Page 11 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 11
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ FOOTBALL SOCCER \SPORTS \ ST. THOMAS FAILS TO SPORT ITEMS SPORT ITEMS BATTLING BOOTERS Czecho.Slol"akiu-(lP)-l PrAgue, STOP WINNING TERRORS will Chicago, Ill.-(IP)-Public Oetcbcr interest I INTERCEPTED I Allleri~an college students arc the ub f BRING BACK BACON be divided Saturday, 19, be- tween nine or ten college football games jeers of errtiaism because they place too The fast-stepping Green 'I'errcra made Oflllajorimportanee. BEAT TEMPLE! much apparent importance on football The Westeru Mnrylaud Soccer team, it three wins in a row last Saturday The Big Three, always of unique iin- games, they may point their critics to outclassed the Franklin and Marshall when they journeyed to Scranton, Pa., portallcetofootballfnndOlll,morefrOIll Seores (Varsity); Central Europe, where the winning of boote-s, in a game [llllyed ut Lancaster to overwhelm St. Thomas College by :c tradition than ability cr the teams, will W. nf. C. 12-St. Thomas 6 CFootball) international football contests has be- and defeated them by II score of 4-1. 1~-6 margin. The score, thongh not nll be in action agnlnat worthy foes. W. M. C. i-Franklin & Marshall 1 COllie second In tho importance to the 'L'he 'l'crrors began the game with a even an apl)ro~illlate indieaticn of the Pr-inceton will tackle Cornel! at Lthiea (Boceee) honor of theyurious countries only to eruahing attack and held the ball ill F. enmparut ive atrcng th of the two teams, where the latter will attempt to avenge that of winning nrilit31'y scraps. llnd.'l1. territory the entire first half, docs show how Intense was that uphill the.,3 to 0 defcnt administered byPrinee. Without a doubt one of the cutatand According to the outlook of the SIloriug in the meantime rour goals. battle for vietcry. ton last year. Harvard, beaten ]5 to ing and most important grtdtrcn uttree Caechc-Slovnkinn press, if this nation The J!'. and M. bootera drove Ihrough o by \J.Jc Army lut year, will make a loses its football game- with HUllgA.r~', Followers of the Scrnutonians reo tiona in Eastern footbn.ll circles will thcirl[)tle early in the second half \"uliant1lttemptto reverse the score at the fnture of the nation is lost. ceived 3. big thrill when the Tommies, take place 011 the :Baltimorc Stadium Similar int~re$t in an international and after neither team scored. hl.,ldllg ad"anlage of the Terror's loose Cambridge. Ynle should have DOt so turf this eoming Saturday when Temple tootuatl game was experlenced last year Coaell Beauchamp made quite a few sub- pl3ying iu tile first quarter, unleashed much ui.ffieulty with Brown lit New Ha· Uni\'er~ity and Western Maryland Col· stitut icns in the secontl half and they wn. Last year Yale won 32 to 14. when Austria beat Italy in a game at ~l passing attack thnt caught the Inva- lege clash in their second meeting ilt kept thnbnll well on the offense. In the Big Ten, Michigan looks fair Vicnua, ll!l(l the Italian press was so out· del'S off-balalHle and resulted in an early will to beat Ohio Stllte :It Ann Arbor, even· t.he va~t two years. Tile outcome rnged at the loss, that it al.most seriously The 1'l'I"l"or line showed much improve saore. That, l!Owevor, was exactly the ing things up for la!t yea.r's 19 to 7 de· ~ount enormously in the filial computa- asked for ~ militnry invasion of the oppo· mellto"er former gnmeS!lnd n real brancl stimulus that tile Marylunde:'s noeded feat. NorthwcsteTll, wltich ~at "Min· tion on the suceess ot eithCl" schools ro· nCllt'slenitory. of bull II'lIS pl:!yed. Chandler 01\ the t.orousothcm into a realizatioll that uu· ~pectivc season. ll€$Ot.a 10 to fl lust YC year the lnrgest numerals "Dlek's" regime here, however, has Besi(lcs hi5 regular bASel)!!I) work here, Clark (Capt.) c. Townshend ne",' Pennsylvanians erer beli(wed toh:n'e been worn by 11. been paralleled u~ records l.'how bit for Coombs is il) ch~rge of on the October football DarlingtOIl r.ll. 5, and opened wliich stadium During the sceond quarter and again Big Ten team. To nid epee-tators, the bit by Heinie Millor's tutoring and gui- nlao is engaged in meeting frcshmnll foot· in the Inst two W. M. drives W3re inter- • lIackfield men are wearing nUlUerals on ,lance of football destinies at 'remplo ball OJld baseball stal's. Last ye3.r his Albright REnd '1'n.dor ~ 1'J....!;(!<~~~~;~E'3IeB deep in St. hoth <:he~(- and back. .". _., .... tll ~ WIUl n e. . Ollt l~t"ll ·ourcn'l"';~ tit , .,,,,d f",""'rinfi mo ", ~Ifcbe i",.i· """iiI, of <" '0,,",,11 .".on ,",",,,d tint the ing ()f most eollcgiute gridirons bllekfi!llds today. cavort- It is which his first considered as coach a fine here. uchicyement is J.C.PENNEY CO was dangerous Philudelphia, Pa.-(IP)-The ~~ g~~a~~:~ ( jn&: Il~~::~:'J~,Eil"n: for year Coombs 1.0 the lalJle sloM j·$Kt;lquartcr the when Edward .Mas..~a, left guard on the one that cherry has grown white up iutact from teO-ill looking fotwnrd nnother successful Polo Shirts, Sweaters, Novelty und Freshmlln strong year. 'I'error~ wer.e ro~" ring oppor· East ~'a1!s professional team, was iujured of a couple years ago. The l)ersonnel Goods for Students w)len they were nalized for in a game with Hohn~sburg, and died on includes "Swede" Huns.en, a hard run· Nell" York (IP)-The climi.uatioll of on tllird dOI"n with 04....yard to the way to the hospital. His ncck was tlte right of a defl'nding fo-otball team to ner and punlcr; Capt. Wearslling, pas- go for touchdown. Frank Clary, clever hroken. rUn WiDl :l. bal! fumbled by the off~nse u. W. Miller ~er nonpnreil and shifty broken·tielll 'ren'or bn:H carried, proved to be t.." runner. Gugle, 'l brainy field general, will l,'"rcuUy inerease the thrills of the hcro of lhe g:lnlil ~llld to him mnst go the Wilmington, Del.~(IP)-B e c a. use and JOhllUY Shult;!;, a. powerful line gllmc, ill the belief of Ec!I\'nrd K. Hall, Cleaner and Dyer el'ctlit for insertillg lhe punch i'...~o an pr()8peeth'e players failed to retn.!'n to bucker. They nrc l)roduets of liko ex· thairman of the rules committee. Westminster, Md. nndacid.ed Green a.nd Gold eleven. Sub- the ff.culty cards which nrc to be signed pl'riences anrl hlll'iug pla;"'ed together "E"err team," ltesays, "now can try stituting in tho second quarter, he, witll by the parents, relievjng tlle seh()ol of for such a long l)eriod they co()rdi.uate iUlything behind the line of scrimmage, R. M. REED, Rep. Harry L(llnenee, 1"'lOse work was also responsibility for injuries, therc will bo flllwlessly a~ a Iwit and benr wa.tching t~)'c chances, p~ss, open things wide, outstanding, ran roughahod on off-tRckle nu footbaU teh.l,u at Wilmington High Satarday. wilhQut fearing l(lsS of lhc gume through slicell to head W. M. across the last Sehonl this yellr,'nle~ maUers take an '1'0 eombll.t thut contingent of ball car- one fumble. nUllxpectedturll. "There ~ grout opportunity for el'cry stripe for the deciding acores. riers "Dick" has six equally dangerolls Some purents refus~d to sign, wIllie Gonch to c~ereise his iugenuit-:J· for the W . .'If. recoived t;lw kick-eff alld threats to piek from. He lias Geo. ~(.ome of t.he hoya declined to take the del'elopUl~nt of the Slllllt·test, most spec Doughly immediately puutcd to Robo· Ekailis, a hClldy·signal caller, who spe; uwtter up with their parents. taeuklrfootball gamo cI'cr knOII'1\, and all son who wall tackled Oil llis 30·yard eiaJizcs in bueking np a line, nnd Pete II-jlhilllherules." ~tril'e. An e~ehang(l of punts followed, Berkeley, Cu1if.-(IP)-Plans'\te be· GOlllsak, who lIas bcen doiug his be~t St. 'l'hOlllllS tllking the bnll 011 their own bucking sinee his enrollment nt. this in- Wa$hington, D. C.-(l P)-Whether ing maue to ha"e the Ullh'ersity o( Cal· 35'.l'd. line. and beginning lin offensive ~li1.ution. Wellinger, II speedy rotriever or not the Arlll)' and NI\\'~' ever meet ifOTllin foolbull squad meet PreaiOf'nt mad~ nl'eessury yardage for first downs and Doughty, dangcr6us t,ri]Jle-thre~t eath other ngnill 011 lhe footbnll fieW is H<'Jovl:r pur3CInally l\"llen they go EllSton ou $cvcml small gains. They were tben S'lturdu)" Oct()bcr 19, for a game wilh bnek, wlto lma starred in Pllst games, to \)e left elltirely up to tho schools held by n puss g:Lve tllem first down. the "Gniversit-y of Pellllsylvallill. The are ll\'ailable. Then tltere is Clary, according to an nnnounee· ('horgca on the line were fut.ile but (/l)ldell Bellrs are scheduled to r~allh whose dCYehrinsky 11. 'r. O'Leair en that composes the team. Those Go to the game. Don't miss it. ATTENTION STUDENTS His attempt for point from placement Shotto R. E. Engle cleven men need an ]rably to the BEAT TEMPLE! well-worn purp1.e and white tl) st~m the Sullll'an F. B. GOIDsak cnil,tltattiJeirse!toolshnllnottastede- that mAny students of both sexes have ti,le. The final drive began ()n the 32 SellTe 0)' perioils: feat and that vietory,i.f gained be won SPECIAL earned scholarships and cash sufficient yurd line. Clary and Lawrence Cl!rried 51. Thomas College 6 0 0 0-- 6 without tha slightest violation of the Reading or Desk Lamp' to defruy all college expenses r(lpresent· II the b~ll alternAtely fllr shurt off·tackle Western Maryland 0 0 6 6-12 "ery strietest standel-ds 01. sportsman- Special Price $1.98 ing natiollal magazinll pnblishers. for Firllt as a stuhent followed down gains. ulltil.atlast.WithfourthaUd.goalto first down TOl.lehdowns-$hoHIl, Gomsak, Olary. ship. our Let wnrriorSWif the blldy feeJingtllat. en· J. Stoner Geiman interested Steele, write National or 'wire Organizer, detail1j- also 119 l u the followed marker. --- Ekultis over BensQIl, Kohout, Baker, :ll.-Cllll'Y, Klepac, we belie\'e in in them Rbi ity I we have win. unlimit Give 77 W. Main St. nUlbus Cirete, New Tork, N. Y. 5 Clll· :\1. A. trust an SubstitutiQns-W. George Clary ed faith Wilker. to telling thejr
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