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COl Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A. ALUMNI BANQUET CONFERENCE OPENS LORD BALTIMORE HOTEL TOMORROW AFTERNOON TOMORROW at 6.30 P. M. Vol. 6, No. 15 February 7, 1929 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE DR. W. W. ELLSWORTH SPEAKS IN COLLEGE CALENDAR Alumni Banquet to Be Held in Lord BAKER CHAPEL ON THE TO OPENHERE TOMORROW ENGLISH BIBLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7- Baltimore Hotel Tomorrow Night Dr. William Webster Ellsworth, for- Western Maryland vs. Btuo Ridge, Delegates From Many Colleges To mer president of the Contury Uompany, basketball, Armory at 8:15; New Extensive Plans Promise a Delightful Be Present aud now n noted lecturer on English Windsor High va. Freshmen, pre FORMER W. M. GRID STAR WILL Evening For All Literature, spoke Sunday evening, Feb- liminary at 7:15. COACH U. OF BALTIMORE Tomorrow afternoon, at 4:30 P. M., ruary 3, in Baker Chapel on tlle sub- FRTDAY, FEBRUARY 8- GOV. RITcmE WILL BE PRESENT marks the formal opening of thc mid- ject of the English Bible. Dr. Ells- winter Interstate Student Conference worth opened his address by reading tIle Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. stu- Tomorrow evening at 6:30 P. M. the of the- various Y. M. C. A. find Y. W. story of Elijah and tl,e prteets of Baal dent conference begins at 8:00 P. C. A. organizations of the northeastern as an example of the style of rue Bible, oM. Alumni Banquet in Lord Baltimore spaciously appointed Calvert Ball Room of the new Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltl- colleges. Every year a eonf'erence Is showing both its simplicity and gran· Hotel. more, will be the scene of probably the held at one of the member institutions dour. most gala banquet ever presented by and, this year, Western Maryland is to A large part of Dr. Bllawos tji'a talk SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9- the Alumni Association of Western play the host. An attractive schedule was devoted to a sketch of tho history Confercnce Commissions and ban- has been arranged through the efforts of tllO Bible. He first explained that quet. Maryland of College. The committee, graduates, composed thlrt.y-thrce of an executive committee. An out- the various Greek versions were trans· SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10- some dating as far back as the class of line of this year's program is gi\-en be- la ted into Latin, and that this version, Dr. John R. Hart-elosing confer- '80, have succeeded in arranging a pro- low as an ald to those college students t.he Vulgate, after a few revisions by enee uddreaa at 2:30 P. M. gram wllieh will make the hours from who may wish to attend some of the St. Jerome about 400 A. D. became the 6:30 to 12:00 sparkle with variety and meetings. Bible used ill Europe for a period of MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11- so interest. Womens' and men's literary FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 about one thousand years. Wycliff in eiefies. In arranging the program the com- the fourteenth centllry made the first 4.30-Registration. TUESDAY, FEBRUARy 12- mittee has taken care to interest and 6.30-Dinner. translation of the Bible into English, attraet not only those who have attend- 7.00-Informal Social Bour. and thus made it more accessible to the Social Clubs-7:15 P. M. ed other banquets, but that large num- 8.00-Worship Service. eommon people.. Tyndall, over a cen- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13- ber of younger Alumni WllOhave not 8.2O-0pening Address. tury later, in order to make :1. more ac- Y. W. C. A. and Y. 1Il. C. A. meet- been interested. Invitations have also 9:00-Division of Conference in t 0 curate translation, went back to tho ings, 6:30 P. M. been sent to the many friends of the Commissions. original Hebrew and Greek texts. Tyn· Sbakespeare Club, :McDaniel Hall. College. At least five hundred gueete 10.OO-Adjournment. dall did much for the modern Bible. In- 7:30 P_ M. . are expected to be present, and every- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 deed, numerous purasca in tl,e present Basketball, Bucknell vs. W. :M. C. one is sure to find many classmates witb translation of the New Testament are 9.30-Worship Service. Tyndall's own. 8:15. whom they may become reminiscent. 10.00-Commission Meetings. During tl'e reign of Henry VIII, Governor Ritchie has accepted an in- 1.00-Lunch. Coverdale made a new translation, BISHOP W. F. MacDOWELL vitation and will be present for the oc- casion_ 2.00-Commission Meetings. whieh became known as the "Great In a note to the Alumni published in S.3Q--Opcn Period. Bible" and was authorized by Henry, SPEAKS ONWORLDPEACE a recent edition of the Western Mary- 4.00-Commission Meetings. and later by Elizabeth to be read in land College Bulletin, special attention ::;~~~:~u!teri~!~ndYs Bull, Utriver- tll(' churches. It was, however, in 1611 was called to the fact of importance of sity of Maryland, Toastmistress) (Continued on Page Pour ) Bishop William F. MaeDowel'l, of the the presence at the banquet of every Washington Branch of the Methodist person able to attend. was "If 8.S0-Recreational Program, Western Episcopal Church, spoke in Baker Chap ever a time when your presence was :l7, on WEINSTOCK RECEIVES ~"Yl'"d College Y M. and Y ...$REASY" NEAL SUFFERS el, Sunday afternoon, January needed, that time is February 8th, at the subject of world peace ns epou POSITfOrrAS HfAD COACH thc banquet. Your presence and en- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 FROM NEGLECTED INJURY sored by the International Alflauee of thusiasm is all that will be naked. Will 9.00-Communion Service. Churches. Bishop MacDowell attended you accept this as a duty and come'l" 10.00-Conference Assembly for Com· last summer the three meetings held in Was Line Coach at George Washington In answer to this challenge tIle Com- mission Reports. Undergoes Operation in Baltimore Pr:lgue, and the meoting held in Gen- U. Last Beason mittee has by all appearances arranged 1.30-Dinner. Hospital eva, for the discussion of this subject. u program which will be pleasing to all. 2.30-Closing Address by Dr. Jack At first Bishop MaeDowell gave a The high esteem in which 'Western The committce offers six reasons why Hart. Orville (Greasy )Neal, brilliant Green resume of the work done by the Inter- Mar~'land's football team aud the Har· thc student body and faculty should Terror halfback, and captain of"the Col· national Alliance previous to the meet- 1(111' The Conference committee is: Ethel of Baltimor~ selected not miss the banquet tomorrow night: Merritt, Chairman, University of Dela- lege eleven for the past two seasons, ing of 1928. In 1914 a conference was the to be its first foot- Wchuve:- ware; J. Frampton, Wasbington Col is confined to Maryland General hospi· called to meet in thl) city of Constance, ball coaell. lIe lIRSsigned a three year lege; Wilton Todd, Washington College; tal, Baltimore, suffering from a badly but the breaking out of the World \Var contract lind will put the University's Selected America's neweat hotel. W. P. Ball, Johns Hopkins University; infected foot and leg. He is under the cnused the attempt to end in a d~eadful first team on tbe field next full. . Augmented the menu. Gladys Bull, Univeuity of Maryland j care of Dr. J. Herbert Wilkcr~on, well· fiasco. By a strange coincid<>ncethe P('pped the program. Huber Klemme, Johns Hopkins Univer' known Baltimore surgeon. next meeting, planned for August 1928, Nate will be remembered as one of De·spceched the speakers. sity; Mary Taylor, Morgan College; Greasy's condition is indireetly the occurred the same day as the signing the best football pla.vers produced at Cut the cover charge. Willis Hall, Hood College, and J. Roby result of a neglected injury sustained of the famous Kellogg Peace Pact in Western hlaryland College. He is also 'fantalizing music till midnight. Day, Western Maryland College. in the Templo game last fall, when bis Paris. An autographed copy of the rllnked us one of the best tackles in "Nuff Sed." ankle was hurt. He finished out the Peace Pact was presented at the open· tho history of Maryland football. He season with the fracture never com- ing of tho Conference of the Interna wus twice seleeted as a member of the DR. W. W. ELLSWORTH GIVES MUSIC AND SPEECH RECITAL pletely Ilealed. tional Alliancc of Churches at Prague, All·)Uuryland football team. In addi- TWO LECTURES IN SMITH HALL HELD IN SMITH HALL Last woek an operation was per and the point was emphasized, that un· tion to being a great tackle "Nate" ranks high as a student of Iino plllY. formed to correct the situation around less this pact were spiritualized ann selected On Monday and Tuesday evenings, A recital by the students 1n the de· his ankle snd apparently was sueeess- llloralized by the forces of the CI,urch, After the J927 season ho WlIS Pebruary 4 and 4, Mr. William \V. Ells- by Andy Kerr, Coach of Washington partments of music and spetch was ful, tl,en Neal made the mistake of try- it would be only another "scrap of pap- worth gave two lcctures in Smith Hall. given in Smith Hall on the evening of ing to wear a shoe too soon. er." and Jefferson, as a member of the _,\11- The title of his first lecture was the All- :Eastern team which played Friday, February first. Several of the 'Walking around on his game foot The second and third eonfeNnres in Pacifie Coast eleveu in the allnual game "Changing Fashions in AmHi~an Hn- numbers on the program had to be last Saturday he irritated the wound Prague were meetings of the Continua· Weinstock's first experiellc\l as a mor". 'floe second lecture, which Mr. omitted, due to illness on th~ part of and infection resulted. The c(lllsequeuce tion Committees of the Stockhohn and couch was last season at George Wash· Ellsworth illustrated with 1It n t ern the participants. was that he was found in his room in Lausanne Conferences to discuss the ington where he was line slides, was called "Milton, John Bun- The program, as actually given, was Owing's Hall Satnrday night in a semi- possibility of having the churches of coaell. In to this he was one yon all(1Their Times". as follows: delirioua condition. Sunday (-vening hc the world work more barmoniously to- (If the stars of the Irvington team, In "Changing Fashions in American gether in the cause of world peace. Rosc Softly Blooming (vocal) ... Spohr was taken to the 110spitaL These meeting!! stressed the point 'that ~andlot football champions of the state. Humor" Mr. Ellsworth sketchad the de- Minnie Gimmill Strawbridge N.He hus been studying law at George ,-elopment in American hUlll(lfflom the the agreements among the churches are Impromptu in F Sllarp (Piano) .. Chopin WESTERN MARYLAND ALUMNA more marked than thc diffcrences, and and will continue his stud- colOllial times to the present. He point- Alice Catherine Hobby that these differences could possibly bc ies at lIni\"ersit~· of Baltimore. ed out how tI,e beginnings of Ameriean Ah, Sad Indeed My Heart( vocal) HONORED AS PLAYWRIGHT eradicated. Nate's many friends and admirers at hnmor could be found in the verselt Gertrude Kelbaugh Tschaikowsky The fourth conference held at Geneva \Vestern :1I[ar~;lan(!will have fill oppor- written by colonial sehool bf,ye. Giv- Sonata Op. 22 (Piano) ..... Beethoved The Eastern Shore Histori
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