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\ PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. \ \ SCHOLARSHll'S CARROLL IN DOGWOOD TIME of scholarships (!1bUlU, (!1iuh, au~~orirty lotugn Imaynel'ersealetheAlpine the yodeling Heights, below, A limited number the Carnegie Endowm h ' Nor to for list I may never read by the Northern Lights for Peace, for Ameri, In the white land of perpetual snow, men lind women for study in the In I may never measure the pyramids, .Rcv. Thomas O. tute of Art and Archaeology of the U Y. W. C. A. WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY Nor flirt "itl! the Sphinx beside the lin Denton, Md., veraity of Paris during the 1929 S' ufter an illness of tjree weeks. Dr. mer Session. Elich se1lOlarship will ea Mr. Oliver Peterson, better known as Webster Literary Society held its Nor play my ancestors played as a stipend of which will cover tr regular mceting on May 13, 1929, under ~:~~I~~:r:'U:f O~ll~eo~~~;l~~t ~:il~;~~e~:~\:~ "Pctcv Pctcrson, secretary of the Y.M. kids, eling,living tuition expenses for Pr eaidont Warren. After an opening the :Methodist Protest art; church, having C. A. at Gettysburg College, addressed On the sod of the dear auld Emerald seven weeks of the Summer Session. a joint meeting of thc Y . .M. C. A. and prayer. by Mr. Amoss, Mr. Grove pre- Islc. ~~ra~~~l1gtO]l seve j ~n co~:tl:!:lO:e~ 'l'he eoursca at the Institute arc Y. W. C. A. on Wednesday, ]\fay 8. Mr. sented a few current events. Then Joe I mny never kiss the Blarney stone prinwrily to meet the needs Newcomer told the society of the Ap· Maryland. He was atc1uber of the following persons: Peterson's topic was "Scientific Meth- Nor a sweet colleen 011 market day- ple Blossom fete and the people at the a) University and college students v ods as Applied to Religion." When Nor show the SinnFuints around Athlone B""'dOfT,"","""f"'~'m \Vincl.ester carnival recently. Branche College nud a graduatc,: the class \\"ho cspcct to specialize in art \\ the seientist Steinmetz was asked How to kick the euemy up Ulster way. oftheinslitution. of research would show tho Phillips succeeded in l!olding tho ct- 1 may never breathe the air of Ktlamey a view to becoming tcachers of : greatest. development in the next fifty tention of everyone whilc relating thc or Kildare curators ofrnulWuIlls, nrehitecte, age-old "Legend of Minnetonka". Im- workers and writers; yeurshereplied. Nor to the top of the Giant Causeway Thc Reverend and Mrs b'rnnklin Bry eurntors promptu tulks followed. Mr. Funk b) Teachers of art nnd "Hcascarcb spirituullines.IIere climb, like the opp is the force had the greatest spoke 01\ "Why I Joined tllo But I'll still aay : "Begorra I've seen ::~ ~~lcl1~~f::~~~n~~llta\:~re1 h~rnd~l~~\~tUel~: museums of who tnking would advanced instru tunity influence over men's lives and, up to l\.fr. Warner humorously told of Illy share-- Eatherine '~8, to Mr. G~''J 8to",,"" acquiring new points of vicw the present, has had the least sclentiflc of womcn generals nnd :!IIr.l"lnter llere in Carroll in the Dogwood time. '~13, of 'west minster, Marflnnd. . studying diree!.ly the art treas- gave impression of women as box· development," ures of Paris und France; era. Mr. Metcalf was unusually sue- 1 may not go aeroplaning over Polar we have, within ourselves, nil thema Dr. Brooks P. Stephens, sou of Dr. H. e) Students or teachers of Fr married life to tho snow, torials and to take ad Y:l1ltage of J. II. l'hillips, I may never see the sun at mid·night ~;m~~:f~~e~~is O!'c~:~\.~ip ~~ul~:I:~~l~nt\~~ ~earch but we allow ourselves to bo in n. message which came from tho shine, Brothers Roel\esler, )[inne- Candidntes for the told of lhe imporlance of :Moth- Imay lle\'er I.ame tIle wild mar. of Bor· frightene(l by the wrong id01S prevll.- where he II"ns assi~t~lt surgeon nco, lent about tllings pertaining to spiritual er's iu Dcparlment of Sur life. \\"e fail to get help from In a short business meeting the so' Nor teil the time by the on the and lms located f Rhine, becausc' we lllukc it so hard. Iu eiety decided to give medals to nil ora. 1 nllly never UMnure a corltl slrand where we filld religious leaders who are tors who l'al"lieipate in tho aTlnual with the dames of gay prdics" be his specialty. forbidding, impractical. We fear lone- contest. 'Vebster is glnd to annOllllce liness and if wc try to tllat ~[r, Holton has been accopt.ed as Nor stl'oll, 'mong the heather of auld dread giving a mt"HlI)er of the society. Scotland, up somc things wo find With Bobby Burns so brilliantly. }'innlly, we lack a HOME ECONOMICS CLUB 1 may nCI'rr spend a day where Ann had The Lion of God. her W:ly . If we wish to borrow lahoratory At the meeting of the HonlC r';conomi('s And married Shakespeare of the pretty methods to solve theso prohlcms, thero ClulJ held on TlIesdny. "lIlay 7, the follow. rhymo, arc threc tseps we take. ing oflkers were clecled for next ye:n' But I'll still say: "By jing!" I'vo h.'J.d Westminster News Company 1. If we arc unable to ac· President Ruth Sartorius myfliug, a l)ersonal God, satisficd with 1'\"e seen Carroll ill the Dogwood A. H. OB.NlJORPl", Owner Vico j'residcnt Bessie Cain for a time. $eeretnr:l Celeste Benson time. WE HANDLE THE 2. '1.'ry to conceive of ourselves as TreaSUI'er Doroth.r Wheeler BALTIMORE SUN definite parts of the Divine Plan and do Chainn:lll of Senior Program Committee 1 may nnt play 'round, thatshincso late, noLhillg contrary to ita functioning. Eleanor Gunby Nor swim t1,o Catalina safe and vcry sound, 3. Try to solve our by: Chail"Jnan of Junior Program Committee Nor e,'en unlatrh tho Golden Gate. tack of illness. Somebody, Somewhere, Wants You a. 'l'hinking thelll. Viva Reed I may not sail a Pacific ship, b. Getting advice from people who Chairman of Sophomore Program Com Nor cllli "Alolla" to HawaiiaH maids, have solved theso same prob- Mary Hering Conaway Motor Co. PllOtograph "1. Illay nel'er +ak~ that Cuban trip, lems. Nor send til.\" post eards from thc c. l~eading the Bible. EI'ergl11-des, Duily Coaches to and frolll GeUysburg, When we Imve solved our problcllls we Nor weep by fhe 1.0mb or Buffalo Bill The Wilson Studio Emmitsburg, TalleytoWJ1, Westmi~ster won't fiud it hard to live in ihe right :Kor leap across the Canyon grand and and Baltimore. We cau make our spiritual life as sublime, and tbrilling as (IllY other Dut YOll "") """""1I";ldl I die, "Il~ was a Schodules postcd ill Collego R~nQ, Pu~t There will be nO thought. of tU"ky guy- Offiee aud Dean's Office. OIH only diffieulty is that He saw ('arroll in the Dogwood time. See us at our wo waste so much timo hnnting for a -KATHERINE DOYLE, '29. Phone 267 or 173 magic key to conversion. We have nono New Location left to approach it in a methodical, com- SUNDAY SCHOOL nlon·sense way. Mother's Day was T. W. Mather & Sons City Barber ShOT POETS' CLUB served by the school PHILO 'l'he members were entertained in the W,,'mi"s''''S Leading 8'0," ENGLEMAN& SHIPl.EY j wrea Room" Thnrsday, April 25 as the '. ProPrietors' On May 6 Philo had a most cnjoyablc part of the. Ben'ice entitled "Our Moth- guest.s of D,·. and Mrs. Herbert program presenetd by the Sophomores. ers". A v~olin solo was given by Miss TAYLOR BUILDING- -1 Ruth Davis and "Kay" Cockburn Gleiclnnan.1 "l\(othcr's Havo opened thc IHogl'am with a to ban- Over at! Yeilt·s of Sqllare Dealing 58 East Main Street jo accompaniment, "Button Your Overcoat". "Nigger Hcaven", Carl r~~:~:~~S~I~:'wa~ n SOI:I:::~~~~ot~:;:~ Two doors below Firemen's Bldg Van Vel.ehen, was reviewed by siudy '~;I~~ ~\~~:(~:\";Jd ~:rt\::I;~ne;:le Mae Gallion. "Vic" Smith followed Westminster Savings Bank 3 CHAIRS with a reviow of "Mamba's Duughters", Early Mm stry of Jereminh". Suu- 3 :BARBERS by DuBois Selections frOlll flar schoo takes this to Capital $50,000.00 Dorothy "Enough l~ope" were urge you 0 take an part its year. :~::~,~:~P~~'~:~~;,;,~~;~~"~"'~, r~:ld by Dot Wh~eler, following which work on ()ollege Hill this coming yeur. Surplua "Earned" 350,000.00 Collison elltori!lilled thc group }'. 'J'HOS. BABYLON, Presidont. Distinctive Printing a piano selection from Beethoven. M.ILTON P. MYERS, Vice l'res. 'rhe ]Jrogram was concluded with a Gro\'e, the president, urged the llearty of all tllc mem" JACOB 11. HANDLEY, 'Treasurer. popular selection. PERSONAL STATIONERY Tho Juniors entertained tho follow· bers dllriug tho coming Security 3aving~ Sorviee ANNOUNCEMENTS Browning, Emerson, und Whitman ing week, May 13, with a charming lit- number 0 guests nt a NAME CARDS tle play, "Solemn G. R. will be considered as the "Poots of and pieni near Silver Run on PROGRAMS T_eighton. 'The scene was in the May" in the meeting of Thursday, May 18. SILVERWARE WATCHES MENUS silting room of ~rs. Brewster at Bea- 23. afternoon May NOTES The SCI 'or members of Delta con, Mass., April 10, 1865. 'rhe char· Kappa w to entertained by tile By acters were :18 follows: BROWNING LITERARY SOCIETY members ftheclubon'l'hursdayel"en· A. H. Felling Company "WESTERN MARYLAND" ~rs. Bixby. . . .MiBS Leonard May 16. Duo to the bad weather the members MANUFACTURING JEWELERS PRINTERS Mrs. Isaaes... . Miss Clongh of tile Browuing Literary Society were Dc ts held their usual weekly tea 1I[rs. Griswald Miss Williams forced to postpone the picnie they had intheelu rooUlon'J'hursdayafternooIl, 314 Charles SI.., North JIliss Carroll.. ..Miss Scrivener to hold at Tramp lIoHow on :May 9. Times Printing Co. .Mrs. Brewster !\fiss Rouhon Baltimore, Maryland nfternoon. The regular meet- :Miss Abbot Miss Gleiehman ;l King's Pharmacy iug ,,"[(S llcld on Monday night with Westminster, Md. Earmon .. . ... :Miss Bell program presented the J·uniors. An CLASS PINS interesting without l!. 'I'll ~ Rl'JX.A1A.J S'l'ORI~ name" was in which the "hero 55 E. M in St., Westminster, Md. Students, Friends and A lumni of Western '%cary/and College '1'he !'ntire play was cleverly pre- WitS a very lie; t.ho shero :1 very are invited Lo attend the sented. fine Shu, and the vmian a, vcr.Y bad Have Y ur Shoes Repaired at the JUNE BALL Vi!." College Shop Oth('r iten1S on the program were a JACK LEDENER AND HIS WBAI CERCLE FRANCAIS Monday, June 3rd 1 CI as. Kroop ORCHESTRA A la reunion Dn Cercle .Prnncais, Mer- 25 E. Main St. ,cedi 1er M'Ji,:Mille Thompson a etc clue W. E. VAUFIELD, Collego Rep. was read Fresh Fruit Strawberry Sundae Presid("llt.c, !\rUe Merrill, Secret.aire, MIle Read, pour l'anuco by 1!l~9-30. n a etc que les como· On May G, lin Orient.~l pro- Sharr r, Gorsuch & Starr Topped With Whipped Cream -- 15 Cents dies donnees an)1uellement seronL repre· gram in charge of l\liss Margaret Ham- seutel's Ie .samedi 18 Mni a Smith Hall. ilton was pl·esented. 'I'lie Nel ,.-;t alld Best Clothing flJl(I Lcs denx eOllledies seroni: Rosalil et Ftlrnisllings J;Ete de la Saint Martin. J_es membres PHI ALPHA MU GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE du Cerrle .h'ranenis invite-nt cordialle a lllent tous ceux qui s'interesscntala Phi Alpha Mu rul.ertailled u nilluber od.~ fot" young men SODA TOBACCO langue frallcaise a assister II eetto of guests at an Oriental rarty on 'l'hura· 10 pel' ( tit. off 1.0 college students u,"y ~ soiree. d:IY afteruoon, May 9.
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