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GOl JUNIOR SPEEOH PLAYS WOMEN'S DEBATE SMITH HALL W. M. O. VS. HOOD FRIDAY, AT 7:15 P. M. SATURDAY, 8:00 P. M. Vol. 6. No. 16 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER. MD. February 14. 1929 MID-WINTER CONFERENCE WITH HOOD AND AMElt.I- HOCHSCHILD, KOHN & 00. GIVE ANNUALALUMNIBANQUET SCHEDULED DEBATES FASHION DISPLAY ON THE CONCLUDES MEET HERE OANU. OOLLEGE OALENDAB. HILL PROVES SPLENDID AFFAIR The women's debating teams will FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15- Under the s uapices of the Home Eco- open forensic relations for this year Junior Speech Playa, Smith Hall OVER 300 ALUMNI PRESENT 15 COLLEGES REPRESENTED nomics clnh, Hocbsebfld, Kohli & Com· wif h a triangular debate with Hood 7:15P. M. pauy put on display Mondaj- evening, College and American Universit.y. The February 1, ill McDaniel Hall Parlor, The nnnual Alumni Banquet, held on The annual mid-winter Interstate question is: "Resolved, that tho prin- SNrURDAY, FEBRUARP 16- Friday e"cning, February 8, in the Cal- Student Conference was held at Wcstern ciple of cemplete freedom of speech and 'Volllen's Debate, western Mary- seme of fashion's latest hints. A gen- vert Ballroom of the new Lord Balti· eral idea of what is to be worn this aea· Maryland College from February 8-10. press on political and economic questions laud VS. Hood, Smith Hall, 8:00 son by the fashionably dressed young more Hotel, was n huge success, as usual. On Friday afternoon eighty delegates is sound." The affirmative team of P. M. lady was brought out in n vcry attrae- It has been estimated th'at about three representing fifteeu colleges and two each college will travel, western Mary- MONDAY, PEBRUARY ]8- tivc manner. College girls hcre served hundred persons were present, represent- high schools assembled here. Then fol- land going to American U'nlvcrsi ty, and as manikins, and all- each model ep ing a gecnt many of the classes gradu- lowed a get together dinner and social American University going to Hood, Women's Literary Socielties-6:30 Miss Mary Page Turner pointed ated from Western Maryland College. hour. No time was wasted however in and Hood eoming to \Vestern Mary- P. xr. peared, and by The number of familiar races, the out its chief notes of style gottingdown to work, which started land. Men's Literury Societies-6:45 what type it could he worn. Mis , Turn and the entertain- with a worship service led by Dr. The debate between the Hood t.ffir· P.11. er is a recent gradnate of Western ing program nil combined to make the Alexander Zabriskie of the Theological mative and the Western Maryland nega and ever since leaving school oecaslon one of festivity and merriment Seminary of Alexandria Virginia. Dr. tlve will be held in Smith Hall on the 'l'U:ESDAY, FEBRUARY ]9- hilS in the employment of Hoeu for all. Jaek Hart gave the opening address in Social Clubs 7;15. schild ea The president of the Alnmni Assecia· which he sounded the keynote of the (Continued on Page Four) Basketball: Loyola vs. \Vestern .T. Willis Smith, '96, delivered the whole Conference-"Finding One's Self Maryland-8:15 P. M. of the evening, tllll.nking the in the Modern World." ''Ie must find JESTERS PLAN UNUSUAL forthesupportllehadreeeived. ourselves thrn soeking the higher levels "Y"COMMISSION LEADERS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ~O- !If.r.Smith said that he h9d accepted the of self, thrn tho self realization that Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. meet- PROGRAM FOR 1929 TOUR on one condition, which was comes from unselfish service. The chal- REPORT ON THEIR WORK ings-6:30 P. M. he be able to get someone longe to the youth is to change in- Co-etc F'raneaiac dllus McDaniel r-lse 10 do the work. lie especially dividuals to stand the pace of the Aftcr the Commission Service in llall-7:15P. M. The ",Testers" this year promise an thanked :'\Ir. J. L. Weihrauch, '25, chair- twentieth century and make it a sue- Baker Chapel on Sunday, February 10, good show. 'I'he style of pro mall, and Ur. Worthington J. Stultz, cess. Youth has only one life to live which formally closed the recent Y. M. been modernized. The acts '17, treasurer, for their support, and it is necessary to find out what you Western Maryland, the various commis· DR. W. 1. THOMPSON and musical numbers have been im Mr. Smith introduced the toastmaster, held at and Y. W. C. A. conference several have R. Carman, '03, who furnished a are going to 'do with that life. proved. , The "Parrots" lively interest is Robert deal of amusemcnt wilh his witti- new instruments. g.rcat After this address the delegate9 aion leadcrs gave short talks about their SPEAKS IN BAKER CHAPEL being hy A evcry cnndidate. cisms. Carman introduced Presi· ).lr. joined the group or commission to begin work. These reperts were a reaume of R-j\'~lry is among the men of the dent Albert N. Ward as the man who Ule (1iacussionof the topic in which they the conclusions the delegates had would introduce the main speaker of the were most interested. Dnring this period reaelled in the course of their discus on Supernatural Element in ~.hOrllS. Everyoue is assid evening. Pr~sidcnt Ward '5 speech dealt uously. It is rumored vocal the method of approach to thcir pro- aions. Ohrist's Teachings rehcu.rsuls huve been held in the gym wilh the progress of Western Maryland blem was introduced and the way pre" TIle Voeational Guidance gronp was Il.toddhours. and the plans now being made William Dr. Thompson, noted .T. pared for the ncxt days work. led by Mr. C. II. Rute. This group preacher, writer, and professor at the Everytbing is running in fine style for future. President Ward intro On Saturday morning after a short found that there- are threo problems we Drew Theological Seminary, spoke in and when the plays have been submit· !lueed GOYl'rnorRitchie, and presented worship service the eommissions met to must deal with in guidance. What we Baker Chapel, Sunday evening, Febru- ted lInd the winner selected all prelim MOl with a bouquet of roses to be given attempt to thresh out their problema as are going to do with God; with ourself; ary 10. Dr. TllOmpson opened his ad- inaries will havo been conclnded. The to his mother. Governor Ritehie's speeeh they saw it. The commissions met (l.nd:finding a home and ourself in that dress by calling to attention the main are due February 12. There is told of the wonderful pOSSibilities and tllrougltout tlte day with only ahort liome. \Ve should decide what to do as difference between snb-human life and time for anyone who wishes to try resour.t.eto grab· their eempacts as they those who helpcd to make the Confer- and scientific inaecnracies hut by ita to others, and to be able to render tects its entrance we take our awrdway. strnggle into their cloLhes on the. way ence a success. They thank especially moral and spiritual ideals. The truth of worthwhile service to other people. We are on the threshhold; we enter out of their rooms. the bible rather than the words is to be Mrs. Hamrick and the p()()pleof West- Bought after. They eoneluded that its gates. Now we notice the intricacy The walls of tbis hall, aa the rest of minster who furnislled cntertainment DR. EDITH HALE SWIFT LEC- of the detail the huilders have used to the building, are climbing lattice of hor- for the yiaiting delegates. there was no need for additional testa- forestall our desires. There is nothing izontal strips. Here and there we no· ments, that it was complete and that TURES BEFORE WOMAN STU- tiee that there is either a beantiful the bible was inspired hecause it in- DENTS HERE we can think of that ha~ not been con frescoe or else someone has heen in· sidered by the eontractors. CHARLIE HAVENS IS APPOINTED sp~~:. Personality Development Com- Dr. Edith Hale Swift, of the Ameri Evidently there is to he no comp!aint dulging in the politiciuns pastime- mud slinging. WESTMINSTER SCOUT MASTER abont lack of heat for el'en at this stage Magnificent staircases with marble :~~::~~n~::SS:i:~'b:fw~~::m g~::~:' ::s~ :~:d !o:!~;esH:rg~::: i!::;:!~~~\e~~:::s of the game there are radiators placed bnlustrades le~d ns to the inviting reei in conspicueus places working day and Charles \V. Havens, well known mem- "What is pcrsonality'" No definition ~~~r::~le6~1'0~:.n ss:~cl::a':i~e~e~:::.;: night tt) heat the building. We came tution rooms and laboratories. They ber of the present Junior class, was re was agreed upon yet it was found that and recommended .1S a lecturer. This is upon sel'eral of them in the middle of have the same general finish as the din- eently appointed Scout Master of the 10 personality was expressed in tllOughts, her second trip to Western Maryland S~\'lr,11rooms, or plaeed advantageous ing JIIlli. A striking mcthod of seggre· cal troop of Boy Sconts of Westminster. acts and motives. The following quali. College; her first visit was four years ly to catch the shins of unwary on dnrll gating the sexes was ohserved. On Charlie's appointment came as a result nights. We learn that two big men each of the two npper doors there is a of a well-rounded ability as an athlete, :~~: ~ ps~r~~:~:~!~i:ve::d~::::~i:~enotf ago. ha,·c been employed to nurse these rad hole iu the fioor of the corridor itBelf student and soldier. Tho local troop others, friendly thoughts and ideals that JUNIOR PLAYS TO BE PRESENTED iators and to keep them functioning and !fiueh too hroad for any young lady meet.s once every weck in the National are your own, tactfulness, adaptahility. IN SMITH HALL TOMORROW perfectly in the long watches of the to leap should she desire to reaeh the Guard Armory, and divide their time Personal beauty was not neeessary but NIGHT night as woU as the husy hou·rs of the men's end of the hnilding. bctween snpervised athletics and instruc may help one get started. Personality day. We are led up another charming flight tion in good citizenship. "Charlie" also can be changed hy an unselfish selffor· The plays by the Junior mcmbers of In the great dining hall we find of stairs and emerge npon the tiled instructs the hoys in scout drills and getfulness and by helping others. He tbe speech department will be presented many innovations. Two eorners of the floor of the·roof. We have visions of frequently goes with them on long that desires personality must first lose in Smith Hall on the evening of Fri· room have been worked off and smaller Chinese lanterns, tile Green and Gold hikes. The assistant scont·master of the it among others. day, Fehrnary 15. The names of tbe rooIUBhnilt in, in order to preYentthe Parrots in a palm snrronnded bower, troop is ·G. E. Shriver, of Westminster, The International Relations Commis· plays are "The Most Foolish Virgin" vulgar display of large qlU::J.tities of sounding sweet seleetjons as "eds" and a present Senior on the Hill. sion was led by Bishop Paul Jones. Per- and "Joint Owners UJ. Spain." food. Snell a. sight might be too much (Coutinued ou Page Fonr)
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