Page 81 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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GOt Y. W. C. A. BAZAAR ILLUSTRATED LECTURE McDANIEL HALL ALUMNI HALL APRIL 20 APRIL 23, 8:00 P. M. Vol. 6, No. 21 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 18, 1929 NATURALIST TO PRESENT DEAN INVESTITURE SCHOFIELD DELIVERS COLLEGE CALENDAR WELL·KNOWN IN VOCALIST PLEASES LIBERAL CONFERENCE TO S. B. ADDRESS TO ALUMNI AUDIENCE HALL UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT SENIORS 'I'HURSDAY, APRIL 18- MEET AT JOHNS HOPKINS 'l'he annual investiture of the Sell- Jester Performance Opera House, On Friday evening, April 12, in Alum· On Tuesday, April at 8 P. ),1. in ior Class was held in Baker Chapel wed- 8:00 P. 11[. ni Hall, Mr. Frank Mellor, noted tenor, 'l'he Liberal Clnb of John's Hopkins Alumni Hall, Mr-, Bowman ncsday nlOrning, April 10. 'I'hlrt.y-t.hrce SA'I'URDAY, APRIL 20- gave a most pleasing and varied pro· Hutchins, of Colorado, famous natural- men and fi ft.y-fiv e women were iuveet- Y. W. Ba eun r :McDaniel Hall Par gram, Ethics ist, artist, and bird warbler, will pre· a total of Tho lor. arranged to hold an Varsity Lacrosse, University of Baltimore-away. tu-cs in colored chalk of our Varsity Baseball, Lebanon Valley Court of the county, song birds, at the Same time imitating -e-nwa y, appeared in Alumni Hall several yean their music. He Vursit.)' 'I'cnnis.Gctf.yeburg-e-away. ago as a member of the Criterion Quar- on thc piano and delivered the address to the seniors. SUNDA Y, APRIL 21- "Cormucnccmcnt is the of a tet. His 1nllllY friends were glad of nninterestinliber Bnker Chapel Service, 4:15 P. M. the oppor-tunity to hear him ngalll. His III thought and a to forwnrd, by APRIL 22- charming personality, the ease with the discussion of current problema, a U:45P. M. whieh he sings, and his beautiful tenor better understanding of dominant pol· voice immedi:ltely won the admiration this entertninmcnt as the C. itieal,socinl,andeconomicissues." Woman's Lit.erary Club B. of the large and appreciative The interest caused by the of P.M. which included the student body this meeting is heightened raer lllany friends from Westminster and vi- that Norman the Socialist einity. Party candidate in recent Presi· Rocky Mountain Nn tinnn l Park last dential election, will, on successive Mr. Mellor was at the summer, assure us that a most delight· head of days, address tIle delegates. Mr. Thom ful and unusual treat is in store for all. as, :IS Executive Director of the League for Industrial Dcmocraey, has chosen for his main address the subject, "The POETS' CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS College Btudent as a Potential Voter". Another prominent student of labor 'I'he Poets" Club held its annual elec- problems, Futher John A. Ryan, wil! tionofoffirersonWednesday,),[arch27. also speak on the subject, "The Mean· Roanokc--away. the ing of Liberalism." Alumni ORATORS ANNOUNCEDFOR discussion various by Julina Hopkins will be students in led delegates The INTER-SOCIETY CONTEST Baseball, Georgetown- vu. Poly Ins.- Oratorical Contest to be held during Commencement were announced by the two lIIen's Societies t.his week. 'Websterheld preliminary contest The conference is another uiauifosta- April 11, at an <,xtru meet- by many lng for this purpose- The win· college in the controveTsi~ ners in the contest were .Messrs. B. II. questions of the present dll.y. Realiz· nor; :Miss waro. Phillips nnd T. E. Grove with Mr. L. S. ing the many advantages derived from in the Miss Friend and 'Mr. Phillips we!'e Grover as alternate. Jrving held its a mceting of those interested Goucher the elected to sene on the program ODlumit in a Commencement program, and contest nt the wcekly meeting, Monday, same subjects, undertaken IIopkinsand conference. clubs this have April 15. The winners were Messrs. the anthorities wish to shorten the final exercises of tho year, this change D. C. lIfurehison alld J. ",Y. Day, with Lamb JESTERS SUCCESSFULLY line be(>n made. bot.h Six the contestants are and so' Mr. E. will A. represent as their alternate. These so- DEAN SCHOFIELDTOMARRY men respective Prcsluunu from lected clet.ies. bcing TOUR EASTERN SHORE Sophomore excellence classes, in Speech. chosen Sopho· on Blue Ridge Col The titles of the orat.ions are as fol· FORMER FACULTYMEMBER The l.heir more cont.estants will not be announced each from 'I'uc 1929 Eastern Shore Jester 'I'our until later. The two winners II gold rncd- DR. JOSEPH T. HERSON which was made during class will be preeented with wusoneoft.helUost 01, the fund being established by the ADDRESSES SENIORCLASS ord. Starting at Sudlersville on Men late Samuel Norment, of day night, April 1, and at Dell' D. C. The eontestnnts from the ton on the following Fridny, man Class arc: Winifred Bush, Mary FIRST OF SERIES OF SERMONS The announce- to capacity crowds in euch Lee Shipley, Patricia Rain, Howard A. ment was made during Spring Vacation At Salisbury they attracted an In Baker Chapel on Sunday artor- MAY QUEEN AND COURT ELECTED and t.l!e marriage will take place in the Bolton, C. Robert Etzler, and Sharpe D. audience of over seven hundred, the Kas-per. noon, April 14, the Rev. Temple- end,\' summer. one which the new Normal ton Herson, D. D., pastor Mark's FOR MAY DAY }liss Troy was formerly a member of Auditorium has held to date. The Methodist Episcopal church, Baltimore, l\fissllIury Rut.h Holt was elected t.his the at Western Maryland famous "Bastern SIJOre STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTION delivered the first of his series of ecr- yea t'a May Queen at a llleeting of all with thc Home cert.ainly never 1I10re appreeiat- mons to the senior class. Dr. Herson's the girls held on Tuesday evening in Department. At one time Miss ed. H. O. Smith, present member of the text Ims found in Luke 11:2-"And Smith Hall. lIer attendants were also tnught in the locill Westminster On April 12 a performance was Jesus said, 'When ye jlray say, Our School. At the present time she is con Jnnior Class, was elected President of }'ather'." elected at this time. They are: staged in Baltimore at the West Balti the Men's Student Council at a. Once Daniel ",Yebster, known as the Senior Duehess-Miss Virginia Hoi· neccd with the Home Economies Dc· more U. P. church auditorium. of the mell in Smith Hall greatest mind of his day, was asked land. partment in thc Teachers' College, ut two more engagaments remain on ufter ehnpel today. The candidates for the Albany State College, Albany, N. Y. season's schedule after the second local what he considered the greatest thought Senior /\ttendants-lliss Evangeline The G(1 mercia I interests. With the idea of rdationship in mind 16, on the Athletic Field. Plans St.ates should maintain a large lHl"Y· 'rhe debater.~ for the negative clwl one asks, "What is God' Who is God'" for Dre being made under the on "Discipline "ersus Freedom in '1'he affirmative aide ",as upheld by the 'rhere cOllle five ansll'ers to these ques- direction of Millard and Miss His trealmcnt of theedu 11iss(>s Gallion, R.'lllm, und Scrivener, of tions. 'I'he first answer is given by a Dorot.h~' Johnson. There will be the us· cational philosophy of John Dcwey the Philomnthean Society; the negative crease nnvnl ri,'alry 'dignified alld beautiful wQman, .Mother ual court procession, followed by a brought some protest from the advo- siile was nr~lled by the Misse~ Thelma aln and the United States, and this will Nature. She saya, "God is a great bod~'guard of soldiers who will execute cates of interest and freedom in the Heid, Hamilton, nnd Donglass, of the eventually lead to ",ar. Second, the de creator, an artist, an artisan. He is the cross formation on the field. Four schools. ITethinks that there is still Browning Soeiet~'. 'fhe jndges of the mand for a large navy is the great smith stall ding at the forge countries will be represented ill cos· a jJlace for "must", for "hard compul· debate, the Professors Wills, Hondriek· and arises from the needs of of the Universc, the sparks from whieh tume and folk dances. ThedDnee around sion" in school work,and that some will SOll, and Brumbaugh, of the college, dcrs and not the needs of the nation. ~re the stars. "The second answer the Ma?pole will be by spring flowers. not learn without the outside urge. Dr. gave n lIllQnimous decision in fa"or of 'l'hird, since the United States has comes from Ii noble, old man, Moses, In addition to the group dances, there Russell of course, that chil- the negative. signed the Kellogg Peace Pact, the who says, "God is a great king. He will be several solo dances. Throughout dren will learn with the interest The affirmative based their argu- mllintenlJ.l'ce of a large navy would be governs all things. The Universe is the program, of course, the court jesters that comes from freedom of choice ns ments on three issues: First, a large a violat· " of internatiollnJ obligation. (Continued on Page Three) will entertain with their pranks. the urge to effort.
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