Page 59 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 59
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md, PAGE THREE \SPORTS I BasKetball Boxing [SPORTS I Terror Boxers Make Successful BOXING DOPE EVERGREEN QUINT GAINS W.M. COURTMEN DEFEAT Invasion of Georgetown and U.of P. strugglc. but only after a DECISION OVER TERRORS PENN STATE FORESTRY Bowed to State, First Joss of the year. In one of the most drnmn.tic basket 'BOTH MEETS END IN SCORES 4·3 Crosby and Klepac ran their victories ball games ever played in this section Playing without the services of Al The Terror mittmeu made a successful TERROR MITTMEN LOSE to four straight. Good going. the undefeated Loyola cagers conquered kethall tenm still fresh from their Smith, veteran guard, W. M. C.'s baa- two-day invasion of foreign territory TO LIONS BY 4-3 SCORE Wolff made his twentieth straight in Western Maryland College in a batr \-ictory over Mt. St. Mary's, the past week-end, defeating both the college boxing. breadth finish last Saturday on the Ev Penn State Forestry at the boxers of Georgetown University and Captain Norris and Cardoni put on ergreen court by a 34·30 score. Fans ,\ rmory lnst Thursday by a handy mar those of the University of Peunsylvnnla. Penn State Boxers Take Match-Four the best bout of the evening. who witnessed the game still wonder how gin, 21·11. The game was extremely Eaeh mect ended with the score of four Bouts to Three Cardoni wns left-handed. Dick likes Loyola came through in the closing mo- rongh and llleked color chiefly because to three, with the Tcrrors on the long end. ihatkind. ments to snatch what would have been a of each tenms inability to loeate the The Western Maryland reprceenta- Penn State defeated the Terror boxers Fought in State's new Gym. well deserved victory for the determined bucket. tdves first traveled to Washington, D. by a 4-3 eeore at the new State gymnasi· A real gym, and it was filled. efforts of Barney Speir's fighting five. The first half was a battle of de C., wherc the boxers of Georgetown Ijnt- um last Saturday, the first defeat for Manhattan, Wednesday ; N. Y. U., Loyola had won every game on its fcnses. Close guarding interspersed versity were met. This meet was a very the Terrors this year. This was the first Saturday. schedule this season. W. :M., with an in with some erratic passing and still more Manhattan at the Armory. good one, all fights full of action. The meet for the Lions and it drew the Go get them, Terrors! and out record, wae doomed an easy erratic shooting, kept counters few and meet went into the heavyweight division largest crowd yet to witness an athletic victim for Comerford's pace setters in far apart. Rnt 15 points were basketed with the score three all and Downer event in the new gymnasium. the pre-game analysis. The Green and by both fives, the total of 5 baskets and The Western Maryland mittmen gave came through with the victory that gave the Staters a very good meet, all of the FROSH KEEP RECORD Gold .however, ignoring all past per ;:; fouls, during the entire period. Eaeh the Terrors the meet. formanees rose to its height, and gave missed numerous birdies which if made Tardugno, Georgetown's 115 pounder, bouts being full of action from begin· Loyola the scare which no team or team would have put any game on ice. and Callahan, westeru Maryland's rep- ning to end. The meet went into the OF STRAIGHT WINS supporters care for. With the game Penn State scored first to assume the resentat.ive of the anme class opened the heavyweight class tied at three all. Mc slowly waning all onlookers had visions lead and they were in front 7-3 when meet with a very good fight. Tardugno Andrews was too clever for Downer, de The Fresh continued their uubroken of an underdog victory and the shatter- ten minutes had been played. Otts BroIl appeared to h:1\'e uot a few pounds on feating him on points and taking the ing of the Grecn ts perfeet record. But then racked W. M.'s first basket of the eallnhan, but Bert went rigllt out after meet for Penn State. line of victories by defeating, in turn, fate would not have it otherwise. It game, after which Speir's men OTllpt him. The bout wns furious during its Shockley and Christopher opened the the Celtic Juniors and State Normal brought Dudley, the victors crack for· into the rront, never to be headed. The, entirety. Callahan opened a cut on meet by a fast three round bout. Shock· on Jannary 31st and Febru ward, to the fore from where lie WIlS hnlf ended witb Maryland on top of an Tardugno's 110sein the second that bled ley, fighting on almost a moment's no. My respectively. This makes five and he led his tanmmatcs in a belated 8·7 score. in a row for the freshmen, who have the rest of the fight. At the end of !.ice, gave Christopher a good battle, bnt shown great possibilities under the rally to win what, seemed like a loss. In the second half the Terrors' found three rounds it liiked like anyone's not enough to keep him from getting the mentorship of Bill Pelton. As started the Terrors quickly their shooting eye and hit the mark fight and a fourth round was called, af· dccision. zone defense before them and 13 times while P. S. was kept to 4- ter whieh Tardugno was given the nod. Flatcr took on Kolokoski, one of 'Ehe game on January 31st, played as managed to pile up an early lead. With This spurt allowed a comfort- Crosby completely outclassed Hagger· State's best boxers and held him even in n preliminary to the varsity Penn State Broll, l\!l)chnmer, and Wellinger making lead and gave W. M. its second win ty of Georgetown in the 125 pound claas the first ronnd, but bowed to greater ex ~'orestry gnme was against the Celtic good Oil tries both from the field and in their last two starts. to even up the meet. Crosby was given perience nnd little harder punching in Juniors, of Westminster. The opposition from t.he foul strip, W. M. was able to Broil and Engle topped the scorers tbe decision at the end of three round~. the seeond round. }'later kept driving was not very strong and the Frosh fin· maintain that lead throughout most of with 10 ond 5 points respectively. Long· This made the meet one all. in without even the hope of winning, ished 17-3 after having used cad, sub the J.Joyola fought despcrately hend, with 4 points, did best for l06ers. Georgetown took the next two bout~ showing great courage in the face of st.itnte. and it did to hold a one point to go ahead by a Ulree to one score. difficulty. The State Normnl gnme on Febrnary 16-15 at the rest period, A CHANGE IN SCHEDULE MADE Murphy of Georgetown was given the Crosby again fought in the light 2nd was an entirely different matter. The half began and Maryland, decision, after three very dose rounds, weight dass and ran. his string of vie The Frosh were outplayed in the first Inrgely through the remarkable shooting The inter·cluBs basketball games over Norris who stepped down a weight. tories to four by defenting Casoni in half by the Normalites, but rallied in of Broll, again forced its way to the scheduled for Monday, March 4 and Norris usun]]y tights in the welterweight three rounds. Crosby easily outboxed the second half to come out OIr the front. When six ruinutes rem:lined to Wednesdny, March 6, have been inter- cohorts !leld a five be Barney's dass. The tight was very dose. Casoni, using a left hook nnd right up larger end of a 28·25 score. Tlw general changed by the athletic department. Fish of Georgetown scored a technical per·cut to advantage. playing was ragged in this game, in and here is wl'ere the team Members of the teams involved SllOUld knockout OHr Hart of Western Mary· (Continued on Page Four) spite of the apeetaeular "eome·baek." (Continued on Pagc Four) take especial notice of the change. land in the welterweight division. Fish got away with some foul blows that the referce apparently thought hest to over· look. He 1)it Hart a. few time, on the break awny and landed a "rabbit· u punch" that dazed Hart. Ekaitis made the score of the meet three to two by a technical knockout of Iii rather have 0 Grceves in the third round of a very fnst bout. Both boys landed plenty of hard blows during the course of the bout Chesterfield /" until Grec\'€s took a hard one. The referee stopped the bout. Klepac e\'ened things by defeating Pozza of Georgetown in an extra round. This was the most scientific bout of the evening. A mistake by either boy would have mennt defeat. Pozza showed the finest boxing witnessed in a long time, but Klopnc matched him and won by landing the cleaner and harder punches. With the weight of the meet on his shoulders Downer came through with a win over Tierney to give Western M~ryland the meet. Tierney had n wild left hook that was nlways dangerous though Downer stepped inside it to stag· ger Tierney once or twiee. The decision was nwarded Downer at the end of the third round. Philadelphia Trip The Terrors then tr:n'cled to PhiladeJ· phia and met the University of Penn- sylvania boxers Snturdny afternoon, at the Palestra. Penn rushed to an early lead, bnt victories by Klepac and Down ar gare the meet to Western Maryland. In the 115 pound di\'ision Peluse of Pel1n, was too experienced for Callahan, winning all tl)ree of the rounds and get ting the deeisiol1 at the end of the third. Flater fought his first fight of the (Continned on Page Four) It is considet'ed the height of bad form, they discernment and excellent discrimination. COED QUINT WINS :FROM GALLAU· catry your own sandwichesto a tea-or And small wonder, considering all the re- DET HERE to pack your own blanker for the wcek-end- mark implies. Good taste, top quality, the rare but luckily. no sucb outlandish conventions sparkleof tobacco goodness-all these combine The women played their first game at home February 2. This was the annual surroupd the smoking at your own cigarette. to justify the choice of that man who thus game here with Gallaudet. Last year "I'd rather have a Chesterfield,"fortunately, shows hi:::keen judgment. they were tlw victors in the Westmin· is a phrase which not only remaim "good "I'd rather have a Chesterfield"-a neat line, ster game while W. M. C. WOll the return cricket'· in polite circles-bur at tbe same that-the mark of a real connoisseur and the game in D. C. The return game will be played February 23 at Washington. The time brar.ds the smoker as a person of rare password of six.million smokers. girls ought to be able to hold their own if they are careful about Dlnking fonla. ~'J:iss Millard was able to put all the girls on the squad in the game at one quarter or another. The team displayed Ct-I ESTERFI ELD some excellent teamwork and there is only one criticism to make about their playing. That is that they are prone MILD enough for anybody .. and yet •• THEY SATISFY to make fouls. The team has a heavy schedule for this month and we wish them the luck that every team deserves.
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