Page 88 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 88
PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. STUDENT VOLUNTEER SOCIETY HAS "PlCNIC" IN McDANIEL mluan.minh.null~nrtrty intugn HALL PARLOR of thc Student wna held in Me The New York Public 1,ibrnI)' hns re '1'he sudden death on April 5 of the Y. M. C. A. WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY Reverend D. questedund received from the Waldorf Franklin Thomas Asloria the gr('ut albums, newspaper size, D., editor of Tile Metliodist 'rhe feature at Webster's which Rrc filled with clippings of etc- since came as a shock to his many April ~~ W:lS the pinning of ties printed in recent years by New York business personal friends. Dr. Ben, ill the t ropnv box by Messrs. newspapers of interesting doings ill the son died from heart trouble, !J. diseuse and Newcomer, winners of last tcr ts fellowship while we get our edu world-famous hotel at Fifth Avenue and that had been thren.tening him for sever annun l oratorical contest betweon eution." 'L'hirty-fourtn street. Those albums to alyellre. sceicties. A number of games oonstitnted th~ with four huge drawers stuffed Dr. Henson was graduated from West of the program, and those clippings from newspapers ontside ern Maryland College in 1884, during the were hvcly and socinble. At of New York City, represent the work vlce presidency of his father. After re of Allmrt Stevens Crockett, news edltor ceiving the degree of Baenelcr of Di and head of the News Bureau of the vlnity from the Westminster Theologioal Waldorf-Aetor!a. lIfr. Crockett isa grad Seminary he was reeelved into the itiner natc cf Western Maryland College in aney of the hlarylnnd Conference, and the class of 1891. lie wne a Ltternry continued to serve in that until Society orator and a very prominent stu- elected editor in 1916 of oldest dent while on the "Hill." church paper in America, The Methodist One of the reasons that the New York Protestant. Public Library is making a permanent Dr. Benson was one of thc foremost collection of all of these clippings about editors in this country. He II'flS a hotelnnd the people who have stopped read unu a charming and inatrue tberu is that they are to be considered After Professor Rnnckts til'e writer. The Gold Bug wishes to Hickel lead a general discussion. (IS bonn fide. There is no fake about extend its sincerest sympathy to the the subjects brought up was the qurs thrill. Mr. Crockett from the outset of family. his publicity work for the Waldorf dll tion of miracles. The general conclusion cidcd 10 piny square with the wns thut one's belief or disbelief in the pore. He refused to send out The of ~liss Elizabeth dreams." Norman, to Dr. Eugene Vefls~y has Among the thousands of stories he sent been nnnonnceil. 'I'he will out from his news bureau were tales of take place in Baltimore June After the wedding Dr. and ;\lrs. Veasey will reside in Wilmington, Del., where Dr. Veasey is practicing dental surgery. Mrs. Charles E. HolTmnn of Balti- In a brief business meeting it wne de· 1II0re wishes to announce the birth of n cided to award mcdnla to all the fnture sou, Charles E. Jr. xres. HolTman was Webster orators, including last year's, Miss l{ita C. Hoff, 'Z2, of Messrs. Eaton und Newcomer. l"reslllnan class. Uncle Stanford is in the 'rhemeetillgof with ahuIHol'ouS l\fr :Mr. Rotehenbncker with a worth- "Dad" SM ELSER while talk about the life of the moun- ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, COLD DRINKS OPCIl evet·y ltigltt llltlil ]1 ;30 p. m. Y. W.C.A. Have Your Shoes Repaired at the Urs. a stud('nt at the Sem College Shop ill1lrY, the Y. 'V. C. A. Wed llesday, April U, Oil the "Art of Being Chas. KrDOp 11 ,Voman." She gave of fa· Westminster News Company Z5 E. 11nin St. mous Im,ders among women of the W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. past aud of the present, saying tlmt it i~ A r1. ORNDORFF, Owner indeed a real art for a woman to bo WE HANDLE THE courageous ellough to step ont of the BALTIMORE SUN Conaway Motor Co. beMell and becomo n leader. meeting. on the program wore :I E,'ery shonld remember that ns solo c:lllcd "Out Where the West Be noble women before her havo braved rid· SCIENCE CLUB King's Pharmacy O"ily Conches to aHd from Gettysburg, icnle by entering nnknown fields and Bn"llit,suurg, Tllneytowll, Weatminster '['lll!: [l:I<; S'l'ORE intilelll beaten batils for other aHd Ballimore. 'I'he 8r·icnce Club of 'Vestern Maryland women follow, so she can also if she 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. held its Tegular has tho courage and faith in llCrself. S"itc(1l1lcs in Coll~ge Halls, P08l leclure room The world is lookillg to the woman to set Ortiee nlld Omee. As Dr. S. L. Bare it'astandnrds. wHsunableto delil'er the talk, Phone 267 or 173 "They talk about a woman's sphere sC1!med Prof. Benrd, of the T. W. Mather & Sons As though it hnd a limit. Depnrtment who ga,'e an ex w. W. CLUB There's not a place in earth or heaven, on Bakelite. 'rhe W. Club hiked to Mnple Inn 'fhere's not a task to mankind gi,'en, April Westminster's Leading Store Somebody, SO)llewl,ere, Wants Your There's not a blessillg or a woe, 'l'here's not a whispered yes or no, tlle various Balkclnnd There's not a life or birth Photograph 'l'here'snotafeather'sweightofwor'th- todiseovcr the ma OVel' as Ycnl's of SC]llnt'c Dcaling Without a womall in it." it hy adding ear PI ALPHA ALPHA bolie ncid the presen-alive, fornH,l Bakelitehns two forms, oue of The Wilson Studio IRVING Pi Alphn t:lkPs pleasure ill an· is soluble nnd fusible, the other nouueing )Ir. G. En tOil as n brother which is insoluble but plastic so thnt it Westminster Savings Bank A number of interesting and informa of the fmternity. th'e talks nwde up the program at Ir· elm be molded. This is still in $50,000.00 I'ing Literary Society Monday night. BIRD MAN ENTERTAINS LARGE Cupital Mr. Hernick effectively broke the ice AUDIENCE IN ALUMNI HALL Surplus "Earned" 350,000.00 with a reyiew of all the important news Distinctive Printing it is (Oontillued from Page Ono) F. 'rHOS. BABYLON, President. of the past w~ck. trinl isa nl:lterinlof a thou Mr. Tuckepnan rlisconrsed on the '1'he inimitnble olwraeterir.ations of MIL'rON P. MYERS, Vioe Pres. snnnuses. It is used from dialsoll'ra· the ,'arious song birds in their own lan- to insulators OIl new Ford timers JACOn II. HANDLEY, Treasurer. PERSONAL STATIONERY gunge wero appluuued enthusiastically fountain pen~ to airplane pro Savings Scndee ANNOUNCEMENTS by IIis audience. Security pellors. NAME CARDS Cl'eryone he met on :Mr. The boys PROGRAMS MENUS pandedchests, SILVERWARE WATCHES NOTES the princpial reasons. he was born near Mr. Snyder gaI'C the society a new in nHl(le !tta~' 6, and will be an ho now lives at By aightinto the ad"antages of the indus A. H. Fetting Company "WESTERN MARYLAND" trious city of IIagerstown. Hc mention During the summer months, Mr. and PRINTERS I'd the Moller Organ and nlso DELTA PI ALPHA :llrs. IIutehins are the Nature MANUF ACTUlUNG JEWELERS the automobile and airplane 10 Guides in the Rocky Mountain 314 CI13rle9 St., North eat.ed there. Hagerstown also hasa high Mr. J. Pn.ul Lnmberlson of Westmin· Park und are stntioned at Grnnd Lake Times Printing Co. school with twell'e hnndred enrollment wns the Grand Lake, Colornuo. 'I'hcir Baltimore, Marylalld and the most llP-to-dnte facilities for His sub programs aHd hikes are freo to Westminster, Md. gil'illg lts youtn a first class preparntion tourists ill the National Park during CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS for life. July and Augnst. An Impromptu by Mr. Keller con cluded the program. Fresh Fmit Strawberry Sundae Smith & Reifsnider The new members of J. G. C. enter the wrong tained the old members of the organiz 'lllelYillpolI'er iudi Westminstcr, Md. Topped With Whipped Cream -- 15 Cents ntion llt supper in the Y. W. C. A. room his progress towurd on Tuesday el'ening, April 23. The fu the right goal physienlly, Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal. ture presirlent, Esther Hollins, made the spiritnUlly. Certain hindrances as speech of welcome, to which Edith Kin· exeessi,'e plensure, day·dreaming, nnn SasIl, Doors, Blinds and General Mill GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE kead, who has been president this COHl'cr.';ation arc eneOllntcred. responded. All formality was Work SODA CANDY TOBACCO with and a general good time wa" derof the e,-ening. Roofing Materials
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