Page 82 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 82
PAUE TWU The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 3lntl'r-Qllllll'giatl' 1Ilaril'tll NI'U1ll A REVIEW OF BOOKS, PLA 1'S AND LIFE Du Bose Heyward is a native of Qflicial newspaper 01' western Maryland College, pubflahed on Thursday during Charleston, South Carolina. His whole the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, life has been spent iu that place where Mnryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Poatofflce. the refined culture of the remaining ar- Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year istocratic classes has been bleudedwith the primitive taste and emotion of the :MANAGING STAFF Sonthern Negro. lIe is acquainted with the liie of this aristocratic class but ce- EDlTOIl-lN-CHIEf' . .. William G. Eaton, '30 is he acquainted with the life MANAGING EDITOR. .. Wilmer V. Bell, '30 in forbidding the Added to this he is en- vcrting form of travel. dowed a geniU8for writing and his ASST. :MANAGING EDITOR. .... Weldon G. Dawson, '30 "When it becomes books on Southern life have succeeded BUSIXESS l\IANAGER. .. Paul IJ. Bates, '31 plains the And in the modern reading world. paper of Dickinson "for a ADVER'I'ISlNG 1'IIANAGER. ...... Joseph C. Newcomer, '31 was written in collaboration clean-cut, college boy with sister Dorothy. It was pub- CmCUI,ATION l\L-'..NAGER. .James A. Stack, '30 to ask a passiug for the means at lished first in novel form but later was Josiah D. Stillwagon, Jr., '32 to get to his home and parents during a to the stage. The piny was Ass-r CmCULATION MANAGERS. . Joseph T. Addison, '32 brief vacation period, then it is time to by the Thcatre Guild under the { the discretion of legislatil-e of Rouben Mamcullan, a -The New Student. SPOR'fS EDl'rOH. . Alex. O'Lear, '30 yOUllg director from Europe. A band of genuine Charleston Negroes were REPOR'I'ORIAT .. STAFF Telling the World to New York to form tho "You can't print that. Seeing that Since its premiere in New York ASSOCIATE EDITORS article in a student paper the public will several seasons ago, "Porgy" has en- Virginia C. Merrill, '30 C. IV. Koockogey, '~2 tnke it as the oflicial opinion of the col- joyed an unbroken run. Ollly this eea- lege, and we can't allow thaL" son was it sent on a tour from which COpy EDITORS This is the argument that keeps mnnj it will play in London. college papers from much of but the endurance." Catherine E. Read, '30 W. C. Rein, '31 The story is told wil.h a suspense and anything besides no At a recent meeting of the Junior drmuatlc skill which grips the au- tices and club actil'ities. Such reason REPORTERS Class tho two eleetive ottlicer s for tl,e diencc from cur-tniu to curtain. To be- ing bas nlso 1930 Alohn were filled. Wilmer V. Bell gin with ther(l is plellt.y of action, o race A nustrong, '30 Harry O. Smith, '30 the head of more with Elizabeth Clough, '30 John L. Watkins, '30 tor. was r-Iected Editor-in-Chief, and Chnrlce exciting evcuta connected by a Ar-valene Ilitehans, '30 Boy '1'. Edwards, '31 }'or this reason the bold-face etnte W. Haven, Business moving story about a crippled Evelyn Mather, '30 Howard A. Bolton, '32 in large type above the bit of responsibility but it beggar who emerges as a figure of Isabel Dougtas, '31 Charles R. Etzler, '32 cotunm of the Haverford News The week-end witnesses the Liberal almost heroic stature. Porgy is hi3 Thelma Reid, '31 Stanford I. Hoff, '32 Conference which will be held M Johns 11[1111e.With his folk wisdom and calm Evelyn Collison, '31 Duncun C. Murchison, '32 in the News do not nee' Hopkins It will certninly courage and strong hands he fighh a Winifred Bush, '32 Cameron C. Stearns, '32 represent the opinion of a ma- those on the Hill succeasfut battle with Crown, the iron- Mary Lee Shipley, '32 Samuel G. Townsend, Jr., '32 of the undergraduates, faculty or for the possession of They are designed inst.cad to Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. discussions of such mittee. as the News be licl'es consideration of those Those on the IIill from the Eastern interested iu the Constructive Shore are glad to hear the gracious re IE-D-I-T-O-R-I - A -LI communications Haverford port from the Jesters who toured "!.l,e "CO home of the Negroes in Charles· problems on the conduct this news vacation. Catfish Row is seen in daylight, BEGINNING OUR POLICY paper, whether favoring or opposing the And darkness, dawn and storm, then twice stand taken by this paper, are welcomed the scene shifts to Serena's bedroom With this issue the new staff of the b~' the editor and will be published on where mourners sing for the passing of GOI,DBUG its work. First it this page." her husband, killed by Crown in a gama wishes to the student body for -The New Student. of As the mourners wail and of confidence in the sway, shadows cast by a smoky elected. A and that Class in Bed distorted and gigantic, upon this for on the can When Professor T. V. wall behind and the of traryit le very Some do this the voices and the shadows and the because of curiosity, others because they College in general if it is successful hands arc blended with marvelous art. trust that the incoming management, This blending of setting. light, color, like would do, will proceed to en· Probably the most responsible position noises, and bodily rhythms is tertain students, ridicule the adurin 'In todn;; through the entire production to istrntion and to make puns upon various dent activities was voted Cour wit.h unbroken unity of purpose. The o~ the )'1en's Student measures not inconvenience them, lle is now The enudidntes H. O. ~mith, O. W acticn Is built into a eortcs of tense eli- If tho is the ease they will be his lectures. Students of maxes with accumulating power. Llkc- disappointed. The new management the class may attrnd by merely tuning mOil. The results will be wise the sounds are arranged almost as has no idea of making the publication in on the radio. by but votes. Congratulations in a symphony, with fine dramatic con· iug more could be A paper an amusement sheet by holding the ad -Gettysburgian. t.othe traste brought out by co-ordinated tu- which rankediligh in the ministration, student governments, and mults and dead silences. of collegiate publications, equol other on the campus to ridicule. Spring is here even though there were ing many papers representing mnch A paper should be a connecting More Smoke some donbts 'Tuesda,\' and Wednesday. Inrger sehools. Of eourse there might link not a tool of friction. Do nat Bryn !\fawr furnish exist SOIllC regrets on the part of the re mist'lke our purpose. It is not the in obsolete and for the stnff but this is natnrnl and e:< tent ion of the paper to be submissive of modest. reflection. lind refuse to comment on various cam prinei mention should be made of the pus activities. On the contrary certain :111(1 Editor·in-Chief, P. an(}eertaincon None of those corncobs! Editor, L. ditions open to discussion. The -Gettysbnrgiau. Jr., so abl~' co-oper::tted in GOLDBUGinvites the st.udents to express and managing the past editions. It their indiddu111 opinions by means of Improved Curriculum be only a worthy aim of the pres· letters to the paper. But distinguish be A Southern has bought one audience ent officers to follow t.heir L"amplc. tween constructive and de,tructive hundred acres of and is going to All of the parts of the play are criticism I .1dd fox·hunting to its curriculum. An· touched with an element of poetry. This There are ten general functions of a other step towards the liberation of the paper which the new manage· American College from the onerous two will endea\'or to maintain. These ditionofeducation. fundians are: to report the news; gil"e -The Heights. publicity; gi~e general infor with this in view. and special regulation; to pro Americanism that this has been ,-ide entertainment; to sponsor school Americanism: Building )1Hlrl,ines to th:1t the 111'11' staff -will co·operate whole activities; to encourage attai.nment snch heartedl), ill the interest. oft.he future ns seholorships, athletics and the four· lessen physical effort and make more editions. fold of life; to increase money to afford more leisure to take IS to preserve school tradi more exercise. toins; record school history .~nd to -Lafayette J. & C. promote between the col student body, whom the paper represents. The retiring editor·in-chief lege and its strurk upon the same fact in Ills final These functions are general in their editorial, but it bears emphasis. Re scope and eo,-er milch Any of graduation in now, member when criticize certain fea staff necessarily fulfills them a de to the new regnlation, those turesofany public,d.ionyou gree, but a worthy aim 1V0uidbe to in· will ll/lI'e completed th(l work required The Jesters ends he is on way to New ill a rertain sense, eriticizing crease this degree. Many people, of for graduation, not necessarily by performllnee night iu the find his Bess and bring her blltbesureitisconstruc· course, will take this for granted but but before the tilllc of another in· House. There was a good \\'hen you come upon eer become dubions as to its fulfilment but It h8S, therefore, been de· must admit., "Not failure, but cided t.hat all those students who have (lienee present, and the response was There is neither propaganda nor sen- low aim crime." se\-en semesters in this or in some' timentality in the treatment by Dorothy 'rhe institution (in case of time spent Parrots and were certainly snappy! The and Bu Bose Heyward of the black Glee Club pro'-id~d the INVESTITURE at another college, the last semester must real entertainment. Bamngardner and folk; there is only honeatportraiture. have been spent at Western Maryland "Porgy" is a great play. Dc- works for suecess in any enterprise. This year, the requirements for the and who, at the end of this lIfcGowan are a hit on the banjo; solos; his with investiture of the members of t.he senior are not more than thirty four class with the academic cap and gown or or "Where ~'o' all goin' niggah'" Upon Reflection hi1vCbeen modified considerably. It ill short for Halperin with his grin, and "Ah's been rushed by Tri Kappa." Gazing into a mirror is not always 1\ the belief at Western Mnryland College the women. If you hR.-en't 'n them, "Whnt ),0' all mean, Tri Kappat" of ,-nnity. In many cases it must that the investiture should not hal'e the "K. K. K_, niggah." to a sense of humor. exact significance which is generally at· scniors. go!
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