFERENCE of Western Maryland College Alumni as- Christian Endeavor Convention- the Maryland Ohristian Endeavor Union PHOTOGRAPHS, AUTOGRAPHS AND soeiation wns published recently and sent A.lumni Hall opens tonal' to continue tbrough gunday LOCAL Y ORGANIZATIOlfS SEND LETTERS IN OOLLECTION to fhe members of the Association. The at Western :'Ifnryland College. Most of REPRESENTATIVES TO MEETING bu\J"tin will be published four times a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25- the meetings will be held in Alumni Hall .A. I'aried and interesting eolleetion (}f year and will eontuiu nil news of interst Christian Endeavor Oonvent iou-c- and the. delegatee will be served meals iu Several local students attended the photographs, autographs and personal ret- to the alumni of the college. The staff Alumni Hall the Dining Hall. Abont 400 delegates Fill! Ooufercuce of the Student Christian ters from wen-known modern writers was will be ecmposed of an editorial board, Pep Meeting, Smith Hall, 6.30 P.M. are expected at the convention and pre- Associations of Maryland, Delaware and made during the past summer by Miss assistant editors, field ecrrcepondente and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26- \'ision for their entertainment is being the District of Columbia, held on Octo- Minnie :M. Ward, librarian of Weatem foreign ecrreapondents. The publication Varaity Football, Albright College, made in Westminster homes. ber 18·20 at the new LC"ering Hall of Maryland Oollege. Mie$ Ward is ur office will be at Westminster and tho edt- Reading, Pa. The flrstcsesaion will be tonight, with Johns Hopkins Univeraity. The repre- ranging a file in her office in which the torial office at Baltimore. Freshmnll Poet.ball, Georgetown greeting addresses by Mayor George E. aentutives from Western Maryland were eclleetton will be kept, so that it will be F. Murray Ben!l(lU, '17, is the first Unlv., Hoffa Athletic Field, 2.30 Matthews, representing tho city; the Rev. )risses 'I'helmn Reid, Eliznbetll Clough, couveuient for reference whenever ueeea Editor of the and J. W. Smith, I). M. Dr. Edward Hayes, pastor of the local Elinor Gunby and 'Messrs. Thomas Grove, aary. '96, business manager. The field and Christian Endeavor Oonventton-> Centenary:\1. E. Church, representing Mark Reed, Wesley Day lind E. Hassell. Mlss Wnrd 11llSreceived so far one foreign eorrespondents are distributed in Aluuuu Hall We!!tminster churches, lind the Rev. G. The Fall Conference was of u different hundred and seveuty-ftce replies to the various seetious of the country and world W. Ports, represent ing Carroll eOllnty, nature than fill)' of the previous "Y" two hundred letters whleb she wrote early sud should serve to keep the editorial SUNDAY, OCTOBEH 27- with the reepcuec by the Rev. \V. P. confereuees witil which we arc familiar. in tile sunllner to various authors. Some board well posted on interesting happen- College Sunday School, Baker Riggs, president of the State union. Instead of simply hrlVin.gthe usulll dta- of the authors sent detailed letters about lnga among the alumni. Chapel, 9.00 A. ill. '1'he Rev. Dr. Leollllrd B. Smith, presi· eussion groups to discuss some pertinent thcmseh'es, some sent photographs, some Fe~l't£~ eorre~p()lIdeuts are especially RIker Clmpel Sen'ice, 7.15 P. M dent of the 1I.ffnylllndAnuual Confereuce qnestions of the day, this conferonee was scnt pnmplllch, and some sent merely well distributed, represcJltntil'es being in Christian Endeavor Convent.ion, of the ,,1. P. Church, will be ilie prinCipal organi~ed into three observation groups, information as to where biographical Rio de Ja.lIeiro, Brazil; Tllmpieo, Me:"i· Alumni Hall speakcr at the first session. His $ubjeet ea<;;hgroup visitillg the institutions in the nmt.erial could be obtained. Miss Ward co; 11ilo,Hawaii; Galwny, Ireland; Naka MONDAY, OCTOBER 28- will be "Christ and My Inner Life." city which would ginl it first hall(] knowl was primarily interested in getting the Ku, Japan, and Calcutta, India. Literary Societies, 7.00 P. M. The ReI'. Dr. Daniel A. Poling, presi· edge on its subject. mntllrlul for a talk which shll was plan· The firm issue includes an IIlUlOUnC(!' dent of the Interml!iollal Sodety of "Pl'actices and beliefs of .different reo niug to gil'e before a Book Club. It ment of the Golden Juhilee of Dr. Wil T~!~~;-\~:I~s~~OQ~E:. ~~~ Christian Ellde1H'or and pastor of the ligion~" was the ~ubjeet :for study o:f the later oecurred to her that the infor· liam R. McDaniel, Vice·President and Marble Oolleglate Refornle(] Chureh, New group ill which Mr. GrO"e, )lr. Hassell mation wlli!lil she reeei\'e<.l would be a Treasurer of the Collegc. Definite plaus WEDKESDAY, OCTOBER 3(}----- York, \l'ill address tbe cO!l\'cntion Friday and ],liss Heid enrolled. This gronp made valuable addition to the college library, have been made to fittingly celebrate the Varrflt,r Soccer, Army, \Vest Point el'ening ill Alulllni Hall. Dr. Poling is a visit oa Saturday morning to a. Jewish 80 she is now prcpnring to file it. Tn a Jubile(' at the aanual Alumni BlInquet to V. ill. C. A., 6.45 P.·iI[. i!\te11mtionalj~'known ns a llreacher aud syuagogue where the Jewisb rites and be. short while she expects to have it relHly be held in Baltimore. There is also in Y. W. C. A., 6.45 P. M. his Address is expeeted to nUraet a large liefs were explained by u rabbi. At the for systematic referenee. the issue an editorial in melllory of the audience. The shldenu of the College tillle of the visit the Jews were eelebrat me he ;~~~el{~I::~~e::~tD~~:;er~hO;:;::Y~;\(I~;IV~i "LOVE" IS THEME OF wl:: :JiS: ;,~:!a~~n~e:::~eo;Si!~~:' \\'o~:!e~.os~;:~lk~~sh:~r:;~~lI~onvelltionwill ~!~~:u;~:~~:yo:ec~::j;~~ I:;:~ ;~:it~l~ar~ FOURTH CHAPEL SERMON ~~~~nD~.~e~,~:~;~e\OP~~:dS!~~r~ga~e~:~ th';~ea~~:; issue of the Alumni Quarterly ~~c~iiar:;c~~::~v~~~::in~' I\~:lt:la~nall:l~ ~;I~~~;n~~t~:~.:fa t~~elkb::kt~:es::::~:~ ~~ Uasters, IIelldrik 'ViiiI'm Vnn Loon, pro\'es to be especially interesting both Philadelpllia; l"rauk l"reer, BrDoklya, N. the present dny lack of church IInity. Sat. J~ouis Bromfield, Eleanor Hoyt Brain in appearance and of the Sontheru Conference on Education which 'L'he life of Jesus will enable us to un· el'enuIg, October 31. The Sophomore "TI,e Adjustmellt of the IndidduaJ to world, iuali sorts of ways-from regis· wall held at the Unh'crsity of North Car. derstand love. Noth!ng in Jesus' life is class is planning to make this yeur's His Enl'ironlllent" was the subject stud· tered mail to nir muil. Louis Bromfield, alina, Chapel Hill, N. C., October 10·Z2. cOlllpo$~d,of mere -sentiment. His com· celebration one of the best ever obsen'ed ied by Mr. Wesley Dar, Miss Elizabeth lIuthor of "The Greeu Bay Tree" Bud This was the second of a series of an· ]lanions were rongll, hia friends were un· at Western Maryland and asks all II'ho Clough, and Miss Elinor Gunby. Dr. "Awake---Rehea.rse," sent from France nual conference!! meeting at Chapel Hill. edncated, but by His dealings with them, attend to eo·operate with them in cllrry· Truia, leailcr of the group, is a well ing out lheir plans. The program tbis year dealt particulnrlr photographs of hjlll~lf. One of these with the subject of libraries. The Uni· His re~1 strength, His real power, nnd The members of the faculty are cor· known p9yehiatrist, with a pri\'ate prac· shows him ill his stu.dy with two pet enlB His reallo\'e are illustrated. He fneed d1ally bllt both stndents Dnd tire ",hi"h hus gi\'en llim a renl baek· l~'ing on his desk amid piles of papers. \'ersity of North Carolina dedicated ali· the hlll'dsllips of life ,,-ith HiS friends, professors lire asked to bc Illasked. ground of personal expHienee. Anotiler shows him on skiis iu the Alps. brary on October 19. A number of in· aceepted the world's greatest task, and The aim of the class is to ha\'e everyone The ins~nll deportment of the City Hcndrik Van Loon, who wrQte the lIlneil teresting leefures aud conferences filled although He knew that He woul(j be
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