Page 83 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 83
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTSi Baseball Lacrosse Tennis [SPORTS I BOXERS END SUCCESSFUL Terror Netmen Arrange GREASY BACK ON HILL Terror Stickmen Show BASEBALL CANDIDATES SEASON UNDER HARLOW An Attractive Schedule AFTER LONG ABSENCE Class in Recent Game SHOW KEEN INTEREST The Tennis schedule as an- TAKE THIRD PLACE IN INTER- GOING ABOUT ON CRUTCHES OPENING GAME SATURDAY COLLEGIATE BOUT that we learn W. 11. O. baseball candidates have of the return to "Hill" of Greasy been working out intensively in prcpar The Terror boxing team closed it's one of thc mos! popora- and well- over Its performance two ago at for 1929 boxing season with It's pa rtieipa- our number, and unquesttonnhlj- Sf. John's, and Coach Marden was high- ation Lebanon the opening game of the this season College, com· with V~lley ticn in the Intereollegiates eeld at Penn U. OUr most famed athlete. His cccupcratton ly pleased with the game in general. Bnturdaj-, Interest State College, :March 22nd and 23rd. though not ia sufflcicnt f.o nllow The game started with the car marks ing in the sport is Owing to the efforts of Ooaeh Dick Hat crutches, his being again of a great battle. For fully 15 minutes still as keen here as it has been in the low, the mit men enjoyed a surprisingly DS evidenced by the large nn",ber of the first the Terror defense for positions. - successful senaon in their second year of All·Amer Coach H. B. Jntcrcollegiatc boxing; winning six of eight meets and placing third in the In· and he tercotlegiates with two champions and a long and hard. not been interrupted at nil because third place. af inclement weather as drills arc COIl It is due to Coach Harlow's untiring efforts that Western Maryland College lIlay look with pride to her boxing tClIm. Dick initiated the sport in his first year at Western Maryland. 'T'here WllS only one meet, which the Terrors lost, 5·2: that with the of Pcunsyl spent in intrn-tenm bouts. 'fhc next year, Dick presented a r-eal schedule to his glove-throwers. Nine merts with the best. Colleges in the South and East. 'T'he mitmen t() go through the season by honest cfIort alone, three of these mcets. An ment for the first year. It has been the past year that the Ter for more than two rors have shown the result of Dick's from the hos In winning six of the eight Pa. pital and clime to Westminster to live accomplished an almost uri- star believable The only teams to de at ing H. there, B. Spier's home. the He "llill" is st.ill to at- been tried at dilTerentposi to feat the Terrors, were Penn State and tend classes we nave assurance tions in order that their abilit.ies mar the Navy. 'I'he present Intercollegiate ncar future he will belllost effectivelyTocated and utilized Champions and last year's Champions. SOPH GIRLS WIN INTERCLASS that soon in rest of the season is: mOl'eherealtogether. Both scores were vcry close. BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Welcome Our sincerest wish· April 27-LHfHyette College, Away. Too much cannot be said of Coach The inter-class basketball tour. ce for )'our and complete recovery. Harlow's when back }Jay IO-Penn State College, Home. over the time to May I8-Uni". of Mntylund, Awn)". and the material with was de whole season with no The THE 1929 JESTER TOUR May 25-Unil'. of Baltimore, Home. veloped. Not one of the boxers had ",pl""",j""i" game was probably the ever had boxing on bcfore com· game of the tournnment. During (Continued from Page Four) ing to Western With this DR. JOSEPHT.HERSON ADDRESSES the whole game the scor-e was close-at material Dick a team together, the end of the half it was 8-8, and at the the ~ormlll School girls, followed SENIOR CLASS working hard to t eneh the »ecceaary enil of the game 27·25 in favor of the after a short things. And n{)W there are two cham- (Continued from Page One) sophomores. Thc nne-up of thc winning pions on the Western Maryland campus. team, was: controlled by his law." A proud, afto, Too much cannot be said of the boys. r.f. the Both those who were the ones who fonght I.f. in the meets and those whose efforts in Hogall,j.c. the Synagognc made targets. 1'0 Doug Hamilton, s. c. needs is a nose. Crosby and Ted Klepac go the highest r. g. it's a mighty fine town. And as its honors. Both overcame handicaps and 'run, sen-food and girls-well, just fisk the became the champions in their respective g. man who's been there! Here the pcr di\·isiona. Crosby Ins! year fought in Result of games: fcrmnnce wns staged in the school the feather weight division and had a Class W. L. for the that mediocre season. This year he Senior Weisbeck bar· The up into the light wcight division all Junior to be too big of the bouts he fought during the yeflr, Sophomore pray sa_", 'Onr Fatl,er'." 'VI' are not April 20-LebanOll Vnl1~y, Away. ending the season with a victory ol'er Frcshmnn able to understand God as Oreator, April ZS-Crorgetown Uni"., Awny. Saslow of Pennsylvania to win the Cham Xing, Nebula, or Tyrant, because th('se pionship. FOOTBALL AND HER CRITICS nre ren,ote frollI us; but II'C e·a" under· April 27-.'l.lbright College, AlI'ay. stand G()d HS !l father, because this is Ted Klepac, the fighting fool of the within Ollr range of experiencc. 'fhe )Iay 1-Blue Ridge College, Home. is easy the desen'ing of the most Once upon a time the friends and truth of Gou being a Father, did not or- :Io]"Y 4-T~]lk Corps, Home. Ted all the year conceded from foes of football hung up tl,eir aX('B soon ten to fifteen pounds to his after last game in November, bnt that iginnte with Jesus. Abraham,:1s well ~Iar 8-111. St. Mary'S, Home. as othcrs of ancient times, had some and won six of Ids eight is no the ease. Football discns- ~Il.l' ll-Tauk Corps, Away. of the fatherhood of God, this gave to grow. truth an atmos- .\lay I5-Blne Ridge College, Away. ~::; :~I~u~:a::;::~~hi;I~~n ;:::d by ~~S:U::i:1l of foot~al~;e::;7;;U~d jl~~:"~e~ pa~kC~t~I:~ f~~1~0~1~;:,;\·::,I~ :c:~iel~·O:~il~. ~~!re in which May J8-~H. St. Mary's, Aw:oy. ~:::;~il:; ~:e~;::y::rcG~~:;:::~I~;~ '~'~I~e'I~ :;n~:~oc~,:~I~~~a:P~~:gn~;':r:s :::n~:~;~t; the managed to ::,;ect our old fri:nn(~ In concluding his May 22-N:1I'y, Away. in looking back to last year, his first out }lromptly enough for spring prnc- wheezed Baltimore hllrbor about two stArts as a college bo:
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