Page 60 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. TERROR BOXERS MAKE SUOCESS- FUL INVASION OF GEORGE- O1lnnn.O1luh.nUll~nttrt!l iniugn TOWN AND U. OF P. 1!inppruiugn Amnug tqr Alumui (Continued from Page Three) Edited by Helen Wheeler year for Western Maryland in the 125 Mrs. Holland (nee Alice White), '02, Helen Butler, '28, is working in the WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY SUNDAY SCHOOL pound divisien conducting himself very visited her daughter Alice last week. Enoch Pratt Library in Baltunore. The first meeting of Webster Literary Although its usual attendance was well; but Schadel was given a technical Leota Kolb, '28, Rose Todd, '28, were Miss M. Olivia Green, '22, is teaching Society for the second semester was held somewhat reduced by the week-end ex- knockout in the third round while Flater seen on the Hill recently. English in the Pooleville High School. Monday evening, Februray 4, in Web· odus of students from the hill, the Sun- was still on his feet. eter Hall. The strain of examination day school had a really worthwhile servo Doug Crosby stepped up to the light· Elsie Held, '28, attended chapel on Mrs. Bankert (nee Margaret Warde), over and the joy that cometh with the ice, centered on the theme "What the weight division and ran his string of the Hill last Sunday evening. '24, visited her sister, Frances Warde, knowledge of the Semester grades served Bible is For." Mr. Wesley Day, repra- victories to threc for the year by defeat- Miss Ena Long, '26, started her Mas- tho week of examination. to revive the old Webster spirit and a senting Professor Benninghoff's eleee, ing Laalow of Penn by decision at the ter's work in Math at Cornell this pll.8t Dr. Mary Jones Fisher, '90, is n.ssist- goodly turnout was evident. The formal took charge of the opening eseretsee end of three rounds. ant editor of Biological Abstracts at preliminaries over the program was as which consisted ef the following: of The welterweight fight went to Norris Elizabeth Wright, '29, whom we have University of Pennsylvania, Philadel- after wild Western a Maryland follows : Hymn and Responsive Reading. swinging bout. Winorsky and Norris not seen for a long time, visited on the phia. Piano Solo. .... Mr. Forlines. Prayer by Mr. 'I'hnmaa Grove. A Bit of Humor .. . Mr. Rein. Selection by orchestra. treated the spectators to some fast fight- Hill soon after the Xmas holidays. Lieut. W. Preston Grace, '26, and Vocal Solo. ..Mr. Watkins. Talk on the lesson by Mr. Grove. ing. Norris staggered Winorsky witb Mrs. Katherine Taylor, formerly Miss Mrs. Grace, formerly Bessie S. Hayman, Discussion: Compulsory attendance at After this the classes met for the cue- right hooks in the second round, piling K. Foutz, '26, is living at home while '27, are living at Schofield Barracks, Baker Chapel should be abolished. tomary study of the lesson, then Dr. up a lead that gave him the decision at her husband is taking pre-med. at W. Honolulu. Leader, Mr. Grover. Stephens announced that the Sunday the end of the third round. M. C. Mr. Forlincs has achieved much sue- school would meet in Smith Hall next Horn of Penn handed Ekaitis of Miss Adelaide C. Ford announces the cess as Webstcr's pianist. He can inflict Sunday, due to the "Y" conference. Western Maryland a dose of his own ·Mr. John D. Makoakey, '25, and Mrs. marriage of her niece, Blanche C. Ford classical music without pain. Webster After a song, Mr. Amos closed the ses- medicine by scoring a technical knock- Makoskcy, formerly Miss M. Gertrude to Mr. Leonard Bowlsbey, on Saturdny, really looks forward to his almost week· sion with prayer. In his talk Mr. Grove out over him in the third round of a Jones, '25, are residing in Chestertown, January the tweuty-eixth, at Elkton, lyprcsentations. developed the thought that the Bible is furious fight. The figllt was pretty even where John is Professor of English at Maryland. The couple will reside at Mr. Rein was in a serious mood at the the record ef the progressive revelation up to the point where a right hander Washington College. 3401 Belair Road, Baltimore, Md. meeting. Instead of wit he gave us a of God to man through human experi- caught Ekatis on the jaw, flooring him meaty poem to digest. It was suggested ence. He also stressed the need of daily for a nine count. The referee stopped DR. W. W, ELLSWORTH GIVES DR. W. W. ELLSWORTH SPEAKS IN he might be in love. devotion and Bible study in the life of the bout while Ekaitis was on his feet Mr. Watkins has proved himself quite the Christian. The fine music by the but groggy. Both boys were staggered TWO LECTURES IN SMITH HALL BAKER CHAPEL ON THE a bard. His vocal selections were unae- orchestra under Prof. Berthoff's direc in the preceding rounds by wild right (Contiuued Page One) ENGLISH BIBLE companied. He took us back to the tion was enjoyed by the whole Sunday an(lleft swings, This brought the meet from early jazz period. Be careful (If the ad- sehoul. to three to two in Penn's favor. fifty years ago. The work of very few (Coutinued from Page One) ministration, Mr. Watkins. Klepac came through with his third humorists lives. Only humor of the first Mr. GrO\'er was quite successful in BROWNING win in three starts to even up things, order survives with time. that the King Jnme's Version was pro- eliciting response during the discussions. Klepac won all three rounds by a slight Mr. Ellsworth's second lecture, "Mil· duced. 'Phis translation, the work of His leads were well planned. The objec- The Knave of Hearts (Margaret margin to take the decision over McLean ton, John Bunyan, and Their Times," fifty-four men, has became the best, tional feature, as generally conceded by Christ), he stole those tarts and took of Penn. Klepac has taken care of most popular, and most beautiful of all the members, in Baker Ohapel is the them all away, but the King of Hearts, three very good men since the season has was of an entirely different type from other translations. compulsion. We do not like to be he rescued those tarts and-married the opened. He is one of the most steady his firet one. In the second lecture, Dr. Ellsworth mentioned later edt- with the aid of lantern slides, Mr. Ells· "
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