Page 63 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE \SPORTS \ BasKetball Boxing \SPORTS I Terrors Capture First Home Meet of BOXING DOPE Terror Boxers Score Victory Season by Win Over Manhattan 7-0 Added two more during the past week. Over New York University 4-3 Manhattan College, 7·0. Local Fans Fack Armory to Capacity ST. JOHN'S SCORE WIN New York University, 4·3. a BLUE RIDGE DEFEATED The Winning of Downer's Bout by a to Cheer Terrors to Victory \Vou the first home meet, before Foul AwardS Meet to W. M. FROMW. M.AT CARLINS packed armory. BYSPIER'S CAGERS40·28 The Terror boxers copped the first Picturesque crowd. The 'I'error boxing team scored a vie- home meet of the year at the armory tory over New York University at the last Wednesday by defeating Manhattan St. John's defeated Western Mary· N. Y. U. was generous with black W. :III. C. basketball team had little Sel'cnth Regiment Armory last Saturday College, 7·0. The Terrors fully demon land in a basketball game at Carlin's in overwhelming Blue Ridge night by a score of 4·3. Downer won stratcd they have a good team by win· Two weeks rest before the Navy meet. College a 40·28 score et the armory the heavyweight bout on a foul in the .Monday eveulng, 26·19. This week's en ning all of the bouts handily. last 'I'hursduy evening. 'l'he Terrors second round. The New York team had gagement marked the second meeting of Meet the Navy at Annapolis. The armory was packed to capacity the teams this season and St. John's has held the upper hand throughout the en- violated the rule forbidding hitting in ,,,,ith excited fans who cheered the 'I'er- returned winner in each start.'s beat the Navy, Terrors! gagement. Ihc clinches iu all previous bouts and rors to vtetcry. The Bpeirmen lost no time in getting Sargisson was disqualified for excess vi Though the Terrors checked the seer- The first bout of the evening was by started and put the game on ice early olation, giving Downer the bout and far the most interesting. Reed of west- iug of F. Smith, the Johunies star een- in FROSH SCORE VICTORY in the first 20 minutes. The contest had Western Maryland the meet. ter and Western Maryland's nemesis, ern Maryland drawing in his first fight commenced when Machamer The Violet started out strong by win- thcir prior encounter, they were still un tllB best boxer on the Manhattan team. OVER DEL· MAR CLUB one from under the to hegin ning the first two bouts on the program, able to avenge the defeat administered Reed battled on even terms during the them in the first game. The Saints were the avalanche of baskets complete- but the Terrors came back to forge first three ronnds with his more expert- however, last Monday and Iy swamped the New Windsor five. Capt. ahead by taking the next three. Sirotus eneed foeman, earning a draw. The their margin of victory was not The Prosh won their sixth consecutive Van Buren, Machamer and Weilinger tied it ,then occurred the foul. bout went into the fourth round full of the closing moments of the basketball vietory on last Thursday snuk two-pointers at will throughout the Reed and Marnell put on three very action, when a eu; was opened over Sa tussle. It was late in the last half that night, in the Westminster armory, by entire 40 minutes of play .• r a nine eount in This fight contained more action and praetically even terms in the first pc garded as a. strong opponent, the victory at 22·9. the first round with a straight right to hard hitting than any of the others. riod. seemed to be a conclusive one. Blue Ridge's shooting offense was the This was the only knockdown Flater easily defeated McGoirk by de· This first half was a point-for-point more effective in the second half and fight. eiaion, dropping lnm for a short count nffnir', either team leading in turn. The However, on last Monday at. the Car cutscorcd 'V. Md. 19·18, but never Captain Pinksky of N. Y. U. won in the first round. Flaler used a Idt lin's Park court, the Frosh lost their threatened to overcome the from Flater by a tecllnical knoek{)ut in score was knotted two or three times but jab and scored repeatedly with it. first game of the season to the SL large that faced them. Paced by the second round. Pinsky was toe on each occasion the Johnnies slid ahead Crosby won from Orlandi by decision nnd when rest was called W . .M. was John's Reserves by l'!. 24·20 score. Over R. Barnes' accurate shoeting, B. R. C. strong and better versed in boxing, seor confidence after three rounds. Crosby showed thc three points in the rear, 13·10. Close seems to have been the ail· fought hard all the way butthnd to be mg with n left jab. Flater most class in winning hie fifth straight guarding by both quints featured the ment of the freshmen team fill. their play content with the small cnd of the final tried force the fighting, but Pinsky victory of the year. Easily outboxing play. was ragged and good teamwork as was was much too clever. his opponent and scoring with solid lacking. This game was played a Wellinger was Maryland's beat seorer Crosby and Slomorwlt.e put on the When the last peri{)d got underway preliminary to the Western Maryland· rights and left llooks. with 13 points. Clooe on his heels were most interesting bout of tho evening . .Maryland foreed the battie and man St. John's game. Captain Norris also won an easy vic· Van Buren and Machamer with The first round was a slugging mateh llged to keep pace with the Annapolis tory {)\,e! Kearney, forcing the fighting aggyegation for a short while ouly to points apiece. t'ndillg even. Crosby appeared to have during the entrie three rounds to wiu drop behind as the end drew near. In (Line up will be found on Page 4) 11'011 the next two rounds by cleaner hit· each one by fl. large margin. Dick's the middlo of the period the Johns eight and six ting and counter·fighting but the judges hooks landed often with telling effect. staved off a W. M. rally and proceeded points total fourteen. Let's Hope ruled a draw and called for a. fourth Ekaitis defeated Lopinto by decision to draw away to a slight but winning Smith uarya throw from the Some say the peace pact is a "scrap round. The rcferee refused to let Slom' in three rounds, winning everyone. mnrgin. The defenses continued then charity strip in six chances. MaeCartee of paper." Maybe so; but tImt's more orwitz go on because of a bad eye, giv Klepac was full of fight and tried to impregnable guarding exhibition. lind Hoff should.ered the scoring brunt to our liking than a scrap of nations. ing Crosby the fight. get his man to mix tllings, but only sue· (Line up on Puge Four) for St. John'/; with 9 und 6 points. -Atlanta Constitution. (Continued on Page Four) eeeded in chasing him around the ring, winning all three rounds. This also was Klepac's fifth etraight win. Downer topped the meet off by win ning all the way frolll Dogunto. Dogun· to had a peculiar style and used a left hook to an ad,untage. An echo that circles 115 pound elnss:-Reed, W. M., de· feated Sabilli, M. C., in fourth round, by technical knockout. the globf!J 125 pound elass:-Flater, W. M., de· feated MeGoirk, M. C., in three rounds, by decision. 135 pound class:-Crosby, W. M., de· feated Orlandi, M. C., in three rounds, by decision. 145 pound elass:-Norria, W. M., de· feated Kearney, M. C., in three rounds, by decision. 160 ponnd elass:-Ekaitis, W. M., de· fen ted Lopinto, M. 0., in three rounds, by decision. 175 pound class:-Klepae, W. M., de· feated Cosgrove, M .C., in three rounds, by decision. Unlimited Class:-Downer, W. M., de· feated Dogunto, M. C., in three rounds, by decision. RESULTS OF THE INTER-CLAS'J BASKETBALL LEAGUE First Team Division RESULTS January 30, Juniors, 23; Sophomores, 20. February -1, Juniors, 32; Freshmen, 12. February 6, Sophomores, 18; Seniors, 14. Sightseers returnillg from the Alps never qualitie3 seeminglyopposed-"they're mild,and February 11, Sophomores, 16; }<'resh· yet they satisfy"-its descriptive accuracy was fail to babble of the marvelous echoes that re- men, 11. instantly perceived Today it echoes and re- verberate so obligingly from peak to peak. Standing of the clubs. But no such phenomenon matches a certain echoes wherever cigarettes are smoked: W. L. Pet. echo that keeps circling this whole mundane "Satisfacen ... ilssatisfonl ... THEY SATISFY!" Juniors 1,000 sphere. It is the best·known cigarette slogan Sophomores .667 ever coined - the Chesterfield phrase "They And rightly enough, for Chesterfields are mild Seniors .500 Satisfy." -and tbey DO satisfy ... and what more can Freshmeu .000 atJy cigarette offer? Originated to describe a unique coupling of With the Senior·Junior first teams yet to play the last game iu the first round of the inter·class basketball tournament, there is a. possibility that a tie muyexist. This will hnppen the CI-i ESTERFI ELD Seniors "take the Juniors over." In case that a triple tie should exist, a playoff for the first round chaimpion· MILD enough for anybody .. and yet •. THEY SATISFY ship wiIl be necessary. The winners of this will be named the first·round cham· pions and the second round will begin.
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