Page 62 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 11ntrr-Qlollrgintr All Won 14ikr 11t I llfnrirtu NrWll A REVIEW OF. BOOKS, PLAYS AND LIFE "It The Commuters' School is tIle latest may be that which is of most educational venture in Southern Cali "alue in one is doomed to die and dis- We all know that old rhyme: fornia.. appear along Bojer, with in oneself." recent novel en "I never saw a purple cow, his Johnn Offieial newspaper of Wtlstern Maryland College, published on Thursday during Several educational institutions in this titled The New Temple, puts these words I nel'er hope to see one, section have eombined to offer courses to the academic year hy the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, into tIle mouths of one of his chaructera, But, anyhow, I tell you now suburbanites for study while traveling I'd rather see thr.n be one." Maryland. Entered as seccnd-clasa mntter at the Westminster Postofflee. who is mentally speeulating upon life. to and from their work. Subscription Priee, $2.00 a Year This speculation is a rather pessimistic This little verse has been considered 'I'he school, begun last Fall, seeks to slant on life-one that we should not nonsense. A purple cow is utter non- MANAGING S'l'AFF put to more profitable use the time want to accept for our own because of why not a purple cow as in cow Editor-in-Chief .. ... . Casper P. Hart, '29 usually general spent reading, playing and card open games to .all or its dark view and its loose fouudr.tron . soon says as a that 't is not or natllral a spotted fora one. in is One eow Managing Editor .. .. Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 who ride in the ears of the Pacific Elee· For, should is we of accept most the value thought in one that is which that trie Railway. Fees are small. The pu- Asst. Managing Editor. . Edwin Warfield, '29 dbomed to die and disappear along with pil is self-taught, but may consult an shall account Business Manager . . Paul Bates, '31 instructor if he wishes. And the text· oneself, and Il0W spiritual we heritage! We for can- our social Asst. Business Manager .. .J. Hammett Simms, '29 books are small and easy to earry.-- not believe that our present social and instead Advertising Manager ...... Mar-vin B. Sterling, '30 (I. Pr.) economic system is a thing which sprang of orlglnalt I believe that diatluctive Where Circulation Manager ... .Roy L. Robertson, '29 up ginning' in one Its age. beginning then with is its tho be- be- would be a better word. A purple cow is Three hundred and sixty-six minutes, would be distinetive and extraordinary James A. Stach, '30 or exactly six hours of football in six ginning of time and its ;:rowtll is our Asst. Circulation Mauagers .. . Thomas Braun, '30 conference games is the roeord this year ancestors' contribution which have been indeed. { left to us to take up and build. Shall Since I have nerer seen I! purple eow, Leslie Grover, '30 of Charles Carroll, University of Wash· that whieh is of most 'l'alue in ourselves I llC\'er hope to see one; mueh less do I ington halfback. He did not miss a Art Editor .. . "Pete" Gomsak, 'SO disappear with ust hope, or would I like, to he one. I have minut(l of play during the season. This Sports Editor .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .L. G. Ekaitis, '31 is believed to be 11. world record for foot If the things which are of most vatue the pri"ilele of being a human and I ball players, at least in more modern are doomed, whence comes onr religion' am neither nor d istinctlve in REPORTORIAL s'rAFF times.-(I. Pr.) Baek in the days of creation until now that. I do also, have the priv- News Editors each eivilization has had a religion of being an who is a person sitting satisfied its \V. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Mn t-tiguoni, '29 which has Animism, pnnthelsm, own and partenlar' poly next different just from as that the person is a little to me, needs. Associate Editors The coin slot in the public pay tele- theism are the contr.ibuticna of past different from the person next to llim. phone at Lafayette college recently waa One might also sny that one ordinary Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin M Seitz '29 left open when the phone was installed, to the building up of monothesim Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Ciltlmbe~s, '29 and as a result all money used in mak the Hebrew people into the Christi cow is different from nnothcr ordinary the Evangeline Lathem, '29 Chnrles E. Rensch, '29 we now enjoy-the high peak of cow in do nol same pnsturu. same People, woy how- that differ ever, in the Reporters ~~~t:a~~so~v:~::!;~::d~f ~~!:s f:;:nst:~ 1ill Does that which is of most cows do. If one as odd as an en- it beeame generally known, and the tele. vnlne in one il.lsappear with itt Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 did a thriving business in long Should this philosophy grip us and we tirely cow is Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 calls. The boys ealled home should follow it, then we must admit want anything Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Funk, '29 and the girl friends, nll over the coun !hut we have rccdved nothing of yalne exeept as a enriosity. A purple eow Catherine Reed, '30 Jnckson W. Day, '31 try, or nothing. from the work lws died with would be a curiosity even among the Thelma Reid, '30 Panl TToward, '29 memhers of her own and would Elizabeth Clough, '30 qlarcnce W. Koochogey, '32 ho~:e~:~, ~~:;, \::!~r::~e!.~oa~ e~:~~~~e~ ~::I~:rlY its own ~~I::a:::in~eind:Ol~:~ be treated as sueh. On othcr hand, Dorothy Johllson, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 !~a~:~rnt~:~t :~~IS, if a cow had a streal, of purple Al'mstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 ha~o~;~:;: ~ad~ ~~!.it, and leave nothing to suceeeding down ller other co\\'s would IIelen \Vheeler, '29 Willinm Bt'Own, '30 wlUtage of the vaeation to distribute Why, then, life! pr<>bably her in their pasture even if they not allow her to drink bills for payment. Not a fell' students from the same end of theatream. This Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. are broke.-(I. Pr.) The t.own was shrouded in snow und by a stretch of the imagination, the gray silenee of early morning. Wind· a person. Ifonohasastreak blown drifts lay in the slreets and on in him, Olle is accepted among E-D-I-T-O-R-I- A -L[ A 77·millimcter German gun, half of sidewalks, the treaeherous ieiness his fellows even though one not be Idaho's alloted allare of government war beneath. On jagged bare boughs of thoroughly understood. all of trophies, will be prQsented to the unh'N the trees dung masses of downy white, liS have a purple streak in us, n some- A RECENT COMPARISON clouds" in philosophy, nor to emphasize sity of Idaho hy the Americ~n J~egion in us thut makes other people too strongly the enlture ~ourses in the suggesting a master creation of old lace. American institutions have long been hope that a Bcctho~'cn or II. Shelly may some time next semester, it has been an· The red brick houses, the painted weath us queer at times. No one person eritieised by foreign tourists. Most of be produced at tho expense of Thousands nouneed. erboarded houses, the dull stone houses, nnderstands another person. The these adverse remarks have been unjust of studcnts whose capabilities would The gllll will add color to a grass ter all set close to the streeJ., presented eon of another person that I cannot un- and merely represented a prejudiced at· make them excellent skilled laborers or raee on the north side of the new gym seeutivc splash~s of indistinctn~ss as far r call querr, and rna yet, I have titudo toward tho ideal of demoeraey. professional men. nasium near tho entrance. It will be as the eye could see. just as many things ahout that ap· Now and then a keen obsen'er SellS be· sent from the United State government 'fhere wos not a sound except the pear qneer to someone else.' This dif- neath the surfaee and draws conclusions "trophy dump" at Aberdeen, )Jary' "slushing" of our in the snow ferentness, or queerness, or purple it, highly suggestive to the Ameriean n(l land.-(I. Pr.) or an occasional or two. Sudden streak, whatner yon choose to call tivc. The eollege is thc object of at· THE PAST WEEK on turning a eorner, we came npon mnke~ each of us 1t distinct personality. tack of a rather obscure Englisll visitor abJut eleven yearg,old, pull· The one thinks that arc l~ollOll'ing the rather unel'cntunJ ex thought/! that one's to our shores of a few months ago. Ris RadclifIe College for women reeeives WIIS inadequately elothed nminations, last week proved qnite a $30,000 by the will of Miss Aliee M. the cold: no overshoes, a dress neighbor thinks, and the things that one conelusions, while not absolutely eorred eont.rast in that there lI'ere so mnny ex does that nrc different from the things or without notable exceptions, pictures Longfellow, better known to Ameriea lightweight coat that came. above tra·currieular aUractions to hold the in· that one's neigllbor does, make life in- rather well the representative institu· and the world as Longfellow's "Grace her knees, a boys' knit cap on her head, terest of Ihose upon lhellill. Inaddi teresting. :\Iost of us are too prone to tion of higher lClIrning in the United Alice". who died rcccntly. Miss Long ~ud no mittens to protect th(l .fingers lion to the usuul clnss routine, there follow some one else's lead rather tlmn States. fellow helped found t.he college. thd hdd (he sled string. Pathetie pOI' were the lectures of Mr. Ellsworth, the to think nnd act for ourselves. We 'l'he college, in eomparison with Ox :\. tot,.1 of $115,000 was bequeathed illumi]1ed by the pllly·spirit of smnll exodus of stud('nts and faculty to should cultil'ate a purple streuk, not a ford or Cambridge, is not a of the alnmni bnnquet in Baltimore, the to public interests by Ihe daughter of And we-we in our fur strrnl, whi~h makes us misunderstood, thought, but of aetion. s('ries of lectures to the women, and the Hellr." Wadsworth Longfellow.-(I.Pr.) coats, woolen glo,'es Ilnd bearing hut onc whieh wilt make us individual. to eollege with aspirations It team, y .\1. nnd Y. W. C. A. convention. The the sophistic~tioll of eollege Indi\'idualism m:l~' btl carried too far fraternity, school paper, or other orgalli }'or her now-the ~nquestionillg care· zations outnide the clas~room. .Most ~'oot bH II is incorreetly ntlmcd, nccord fret: ~1!itude of ehildhood. But with .% in the case of the purple cow, but as know how to drive a car and use a type iug to Count }'olke Barndotte, nephew the passing years will there dcvelop a well ~s one can judge mosl of us nre writer. In short, the aim seems to be of King Gnst~'· V, of Sweden, who was futile bitterness toward life, eulminnt· f~r from becoming as distilW:i\'e as 11le the aequisition of a distinctive plaee in III initiated into thc game at tho ~.ontest purple eow. the college world, ideals of lendership, brtween Georgia and Georgia Tech. and of citizenship, rather than the ae welcome, e~'en though it does interfere, "The game is played with the quisition of wnys of thinking and lUeth· in a smnll way, with the normal run of hnnds," he said. "But it's a nice, Conaway Motor Co. ods of reasoning. :MOf('(ll'er the usual adi,·ities. College, b~' its ,'cry nsture, pleasnlltsport,llege operating under Suits Security Savings Service It is not their purpose "to rule the sueh a plan has found that the "push· W. E. WARFIELD, College Rep.
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