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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ltraril'ty GOt \lei "Dere iss no jllstiss I " 11. German pro- A PLA YB AND OF LIFE Even lIutl'r-C!Jollegiate "5 lou 1£ikr lit News BOOKS, REVIEW the advertisements to example, used chance-taker. Christian excerpt quote time auy fessor of us should declare the frequently. to givo If is The a chance·taker i, by a choice. Society He is times this interesting. from For "Our College we take this statement more than mere casual accustomed to exploit the Christian's Times." Offieial newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during fine moral courage, but they forget, or ALL BIRTH STONES ARE the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, thought, we should in all probability Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoflice. find ourselves agreeing with it, whether fail to see, the gamble beneath that LUCKY we should wish to do so or not. We courage. There are those who shrink at However, too often tlle word luck is Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year the term "gamble" in association with to success. enjoy playing with our lovely pet the alter not not That MANAGING STAFF' ortes of "reward to him who deserves," religion. "gamblers" does or rfak-takera, the what fact It is uot does a chance; just happen; that Editor-in-Chief .. ........ Casper P. Hart, '29 and so on; but in real life these cher· ever the term, initiated and preserved Hisa patient result of trying; blown too, Managing Editor .. .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 ished theories the are glaring too injustice often I which the religion that we now enjoy. and is the way to win. to pieces by chance-taker. Obadiah Asst. Managing Editor. ............ Ed win Warfield, '29 in the final analysis we must admit to Obadiah is was an a insignificant figure Now, in LUCK t« (£ Nut Shell a "P" with Business Manager .. .Paul Bates, '31 exist. The man of merit is outdistanced Biblical history. He is mentioned, mere- Spell have it- and you whose eighteenth Asst, Business Manager .. . .... ,J. Hammett Simms, '29 hy one possession sole of elnim to power some lies such in ly of mentioned, Kings. in He the is recorded as chapter Oba P-LUCK. the or wealth First Advertising Manager .. Marvin B. Sterling, '30 material advantage; the innoceut arc diah, the governor of King Ahab's A capable, energetic high school grad- sacrificed for the guilty; the minor of· house, and as a mean who feared the Circulation Manager .Roy L. Robertson, '29 one whose offense is really great ce- Lord. Just an ordinary man. That is, uate decides upon a teaching career. She James A. Stach, '30 capes with light punishment or with no he would have been, had not one more makes this decision because a thorough traiuing, Asst. Circulation Managers .. . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas Braun, '30 punishment at all. And so it goes, time verse been recorded. "For it was 60, nnture of teaching long offer vacation, best and op- { the Leslie Grover, '30 niter time. whcn .Jezebul cut off the prophets of the pnrtunities for personal growtb. Art Editor .. . .vPete" Gomsak, '30 One need not go nway from college Lord, them that by Obadiah fifty took a an cave hundred and and This sellool graduate entars the hid fed in injustice work- this Sports Editor .. . L. G. Ekaitis, '31 to ing. find It makes principle as of insidious in col- them with bread and water." This short normal deal to the She effect reads that and she hears learns a itself great life as it docs everywhere else. but illuminatil'e sentence makes Obadiah through her own reactions, through her REPORTORIAL STAFF is, for instance, the student with a remarkable ebarecter , In concealing own efforts, that education is largely News Editors wealthy parents, or with "pull" back and feeding the prophets whom Jezebul selr.edueanon; and tllnt the prince and W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Mar-tignoni, '29 of him. From the very beginning he intended to destroy Obadiah committed pauper must trend alike the road to Ahab, an over Associate Editors possesses an unfair ndvautage associates his treason against by death. King There is no offense lenrning. These principles she applies record punishable into herself She 1[nny Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin l\I. Seitz, '29 eollege him mates. u pedestal, of his aud bow and of tlle outcome of this man's risk, but to is sure th"t .1nd the puts instruetor, practtee. work upon whose set Edi th Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 scrape before him; the administration the essential fact is that he took a she fails to prepare, is 1I0t losing be Evangeline Lathem, '29 Charles E. Rensch, '29 is inclined to be lenient in dealing with chance for God-and his life depended cause of it; tllat if "bluffing" is at- Reporters llis misdemeanors. On the other hand, on its outcome. the person "bluffed" is her- in religion civil· Virginia Merrill, '30 Roy '1'. Edwards, '31 the poor student, wbo has nothing but ized Today, the Christian no appeal to physi- that the instructor does not countries makes Sara Freeman, '29 Roby Day, '29 hi~ own merit on which to depend, often cal risks such as Obadiah took. But it grades. profession- Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Funk, '29 has to struggle liard in order to receive makes demands, it calls for risks of a faet, grades to the truly Catherina Reed, '30 Jackson W. Day, '31 the recognition tbat he deserves. SUrely, different nature. Two of them arc the al minded arc but administ.rafive device Thelma Reid, '30 Paul Froward, '29 those of us who are so proud of our pro· financial risk and the risk of baing dif and, us a mctdvating rorce, extraneous. Elizabeth Clough, '30 Clarence VV. Koochogcy, '32 fessed demoerncy must feel ashamed to ferent. First, the financial risk. In Her tests are: "Am I growing into a Dorothy Johnson, '29 Branch Phillips, '30 have to admit Uwt in more cases than this age of machinery, corporatious, snd more sympathetic attitude and into a Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 one this has pro\'ed true. Again, some invention, finance seems to occupy the of lenrning and man Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 students to shift cnn do wrong blame things upon and someone greater part of our thinking. Life· child self·eontrol, Am I and growing in initia- self-direetion'" the tive, agc else, who will never let the truth of the times arc spent in mnssiug wealth. To "Am I constantly getting better con· Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. mnlter be known. The following ex use money in nl1 investment where the Irol over the tools of learning'" "Am ample is representatiye of numerous results c:mnot be calcnlated is rash. If I so growing that each new experience other ones that might be given. During n person is to be a Christian he must gives me incrl'ased capacity for further study hour one of two girls who were make this kind of investment. For the growil)'" !E-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-L! wnlking down the llllll in the dormitory outcome of the money spent in the To the teacher iu the making com had one of those wild impulses to slums of cities, in homc and foreign mis· menecmcnt is not the finale of her prep· LEISURE TIME the quiet for True Crmfesm-ons and Tf'lifJ scream, lind scream she didl Now it sions and in the Nenr East cannot be nration but merely a step in her contino Stories. I made a thousand dollars in happened thnt the Dean wns "just foreseen. As the church is not primnrily uous preparation. It is not a time for The purposes of an education are eleven weeks selling my stuff to the around the corner," and, as was to be a business orgnnization it is the Chris· deluding herself into belief that she is many. With each epoch the aims have magazines. One year I tried the Vaca· expected, she came to investigate. The tian's privilege to tnke a financial risk. edu€:lted and that the professional be(ln increasa(l or changad. Onca the pri· tion Bible School job and made only a girl who had screamed ran into tho near Second, the risk of being different. knowledge an(l experience of tllose who mary aim was to fit the subject for the little clear. 1 don't know whether cst room, while I'er compnnion continued The average person likes to be individ· ha,·c succcedrd is to bcderided. church. Later the page was to be equip· I ought to write for sueh magazinea or to walk down the hall aud consequently u~l, but he does not want to be differ In five years after graduating from 'ped with the ideals of knighthood and not. They elaim their stories are true, to encounter the DeHn. Neither desir· ent. The desire for social approval is the normnl school she is inter the knowledge necessary to be the feud but of course they are not. At any rate ing to expose h('r frieud nor knowing strong within the Illlman being. Fashion rstcd in life and teaching and has added al leader of his peasants. With the ad none of mine were. I am trying to get how to explain that she was not the one furnishes au excellent illustration of this eapacity for self-improvement. vent of the machine, education was on to a better way to make money. Am who lHld screamed, she merely said noth· trait. Wben n new bahion is intro· There is a growing recognition of the asked to prepare for the demands of an thinking of selling Fuller brushes." iug and uncomplainingly endured the dnced, people conform to it. There are fact that education is n life·long pro industrial civilization. One aim of the leeture thnt was fortheoming on the l)('rsons who may inject their personali· eeas and more nnd more necessary for present and onll that will become more ~"ils of such "unladylike behllvior." ties into the fashion, but they will not continued to the complex THE SECOND SEMESTER not important in the future is preparation All of us are, moreover, eonstlUltly be· disregard it. The will be individual, conditions ef modern age. ThOllsands diffcreut. 'fo be different is too great a for leisure time. Once mau worked ing unjust in our !_houghts. Let some of adults nrc speuding millions of dol· The second semester is now well un· from sun to sun, now he works eight money be stolen, for instance. Imma
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