Page 85 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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GOt MAY DAY FESTIVAL TEACHERS RECITAL WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 ALUMNI HALL HOFFA FIELD 8 P. M. TOMORROW May 2, 1929 Vol. 6, No. 22 LARGE MAN MORALITY PLAY TO BE MAY FOR WEDNESDAY, ANNOUNCED COLLEGE OALENDAR BIRD AUDIENCE ENTERTAINS HALL SOPHOMORES EARN HIGH FESTIVAL DAY IN ALUMNI MAY PRESENTED BY SEMINARY PIFTEENTH FRIDAY, MAY 3- Charles Bowman Hutchins, famous MARKS IN COMPREHENSIVE Teachers' recital. Alumni Hall, naturalist and bird-man, presented one Due to u.c fact that the official mili- "The Summoning of Evorymn n," one inapcct.lon of the Reserve Officers' 8:00 P. M. of the the Hill most has entertaining programs year that at witnessed this of the best of the old Morality Playa, Corps, of Western Maryland SATURDAY, MAY 4.- Alumni Hnl l on April 23. He was ac- is to be presented by the Department College scheduled for Thursday, May Vnrsity baseball, Tank Corps-e- companied on the piano and harp by of Religious Drama of the Westminster 16, it has been ueecssary to change the home. his wife, Mrs. Helen Owen Hutchins. Theologicnl Seminary in the Methodiat date of the May Day festivities to Wed- Varsity tennis, Georgetown U.- The program was sponsored by the p testnnt Cll\\Cch at o'clock on nceday, May 15. Woman's Literary Club of Westmin- ,onday, May This play, Pr eparatdona for May Day are being MONDAY, MAY 6- ster, who invited the faculty and stu- maue with a. great deal of efficiency and Literary Society, 6:45 P. M. dents of the college to attend as its ~r;,i;I~::e~;:~~~ assisted b~YM~i~~ri~aorr~ cnt.hueinsm .. All committees have been TUESDAY, MAY 7- guests. White, was published in English as ear- and participants in the var- Sotinl Clubs, 7:15 P. M. Advance notices concerning the lec- ly as 1500, but the composition belongs dances and eucruses have been Jester Performance, Baltimore. ture seemed to promise a great deal, and to a much enrlier date. It was a fnv- et.cecn. Miss Millard is directing the it was evident that no one in tIle frCSlllllCIl and sophomore years, and was dnnces. Everyone is cooperating to WEDr-n:SDAY, MAY 8-- large was disappointed. The representative of the subject matter make this year's May Day better. than Varsity baseball, Mt. St. Mary's- program differed from the usual lec- should be the of every any of those which have preceded it on home. ture in that it consisted of music, realis- which echoot graduate equipment has spent two who high College Hill. 1'HURSDAY, MAY 9- tic imitation of bird and some years in college. . Tlnough the kindness of Mrs. Ham- Jester Performance, Bnlt.Imor e. The theme of Everyman is that of very excellent ernyon The Tilo results of this examination, con- unin)rsal mortality. Aft erG 0 d rick supper will be served on the }~RIDAY, MAY 10- naturalist also exhibited several oil sidered with the students high (Adonai) has coudcmued the world and lawn after the exercises on the Athletic Varsity lacrosse, Penn State Col- paintings which he had previously made school and records will be used Field. its inbabi tnuts for living in sin, he sum- lege-home. of wild birds in America to determine relation of the stu- mOns Death to go to Everyman and bid In a few the dress to be worn SATURDAY, .MAY 11- SOllie interesting figures dent to further work and the hilll make his pilgrimage. Stunned at will be on dis- Vnralty baseball, Tank Corps- were presented concerning the number typo of work which lllay profitably the unexpected summons, Everyman in the show window of Nusbaum away. of birds which inhabit the world in gcn- pursue his junior and senior tries in vain to bribe Death, who finally Department Store, whieh V:ITsil.)" tennis, U. of Maryland- emlnndourstateinparticulnr. years, and have a direct benring promises to stay the execution of hiij is furnishing the material used for the homo, (Continued on Pago Four) upon his choice of vocation and upon sentence until Everyman may ask some 1\10NDAY, MAY 13- the field of his graduate work. of his friends to accompany him on the T_ih'rary Societies, 6:45 P_ 111. COLLEGE PLAYERS BEGIN The journey. He summons Fellowship, but STATE ORATORS COMPETE 14- Kindred, Goods, and Good Deeds, TUESDAY, MAY PRACTICE FOR JUNE PLAY Good Deeds alone is willing to go. She, FOR NATIONAL CONTEST Social Clubs, 7:15 P. :III. however, is bound by man's sins and W"};DN.8SDA Y, 1IIA Y 15- started rc- cannot move. Buc sends to Everyman '1'he College Players have Knowledge who leads him to Confession '1'he Mnryland State finals of the Na- hcarsala on the play to be presented and Peuuuce. Then Good Deeds be- tional Intercollegiate Oratorical Con- Commencement weok in Alumni Hall. 'l'be pIny. "Pygmalion and G:J.laten," by comes strong enough to go on the jour- test were held Saturday evening in the ney. At the brink of the grave, of Mount St. Mary's Col- W. S. Gilbert, is a mythological come- dy in three ads ahd will prove one of Strength, Beauty, Five-Wits, and Dis The cOlltest was WOIl by Mr. eretion forsake Everyman, but sup- J_ Toner, of Mount St. Mary's. the lllost unusual and ctnborutc ported by Good Deeds, he goce at last \V~estern Maryland College was repre- SERMONSTOSENIOR CLASS by the players. The .into "the hea venty spucrc," sented by 1I[r. Leslie S. Grover. The c., -_-- University of Maryland represented by The cast is composed of students of other colleges partieipatiug were the CONTINUEDBYDR.HERSON B .• the seminary. Mr. Graef W. Buchu and Loyola Col- ed at Commencement time first., of Hinwatlla," given Rev. COED CONTESTANTS NAMED lege represented by Mr. Phillip T. By- of third The Baltimore, Joseph before T. the Herson, Senior D. class D., "The Legend innovation proved Ions such been being a tempor- COLLEGE COLORS FLY delivered and second his It success year. last bert. the sermons that FOR INTER-SOCIETY MEET phase All of of the the orations were upon Toner in Baker Chapel 011 April 21 and 28 arily adopted. Preceding the play a AT APPLE BLOSSOM FETE some Mr. The was Constitution. selected as the subject of his oration respectively. of Samson. second The sermon sermon a series of Greek a group poses Hnd dances will the be study third by given women of of The Browning Philo contestants have "Llnnrilton and the Constitution." The dealt with the pre-eminence of Jeaue. Speech Department. The sixth (!Huual Shenandoah been announced. The winners of the title of .Mr. Grover's oration was "Our The text of Dr. Herson's second aer. "Pygmalion and Galatea" is a charm- Blossom }'estin!l was celebrated at contest, who will take Constitution." The judges of the con- rnon was found in Judges 16:28--"And ing comedy tinged with a hit chester, vn., on Apnl ~9. wester» the inter-society essay contest test were the Hon. Albcrt S. J. Owens, Samson called unto Jehovah and said, tak- held COnUlIellcement week are as fol- Mr. George J. Clautice and Mr. Ig- o Lord Jehovah, remember me I pray The setting when is in Greece, nation the was ill her ~::;~a~lfd ~:.,\~. r;~r~~e:::eend '~i~O a ing tha't place lo',-s: Fer Browning-lsa\.oel Douglas~ natius Bjorlee. thee, and strengthen me I pray thee, "golden age" under Pericleil. 'l'he plot a color gU[j"d [or the Westminster Bund. and Catherine Hobby, Mary Orr Hering. only this once." The judges of Israel is bused upon the familiar mythological 'l'he IlIen selected Adjutant !llajor nltern:lte; for PhilO-ll,llna Mae Gal- The contcst is fostered by the Better were chosen because of personal prow· D. Newcomer, and America Federation of California. Any legend of Pymalion, the Athenian sculp lion, 1IIatilua Thompson, Muriel Bish- ess, daring, or adventurous exploits. bona fide undergraduate student in any tor, and Galatea, his seulptored master- op, alternate_ Samsou was peculiarly endowed phy piece_ Gilbert has varied the plot of college or university in the United The titles of the essays arc: :Miss Gal- sically to be a judge of Israel and a Stlltes is eligible for the competition. his pl(ly enough to create a situation terror to the Pllllistincs. Samson did The subjects are selected by the ora· mighty deeds for Israel but finnlly made even more unusual and more interesting tors from the following: The Conijtitu- thnn the original legend. Bishop, "'[he the mistake of allowing his self-will to The Greek interior, re"illnining the tion; Washington and tllll Constitu- Dongluss, "'l'he Progress Towar
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