Page 91 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 91
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE tsPORTSI Bas Lacrosse Tennis ISPORTSi I PENN STATE EXTENDEDTO Green an old Nine Loses I I Mt.St.Mary's Nine Decisively TERROR TOSSERS TOPPLE . BEAT TERROR STICKMEN Thrillint Contest To Tanks BOX SCORE Outplays Terror Aggregation TANKS IN TIGHT TILT LACROSSE Aftrr leading thronghout most of the In II bastonll gnme on HolIa W.:tIL C.-3 'l'hc bnscballers lost 3 12·2 decision to game "\V. M's. Field the 4h of May, Tank Corps Penn Stale--5 their Mouutaincer rivals iun game play- statioll~d 1It Camp 'xroade nosed out BASEBALL cd Oil Hoffa Field, May 8. It wns a with ~1~',:'l:e:~,,~'l'. nttersue- W. 11.-17 Tank Corps-(H Blue at Ridgc 3 close for fifth four and innings wns W. 11.-12 ~~~~fb::~t~~\~rrt~:~e~er\.;;~:sc~:e:~~:~:~~ Tnnk Corps 12 rallies t Into singes of the game. W. :101.-2 .Mt.St. W.11.-15 'l'ENN1S rlrlvcs to vreome II seven-run lead ea- W. ),1.-2 Gettyslmrg---4 four w. M. was accredited with twenty-two tabliahed tJlhe visitors In the first four W. lI.-3 U. of Marylund=-G was often bingles to turn in ~ record brcaking wll innings. han aud Valibus the Mountts twirlers low member of the nllowcd but six hits and did not allow a one or ",ore 'l'welve hits The gUID(l had marks of being a 0110 went for extra ~itled affnfrin the Tunk's fllver until the run after the first inning. bases. The Terrors poled Coach shew six plnyers in which W.lId. batted two across in the open- a home run by three doubles and indudes pcrccutugcs of .300 or ing rmmc to assume the lead. Jt wns n three triples. The four Doughty with u .414 nvcrage hcads the well batted inning. Lawrence leading off doubles and II triple. list. was ndvnueod to sec- and Jones were the victor ts slug· ncr. T~e leffhundcr, camcd a gift and and half uudauuted by ('Iltire lIi.n~ innings, lost his effectiveness Doughty G. AB. 20 H. 12 AV. ond when Long beat out an infield three connected three th"ce hits .--11--1 Mar~'I:l1ld pnsscd to the of the after tI", fourth and was found for thit Clnrk 30 .400 along the field to center but scorching crease to score early nnd an teen el~lj blows in the last the innings. .37fi double into left center scored but the lead wns overcome late in both base ruuucrs. That ended 'V. },f's. Lamb was in the box for Ihe W . .M !!e i~C~l~~C period, andsi;~::'~\1~~~ tl:;:~: Kern 12 .364 L:lnahan up and the I,awrence , ed six! 1,l1mb, the Grccn nnd Gold 2fi 0 .360 defense up e\-er.l'U,iug Weisbeek lllQ\lnd~m/Ul WllS wild and did 18 .333 dri,·enatthem. dctermining the issue. Tnihe fifth Keen wnlked tlia first !lIall ::~:h~·e,~~t~_i:;~ct;~,:'-i::'~ile Inte in :::~ to fnce hi)!l. 'rhcn Connell reaelled a The tefllns got into nclion inlilledia Incrosse teulllS were ntthefi"stfllce-otl'andtmtttedun Platellind was touched for wide b.111 nnd sent it down right field until rest Wll8 called. Tho Lingl s. He $truck out nine. line for tlll'ee bllse :lnd n score. Four • first ten lllilllt1CS wn~ n lltt!tle of de· Th bcg/tIl seoring Cllrly in the snccessi"e hits tlnd nl! infield out re ing for the Arlll)' were not cITeetil·e nlld frllses ns ,wither team W:lS nLle to shool seem/,1 with Ow exception of the suited in four morc runs·t.o totalfhe for the inllillg. 1"i"e more were scnt llcross the Green and Gold lellllcd 011 thcil' of often. 'I'he G"ecll and Gold then maneu ill tho ~e,·cnth all sc,·en hih and Ut. St. ,-ered into scoring position a nllmLer of ' finished strong with two in the times with 11 well-ext'cnted Il!taek, It when throe hits landed clenn. "'s Oll OllC of these thlt BroIl Lawrenee's nnd Clark's bat· shook loose IndUllde Oil athroll ting featured for losers. Connell The T:ulks startr>(] the with a [romllClll frontofcrelsetopot"':M three ont of fi'-e to Icnd tile win- nlll in the firs!.. Close lllld lIltheleld '(hEll fOI the clouto! t.hesenson ag:'inst Blue attnck. l"ancedonaninfieldout,nndsfO!'cilon tllll('thepla)cont)llued when outfieldr,rs E,-ans and E, Cr:llln C. 1liller's one baser. A rUIl was added nofultherresults I'he "ele fly r '''-'ll centete,1 lIld the defenses of either lided in Neither his could bllli fjnrl into thc left ball BLUE RIDGE NINE OUTCLASSED in the setond, two in the field. t\lehe prO\Ed Impregnlble s('~ond aJld third bases. lhe fOl)I·th, and lwo in cneh the amI twforc Smith circled the bI'ses. Jones BY TERRORS AT NEW WINDSOR sixth stamns. Their inning w:ls the rile 8('{'ond lIas hard I) four In the second, wilh one out eh/dked up tI second a,\"inst the Tank seHnth when three wcre batted ll11nutcsold tossed doubled, when his drive w~nt through left Western bnseball nille tripleseored Bryller. lhirda walk,a douLle Blue College at New lllg from I on.Mar1, a 17·13 score. triple sent two morcaeross. 'I'heninthe ~ (felSC The T-,lons SOOIl thclt fourth three walks and two hits added 'V. 11's. twirler, who wns mak b'.'.'rings ~n.d TOII.rOk' captnin /\n:1 star !hrpe "'
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