Page 12 - TheGoldBug1929-30
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I PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (lUa!!!!, «Hub,aUlI @!ortdy iotug!! IFive Years Ago II Four in a Ford ~------------------------~ Februnrj- 5, 1!)24. WEBSTER IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY Thursday moming, October 10, dnwn- funtry, preceded by automatic rillemcn Editcr-in-Dbtef ~\. E. Benson of the ed delli' nnd bright with II decided tung and maciJilie gnns to hold the ad- Every seat WlIB occupied in WebstCl' The Irving "nl were wheeled a battery of gave another of his well played pinno se- )'fr. Sparrow, repreaeutntive of the Staff also plnnned to deliver field artiner.l', mounted upon caterpillar The Aloha Iccti{lns, which put everyone in a good new talent already active in society work, n eopy to the widow of the tate wocdrcw tractors, which plneed II rolling barrage humor. "Charlie" nearly always plays gave a well-rounded /lnd very desartpfive hefore their ndvauee, Also a bnttery {If classical music, and everyone who hears t:llk on the aubjeet : "IIIy First Impres- Wilson nt her residence on "8" street, n.ortare threw oyer gas shells to further it is enabled better to underatand and sions of Western Maryland College." Washington,D. C. guy eonverantiou that W3S discomfort the foe. Il.ppre~i!il(>the compoeitlona (If the grent Mr. Spurr{lW praised the faculty and 'I'he elnss tlf '74. was entertained by the between the two ill nrc wind- Theu:I. bugle blew, aud the glor-ies of ecmpoaers. "Bob" Etzler read two tile student body, but IllOst of aJ1 he Ajumui at their annual banquet held at rumble ~eat alld the two in the ",ar were forgottcll for the pleasurcs {If poems which were well aboseu and well Illnded the sllirjt that makes Western Ole EmGrson Hotel, Bllitimore. lllQreprotreted frontseut. the presented, and which, nlso, were not )'Iaryland the Iil'ing institulion llHit it is. "'VilerI' away''', screamed the wind chosen in vain, ror they qnite hit the Mr. Roger Cissel t'nlightened his ileal' TbeB1Mk an,l White planJled to mnke n~ it whistled J.>y. "To Aberdeen," mark flt whiell til!)), were aimed. George HSUS to the intcrcating World events of a phonogrnph reeord of "Denr Western snng the lI'hirliug wlleds ilS th(·y "le(l~ur MllcGowuu end his orehestro.-hill banjo the past week. The "Current Events" :'.lar1'la1ld." edoutthemiles. oreile8tra, if you please--added another talk isa \"tluablefeatnre{lf every Tr- 'l'IH~ p:!rty naared th'e note of joy to the progrnlll. "Dan" ving program, /IS man,\' <,ollege students 'rhe sigh of relief heaved on Collt'ge CllUrehvilIc, Link made n short, pointed !:Ilk eoneern· are too bnsy to kecp posted 011 theevcuh Hill, Friday at 3.45 P. At. broke three miles from AberdePJl. ing the {llJ}lortunities open to lIew men of great importance that lire lmppcnillg window·panes on Lho ~Otb story of the "Say, Sterl, Jet me Qut here. 1'\'1' got {Ill The Hill who are interested in da- all abont th('lll. GlI~ and Electric building in Bllltimore. to sec ~OJllC relrrtin's. You elill stop by hating; and, also, he gal'll a report of lIr. Moore theu favored tho as;;embly BXilma were oyer! for me when you start bllek." the Pennsylvania Debatiug Conneil whiell with n saxopllOue solo. An {lbitnary WitS fUll in the pll' Thill from Bunce, desperately clinging met in Hnrrisbllrg, Penna., Instweck-end. "Row it FC'('ls to be [l Sophomore" per in respect to the lute President \Vil- to his hilt which wunted to take flight "Johnnie" O'Lcair paid high compli- 11'118 tlle title of a brief ;Lud ulluGllrrlly ~on who i1ied the llrcl-ious week. OIL tile wings of the win(], ment to Wl.'stern Maryland ill compflring interesting talk by Mr. Tuckerman. With "Isshcnblolldct" it with other schools whieh he had at- nmazing frankness thisintl'cpid Ind from A ri~ing young lIlini~tcr of tile SQpllo' tended. Then witbout warning, the the Ellstern Slw' made public his sen 1Il0re«Inn was noticed parAding the Aren thunderbolt fell-for some present-, s1ltionlludcxpcrienecsbofh:tsa]i'resh- Suturday 1II0rnillg. Rumor hns it that his for the president began t{l enll upon in- Ulannnda SophoUlore. room wna roM, To remedy this eonrli- dividuals here and there for impromptus. The prinei!,ul pnrt of the prognllu tiOIl,hebniitafireintheeorridor. Mr. Rulh ga'-e "an entirely unelliled wustilcneonclnded lJy the rellortof the 'rho morie program announoed for the for" speech, as hc very aptly phrnaed it. eritir, llnrdu Sterling. .Mr. Storling at the Operll Honse included "'rile "Ricky" Rickenbnckcr declined to spenk g'wc buth prume alld helpful suggf,lstions w(,'ck II Nlltioll" and a. stock compllny Birth of upon so shert "provcllation," but prom- where due 1!1ul to eneournge brevity in presenting "Way DOII'1l }~IISt." ised to entertain the society at a later pnbliespeechltel'etoldthctrihutelmid date. Mr. Puro told Wlly he bail come to Pre~ident Lincoln by E"crett, ill!! or· to WebstcrHalllhatevening. T{ltop it ator, afl(!r Lincoln's Gettysburg :tddress. all, e\'eryono joined in singing the The coming event of the program wns Coffman's Stationery "Webster Antbem." the reeeption iuto Irying Lite.rary Society At a short bnsiness meeting sevcral of tl mcst prtlmiBing grtlnp cf lIew men, Times Building matters were discussed whieil will lead including Messrs_ Spragne, P)'lc, Truu GREETING CARDS tomakiug Webstc.r a morcbeneficiul and da,:llerruuan,Borehrr(lnd;\furchiscn. hlsting institntion npon College Hill. Next week, Ol'.lober tWEnty-first, Tr It is with the greatest pleasure that Ying is plnnning to lun-e au ".All New EVER.HAR.T Webster annoUlleesthefollowing men as Talent" program to whieh c.\·cryonc is members of the society, Mcssl'll. Pnm, most cordially welcomed. BARBERAND BOBBER Routson, Bramble, Landis, Junkin, Has· sell, Martin, Pyles, Timmons, Herbst and At the Forks BRQWNING LITERARY SOCIETY :B"l§fit!j. In c.ommemoration of the anniversary Y.M. C.A. of Edgar Allan Poe's (lenth, the Brown- ing Literary !;;oeiety put on a program Wednesday, Oet{lber 9, the Y. '11. C_ of tho author's works at its meeting of Somebody, Somewhere, wants your _'\. h<~iIa I'ery interesting disen8sion meet- ~Ionday, October "'liss Mather, the 14. ing, led by thnt mnster {If diseu8sion, presidellt of the sotiety, requested ,'ar .Tohn Biekel. Photograph Aftc.r President Braun called the ion!! members to tell what they knew of meeting to order several Bongs were Poe's life. An interesting diseussiOlc on sung, and Charles F{lrlines played a pill.llo thi" topie was f.ollowed by the reading of The Wilson Studio Amnnda several Miss Bell. poems by selection. },Ji!!!lEnl. Dryden thell played n piano ],fr. Brauu called the associntion's at· s{ll{l. tention to tile interesting nnd worth The program closed with a reading while "]:"" eonfereneeto be heldiu Bal· "Thel-'all of the House of Usher," by timore thi~ coming week end, Oct{lber L. Shipley. 18·~0. 1fr. We~ley Day also spoke a. 'Miss :ll. nl'w members were welcomed }'iftcen few words eone.erning the conferenee. into theliOc.iety at this meeting. D. S. GEHR ],Ir. Riekel, with charaeteristie vigor, -_-- intrO{lueed his subject for discussion: 1fu>s Ruth Hobbs hns b~en appointed :lfaroff. "What doea College mean to me'" On Cllllplain, nnd 1li,s Eva Dryden pinnillt (Established 1866) "Well,wasshehomC": Uils prOI'oentil'e snbjee.t opinions were of n. L. S. Bunco ]lullC\l !tis hnt elo~e down over soon expressed by most of those present, Wholesale and Retail hia eyeS. oll:tblillg the entire group to £orm worth_ PlULOMATHEAN "Nil"'." he muttercd. while as to the ''How lind The PhilolJllI.the!11l l,iternry Soeie.ty HARDWARE "'l'lllit's t~ugh." the 'Why" cf n eoUege edneation. held its regular meetiHg MQllday e,-en· As the fonr mel'TY eollt'gillns Hg1lin iug, October H_ After the opening exer- Phone.318 !leared their CIISUO hnils of Western Y. W. C. A. cises, eonsisting or the sQciety Bongs and }'fArylllnd, Gus ~Ilid, "S:·,y, Bnnee, wo ijflW Captnin Wooley "nrl Doctor Berth- theusuaidOl'otiollll1 sOfl'iee, a sllort Th~ Y. W. C. A. meeting {If Wedues- business session was held. "Vie" olf find Prof. Se1t/l~ll'er." day, October 9, was addrt'sse(j by Prof. Smith Ihen gave 11 most illteresting report "Did llieJ'ask forme'" IIolJolI'ay, of the Scminary. The- topic of of the Inter-collegiate Debatlllg Com-Cll' "'J'hey sure (lid." Bunc~' snnk {lut of Bight under his t'llk wns "What Jesns DOIll!." Be tioll which she attended ai Harrisburg, rumble the ileveloped it nlong three IiUl,'a, stilting Pa. It. is hoped th.~t greater interest ~unt. thnt Jesus- will be displayed t.1lisyear in both Vllr' "Good uiglll," ho squC
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