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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, (!Jlunn, (!Jluh, nUll ~nrtd!J 1Dntugn l!IIInrlll Nl'lU!1 II ,---------------- (Being a nor-too-serjous narrative of The special session of Congress opened WEBSTER Y. M. C. A. at uoon on Monday, in response to the what befell, Dr migllt have befallen, the Jesters, on their tour of the Easter-n summons of Presidellt Hoover. Thc old Because of glee club practice, several The Y. 1>1. C. A. had a very interest· question of farm rcliefaud revision of Shore during Easter Week, nineteen hun· of the men who had been assigned parts ing discussion at its last meeting, Wed tariff will be the cnrdinfll subjects under ing. dred twenty-nine.) on Webst()r's program for the meeting ncadny, April 24, under the leadership '['his year's annual Jester· trip had of April 15 were absent; for this reason of John R.. Hickel. 'rhe general sub- started off very Aside Mrs. J. Hubert Black (nee "Tommie" the program was entirely impromptu. ject discussed was "The spiritual needs from the fact that not been Massey is having a house warming Qui~kly dispensing with the nccea- of the students on the Hill." the of April 27 at here new sary formalities, the program began. It Mr. Hickel started the discussion home at Woodbine, All of the "Onions" expect to was opened with a bang by Mr. J. Phil- lips, who spoke on. "Th() Funny Side of college education into fonr 'rhennnOUllCCll1Cntof LouiseBaua"28 Lifc-c-Jokes", thus puttiug everyone in scholastic, social, athletic, reo departure, and engugrlll()nts had bern good hUlllor. Next Mr. Van Metre ligious. Aecording to Mr. Hickel, the secured in Sudlersville, Stevensville, gave a splendid summary of educational spiritual side of college life is as lit- Salisbury, Cristirld and Dentou. conditions in his native state of West as Eiu- And so, after a short week-end of Virginin.. "Van" very ably supplement· stein's fourth vacation, April j'ool"s day ed his remarks and observations with bright-und HOT. In it facts concerning the notorious Frog to be the hottest Aprill, Hollow. :Mr. Metcalf was then called upon to expound his reactions to the Y. A., and the Student volunteer new system of having the weekly Bun- But ure these filling the day Chapel in the late afternoon in· If not, how llIay they be made stead of at night. This he did, bring· to do so, ing out soverat good points ill favor of The conclusion of I.h(l group at the the new practice. end of the discussion was that epiritual voiced the webster expressing i,tt.itnde in the chapel services and else· confidence iu the" -soeiety orators to where is, after all, an iudividun l enter- bring ....ictory ngain to Webster Hall. prise. If we go to the services with an Upon request of Tom Grove, another individual desire and detorminnttou to West Virginian, Mr. Ra.ynor, who toured worship, we will do so. Mr. and Mrs. Oollengswood, Freeland, tluLt state during Spring vaeauou, was The problem was also considered how have :lllllonnccd the marriage of their called upon to relate his impressions "Y" men can better the spirtual atmca siater, Miss Elsie Freeland to Mr. Dee gained from his trip. 'l'he program ph ere on thcRill. The most important Andes Yount, son of Dr. \Y. B. Yount, was concluded by a spicy critic's report, solution offered was ,,,,,,,t~log<,,d,,,," head of the Claeaica l Department of given by Mr. Reiekenbaukcr, who was Christian living. SOHle things "Y" Wcai.C'rn College, and a grad- in the place of Mr. Eaton, the uate of the of 1919. The marriage organizfltion Iuight do are to l> a critic. ill Bombay, India, and t.he uew "Y" room with "Y" literature; to In a brief business eceeion Mr. Grov- will reside in Calcutta. lIlr. er was elected to report Webster's ac- tivitcs to The Gold Bug. After his crcc- tion, the m()eting was adjourned. and at present being the rnin-clouds fnlfilled t.heir with General "Motors Cor- poration. Both Mr. Yount and his bride and und we wCIe treated to the Executive arc termer residents of Virginia. Easter gave Shore PHILO plans were made fer the ceptiun thnt For the twenty minutes ever it ruined to make the "Y" one of the Philomathean Litcrary Society held organizations on thc Hill. that the bus had to stop. Sud No llJllt\er how fast a dock runs it its regular meeting on Monday eveu- however, and we S1:< rolled always winds up in the same place. half-past illg, April 15. Tlie S()nior members pre- into at whatnot. 'mid sented a very interesting radio program, BROWNING spbshy mud·puddles and Have Your Shoes Repaired at the with Margaret Warner as anuouucer, The town's best 'cooks (so it seemed) College Shop The morning "Duily Dozen" were di- The members of the Browning Liter- had t.urned out en masse to prepare n The Westminsttr News Company rected by Ellen Shank and Eleanor ary Society were entertained at their banquet for us that would ha\'e done Chas. Kroop Noble, accompanied by "Dot" Roberts last on April 16 b~· a ]lrogram credit to 1-he "Lord Baltimore." 25 E. Main St. a.t the piallO. Following "DDt" of Edna Vincent C\[itlay's poems. A. n.. ORNDORFF, Owner W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep. Roberts pla~'ed an aria frem great Dorothy Grimm, chairman of the pro· WE HANDLE THE Chinese opera, "Chop Suey". Mary gram committee, gave a short sketch BALTIMORE SUN U.uth IIolt then some helpful sug- of )'liss Mitlay's lifo. The following Conaway Motor Co. gllstions for the ll1()IlU. The next selections from the !loet's works were King's Pharmacy number was a duet, Darling Pal rend: Daily Coaches to and from Gettyllburg, of Mine", sung witll much feelinE by Charlott() Wheeler; '!'[-IE R~XAl..JL STonE Emmit.sburg, Taneytown, Westminster "Bobs" Rowe and Evangeline Lathem. Mary Lee 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. The educational hour was given over to "Truvel", Kephartj "The and Baltimore. Bdith Kinkhead. who gave a S~hedules posted in College Hallll, Post iug ",,'oIllan frOIll the \\rood's tIle lutest book of the month, Isabel Douglass. Office Dnd DeDn's Office. of the Deep", by Joan Lome]]. Free· An amusing group of three Cbinese Later, we were assigned to Sudlers· T. W. Mather « Sons friendly mnn Bang two popular numbers, "De· lullabies ,,:as sung by Catherine Hohby homes for the night, and soon sert Song", and "Roses of Yellterday". at the beginnillg of the progrum. ~Ii88 ,·me tlleslcepofthecontent. 'I'he program wns cnded by n vocal solo Grimm concluded the evening's enter· Westminster's Leading Store by little Pearl Button (Peggy Barn- seheduledtolen\"e uine, certain of tainment by quoting IJCr fa,·orite verse hart). of ].litlay: the "Jesters" became so engrossed ill Somebody, Somewhere, Wants Your the honles at which they were "My candl() hums at both ends, that it was well after ten before Y. W. C. A. It cannot last the night. bus pulled out. At about noOll, Centre· Over 38 Yenl's of Sqnare Dealing Photograph But, ah, my friends, and oh, my foes ,·ill() was 1reat.ed to the honor of a stop, The newly elected officers of the Y. It lllukes a lovely light." lind each Jester his share of 'V. C. A. were installed into office at much to the The Wilson Studio the caadlelight service held in the "Y" Westminster Savings BilDk room on Wednesday evening, April 17. W,W. The new officers are: w. Capital $5000000 President, Asenath Buy; Vice-Presi· W. entertuined all the Sororities Surplus "Earned" 350,000.00 dent, Elizabeth Clough; Secretary, and :f,'raternities at tea on Thursday Frances 'iVard; Treasurer, Victoria uftcrnoon,March 27. Tr~l." At any rate, it was F. THOS. BABYLON, President. Distinctive Printing W. W. takes pleasur() in announcing ly pounced upon and thus beenme the Smith; Religious Chairmun, Francis MILTON P. MYERS, Vice Pres. that Miss Louise Walters Werntz was official "Jester Anthem" for 1!)29. If Ruughley; Sales Chairman, Eleanor JACOB II. IIANDLEY, Treasurer. formally pledged to the Club, Thursday any Jester ever Gunby; Social Chairmun, Ruth Staleyj PERSONAL STATIONERY Chairman of Social S()rvice, :linrgaret c,·cuing, April 11. lle'll be Security Savings Service ANNOUNCEMENTS Hamilton; Chairman of Word Fellow· NAME CARDS ship, Elsie Ebsworthj Librarian, Thel· at the llIusic. PHI ALPHA MU Ste,·cns\'i1\e lived np to its reputation PROGRAMS rna Reid; :liusic Chairman, Margaret of former years in prodding (lllother SILVERWARE WATCHES MENUS Lee Nelson; Publicity Chairman, Bessie Phi Alpha Mu ~lltertailled a number crowd. It was ~lso here that NOTES Cain; Hall Chairman, Evelyn Ryon. of guests at u bridge party on Tuesday became musters of their now- A. H. Fetting Company By afteruoon, April 9. "WESTERN MARYLAND" Aid MANUFACTURING JEWELERS THE SHAKESPEARE CLUB PRINTERS DELTA SIGMA KAPPA 314 Charles St., North The Shakespeare Club held its regu- lar monthly meeting in McDaniel Hall )[iss Sara Reinecke and ",Jiss Blinor Baltimore, Maryland Times Printing Co. PIlT1(,r on "·edneada.y evening, April 10. entertained the Delts at Il supper 'rhe following papers were read: "A on Thursday ufternoon, April ]3. to new CLASS P1NS CLASS RINGS Westminster, Md. City of Dreums", },fiss Douglass; auditorium had been chartered ~nd the "Shakespeare in America", :lIlr. Dawson; MEN FOR SlIMMER WORK Jesters drew the biggest "gate" thut it "Weliesy Semi·Centennial", Miss E. Aguin Puller Brush Co. is accepting has eyer held. )lore thau 700 people Clough; "Around the Clock With a limited. number of College men .for tbem was Fresh Fruit Strawberry Sundae work dUring summer vacation. Nation· Shakespeare" Mr. Eaton; "Shakespeare ally a~vertised, guaranteed (HId trade· students Pilgrimage in Southwark," Miss F. mark hne; careful personal traluing, reo local color Raughley; "The Garden at Plainfield", strieted territ.ory. Earnings last year Topped With Whipped Cream -- 15 Cents averaged $1.35 per hour for College Miss Warfield. ed." This auditorinm is, without doubt, meu. Minimum guarunteed eurnings of Dr. ,Villa, after fuvorably COmment· one of the best structures of its kind iTJ $250.00 for nine weeks. Work given ing on each article suggestcd that, next men nceepted by April 15. Write a.t the State. The exceptional lightiug GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE year, the clnb consider giving one of once for details. fllcilities enabled us to put on a show Shakespeare's plays. This suggestion FULLER BRUSH CO. thntri,·alcd (in atlenst) a 303 Stur Bnilding CANDY TOBACCO met with approval, and will be more professioual g,,·en I SODA Washington, D. C. fully discussed at a later date. An interview will be arranged. (Continued on Page Three)
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