Page 87 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 87
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE I·SPORTSi Baseball Lacrosse Tennis iSPORTSi NAVY TOSSERS SCUTTLED TERROR TENNIS TEAM TAKES EKAITIS MITTMEN ELECTED DURING TO NEXT STICKMEN INVADE EASTON CAPTAIN BY TERROR ONSLAUGHT EVEN BREAK ON TRIP SOUTH I BOX SCORE I SEASON AND DEFEAT LAFAYETTE The va raity tennis team broke even on a four-day tennis trip in Virginia, de The wnrui rays of a beaming sun gen LACROSSE Western Mnrylnnd ta st.Ickmcu !II feating Bridgewater College and losing crated the necessary energy in Joe W. xr. C.., 5; Baltimore U., 3. vadcd to Roanoke College at Salem. The match Keen's pitching arm to prime it iuto W. M. C., 4; Lafayette, 1. at V. P. 1. was cut short because of mid-seasou summer rorm and his tossing Tnin. BASEBALL sohtnrily resulted in W. :!II. W. M. C., 2; Lebanon Valley, 7. oyer the W. M. C., 8; NnIY, 1. at the \Y. M. C., 1; Albright, 3. W. M. C., 2; Georgetown, HI. TENNIS W.!lL C" 4; Bridgewater, 2. W.!lL C" 0; Roanoke, 6. Coach Marden is complimentary to Marden's ability to pass on lacrosse knowledge he absorbed during his career at the University of ).[aryland when College Park r(ligned W,-.isbcck with threr smacks L Shri\'cr, Western Md., defeated supreme in the lacrosse world, He was Ihe gllmc's hea\'iest stick ).!ay, Bridgewater «H) (6-4.) graduated from that institution in 1925. W.lI1. sent!! ruu across in the start _. ing illl,illg. Long hit stole sec- 'I'he lacrosaers lmv a ignored the horo- olld lind nmbled home with fl rst rUn "8" on scopic which presaged as the wcs. Oil l';:,'ene's drive into right field. With nell' life and began attacking 3. Flory, Bridgewater, defeated Wil· 1929's number. They stopped nt 1\\'0 down in the third, Engle find Keen tern Jltal'yt:u](l goal witll vigor, but t.he lnrd, Western Md. (6·1) (6-1.) five twice will continue doing so as drew suecceslvc walks nnd beth advanced Terror defense scltled down nnd kept 4. Long, Brtdgewntct, defent ed Seitz, long as that number wins ball games. on a passed ball. Lawrence's timely their gout inviolate the rest of tho game Western Md, (6·3) (62,) then scored both basc-rnllners. To add confusion to the season of the jn the tifth,:,ftcr rolled 10 DOUBLES year: Gomsak scored on a beautiful off infield, hocn Lawrence 1, Shri\'er-Woodward, Western Md., tnckle piny in the Baltimore U. lacrosse struck ant. \\' uisbeek ts was fol defeated Plor y-Crawn, Br-idgewater game. lIlan, lowed uy ono of! Clnrk's and both (6-3) (6-0.) THe 't'cI'I'or offense showed marked im J>:el'n :ma Weisbeeks(:orcdtolllOlmt the Western de Keen's attempted stenl of home in the pI'On'llll'"t O\'Cl' its in the scor-e to Ji\·e. With Clnrk Bridgewater Lebanon was completely The is fast round- sreun(l A. Smith was robbed of n (7-5,) the }J1~y was lor its big with ded 3·haaer when Lnwrcnce m.rden benu 'Phe match at Y, P. I. was stopped \Ve~tlllinster Oll 10. tiful spear of his slultp lin~r. Another run W!lS added il1 the sCI·rntl·. In the f rmue with one ,"w:'y Cla"k !lud Y. W, C, A. TO GIVE TROPHY TO hit BEST INTERCLASS TENNIS Ottos Broil hn s been absent from the defense and his good toss tied the score lncrcsse lineup since the :lilt. Washington at 2. The teams had hardly lined up to gnmc because of an of a N:I\'y's lone rnll ernnc in the second hip hruise sustained the basket frame. Ashworth popped a 'rcxas.ten. hvll season. Physi"lnns ordered a gucr, ndvanced fo second on an infield complete rest. short confab agreed on a tell mill utcs out and was batted in Br1.ndley's overtime period. after the face- one base clout to right W. M.'s baseball truimph over Navy off Browne the Red star first attack "Y. :'\]'s. ('n\Ir(l combination cavorted was surprising but not at all incredible, man of nation wide recognition scored with n and clock-work thnt The team played a bang-up gnme. a timely goal, who to this would to bet on \wlmonds. point was finding a for his prow· lvccnts support never the two clnss eea in Van Bnren's sterling defense play errors recordcd were not Be BALTIMORE U. SUCCUMBS from the first defcnse position, slipped sides Keen, Clark and Weisbeck, Long forWestcrn:Marylnnd. by Bob, cut for the crease and after find Engle shared individual honos. SINGLES TO FIERCE TERROR ATTACK gOIng into the air for a pass frOm be· Box score: Shriver, hind the goal he threw a brilliant back· W. ?If. AB. R. H. E. Western hlarylnnd's lacrosse team ward goal to eonnt his score of the ]f. 0 ° defeated "Voodward, broke into the winning eolullln on Sat- day. With its back to wall the 'V. 6 0 (8-6,) J,ong, 6 1 2 0 urday, April 20 b;l-' defeating her new Md. once morel assumed an offensive Engle, ss. 1 2 1 defeated Seitz, West est nthletic rival, the University of Bal· drive tlmt cnlminated in a geod throw EVERHAR.T Keen, p. , 0 iimore, 5·3, at the Bnltimore Stadium. frOm "Mose" Machamer's well-execut· If. o 2 0 defeateJ Willard, The game wns pncked with excitement cd stick. Thc count became locked BARBER and BOBBER 5 3 3 (6·3) nnd required two extra periods to de· againat3asthefirstextrasessionend· Clark, 1 3 0 DOUBLES cide thc winner. The regular playing ,d, At I],he Forks Smith, 11. 0., Zb. 4 0 1 1 Ronnoke, defeated time ended with the score knot.ted at Another ten minntes was called in Sn,ith, A. J., rf. 4 0 1 0 Sh,i,,,·W,,,dw",,I. Western :\Id. (6.3) 2. which the Terrors superior attack and Totals 43816 stronger condition forced the attack to W. Hd. forC(ld the bat- Babylon & Lippy Company Fnding the NAVY AB. H. H. E. Rodm~n-Al1en, Ronnoke, de fen ted tle nt the whistle after some six or the slowing opposition. considerably "Pete" defensc Gom· up O'Toole, ~b. 4 0 1 0 Seitz·Willard, "'estern lIld. (6-4) (6·~.) ~even minutes had faded McCleli. scored sak dashed by to sink llis second goal lj'LORSIIBIM SIJOES Miller, lb. 3 0 0 0 hut t.h(l goal was not allowed because of the dny, "Shorty" Long followe(l Byng, If. 3 0 0 the crease neutral zone Imd been tres· snit soon afterwards when he cut eut in STE'l'SON IlATS Gentner, d. , 0 1 jng stanza. Clemnen banged one passed. About four minutes later B, U, Lawrenee,3b. , 0 0 down the line and advanced as Engle scored legally the first goal of the front of the crcasellnd shot accurately. ,f. o tllrew out Paul at first. Crittendon was game when the cased by 'Vilis, B. U. \Vns held scoreless and the final .., 1 1 then safe on an errof. Kailets timely the Terror after a mix·up in result stands at 5-3. Gubbins, c. 4 0 0 1 blow Bent Clenlllen in. front of the crease, l"ollowing anum· International made-to-measure p, 4 0 lOW. M. tied the eount in their side of ber of futile shots the Green and Gold Suits 33 1 6 2 the fourth inning. Kocn singled be· attack worked into an offensive posi· Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr tween first and second. Baker flied ont tion. Then Lawrence tied the scere on to Sprague in left. Engle reached first a beautiful underhand shet frOIll the The Newest a)l(l Best Clothing and ALBRIGHT VICTOR IN CLOSELY when his grounder was muffed and Keen side after taking a ncat pass from D. S. GEHR F'urlJishillgs CONTESTED PITCHING DUEL scrambled to second, Clark connected "Shorty" Long. 'rhe teams faced-off at and scored Keen .. \Vith second and Ilnd bllttlcd on (Establjsllt:~d 1866) The baseball gaule pla:'ed at Myers· third left occupied with decisive runs terms for the rest of period. Goods ror young men Pa .. between W. M. C. lind AI- Strickler bore down to fan H. O. The secend lmlf started somewhat Wholesale and Retail w~s featnred by Ii. pitching duel Smith and to make an easy ont of Wil· slower but accelerated ~B the time 10 per' cellt off to college students Lnll,b of W, M. and Strickler. ley on a ground ball to third, waned. B. again assumed the lead. HARDWARE Alhright '1'011 3-1 after nine hectic in· About twelve had elapsed in With the score even Steven, Albright nings of play. took ndvantage of two muffs in both which th(l manouevers of hoth twelves On Your Way Back to PJlOnc 318 There wns very little to the sixth and seventh periods whieh were futile. Then a furious scrimmage Westminster, P.ld. coupled with a walk and a hit pro· near thc 'V. Md, crease left an opening The Hill Stop in for duecdone run in each session, \Y, M.'s which the losers were quick to spot. A 111lsses. Lamb hit a bnt8mnn, sticks failed to meet the slanh of gonl re5u1ted and fora time appeared t.o :1'1(\ his strikeout score of eight. Strickler in the later stages and they be the deciding shot, Followers of both CIGARETS, three less thnn that of his opponent. never threatened seriously to overcome clubs undoubtedly visualized a B. U. this narrow difference, itwas the deciding 2·rull margin. victory, SANDWICHES, Oll(l to chnrge "gaiust t1,~. Ter· Gomsak, who waa showing good form In all there werc fifteen men left on Since neither pitcher was bases, :Maryland leaving six and Al- nil afternoon, proved to be the man of SODA getting much OffellSi\'e frOlll bright nine, the hour. Pete arrived in time to the batsmen ihe hreal
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