Page 86 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGg'l'WO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. l1Jutl'r-OlOllI'Biutl' !1\rOUUll t1)1'Olumpu!l ]Inril'ty 1\ II,. A PLAYS AND OF LIFE BOOKS, REVIEW ~'I) A difference because Sophomores Smith in Speech are performance FAUST COll'gU~~~:Oll.g;at" The grieving the last Hall The Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during Western Maryland may not follow lib annual the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, but a debt of gratitude is on Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at tbe "Westminster Pcatofflee. Publicity is a great thing. Subscription Prtce, $2.00 a. Year "Buck" BaKer has been elected tem pm-ary chairman of the Freshman cl!lsS l\fAKAGING S'1'AFF until the regul:ir election comes off next EDITOR-IN·CHIEF .. .William G. Eaton, '30 iug for over an honr made a grand rush MANAGING EDITOR. ."Wilmer V. Bell, '30 for the desirable spaces, followed the more leisure persons who were ASS1'. MANAGING EDITOn. .Weldon G. Dawson, '30 enough to be able to purchase seats. BUSINESS l\IANAGER. . . Paul L. Bates, '31 skin coats uor gaudily painted Lwora' The elite of Baltimore was there. The scene was resplendent with gorgeous AD\'ERTISING l\lANAGER .. .Joseph C. Newcomer, '31 -High Point Enterprtee. ",Vho said the "fair sex" were unable shimmering gowns, glittering di:l . '30 to keep a secret' The women held a CIRCULATION MANAGER. James .A. Stack, An Expensive Ball expensive close.fitting tux more and Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 'l'he freshmJlll nnd sophomore classes edos five minutes eight "full theatre dress"- was By the Assr. CWCULATiON l\IANAGEI!S. . .. Joseph '1'. Addison, '32 of Columbia Unil"ersity learned that filled; the audience was com { br!\wls cost ne lUlleh as balls, wilen who had come because SPORTS EDITOR. . Alex. 0 'Lear, '30 [hey were that they owed 11m Hotel Plaza $2500 for a little REPOR'rOH,IAL STAFF because it was proper The fir.~t surprise! At o'clock ASSOCI,1'I'£ EDITOIlS the lights were lowered, talking Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. \V. Kcoekogey, '32 Miss Esther Smith tells us tilat while the large orchestra began tuning, ill New York during the Spring vaca- Louis Hosselmnns enter- COpy EDI'I'ORS tion she saw twelve different plnys. It the music started Cflthcrine E. Reael, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 is Hot difficult to see that Miss Smith had begun. is interested in drama. REPORTERS was reviewed in the TInny O. Smith, '30 column issue. Jtrecentlyopened ~;':~~leb~!l;n~l~~!~rl','~300 John 1•. wutkins, '30 1.l'ndolL:lndthefirstperformanceen(led Arvalene Hitchens, '30 HoyT. Edwards, '31 after orcccn curtain calla. 'I'nusc on the Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 Hill that saw It were lucky. habel Douglas, '31 Charles R Etzler, '32 Thelma Reid, '31 Stanford 1. Hoff, ';12 Evelyn Collison, '3.1 DUI1Cllll C. Murchison. '32 Winifred Bush. ~:;:;~~~~lh?'r!;.~:~llll~l,];., '32 Mary Lee Shipley, Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI LIBERALISM ELECTIONS E"cryOllo is sorry to see the In the last edition of the GOLD BUG time for the Seniors leave the Hill Hlong with drawing so ncar. Even the hen\'cns her, a11d at the of as weep whell don their caps and takes refuge in prayer. <\s the this proposal of a "professors' efficiency tcst..' T. P. ~:k::,e Sunday to ~l~~:~~~:' ~e~,h:~~,~at~~nan~~I;o~I~~~n~:p~~lr ltisthesineerehopeofel'eryonethat drags Faust to How About a Strike the to hiscompaet. Perhaps the J.1illenium is at hand for Ihe will soon recover from Faust has ended. Space forbids a long their is (-er\.ainly something to talk about her ankle and her Intest nttack dig- review and discussion but the opera, in the news of thc benevolent student of in time to preside with llity over the approaching festivities in viewed from n "stander's only" opin worthwhile, even con- her honor. of The ,;lost of us use alarm but crowds, elaborate Does it occur to these men and women "Gus" Belote has Professor to may soon be forgotten that a great rests upon Tho- Fordham Rnm call hnn. "Prof." Beard realizcs what ccrlaiu selections will (Jlways be rcmem thcl11~ The they Hold comprise a good student Belote is (or otherwise) bcrcd-c-the delightful waltz in the second entirely the college extra-curricularac Traoing the Style side by and likes him to get to his first period net, Marguente ts brilliant "Jewel touching upon tl, moral, phya- A well dressed college man's shirts side on the campus,"he said. "IIere clnsa before 9.l5. Song," V,1lcntin's death song, the mar ical mental life of the campus. got too small for him so he began to we should like nil phases of thought to tial air of the "Soldier's Chorus," and They are the leaders for the coming year. W(,IIr them open at the neek. 1'housallds be discussed.", Washil,gton College and Who snld that J. G. C. caused one t~ especially the dramatic trio in the last Western M:lryland seemed nmneed nt Let them remember that euceess cannot of school boys followrd his example lose their be the result of the work of one organ· it was style. such !I proposal. Just what the eoneep did not see It might be well lit this time to in· ization alone; it depends upon the co- -c-Califoruiu Pelican. tion of Liberalism is it is rather difficult opern goers of three opernt.ion of nil. to decide. The la1ter seems to connect which they should take into A review of the newly elected officers More Smoke it with wide trousers and open shirt eonsidcrat.ion before attending. Don't fronts. Both colleges agreed that be· at Leland Stanford, rcgu· go to all opera without acquainting your· fore !lny steps could be taken to form lations smoking by women fit Tennis raokets are in demand alld self with the the more definite, the any snch club it would have to be con· public gatherings OJl the and in courts !Ire more so. One sure way of for you are 1m unusual sidered by the respectil'e faculties. eampu3 buildings, were the ae getting a court is to set your alarm for lion of the women's conference. 5.30 A.';1.-of course after having found the speeches cannot be under· But what is this liberalism which hns voted thesellonors upon an ambitious partner like yourself. Even and consequently many of the sub· West~rn J.laryland must be so -The Hoyn. them will be ready to condemn a false jhen you are likely to have company. tIe actions lire lost. Don't go to an tious in considering' Tho is Criticism comes fast and sure! opera expecting plenty of "action," for sued by the sponsors of the Con· Dumb'? Hu,'c you taken any further notice of it is impossible for a hunllln being to ferenee clearly defined it and 'l'he of Chicago claims ~ the birdaand their songs since Mr. Hut ha"o enough breath to negotiate a high its purpose. On every campus, it NOTHING TO DO record of havillg oldest freshman en thins' lecture' Of course el'eryonc 1I::IS C and :ll the SHme time gi\'e way to there arc some students who take an in- rolled. The frosh is 7'1 years old. noticed a few human birds roaming violent action of any kind. And finally, telligent interest in the multitude of is to do on this -The Yellow Jacket. ol'er the campus. "Speedy" ,Varren don't to hear much of the'kind slles confronting the liberal mind-is takes the prize, but try to classify him. of which ean be readily wllistled. sues of industry, politics, race, imper How About It ialism and militarism. This is what is Oberlin College has followed the leud Thr Sophomore contestants for meant by merely an open and of those e(lucationul institutions tho Korment Prizes be held May 17 ROMEO AND JULIET broadened mind! such students which llfll'e tho six letter grad hn,"e been announced Miss Esther unite with like'minded stuilcnts to form ing system. Hereafter Oberlin students Smith. The women are: Smith, "Romeo and Jnlict," recently given clubs for thc discussion of the9C prob will either "pass" or "fail" and tile)" l'hoebe Roop nnd Helen ECkard. The at }'ord's Theatre, Baltimore, was all lems, secking, by assooiation and con· trouble to find that something. Join will llel'er know whether they PltSS with men !Ire "Joe" Newcomer, Ralph Reed that could h(n'e been desired. Fritz Lei· certed effort, not to inform them one, or nil, of thllI'l!rious clubs. Why, a D or an A grade. and Clarence Sullivan. ber took the part of Romeo and from selves but to arouse there is Shakespeare French Club, -The Yellow Jacket. thebeginnillg he held the interest of his Sciencc Olub, Poet's Glee Clnb, The cbssrepresentatives tor the Men's Homc Ec. C1ub,-surely on(lof Let's Dig Student CounCil have nil been elected audience t.he dramatic intensity of these must appeal to anyone, whatever '1'heUniversity of Texas has the dis- The men representing the present Junior his special interests might be. And how Class are: H!\vell.'!, Trice and Willis; about the Y. 11. or the Y. W. f Plenty SopllOmore Class: Ekaitis, Newcomer statement issued through the authorities of elwnce for work in either of them. and :Freshmen Class: PinourIJ., actually prohibited any definit.e aeti,;ty 'l'hen there are the poor old J.iterary So· Stearns lleClellan. All capable toward such a projoct, for no such netion eieties. It certainly would not do' any menl has el'er been considered. But the ob· harm for more time and energy to be (le· Temple, who of nurse to jeetions,stated as they were, seemed voted to them. Debating, dramatics, The new College Catalogue for 1928· Juliet, madc her by far the mosl com· tinged with a 1Iote of paternalism and books, hiking, ten 29 has been printed and is in the Li pelling character was in the /I play. Her for e"ery signal like appear:mce more consen'atism unworthy of the higheat sorts-take up somo of brnr~'. If YOIl happen to be down that type of educational institution. "Un else that will keep wny stop in and see how you are rated intellse !ltfention evidently. She seem· less," as a correspondent writes in the ~'ou in people and life. Then, Hebrew Excellence and also if your Hame has been cd to enjoy herself more than :my other Baltimore SUlI, "an attempt at original if time still hangs heavy on your hands, At Columbia it has been correctly. The old pioture of char"eter ill the pl:l)". Redmond FloOtl, thinking of any kind still is looked upon writing for the GOI,D BUG and f0U11d thnt Jewish nrc by far is still in use. Why can't a newer who arted the minor role of apothecary, as the most reckless aHd unmoral of find that idle moments are "~memo the most intelleetually, than be used showing the campus as made his part and noteworthy voice. by his ghastly appearance rasping amusements." ories of by·gone days." any other group. -Thc Heights really is!
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