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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. DR. L. BERTHOLF HONORED BY SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED :rOR NEW YORK SOCIETY INTER-CLASS G~ES aUnaa,aUuh,null~nrirty intuga D1fnrlil N~UJ!l (Continued from Pagc One) (Continued from Page Three) ored plates, tunnels illuminated by dif Wednesday, February 20 China, that nation of mystery, falls ferent colors of ltght were used. Wb.en IRVING LITERARY SOCIETY WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIE'fY right into line on the disarmament que.s the bees entered the apparatus they were Preshman ,5. Seniors. Juniors va. Soph t.ion. At a meeting of the disbandment faced by two tunnels illuminated by Monday, February 25 A marked increase in attendance and Webster Literary Society held its reg- conference it was decided China '3 future different colors of light. However, the F'reebmau vs. Juniors. Sophomores ve. a program full of interest featured Irv- ular weekly meeting on January 2 in army should not exceed 715,000 men, degree of brilliance of the illumination Seniors. ing's meeting Monday night at 6.45 P. Webster Hall at 13.45 P. M. which, considering the size and the pop- was the same for eacu tunnel, due to the wednesday, February 27 M. The custom of calling the roll was 'l'hrough the efforts of Deans Scho- nlation of the country is not so much. fact that tho relative brilliance of these Seniors vs. Sophomores. Juniors va. also revived at the meeting. field and Miller the society hall was An official communication said the re- colors for bees had been previously as Freshman. heated, for which the society thanks duction would cut China's military certained in another series of expert- Mr. Leo Bowers, with the subject, them. forces in half, and even after the pro- ments. At tbe end of one tunnel was Monday, March-1 "Confusion," gave a well-prepared talk Th() program was an interesting one gram had been carried out the strength food but the end of the other was Juniors ,8. Seniors. F'rcshrunn ve. Boph- on the maintenance of our Naval pres- and wns as follows: will be continually decreased until mili- screened oil from the food. After the Monday, March II tige. Mr. Roby Day then entertained Piano Solo Forlines tary expenditures equal forty per cent bees had become ~endiLioned to seeking Freshman ve. Sophomores. Juniors VB. the society with a piano solo. Mr. Kel- Chats of the Campus Etzler of the national revenue. the food at the end of one of the tun- Seniors. ler was asked to give an impromptu Topics in Brief Phillips, B. H. nels the colon were interchanged, It A resolution was also passed abolish- speech on "New Year's Resolutions." Impromptus Watkins ing all hig]l military commands estab· \l'RB found that the greater number of He responded with a. well organized and Smith, H. O. Hshed during the war and putting all the bees followed the eriginal color. The Westminster News Company interesting discourse, tracing the fate of Mr. Forlincs interpreted in a few armies under the control of the disband few that did net do this arc likely A. n. ORNDORFF, Owner most New Year's resolutions and sug words each selection he played' from ment commission. This means the abou- "dumbbells" of the bee world, WE HANDLE THE gesting three words to keep iu mind in Chopin's "Preludes." tion of group armies and the direct con Dr. Bertholf used Jights of fi,'e dif- BALTIMORE SUN stead of the ever-broken resolutions. Mr. Etzler was very enlightening in trol of all armies by the Nationalistic ferent violet, blue, green, yellow These words, in which are embodied the the giving of lris chats of the campus. Government. and red. found that the bees were principles of a well-lived life arc humil .Mr. Phillips used as his topic the dis- In appearance at least this step on the able to distingnish between uny two of ity, self-respect and sympathy. euaaion now abroad as to whethet' or not pnrt of Chinn seems to be part of a thc above colors with the exception of Humbert's Alexander Dumas copied lris story of and red Wllich he did not try. Mr. Tuckerman spoke on the pro and whole-hearted effort to aid in disarma- experiments and those of other con of "Compulsory ChapeL" In a "Thc Three Musketeers.' from a story ment program. It seems that China, investigators have ntao established the at that time. This was interesting as it well-planned talk he made a presentation concerns one of the greatest books of the politically speaking, has been regarded fact that the vision of the bee extends (Former-ly Shipley's at the Forks) {If both sides of this subject. The cur' English language. in the past by a great part of the world farther into rue ultrn-vlolet. than that of as being somewhat guileless and easily rent Dews of the week was reviewed by ).fr. ·Watkins in his impromptu gave a duped. Would that some of the na.tions. man but not so far into the red. Thus ),fro Wesley Day. valuable suggestion to get more discus had the "guilelessness" to take a whole- the bee is able to see colors where all is black to man and the converse is true. The last ~nd crowning feature of the sion in the society. hearted step in the direction of the aboli· Dr. Bertholf is to be congratulated ;pm:Things to Please Your Palate program was a peppy talk by Mr. John Mr. H. Smith's impromptu had the tion of war. upon the successfuloutcomc of his ex Hickel on "How to Pasf;.Yout Exams." title of "Speed." He traeed tbe be· periments and the contribution of his bit He advised the students to study the ginnings of speed from the Garden of to the world's knowledge. teacher as much as the book, to assimi· Eden to the present. Who remembers during the period of late the topic sentences rather than to After a short husiness session the ihe World War the bonds of love and Y. M. C. A. HOLDS DISCUSSION ON Phone 324 read whole paragraphs, to get plenty of meeting adjourned. fraternal affection that were loudly ad· THE MODERN" EDUCATIONAL sleep the night before, and to go inte ,'ertised as existing between the Allies' SYSTEM the exumination with the conl'iction and BROWNING In thc citizens of the various countrieB determination that "nohody can make this ferl'or reached a. height that was (ll· (Continued from Page One) me flunk." At thc meeting of ~Monday,January most idolatry. And yet, wilh the back· Distinctive Printing ing of the 'fory Government in England, In the business session preceding the 21, Browning held a vcry interesting to link England with France to educate himself and not to be edu- program Messrs. Gomsak and Pineurra "Kipling Program." Edna :Myers read by a under the English Channel is cated must llis peculiar pro· were received into the fellowship of the a short sketch of Kipling's life. This being barred by the Imperial Defense gram and not this opportunity PERSONAL STATIONERY society. was followed by a lovely solo rendered COlllmittee. This committee is afraid to assemblc facts and arrange them for ANNOUNOEMENTS by Kntherine Grumbine and entitled future usc be wasted. The collcge stu- "On the Road to Mandalay." Then Ihat, in the e"ent of war, France might d(1nt is in this institution to assemble PROGRAMS Y.W. C.A. Vi"a Reed, as a elosing seleetioll, read It usc the tube to llUrl invading forces into facts as well as to learn to think. Ho MENUS short and gruesome story called England_ must largely learn the latter by self· NOTES An Indian camp·fire around which in which Kipling relates one ·take. It seems that t1IlS Is a narrow stand to education but the material for the for By One would imagine that such a gathered the wise an(l the beautiful of of his E:lst fall'S which made one tube could easily be protected or, if not, mcr is seldom so abundant as at col "WESTERN MARYLAND" a certain Indian tribe f.ormed tho hack hold ones breaUI in interest. so destroyed as Dot to render advantage lege. 'l'he individual must ])rove to grQund of a splendid talk on "The Re· There will be no meeting of Browning to either side, The Imperial Defense himself if to no other that "college PRINTERS ligion of the Indian.s," by Mr. Branch on :Monday, January 28. Committee doesn't waut the protecting bred" docs not mean a "four year Phillips given to the Y. W. C. A. on bRnd of water's potency to defend Eng" loaf". Wednesday evening, January 16. The land jmpoired by a short metllOd of Times Printing Co. talk ·was followed by songs and legends DELTA SIGMA KAPPA it. It would appear, however, of the red·men. 'l'his "Y" meeting thnt proteeting powers ef a twenty Westminster, Md. proved to be one of the most interesting At the regular meeting or Delta Sigma mile strip of water is over·estimated. In T. W. Mather & Sons journeys the girls ha\"e taken on their Kappa on 'l'uesday evening, January 15, the days of modern science 8uell a bar· "World Fellowship Tour." the offiecrs for the second term were LEARN THE PIANO elected. TIley arc: rier would 1l0t be difficult to overcome. IN TEN LESSONS It is interesting to note that Dr. and President, Dorothy .Johnson, The suggestion of a tmillel in itself is Westminster's Leading Store Mrs. Herbert Stephens were invited to Viee·president, Charlotte Wheeler. highly interesting. It is not viewed with TENOR-BANJO OR t.he fQrma] dedication of the Griswold Seeretary, Virginia R()ynolds. the suspicious nature such a proposal MANDOLIN IN FIVE Memorial Building of the Y. W. C. A Treasurer, E"angeline Lathem. would hal'e reeeivcd twenty or thirty of Columbus, Ohio, which was held on Ruth Davis was appointed chaplain. ye~rs ago. Tt is regnrded as wholly Ovel' 38 Yeal's of Square Dealing LESSONS Sunday afternoon of January 13. Dr. ~largaret Barnhnrt and Carolyn Lull feasible. And uot the lcast nrgumcnt in lind Mrs, Stephens, although unable to were appointed to sen'e with the presi· its fal'or is that a work of such magni Wit.hout nel\'e,racking, hcart·break attend the dedication scrviees greatly dent on the Inter·Club Council Commit· tude would do a lot towardd relieving College Tea Room ing scales nn(] cxercises. You arc taught to lllay by note in regnlnr pro appreciated their invitation. Ihe unemployment situation in England. fessional chord stile, In your very first lesson ~·Oll. will be able to playa Root,," wi,,,,, '" exp""" I HOME COOKING popular number by note. The seorc: E"ith SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL Y. M. O. A. INTER-OLASS Seniors (19) her appreciation for the kindness Open Until 10 P. M. 'rhe "Halhnark Self·Instructor," LEAGUE G. F. 'l'. and thoughtfulness of the Junior is the title of this method. Eighty Hal'p, f. class shown a.t the time ofller moth· years were required to perfect this First Team Division I {'r·sdeatll. Oravetz, f. Somebody, Somewhere, Wants Yonr great work. '.rhe entire comse with Standing of the clubs: Shriver,c. the neeessnry examination sheets, is bound in one volumc. The first lesson W. L. Pet. Shocklcy, g. is unsealed which the student may ex· Seniors 1.000 Chainbers, g. o King's Pharmacy Photograph :Imine and he his own "JUDGE and Freshmen .000 JURY." The later part of the "ITa Juniors .000 Totals 1 19 'rHE REXALL S1'ORE sealed. IllHark Self·Instruetor," is S~pllOmores .000 Upon the student returning any Freshmen (12) 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. The Wilson Studio [·opy
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