Page 10 - TheGoldBug1929-30
P. 10
PAUI~ TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. lItttl'r-niug of the se~son. C6ntt'sts lln~ :::"{~~::!o::·as brtlllght~::,.IV;~:~:'o S~~. tll(:>biggest and' most exciting gllme of the season. And Bnltimore is so in whieh they hooked t.he poor u:,· scheduled with PCIIU ".nd A!is~ouri. pu!.lliean, ncwspflpcr and Rarl'ar(l close to \Vestminster! Every student should make it his or her duty SllSl)eeting sophf/1l!ores. 'Tis a shame. Oberliu, Ohjo-(lP)~To be liboral is in 11;:l~O;~~~~s~~;;Dep~~~:~le~:~"ltb: :; ~~e at::~l:t ~:I~:C~~:~~(hYand help f01"l11a cheering seet.ion worthy co~;;c~ I~~~:~IIth~~~WI~n;henr::~~er~~I~ ~: ;:~~~::~l:;', ~o,.1~q:~~!~~Corst:~le~J~e;l~,~~ ~;n~:!:~~Si~~ ~~;ll~~~stl:~~r~::e!~~te~;~u::~ ;1~~;i~1e:t·:~il:h:~~~I~:hf;:~;dth{):l I~~.t:;: ~';J~r~~'~o':~~;,d~;. ~n:~:t l~~~~:l~n~~l~ ".0\1\ Quiet on the Western Pront." One couple tired themselves ont !.leforo kins. Undergrndunte college students with a they realized wlJat the gr!Uldstand was TIle Literary Probably onc of the oldest institutions 011 the Hill and for. "To enll a college student not libernl" lite"»ry turn of mind han) au OPllorlunity te ('011test for prizes 1.0tnlillg $l500, of- Societies lll'obably onc of the activities which needs the most Professor Ranck elllims that the Hood said Dr. Wilkins in his Ol)cning talk to fered br Jllliu~ l~osell\\"ald,ChiC:lgo phil- uacl{mg at the present time fl!'e the J_.jiter·ary Societies, fout·b~ll team C3UIIOtcomp"rc with tho thcstudellts here this fall,"is, or should anthropist, for th~ besl CSSllySon "'fhe especially the two organized among the men, Webster Hud Irving. Westorn M~ryl~nd Varsity. be, as insulting to him liS to en]] him l"uture of A'''cri~~1l Jndaism." Judges 'ycllow'." in the ('cutest will he T)r. J_,CeK. l!~rall' l\f'llJY factors cOllt,riuute to this present lack of snpport, bnt not one S.."I"er:d freshmeu girls were n[lticed kel, Eli$h~ ~. }'ricdlllnl! nud Judge J.r. justifies th(.lir comp1cte disorganization. Of course the societies had 011 tha tr~ck Snndny nfternoon. Some· Boston, 1fasa.-(lP)-.Jol1lJ 11. Bird, "ing Lehman, of )1CII'York; 1-'rofe~Sl;!r one bus suggested that this is Silllp1r of I.hi" ~ity, " grndullte of ]-f:lrvaril la"t Nalha" Ts~n~s,of llarwlrd Ulli"crsity thcil' beginnillg at. a lirne when uct.ivilies I\'ere fewer and restrict,iOlls indieat,iyc of the greater interest whicl, June, will k~v(l soon for tho Bay of ~nd JndgeHor~t(:o Stern, of llhiladclphia. were grcater but the real and illyuluable purpose of such societies is the (,o·cds :Ire tllking in Miss P3rker'a Wales to join recruits for t.heByrd Ant- The "_of_(he--l11onth" ('lub i(lca for "I.oigger Ilnd bettor" w()men's arctic expc(litioll. He \\"ill Ilssist with will sprend. No\\" we h/l\'c the l'icture a as pmminent today as it was fifty years ago. at '\Vestern Maryl!llld. ~lolll_hClull, by su!.lscribing to which you zoologiMI work ~t the expedition. 'roelay the two societies are supported by a few interested memo will rcecil'e eneh monlh copics of such "Flop" ITmu])hrcys was renlly shock· bers and often :interest. lags among them. The pmgrfll11S .'Il"l·!lllged to "d the night the freshuwn rules cnme Prinoetun, N. J.-(IP)-For a yonng p.ictnres 3.'! .\lo11l1Lisa and .\frs. Pilz, herbert. Of ~ourse II prmninclIt aut,olllo date have been worthwhile and the attendances have been good. It is off. 1.1seemed that sho had to test the lUlm plu.nning to entu !.lusincss M n bile 1l!;l11ufa(·turerIi(ls bronght Ollt the electric COllflectiollbetween each in~li\'id· o~reer, a college educ~tion is ~ fOllr Jc~r the job of the loyal members to keep this up and see that the different 1l~1init,intion on the impruviscd eleotrlc handic~p, according to Floyd L. CSlrlisle, Car of the ),Jonth. SIl(;h l!.lings alw!lj"s are carried to extrcmes. memberships are increased. 'rhe adll1in.istl·u.tion ill appointillg Facu1ty ehai,·. prominent !.lusiness nmn 3nd ltinlSelf a if yOll will college gr~iluate. l,eell it in mind Illat the writer has no ad"lsers to the two societies have greatly aide\d their cause, bnt. the {(oockagey snd Etzler lire runners np int~rcst whiltel'vr in Book of the 1I[onU, vahle of a literary society depends upon active member participation for tho reeord set by NorrIs and Broll III 3n iIlterl"iCII"in the Dail.r Prince· elu!.ls, he will underlake to suggest that for coming into the Diniug Hall late. tOllinn, Carlisle, who is hend of the F. I... the idell is not so !.lad us most college. and this, in turD, d'epends upon two things: first, worthwhile progrlllUS I\luyl)e it is tIle dl6tance which has to Carlisle $:. C., 1M., New York Bankers, profcssor$ would hn"e ll~ beliel'e. 1u prepared in due time and second, the willingness of each member to be traversed or Il,aybo it ill the new ~~id: "}'rom my experienco the ~I'cragc fad. it is the profcssor who ties whioh they wish to display. ooHl'ge !)](]n enters business 1~le. Tho ~hou'ld be happy SOHlct!ungis creat· do his share wilen put 011the progl"alll. It would seem that when a man ing Ullinterest among the public iu uooks 1110stformative- period of Ids life, from joined either societ~' he wouJiLdo so with the object of becoming an ac- Congratnlations to tlle new of 18 to ~3 0)"23, is speut in a place where s(/11lcwlwt.'I!.leHJthe lel'el of The Sellr tive member. Therefore tile primary requisite of a successful society Ille Junior Class! It seellls that the he llcljnircs lazy ha!.lits of thinking. A let Wom~n nud sllc.h. .._~is probable, members of the wass have implicit Illli\·ersil.y cannot produce in men the !towe"cr, lhat the mo~t effeClive book of lies in the program. TIle oJri<3ers are responsible for this ,mel the.y fajlh in the officers which they eleoted drive that business gi"es them. They are the month dub is thHt reeently organized should see that early each week a program is posted in \\-ard Hall in· in their freshman year, as several arc not reqnirt>d to work rapidly ~n(l occur· by oHe]lllblishcr, who underlakes tOllUt ont one of his own books cadI mout-h at cluding numhers which the individual members might be expected' to slill holding office. And why noU atelr and life is easy anilsoftfor them. The bat'koone of bnsiness today is the fulfill and whieh ,,,ill prove interesting to the remainjng members as Aud last but nJ.t lenst,! "'"hen the ra]lid a!.lsorplion of detail~ and there is telllll leaves Satur<~.ay morning let tIle nothing in {'olleg~ that truins Ii. man to an audience. Carry out this plan and see if it doesn't maintain and wholo student bOdt' be present to form this ability." greatly improve the present commendable morale of both Webstel' aml 11cheering section see them off. Don·t Carlisle was gn!d\l~ted from Corncll in Irving. forget! 1903. literur,l' content is ooncerned.
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