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COl ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE BOXERS!! MEN'S DEBATE SINK THE NAVY! SAT., FEB. 23 Vol. 6, No. 17 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. February 21, 1929 NEAL'S CONDITION STILL JUNIOR SPEECH STUDENTS PRE- COLLEGE CALENDAR SIDNEY LANIER NIGHT AT THE SOCIETIES PREPARING POETS' OLUB SENT PLAYS SAID TO BE CRITICAL The Jnnior Speech Department of Thursday evening, February 14, was FOR ORATORICALCONTEST the College preeented two one-act plays SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23- Sidney Lanier night at the regular VISITORS MAY NOW BE RECEIVED in Smith Hall, Friday evening, Febru- Boxing, Western Maryland at An- monthly mecting of the Poets' Club. "PRELIMS" WILL BE HELD SOON ary 15. The plays were presented un- napolis 3:00 P. li, The meeting was opened by the presi- Tho condition of "Greasy" Neal, der the direction of Miss Esther Sn,ith, Men's Dual Debate with Elizabeth- dent, B. H. Phillips, who briefly intro- The Literary Societies on the Hill are western Maryland's grid champion, is and form part of tho program of the duced the subject with a few com- beginning to make preparations for the still judged as extremely critdeal, uc extended Speech course of the Colloge. town College. Home debate in ments. Next followed the reading of annnal Tnter-Society Oratorical Contest Smith Hall. cording to reports received late Tues- Both plays were presented to a full three of Lanier's poems, "Acknowledge- to be held during Commencement Week, day afternoon from the Maryland Gen- house. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25- ment", "America", and "The Song of Each Society has signed up a list of eral Hospital where he is confined, due The first play, "The Most Foolisll Women's and Men's Literary Bo- thc Chattahoochee", respectively, by contestants who will start immediately to infection of the leg. Although the in- Virgin", was a symbolic fantasy writ- cieties,6:30. Messrs. Raynor, J. \"1. Day, and Hickle. to write original orations for the vur- fection is still localized, and his tem- ten hy Helen Gertrude Gaskell, and was The main feature of the evening was ions preliminarians to be held in the re- perature is now the lowest it has been based on tile Biblica.l Icgcnd of the fool- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26~ the splendid talk given by Professor spective Society Halls in the near fu- since his illuess, the doctors attending ish virgins. Briefly, the plot concerned Basketball, Arundel Boat Club at G. S. Wills on "The Life and Works of tur. The contest is open to all classes him have not yet pronouneed him out tho two groups of virgins awaiting the Westminster. Armory 8:00 P. M. Sydney Lanier". By means of a brief except the Senior, Each year much in- of danger. They have ,however, recent- coming of the bridegroom. One group Social Clubs, 7:15 P. M. ontline of the poet's life, Professor terest is displayed on the part of the ly permitted visitors. Students of the was waiting with lighted lamps, while Wills showed 110w the social environ- contestants for a chance to represent college and other friends, who would the others thought it impractical to do WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27- ment, with which he was surrounded in their society. Two contestants are ee- call on "Greasy", could do much to so. The heroine of the play was the y, M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet- life, tended to discourage Lanier's lected from each Society. hell) him back on the way to health. little slave girl, Zonula, who, although ings, 6:30 P. M, of his musical talents and This annual contest was started in Coach Harlow, in an interview on unable to await the bridegroom as she his ability, which grew from his 1888 for both the men's and women's 'I'ucsday, intimated that this was tho would have liked to do, was awarded in love and mastery of music. A echotar- Societies, and has been continued up to first time he had felt in any way op- tho end for her Llrelcas sacrifices and ly erittelsm of Lanier's poetry added the present time; fort.y-cne contests bride- DR. JAMES H. STRAUGHN timistic over "Greasy's" recovery. noble spirit by being selected as the zest to tllC discussion and stimulated uave been held. Out of this number bride upon the coming of the appreciation for the poet's achieve- (Continued on Page Four) groom. .The characters were well por- PREACHES INTHE CHAPEL ments not only in poctry, but also in SHAKESPEARE CLUBHAS trayed, and the effect of the play was music. SCHEDULE OF CLASSESTO greatly enl'nnced by several dances ac- Professor Wills' talk was followed by INSTRUCTIVE MEETING companied by music. The setting and D. D., a graduate of Western Maryland the club. CHANGE HERE MARCH 4 James The Reverend H .Btrnughn, a brief discussion by the members of (Continued on Page Four) College of the ejasa of 1899, and of the PROFESSOR G, S. WILLS SPEAKS Westminster Theological Seminary of PLAN PROPOSED ::rORNEXT YEAR w. M. C. REPRESENTED AT the class of 1902, preached in Baker "LAST DAZE OF POMPEII" The Shakespeare Club held its Feb- Chapel Sunday evening, February 17th. An important change in the morn- ruary meeting in McDaniel Hall Parlor, CRESCO,PA. CONFERENCE Dr, Straughn chose as his text a CHOSENAS JESTERS' PLAY ing schedule of classes will be made on Monday evcning, at eight o'clock. Af- phrase found in the parable of the wise March 4, according to an announcement ter the regular business was dispensed ROBY DAY IS OUR DELEGATE and foolish virgins-"Our lamps are made by President Ward in chapel on with, an interesting program was gfven. gone out"-and then asked the quea- WRITTEN BY DeHAVEN AND REIN Monday morning. Beginning on that A paper on "Shakespeare's London" The mjd-wtnter Y. M, C. A. Confer- tion-"what was the matter with the With the selection of "The Last Daze date, and continuing the rest of the was read by Miss Read, followed by a ence was held at the Inn at Buck ,Hill five virgins who went to the wedding solo entitled "Blow, Blow, Thou win- Falls, Cresco, Pa .. from Friday, Febru- feast without a sufficient snpply of oil (If Pompeii" the Jesters have started on semester, the first period will start at This play is 8:25 P. :M. and last until 9:20. the final lap of training. The ter Wind", from "As You Like It", by ary 15, to- Sunday, Febrluary 17. The for their Iampat" Dr. Strauglm men- a moro or less "slap stick" faree writ- Miss Bell. Professor wme then gave a Western Maryland College Y. M. C. A, tioned four possible reasons to explain ten by "Doey" Rein and "Frcuchy" chapel period will accordingly be moved very interesting and instructive talk on sent it full quota of one delegate. Mr. this unwise act. First, the virgins may up so that it will be held from 9:20 to "Shakespeare and His Times." Roby Day attended tllo conference. have lackcd interest in what was going DeHaven, and wins for them the prize 9:35. Thc second class period will ex· In his talk Professor Wi.lla described 'I'his conference was the result of re- on; second, they-may have rushed into offered by the Jesters, The play is a tond from 9:35 to 10:30, the third per- the temperamental background of peated requests from large and small th(l act impulsively, 'without fore- burlesque of life at college, at any col- iod from 10:30 to 11:25, and the fourth athletics, the has lege in fact. It Shakespeare's time. At that period the universities and colleges in the Mid thought and preparation for the future; troubadours, toreadors, and "fair coeds" period from 11:25 to 12:20. Thc after- Renaissance had become fully settled die Atlantic States for a field·wide third, thcy may have been naturally noon schedule will remain unchanged. in England, and had bronght with it men's conference in addition to the penurious and stingy; and fourth, they neeesanry to the existence of any col- A request uae been made to the lo- eertuiu marked. changes. First, a new summer eo-educaficnal conference. In lUay have lacked responsibility for what lege. There is a qucatton of missing cal bus companies to change their sche- upon attitude of individual independence was all, nearly two hundred men attended was going on, forgetting that they exam papers; suspicion fastens snoop dules slightly in order to enable the the athletes; a pair of ectccuvee replacing the medieval habit of abso the conference. The theme emphasized wer~, of necessity, a part of it. fruitlessly around; the qucetiou is commuting students to make new ar- lute dependence of authority, Shakes- throughout the sessions was "The Chris- A major part of his sermon Dr. rangements r(llative to tIle new college pearc llimself shows this independence tian Tccllllique of Living." Straughn devoted to showing how these solved : and thelJero (tl'e author of the by breaking away from conventional Aside from the main purpose of thO' four attitudcs of mind, exemplified by play) claims tho most popular coed as schedules. This will necessitate a de- stage rules and writing in a freer, less conference in its intellectual aspect, ex· the virgins, are refiected in the lives of his own, to the dismay of many Buitors. cision by t.he Public Service Commis- With careful coaching, cordial coopera- restricted manner. Second, the medie- cellent recreational periods were afford· people today. Many people go through tion, and cnduring enthusiasm, the play sion, who, it is hopcd, will make a fav· val spirit of belief in magic was trans· cd to all who desirBd them by the phy- life Witll little concern for the things should make a hit. It is a fair example orable decision in the near future, formed into the spirit of modern sical nature of the country in the Po· going on about them and the problems Presidcnt Ward, in making thia an- scienec; nature was regarded as more cano 1.Iountains. The high altitude af- facing thcm. They are self·centered, of amateur playwriting. nouncement, outlined briefly a pro- commonplace, not supernatural; new forded. a vigorons climate and ouo which selfish, heedless of others, and anxious The Jestcrs have chosen their three- posed schedule for Ilext year. As the facts were laid down and scientific in- was free from the dust particles of the to take out of the world all they cnn, part east. In the chorus are: First ten- cafeteria will then be used, it is pro vestigation based on tl,em. Third, the city. Skiing, toboganning, sledding, without putting anything back. Others or-Lyons, Watkins, Belote; second ten- posed to extend classes even through people began to look on the world, as and skating were the major winter are reluctant to go into any enterprise or-Mather, Sllriver, Etzler, Keller; the 'dining hour. With an hour and a the old Greeks did, as a plaec to be en- sports open to the delegates, A hiko with entlmsiasm or abandon, for fear first hass-Phillips, W. D., MacGowan, half allowed for lunch, all students joyed, but to be uscd moderately and tllrough the woods to tIle glen and then that it may cost them something. These Stach, Koochogey; second bass-War- would find time in an off period to visit temperately; not as a place where one a hazardous climb over the iey rock people fail to realize that the thing field, DeHaveu, Day, J. W.; piano, For· the lunch-room, As a result of tllis merely prepared for future life, Fourth, path througl' the glen to the Falls tl,cy make contributions toward will in lines. plan, classcs would finish at 3:05 in- thcre was a general expansiveness of stirred the mountain climbing and re- tIm end give dividends. The "Green and Gold Parroh" are: stead of at 4:00, The advantage for mental attitude, characterized by the newed the "clinging" instinct,-IL re- Dr. Straughn explained tllat the text Piano, "\Veisbeek; sax's, Shrivcr, War- athletes and town students is readily new interest the EngliSh found in main from pre-historic ages. A view field, Bolton, Koochogey; trumpet, to be seen if such a plan proves prac- places and things outside of England. of the Falls and the great masses of "Our lamps are gone (Iut" is especially (Continued on Page Four) tical. ":E'or example, Shakespeare definitely ice and frozen mist presented a prbe applieablc to our lives in respeet to tho laid the scenes of many of his plays in picturc well worth the effort made in coming of our great moments and oppor- tunities, which must not catch us un- foreign countrics, classic lands, or im- reaching the Falls. Captain Hammond- preparCil, unsupplied, else they will Cooed Debaters Win From Hood, But aginary realms, This plmse is uatural son witl, l,is sled and dog·team, added pass us by. Although this parable is ly tied up with the voyages and ex- the Alaskan touch to' the scenery. to the Lose toAmerican U_in Triangular Debate plorations made by the English during On Friday evcning the delegates who usually interpreted as referring this period, had (ral-eled from all parts of the Eas- sccond coming of Christ, it has another meaning implying the constant coming The life of the Elizabethan period tern area by train, car and boat, were of Christ into our lives, many times a The wemen's debating teams won ler, Marjorie Webster School; Mr. J. was one of activity. The people were just sct to demolish the ten-course din- day, and day after day. These comings one forensic encountcr and lost one, in Austin Stone, patcnt attorney of Wash- interested in doing things, and were not ner that awaited them. Following the of thO' Lord are cllallengea to us to the special triangular debate with Hood ington; and Mr. Melvin D. Hildreth, absorbed in refiective thinking. It is meal, Dr. Albert Parker Fitch, pastor College and American Univcrsity. The lawyer of Washington. estimated that twenty·five thousand of the Fiftll Avenne Presbyterian make the best of our opportunities, to subject for debate was "Resolved: that The Western Maryland negative team help others, to make our contributions plays were produced during the time. Church, New York, addressed the con- to the world, and to be always pre the principle of complete freedom of mct the Hood College affirmativ& team The drama represents the broad, varied ference on "WIlY a Christian Techniqne pared for unexpected issues and situa- in Smith Hall, on Saturday evening, life of England, as do men like Raleigh, of Living'" Then came an open forum tions. speech and press on political and eeo· February 16. Western Maryland was Sidney, Spenser, Essex, and Baeon, who discussion cnding with worship led by nomic questions is sound." represented by the Misses V. Reed., V. were courtiers, poets, novelists, soldiers, Mr. Allen R. Chalmers, of Buffalo, N.Y. The Western Maryland affirmative Smith, and F. Raughley; Hood College adventurers and jurists. TI,e drama al- Mr. Norman Thomas, who was re- Psalmist, try to make God too big. The team, which debated at American Uni· by the Misses Kiefer, Helm, and so afforded to the mass of people a cently a eandidate for tIle Presidency Psalmist sings "When I consider thy versity on Friday evening, February 15, Schaeffer, Miss Pilot, of the Hood Col- menns of visualizing this versatile, of the United States on the Socialist heavens, the work of..thy fingers, the was defeated. Western Maryland was lege English Department, chaperoned many-sided life. In some respects it Party ticket, addressed the asscmbly on moon and the stars which thou haat or- represented by the Misses Warfield, Hol- the Hood team. Professor George S, occupied the place tl,at the movies do "The Necessity of a New Social Order". danied, what is man that thou art mind- land, and Martignoni; American Uni- Wills, of the Western Maryland Eng- today. Siuce the drama rcvealed court He rccommended Eddington's book ful of him! and the aon of man that versity was represented by the Misses lish Departmont, acted as chairman. life, war, London life, rural life, fot- "Tho Nature of the Physical World." thou visitest him'" Moulton, Hille, and Lytle. Miss Tarle· The judges were Dr, A. II, Krug, of eign life, aneient and contemporary his- He said that progress in the past had At the banquet a teast was made to ton, of the Home Economics Depart- Baltimore; Miss Van Bibber, of the tory, and romance, the people depended been madc by analyzing things, Future the Eagle's Mere Conference to be held mcnt, chaperoned the W, M. team. Miss Maryland Slate Normal School; and Dr. on it for tl'eir thrills and realism, progress must be based on synthesizing June 12-22. The speaker spok& from Mary Louise Brown, dean of women at Edlvard Hayes, pastor of the Westmin- Shakespeare, more than any other Eliza· the collected data and knowledge. personal experience and advised any- the Collcge of Liberal Arts of Ameri- stcr Methodist Episcopal Church, The bethan playwright, represents these Mr. Allan K. Chalmers in one of the one who possibly could, to go to Eagle's can University, acted as elmirman. The deciSion was 2 to 1 in favor of tho nega- phases of life in his plays. worship services Mid that Wll, like the Mere and have a worthwhile time. debate was judged by Miss Ruth Kentz· t.ive.
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