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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. aUann, (!1lub,nUll~ori1'ty ioiugn mnrlll Nl'1U6 ~npp1'uiugn Amoug tl11' Alumui Edited by Helen Wheeler France is having its troubles with the IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY WEBSTER influenza also. The latest reports from Mr. James R. Wheeler, '03, visited his which was rend announcing that Mias liked very much to Paris report that the hcapitala there are daughters, Friday. The same evening Belle Cochran '70Uli! Althoug handicapped by the illness of Webster Literary Society held its crowded to overflowing. S. Parker Gil- the Mid·Winter Alumni Banquet was go, but was unable to get there. its president, Mr. Andrew "Shifty" weekly meeting Monday evening, Febru- bert, one of our reparations experts in held at the Lord Baltimore Hotel at eev- Oravetz, and tho absence of several oth ary 11, in Webster Hall. An important Paris to attend the coming conference, en·thirty. Thcre were about three hun- Mr. and Mrs. George Harry Bevard, er important officers, Irving had a very business meeting took up a large part of was taken ill last week but seems to be deed present, among whom were Com- Sykesville, announce the mareiage of worthwhile meeting under the leadership thc meeting and was followed by a short Oil the road to recovery. mander Coby ; Mrs. Little, '84; Miss Mc- their daughter, Mary Belle, to Mr . .Tos. of the seeretary, James Stach. but interesting program: Other peraouagea who are ill are Cann, '23; Mr. Harold Hawkius, '23; E. Eline, Reisterstown. The wedding After the usual preliminaries, Mr. Piano Solo-Mr. Forlines. Marshall Henri Petam of World War Mr. James R. Wreeler, '03; Mr. James march was played by Miss Martha To- Diffendal started off the program with Humor-Mr. Etzler., and Raymond Potncair e, the Straughn, Mr. Henry Gilligan, Mrs. veIl. Mr. and Mrs. Eline left for a trip a. piano selection, which was so enthuai- A Short Story-Mr. Kooekogey. Prime Minister of France. Sto,·er, Mr. and Mrs. Benson, Elva Dil- throngh the south. ast.ienlly received that he consented to Mr. Foeliues ' seleetion this week was For the first time in a good many man, Miss Herr, Mrs. Kimmey, Dr. play an encore, for which he chose "0 . the March from Waguer ts Opera, Tann· years, Palestine and the Ncar East is Bare, Mrs. Carpenter, '2(); Miss Adams, )1iss Mmy Page Turner, '2\5, and Sole Mio." hauser. It has both the pep and action hoping for the "seven fat years" o:i' '2£; Clarence Baker, T. K. Harrison, :Mary Warfield, ::5, held a fashion show Mr. DeHaven then rove-wed, for the suitahleto Webster. Bib'llcan fame. With the exception or Mabel Barnes, '28; Mrs. "\Vanh, '96; recently, displaiing the clothes. which benefit of the society, some of the in- Mr. Etzler's jokes were a bit anti- one or two small areas, peace aeeme at. Samuel B. Schofield, '19; Miss Mary Hochse.hilil Kohn Co. haa for the spring '27 j Warfield, Miss Louise Hughlette, teresting events of the week. quated and rll-adopted but his effort last to have settled upou Palestine, Jack Mears, Hubert Johnson, '28, Mr. Mr. Howard Koontz held the audio \VIlS commendable. which has been torn by war and in- and Mrs. Gilmore Lippy, Miss ll. Sna- TUeS(!:lj"Miss "Dee" Beachley, '26, Mr. sbort-stcry enee's closest attention. with an im· pro-ed Kooehogey's short and was well surrection. der, Mtss M. B. Ha'rris, Miss Lease, Miss Yi~ilCd11C!" club sister, Dorothy Johnson. very interesting promptu talk on the subject, "Why I read, with certain Iimitationa. Too bad Another thing which will probably Frances Audrews, ex-'28j Caroline Like the Ladies." make the next year fatter is the fact Vel· Helen Bilker, '28, was seen on the the story wasn't of a more recent publi wnnte, Mr. A. Albright, and Miss Mr. Gomask concluded the p-rogram cation. that there never were better prospects ma Richman. There was a telegram Hill,Wednesday. with an impromptu in which he related for an excellent tourist season. Many a teceub vlait by him to "Greasy" Neal, PHILO distinguished visitors are expected, and who is seriously ill in Baltimore. no pains are being spared to entertain Tlle Seniors in Philo, under the dircc- them. But the less distinguished tour- "Y" COMMISSION LEADERS NEW BUILDING IN LAST STAGE OF ITS DEVELOPMENT BROWNING tiou of Polly DMby, had charge of the iata are the oncs who are expected to REPORT ON THEIR WORK Valentine program which was given on contributo the "fat". And, as tourista (Continned from Page OM) Resolved, "That Western Maryland Monday, February II. in all Jands can vouch, they will pro- (Continued from Page One) duce. The population of any eount_ry College shall abolish parlor" was the While Dorothy Roberts played melo· foreigu to a tourist seems to" take spe and "co·cds" indulge in terpischorean question which was debated in Browning dious music upon the piano, Polly Darby cial delight in reducing his bankroll to haps uo truer statement was made at refreation. Mingled witll the dances arc Literary Society on Monda:· evening, sang "To the Moon," and sweethearts a minimum-::_. _ the whole conference than that t.o white coated waiters WitIl trays of cool February 11. from the time of the eave·man to the create soulld international relations re· refreshing drinks. It secms like a (iu costume) roamed day present The affirmative Bide of the question thr(lugh an imaginary romantic garden. CO-ED BASKETEERS LOSE TO quires good faith among all nations. d·ream. Surely times have changed to was upbl::ldby Ma.rgaret Hamilton, Dor- As a grand finale Sarah Freeman sang LEBANON VALLEY Moral ideals must be found first in the brillg this about. othy Kephart and Catherine Hobby, solo entitled "SweetIleart of My individuals tlwu in the nation as a Our tour is over, we emerge on th" with Thelma Reid as the alternate; the a D-reams," which was entirely in keeping The women's baskctball team jour- group. Our relation witli other coun lovely terraees with tllCir eool·looking negative side was upheld by Eva Dry with the general theme of the pr(lgram. neyed to Annville, Pa., last Saturda.y, tries should be on a peace basis, one of shrubbery and shady paths. We sigh den, Betty Brittingllam and Isabelle }'ebruary 9, and lost a close match from cooperatlon and toleration for wc need iu anticipation of the new Western Douglas with Dorothy Grim as alter· the representatives of Lebanon Vallcy contacts and not isolation. Prepared- Maryland. There are passing regrets nate. Tho judges unanimously decided DELTA SIGMA KAPPA College. In the first quarter the home that we will not be student.a hero to in favor of the negat;ve side. team found thc court quite differeut ness is not an insurance against war, it enjoy the promised magnifieenee, but ouly breeds aud antagonism. War can Browning is now a series of Miss Margaret Barnhart, Miss Vir- from ihe OIlCin Yingling gymnasium. be prevented by arbitratiou, by intcr- we are grateful to hal·e seen ita begin· debates in order "'0 try the contest ginia Reynolds, and M.iss Dorothy Rob It was not until the second half that pretation tllru the World Court, and hy mng. ants for the coming Philo·Browning de erts entertained the club at tea Wcstcrn Maryland took the lead. A building up at.titudcs against war. In Surely eyer)" frirllrl (If the college bate. Thursday afternoon, February 7. fiual spurt by Lebanou Valley gave general tIle fa.ith we put in our fellow should make it n point to visit the new on one of these charming them the victory. meu is well founded; even iudividuals structure The price is nominal, everyone is tours. contracts ln the return game on }'ebruary 27, TERROR BOXERS SCORE VICTORY BLUE RIDGE DEFEATED BY Western Marylan(l ,vill lJavc thel ad- sometimes break Individuals under ex· doiug it. Your best friend will advise treme pressure. must give Come (lnel Come OVER NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SPIER'S CAGERS 4.0-28 vantage of playing on their home court. up certain things in order to live to· you. to make the trip. satisfaction or your Guaranteed an! (Continued from Page Three) 'l'his fact, coupled with the team's in- gethcr; the thirteen colonies gave up (Continued from Page Three) creasing ability iu pass· work gives the certain riglltB under the constitution mouey back Lineup and Summaries: team a better chance in turning in a and so the nations must give up various Captain Norris won for the Terrors victory. rights to exist in a true international Westminster News Company ngainst Gold in the welterweight di- W.M. C. rolationship. vision. Norris won all the way in the G. F. T. Lebanon Valley W. M. C. A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner thee rounds, scoring heavily with right BroU, r. f. 1 Yingt R.F. Mitehell All the leaders of the commission WE HANDLE THE and left hooks. Clark, r. f. 2 Lane L.F. Brady groups are interested deeply in student BALTIMORE SUN work and mueh credit must be given Welliuger,l.f. Ekaitis dcfeated Oelbaum in the extra 13 Miller, I. c. Johnso'l t.hcm fer making the work of the dis· round to win a very close deeision. The Machamer, c. 10 Miller,J S.C. Thornburg ~.ussioll groups so successful. Liko bout was close all the way, the judges Wilker, c. 0 Rupp R. G. Wheeler,C. gootldeba.teuoneofthcseeonclusious u calling a draw at the end of three Van Buren, r. g. (Capt.) 2 10 Coehran L.G. Russoell can be final, each must seareh out the rounds. Engle, I. g. Substitutes: Lane for Draper; Gors· t.rutll for himself. Thus "Finding One's Humbert's Smith, I. g. Klepac outweighed by ten pounds and kin for Coehran; Davia for Russell; Self in the Modern World," means los· towered o,·ct by four inches, lost a slug· Totals 18 "rodd for Davis. iug ourselves in the art of living for ging match to Sirotus whcn the referee 4 " :lnd with others. (I'orilieri.\" SllilJley's at. the Forks; awarded the bout fo him during the rest B. R. C. WOMEN DEBATES SCHEDULED period betweeu the second and third G. F. T. WITH HOOD AND AMERICAN U. rounds. Klelmc undaullted by the Barnes, l~., T. f. 1 11 College Tea Room weight, height and IacCartee, f. f. Goods for young men the second round, by technical knock· Hoff,l.f. CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS Westminster, Md. Smith, F. (Capt.), c. 4 10 pCI· cent off to college students Unlimited elass---Downer won from Carpenter, r. g. Sargison, N. Y. U., in the second round, Foder, r. g. b.l·fouJ. Bernstein, I. g. Valentine Day Special! Wolanski, I. c. D. S. GEHR Large box of Chocolates-Johnston's and Virginia Dare. Mental Plowing Totals 10 (~stablished 1866) Farmer-I thought you said you had Referee: Paul Menton. Place your order now. plowed that 10·acro lot. Wholesale and Retail GRIFFIN"S GOODIE SHOPPE Hired Man-No, I said I was think· HARDWARE ing about plowing it. King's Pharmacy SODA CANDY TOBACCO Farer-Oh, I seel You just turued '£HE REXALL S1'ORE Phone 318 it over in your mind. Hoi :Coasted Sandwiches -Capper's Weekly. 50 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. Westminster, Md.
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