Page 89 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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COl NORMENT CONTEST FRENCH PLAYS ALUMNI HALL SMITH HALL 8 P. M. TOMORROW NIGHT 8 P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT Vol. 6, No. 23 May 16, 1929 SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATIONS OOLLEGEOALENDAR INTERESTING COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM PLANNED Second Semester---1928-1929 THURSDAY, MAY 16- SCHEDULE REVISED FROM PRE VIOUS YEARS Budget Talk and Fashion Show. MONDAY, MAY 27 FRIDAY, MAY 17- Invitations have been issued an- Interesting programs are being arranged Morning Afternoon Normcnt Speech Contest, Alumni the fift y-uiuth Commencement alld it is hoped that many old members Bible 1 Chemistry 9-10 Hall, 8:00 P. M. at Maryland College to be hcld will be At 8:00 P. M. tlle Bo- Biology 1·2 Latin B Varsity Tennis, Pcnn Military Col May 31 to June 3. An unusually In- ciety Contest will be held in.. French 9·10 Latin 1·2 lege-away. teresting program has been planned and Alumni Hall. Home Economics 11-12 Mathematics 4 SATURDAY, MAY 18- it is hoped tlHlt mally alumni f(lId 'rhc Baeeal:(ureate Service will lie Military Science 5·6 Social Science 6 W. W. Lawn Party, 2·4 P. M. friends will be present. One change has held Sunday morning, June 2, at 10:00 Military Science 7·8 Social Science 8 Delt.a Sigma Kappa Picnic. been made in the usual llTogram. The A. M. The sermon will be preached by Physics 4 French Plays, Smith Hall. ~~orlilellt Speech Contest has been ex' Rev. wuun», J. D. D., Social Science 3 Vllrsity Baseball, Mt. St. Mary's- eluded this year. LL. D., of Drew On Friday, May 31, the College New York. Dr. 'I'hcurpsou is a TUESDAY, MAY 28 l,aerosae, U. of Maryland Players, nllder the direction of Miss of the Board of Trustees of the College, Morning Afternoon -away. Esther Smith will present a turcc-aet and is the donor of a College Library Education 6 Biology 12 MONDAY, MAY 20- "Pygmalion and Galetea". A Fund. 11c has also preached in Baker French 1·2 Chemistry 1·2 Literary 6:45 P. M. deseript.ion und resume lias been the puat ycnr. A Bu- French 3·4 Chemistry 6 Boeicties, presented in a previous issue of the be presented ill Alum- French 5-6 English 8 TUESDA Y, MAY 21- paper. The play will be presented in ni Hall :It 8:00 P.:U. No doun.te German 1·2 Greek 1·2 Sophomores entertain Seniors, Mc· Alumni Ibllnt 8:00 P.l\t have been decided upon. nr- Home Economics 15·16 Greek 4 and 6 Daniel Hall Parlor, 4:00 P. M. 'l'hc uuuuul of tho Board of Philosophy 6 History 4 Social Clubs, ;:00 P. M. Trustees will be Spanish 1·2 Latin A Wl-:DNESDAY, MAY 22- morning, June 1, at 10:00 A. M. will heeonferl'ed Varsity Baseball, Navy-away. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Y. xr. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 6:45 Board will be and nil announce- Morning Afternoon P. .M. bustucee at meeting, nnlOng which }:dUClltion4 Biology 8 THURSDAY, MAY 23- will be the selection of four new trus- tees to replace these who have died English 1·2 Biology 10 R. O. T. C. Field :Mcet, 3:00 P. M. English 4 English 14 SATURDAY, MAY 25- German 3-4 (Classical) Latin 3-4 German 3·4 (Scientific) Mathematics 2 Varsity Lacrosse, U. of Baltimore Home Economics 21-22 Mathematics 2a -home. Varsity Tennis, U. of Baltimore- Spanish 3-4 Mathematics 6 THIRD MAY DAY FESTIVAL (ERCLE FRANCAIS TO GIVE Philosophy 10 l\fONDA):, MAY 27- THURSDAY, MAY 30 Examinations begin. GIVENBY CO-ED STUDENTS TWO PLAYS IN SMITH HALL Morning Afternoon FRIDAY, MAY 31- Chemistry 11·12 Biology 8 Comcmucement. Play, Alumni Hall, Western Maryland held its '1'11'0 one-act plays will bo presented History 6 English 4a 8:00 P. M. third anllual.May Day on Hof- History 8 English 10 SATURDAY, JUNE 1- fa Athletic Field at four o'clock wed- Homo Economics 24 French 7-8 Z~ll~~l .?11ting of Trustees, 10:00 Physics 1-2 History 10 Physics 5·6 Latin 6 and 8 Society Reunions, 2:00 P. M. t.hey have become more Social Science 1·2 Matbematics 8 Society Contest, Alumni Hall, 8:00 Dr. A. Norman year two short FRIDAY, MAY 31 P. M. "VEte de In Morning Afternoon SUNDAY, JUNE 2- Announced by Bounding trumpets and au- Education 2 Baccalaureate Service, Alumni by the court procession, the dicncc to follow the plot of the two Astronomy 2 Hall, 10:30 A. M. Queen was escorted to her throne plays, Il synopsis of them is given here. Home Economics 1·2 Conflich Sacred Concert, Aluuuri Hall, 8:00 the coronation ceremony took L'Ete de la Saint Martin Home Economics 18 P. M. place. M. Briquel'ilJe .... Dr. Bonnette Military Science 1·2 .MONDAY. JUNE 3- The entertainment for the :r.,·oel.. . .... ~r. Eaton Military Science 3-4 Couuncuecment Alumni Hall, 10:00 opened by the A. M. outed the cross ......... Miss Freeman Students having conflicts in examina· scheduled. The course out of the year Alumni Dinner, 1:00 P. M. tiona will arrange for the examination or the etass of the student is the eon- with the Instructor of the conflicting flicting course and the student will ar- range for the examination as above. any MILITARY DEPARTMENT The examination in thc course be- No conflict examinations in spring fiowurs. In longing to the class or the year of the course are given until after the regular MAKES EXCELLENT RATING group dunces there wcru 8010 dnneoa but shopping for his new nome, he en- student shall be taken at the time examination in that course is held. and et.orusce. The solo dances were by tored the store of an upholsterer whose Mnty Wulal, Charlotte Wheeler, Jane daughter, Adrienne, was so channing Major A. M. Patch and Captain Stnyton, Gladys Rickard, Dorothy that hefcll in lovn with nnd u'e- JESTERS HOLD BANQUET SOPHOMORES AND FRESHMEN Louisell were the inspecting officers to- Whecier, nud Catherine Hobby. fused to Illllrry the other Br.iquo- day in the a nnua l federal R. O. T. C. COMPETE FOR NORMENT AT CLOSE OF SEASON PRIZES Inspection. This has become quite an Thronghout the ent.ire program the \'illedeclaredthathe Adrienne, to recon- his nephew court jesters, Isabel Douglas and Made· event in the college year, since W·est· line Murphy, entertained. cile Noel his uncle, has schemed G. J. ·Weisbeck was nominated by the The Freshmen and Sophomore Speech ern Maryland is competing against the Her majesty, the Queen, wore a gor- with Briqueville's 1101isekeCI)erto ill' Jesters as tllcir manager for the senson Contestants will compete tomorrow seventeen other colleges and univer· gown of ivory satin with a tight· of 1930 ata busincsB meeting which fol· evening in Alumni Hall for the Norment sities in thc 3rd Corps Area, alllong bodice and n bonffaut skirt. honse. lie lowed the post·season banquet held Spech Prizes, offered to each class. The which arc such distinguished schools as deseolHled in back in a long, but her gra- MOllday night at Elmor Jnn. The ap· program has been arranged as follows: V. ll. I., Georgetown University, and gmceful panel mo\·emen!.. She carried comforts grad· lloilltment will become official when Freshman Contestants University of Pennsylvania. white calla lilies and mnidcn llllir fern. sanctioned by the Y. ll. C. A. Cabinet. The King's Greatest Victory Lec Major Patch was for a number of Her crown wns of white roso bud and verging on Selection of assistant managers has Winifred Scott Bush Anderson years the ehief tactical officer at Staun· asparagus fern. duces him to sec Koel agnin. 'l'he lat· been left to "Jap" to insure an efficient The Heart of a Burglar Janc Dohl ton Military Academy. He is nolV sta· The dncllesses and attendants wore ter tells his uncle jf he could but sec and harmonions ex()cutive board. tioned at Fort Wushington which is pastel slmdes of orgnndy ",nde with The banquet gi\'en to the Jcsters was Frances Patricia Kain known throughout the country as the long bouffaut Alice Hegan Rice tile first that the- club has ever attempt- Hoodooed Mary Lee Shipley pri7.e drill outfit of the .-\rmy. tight fitting bodices :Jud duchesses canied 'rhe ruffled skirts. ed and was made possiblo by the profits The Brother Who Failed Colonel Deems, who has been visiting shades-of-pillk tied with which retiring-manager Paul Howard L. Y. Montgomery the college in an un-official capacity, ad- tulle. The \\'ore shoul had been able to show for the scason Howard Austin Bolton dressed the adn.nced course R. O. T. C. bouquets of variegated sweet l)('a6. which was completed Illst week. The Twelve Young Gideons students in Smith Hall last night. He J.hny frieJl(ls of the students :ltlc-nd· In the business meeting which fol· Agnes High Turnbull spoke on "Field Artillery", and his <'dthcse Rosa.lie lowed the banquet, votes of thanks Charles Robert Etzler audience, who had been studying this 11[. Bol... . .... Mr. Hobhs were extended to Doetor Bertholf, the subject during the year, greatly appre· ROSlllic. ..Miss 1929 Jester sponsor, and to the coaches The Three Things Mary R. S. Andrews ciatedhislecture. .Mme. Bol .. Miss of the play and glee club. A motion Sharpe Deardorff Karper Tonight Major Patch, Captain Louis· MISS HERTZMAN HONORED Rosalie is the only servant was unanimously passed providing that, Sophomore Contestants ell, their wives, and President A. N. MUSICAL SORORITY AT couple who attempt to make as a token of remembrance, each Jester 'Lida Beautiful RUlle Morrow Ward, will be entertained at a banquet PEABODY impression on their very will, in the f\lture, be presentcd with a Helen Frances Eckard given in thcir hOllor by the Officer's permanent membership card upon Ills The Flaw in the Product Club ill the College Tea Room. ]\[iss Violet Hertzlllan, of the MUijie gradulltion from the college. Fannie Kilbourne The National Rifle Association has Dcpnrtment, was initiated into the I'hi After the business hlld been cleared Ruth Anna Roop awarded markmanship medals to the Gamma Chapter of Uu Phi Epsilon up, the Jesters returned to the Hill, Getting Ready for the Train ITonofiHYMnsieal Sorority at Pl'abody Iltn·illg celebrated the most successful Robert J. Burdett following members of thc Rille 'l'eam: Institnte on May 5. Miss Hertzman reeei,"ng 111. I'oulot. Rosll.lie is yery sonSOll in the history of the organiza· Victoria Irene Smith S. W. Downer (Capt.), 111.B. Sterling, jlnssed the examination wlJich is lHe stnpid and \\'h('n the bell rings she rc· H. Simms, C. T. DeHaven, H. L. tion. The Answer Harry Stillivell Edwards J. Lawrence, D. J. "\Voolley,G. E. Shriver, requisite to full membership with ex· fusestoans\\'erituntilsherec('ivesa It was decided upon that the ban· Joseph Corby Newcomer cellent grades. Jt is quite an honor to r:1ise ill wages, a of "Sunda." quet had been a decided success and The Red Room H. G. Wells W. E. Willey, N. O. Woolley, and Stun· this Sor· off" and apologies evc-rybody. Her 'luite significant at the close of the Ralph Mark Reed ford I. Hoff. ority, and an even to pass arc forced to agree to her Jester BenSOn. It is hoped that finances Abraham Lincoln The medals were presented to the Ihe examination. but \\'hen the door was opened eaeh year will permit an annual cel~· Stephen Vincent Benet men at drill formation Tuesday, May to extend its congratulations to :Miss it was not hl. POlllot but Il. man who ration and ban'luet. Clarence Oliver Sullivan 14. Hert.zllIan. had klloeked at the wrong door.
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