Page 55 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 55
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ Class Bash.etball Begins! \SPORTS \ Terror Boxers Defeat Virginia TERROR CAGERS BREAK BOXING DOPE SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Military Institute in Opener 4-3 JINX IN CLOSE GAME Off to a good start. FOR INTER-CLASS GAMES Handed the Cadets the short end of a The Terror mittmen won the opening "Otts" Broll made the first score of In one of the closest games ever .i·3score. 'l'hc 1929 Men's Inter-Class Basketball boxing meet of the season by defeating the game with a foul. Faden then tied played on tho State Armory court, the Callahan and Rodgers furnished the Tournament began Monday, January 21, the V. M. 1. cadets by a score of 4·3. it up with a free toss. Smith and ::Me· Green Terrors "hit their stride" and classiest fighting. in Yingling gymnasium, when the Fresh- Seniors in. the first team The heavyweight cJas't furnished the Cartee then found the range and ran up defeated the fast ?\fount Saint Mary's Crosby nearly gave the ringsiders men mct the league and the Jnuiors met the most thrills, with plenty of action and n score of 18·13 at half time. Western quint Tuesday night, 26·21. pneumonia from the rush. of air after mores in the string league. Bophe- knockdowns. This figHt was the deoid- Maryland scored on a field goal and foul "Bob" Van Buren gave the Speirmen some wild swings. ing one of the meet and each boy went by Broil, a foul by Van Buren, a field the lead by caging a foul. "Otts" Klepsae scored a clean knockout. Th(, tonrnumcnt will be played under into the ring determined to win the bout goal by Machamer and two field goals looped a field gent before Hemler scored Downcr and Gravatt treated the tho rnles: 1. Each class wit and meet for Me team. The first round and two fouls by Smith. the first Mountain point. "AI" Smith, crowd to some real slugging. be by two teams. ~. A play. went to Gravn-t of V. ).1". I. on aggrel:!i- In the second half every St. John's with two foul shots, made the score 5·1. Two in a. row this week-end. er 011 the second team may play on the stveacss while the second round went to 'mnn found the hoop for a. total of 25 Hemler and MeG:nrigan scored £YO Georgetown Oil Friday and Pcunsyl- first tcnm, but no player having com Downer by virtue of landing etcaner and' points while Broil with a foul and a points to put ille Mailoymen in the van. vanin on Saturday. peted on tho first teem can play on the harder punches. Each figntcr scored a fleld, Van Buren and Smith a field each Wellinger scored his first gaol to regain second team in consecutive games. B. knockdown in each Qf these rounds. The- nceounted for the Terror'a seven pointe. the lead. Homier, however, got through Keep the slate clean, 'I'er rors. No one who has played in. a. v8l"sity third round was all Downerts, he having the Terror defense to recover the lead. game will be eligible. 4. Each class scored two knockdowns before the tangle- The score: Wellinger then tied the score 8·8 with a will erect a captain at once. G. The time in which the foul occurred. Both boys. St. John's (43) foul. The Blue and White five again 'I'he ucorc : of Jl(llyCS shnlJ be 15 minutes. fell in n neutral corner and Gravatt stepped to the fore but Wellinger carne Western),larylRlld (26) 'rIle schedules: knocked Downer out while he was still G. F. T. through with his second field goal to Goals }o~ouls Totals Monday, January 21 on one knee. The referee awarded the MacCartee, f., 00 knot the contest. Hemler cut the cords f., a S \"8. Seniors. Juniors vs. Soph- bout and meet to Western Maryland. Hoff, f., I·' 15 but Broll balanced the game again with f., 10 Presbmnn Smith, f., 1·1 The 115 lb. class furnished lots of ac- a. two-pointer. Velten, a substitute, hlachfl,!,er, c., tion and hard figllting. Callahan held Bornstein, s., 1 scored a field goal but a foul by Bob ve» Buren, g., Wednel:!day,January 30 Rodgers even the first two rounds, but Faden, g., i.i Van Buren and the ever present Well- Juniors vs. Sophomores. Seniors VB. weakened in the third because of his re- )forris, f., 0·0 . inger enabled the Terrors to lead 15·14 Prcshmnn. cent illness and yet the fight was very Rockefeller, f., 0·0 attheinterm.ission. :Mon(;ay,February 4 Baird, .., close. 00 Broll added his tbud an(l last field Totals 26 Freshman vs. Juniors. Sophomores vs. The 125 lb. fight was slow, Crosby Wolaneki, g., 0·0 toss as the second period began. McCall Seniors. giving Joll(mning a boxing lesson. Both Miller, g., 00 dropped a two·pointer and a foul by Me 110nnt Snint Mary's (21) Wednesday, February 6 mittmen missed frequently to keep the Carpenter, g., 1-2 Garrigan evened the ecorc again. Well· Gonls Fouls Totals Seniors vs. Sophomores. Juniors vs. bout even until the third round when. Totals 19 inger sa"cd t.h")sitnation bi scoring his Ryswrvnge, f., Freshman. Crosby connected with a solid left hook. 5·8 second foul. MeGarrigan threw a scare \fcGarrigan, f., to score n. knockdown and win the bont Western Maryland (20) into the Terror supporters by putting :lfcCall, c., Monday, February 11 on a decision. G. }o'. his team ahead 19·18. Connell, g., Freshman vs. Sophomores. Seniors vs. Juniors. Gordon, the captain of the V. M. I. "Broll,f., The hurd playing was telling on the Hemler, g., team, was It !.ttle too experienced for Van Buren, f., VeItCH,g., Wcdnesday, February 13 Hart of Western Maryland, sooring IL Machamer, e., Blue and Wllitc five. BN)1l was the first R.~·aan, f., Juniors \"s. Seniors. Freshman vs. Soph- techn.ical knockout in the second round. Smith, g., to puncture the tiring defense to regain The welterweight fight was a little slow Clark, g., 0·1 lhelcad for the last time. Wellinger fol 'l'olals SECOND ROUND with Norris completely outboxing Chap· Wellingel, f., 0·0 lowed II. few moment!; later with wl][[t Score by hah'es: man, who did not land a. eolid blow the Wilker, e., proved to be th~ winning ficld goal. How- :Monday, February 18 entire three rounds. The bout appeared Koon, g., 0·1 e\·er to make sure A I Smith caged two W.M. C. 15 11-26 Jani{)rs \"s. Sophomores. Seniors \"s. to be Norris' by points but Cha.pman. field goals to break a six·game losing M. S. \1. H Freshman. was awarded the decision. Ekll,itil- Totals 7 6·13 20 streak. Referee-Neun. (Continued 011 Page Four) scored the .first knockout for Western Maryland. Kohout was knocked down with a. short right hook· and then left and right hooks to the jaw won.the bout for Ekaitis. Klepac furnished the surprille by scor- ing a dean knockout of Palmer, V. M_ 1. star light·heavy. The first round was interesting, both boye boxing very nice- ly. This round was even. The fighting was even in the second until Klepac got in close and landed a right hook right on the button, knocking Palmer com· pletelyout. Summaries: 115 Pound Class: :qodgers (V. M. I.), defeated Callahan (W. Y.) in three rounds jdeeision. 125 Pound Class: Crosby (W. Y.)., defeatcd Johenning (V. M. 1.), in three ronndSjdecision. 135 Ponnd Class: Captain Gordon (V. M. I.). defeated Hart (W. M.) Techi- nal knockout second round. 1±5 Pound Class: Chapman (V. M. 1.), defeated Captain Norris (W. M.), in three rounds; deoision. 160 Pound Class: Ekajtis IW. M.), defeated Kohout (V. M. 1.) Technioal On theirway knockout first round. 175 Pound Class: Klepac (W. M.), defeated Palmer (V. M. I.); knockont to here in second round. Unlimited Class: Downer (W. M.), won from Gra\-atlt (V. M. 1.), on fonl in third round. 7 8 0 0 0 0 Chesterfield cigarettes are now sailing Referee, Welch (Army) j Judges, Lambert (Wabash); and Read (V. M. , South~Polewards with the Byrd Antarc- 1.) tic Expedition. We are officially informed that tbe selection of Chesterfield resulted from the individually expressed TERROR NETMEN DEFEATED preferences of a majority of the expedition'S members •. BY ST. JOHN'S When it is recalled that these are-in superlative sense The ·Western :Maryland College court - picked men ..• selected not only for bravery, ability team lost the fourth straight game and experience, but also by searching tests of physical Thursday evening to the fast St. John's fitness ..• we may be forgiven for our considerable pride College qnint of Annapolis in Carlin's in their vote. And something of this pride, we believe, Park, Baltimore, by the score of 4.3·20. will be shared by all Chesterfield smokers. 'rhis gamc marked the renewal of ath letio relations between the two colleges. It is another of the many proofs piling up that the surest way to earn popularity is to deserve it! D. S. GEHR (Established 1866) Wholesale and Retail HARDWARE MILD enough for anybody •• and yet .• THEY SATISFY Phone 318 Westminster, Md.
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