Page 90 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAUl!: TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. GOt I Arnuull tql' QlUIltPUll I l1utl'r-Qlnlll'Btutl' :~~urtl'tt! OF BOOKS, NI'U1ll A REVIEW PLAYS AND LIFE It.'s 113 if hnve a few 10 in the look Dining we Hall might yet. If surroundings han 10 do with it, wc should certainly mClds. Within a vcr y few weeks the curtain Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during Doutt forget men, usc will be rung down on the scnsou of te- the academic year by the students of Weatern Maryland College, Westminster, the extreme end. to count nature a fntnillar drama lind musien l Maryland. Entered as aucond-elass mattor at the Westminster Poetontee. and net an intimntefriendj The Seniors should umkc good use of old and Subscription Price, $2.00 a. Year standard for the appreciu tlon this brief of the new Dining work n nd the criticism of your dark for the summer season; the Aud- Hall. Too must be leaving just to cnery the. of the world's MA~AGING S'1'AFF itorium lllay continue performances with in)"our nlld feel it's re- a stock company- 'I'hc 1!l28·Z!l season EDITOR-IN-C]![];;~' .. . .... William G. Eaton, '30 sources behind .rou in whatever tllsk you \\"ill soon be but a memory and 10 every MANAGING EDI'l'OR . .. Wilmcr V. Bell, '3D undertake : to make hosts of friends individnnl a different one. among men of your own age, who are to It is strange when one looks back up- AssI.1I1ANAG1NG EDITOR .. .. Weldon G. Dawson, '30 bo Tbe Tcndcrs in all walks of lifej to 011 a pust- season, or the shows t.hat he BUSINESS MANAGER. . Paul L. Bates, '31 lose .'·ourself_i" generous euthusinsms and hns seen; how much more rational he AD\'ERTISING MANAGER. ..Joe C. Newcomer, '31 co-operate with others for common cndSj becomes. Evidently wheu the show is to leanl manncrs from students who are fresh in one's mind, the cnthusinsm is CIRCULATION MANAGER .. . .. James A. Stach, '30 gcntICIlH:II, and form character under so great thM one is scarcely able to Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 who are ChristinnSj this is ra t ionnlizn alld criticize. This of offer of tIle coucgc for the best four ASST. CIRCULATION MANAGERS. . Joseph'!'. Addison, '32 { yenrs of your life. SI'OIlTS EDITOR. . . Alex. 0 'Lenir, '30 HEPOR'I'ORTAT...1 STAPF ASSOCIATE EDITORS Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. \V. Koockogcy '32 COpy EDl'rOnS Catherine E. Read, '30 \Y. C. Rein, '31 REPOWl'ERS 01"lICC Armstrong, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 Elizabeth Clough, '30 John L. watkins, '30 Arvnlcne Ilitobens, '30 Roy'!'. Edwards, '31 Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 Isabel Douglas, '31 Oh.u-lcs It Eb:]er, '32 Thelma Reid, '31 Stanford 1. Hoff, '32 Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncan C. Murchison, '32 Winifl'ed Bush, '32 Cameron C. Stearns, '32 The delln of n Westel"lL Uni"crsity re· Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Samuel G. Townsend, Jr., '32 ccntly 1ll1ldethe requestthatnll waste The men have been busy this week sci paper uc rnrown on the floor rnthcr thnn Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. cding rooms for the coming year. If in tile paper receptacles, he haa tlceided anyone thinks this doesn't mean much, !.hntaclutteredfioorlenrlstogi,·ethe nsk DNllI ?IIiller. But. then, of course, a lms.incss-Hke air and is more IE.-D-I-T-O-R- -A-LI it means a whole yeurts lidng. to study. for the lnst TAKING STOCK MOTHER time this the old \\"ith this issue the GOLD BUG com least bit yon might shed u tear, eepecinlly yuu Seniors. paper us n complete "olume in the history of the College. The work connected with thelllunfitforstrenuousexercise. this nnnu1l1 in the Shameful! 'The Presbyterian team is to appear in pllnts nrxt sensoll. This should be great ghostly voice calling, ".Jeffrey." Yes, -for their I can reeall quiteabitof it equipped with a "The Vap;nbolld and "'The Desert Song," two shows whkh were I'ery simil"r in type. 'I'hey fUT' nished great t'lltertailllllrnt :In(] n few nnincentivetodo with >l feeling thllt prlletiefilly the best mclojlies which one whistles a possilJl('llfisbccndolle. -.Motlier. How whilc nfterwards.-":!.llwhatll111 But not is it time for the GOL·D BUG nloneto t"ke stock. Within A few weeks A PERSONAL MESSAGE the scholastic year will be at an end. It is time that in genetnl be Within a little over a week the fin1l1 t,..ken stock of. course, the examinations will At the same lIS a whole comes under consid· time will begin of the lionur Western hlnrylnnd Colkge will that worthy ideal which bc c01l1pleting i1S fift.,··ninth relIT and mnny storms. Womny feel froul all appearnnccs a 1I10st successful rhnt it hassurl'iI'ed und prouder one. }'or one thing, this year has that it scems now to be on a most m:!rkcd the bcginning of n ]Jew building and substuntinl bnsis. The ern, stnrted with the of the lIew COllncil wishes to nwke its first publie statement concerning the nwt Websler Liter:lry building campaign last Thc stu· eneh dcnt body in gellernl thisycnr has bccn ter. ed to lhe tl",t willners year of the Oratorical will be Prelim givcn which was most eO-O]J('rati\"Cj the scholastic effort '1'0 the Student Body: inarics held ('ad.\" in lhe Spring. This held lit ),!lIhleuberg nnd Cerlnr Crest Col displ:l)"l"d h.1S been quite presentable un 'I'he period for the finn I exnminlltiollS is something new !lnrl should prove an in del" the mo,'e strennous stnndards. 'rhe is a finn I check all our sup lege. f"cllity for the most purt hns proHd in(,rrn~e of knowledge for the cent"'e for more members to prepare ora· :Mr. BC.1mish dted the Nel\" York Tel year. thefin:ds:lrebutoneof tions. 111081 undcr.~t"nding Ilnd "ble. Extra ('urr;(,ulu n lIumber of things by which \\'e a,'e Why is it Spring nnd studies do not rated. mix1 But still- The progress townr(] the enUre student April showers bring hl,,)" f1oll"ers. control of college life on the Hill h.1s Spring is here with zest. becn lloted by tbe situation is Keep 011 now, Denr Studenls- grudually !Jut Illld it Cuts will is being imprO\'ed There is a llCW 'Vhat a succe~s was the third Anllual r('porting of today. May Day celebration! 'I'hOJ Queen-how charming! Tho Duchesses with their Exit the "American Mercury" nttell(l:lllt.S, although lower in mnk, St.udents of "'abash pollege were vCt.v much aronsed recrlltly b~' tile remornl of were nlmost a~ mUOJh so. Thl\ The A",,""iC(11I Macliry from the librar.Y. too, d('sl""'OJ mueh And of other chnract('rs. Suffice it to let liS forget the life of 'I"hestudellts this action as a the aff:,ir. Tt was nil well dOlle. mo,'C to censor nil rending Ilwterial. til"t each one fitted his part and succeeded in Ill1lking a eoming exnmiuations that \\"e arc entire It was quite iuterest;l1;; to wnit ill How Very Tme etIectil'c impression upon the audience. l~' e:l]lHble of gO\'erning ourseln's. The the food lineaftcrthoeelebmtion.lIow "The Summoning of Everyman" was joiut Stndcut GOI'ernm€uls COlltrol thc we cnn sympllthize with the unfortull' diJiercnt-and yet not so different as to exn}ninatiolls but it is ol1ly through slu- atOJ Europeans dUTing the Ilhr. be uure1d. In lheir presentntion of th() dent llint we elln succeed. elements of human eliaraeter as they Let us the honor system n ~uceeas! The last issue of the Gold Bug! Au in these institutions exist minus the veneer of modern soph The hole in the WllS invented -THE PHESIDEN1' O}~ 'rHE ME~ 'S revoir. Here's wi~hillg you a happy va- of the scholastic the actors nchie"ed a truly by sOl1le fresh air STUDE~'r COUNCTL. ention.
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