Page 20 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ollann, (!Iluh,au~ ~otirty 1ltolugn Dear Mr. Editor 14tlrntfY 1£xprrnnlou Not on behalf of the persons \\'ho use your paper as a medium to tell the students on the Hill what they have to Those students who ha,'e· an inter- LITERARY EXPRESSION PI ALPHA MU THE POETS' CLUB sell, but, rather, in the inter('st of fail' est in modern poetry no doubt hnve plaj-, is this letter addressed. On the breeze gay, crisp leaves swirl- Phi AII)ha :Mu wishes to announce at The goods advertised in the Gold Bug many times in their travels aficld eom~ that Miss Evelyn Jackson Mather was The Poets' Club will meet the into contact with "A Bookfellow All- ing home of Dr. H. T. Stephens on Thurs· represent the best procnrable in West- formerly pledged to the etub last Sun minster and elsewhere. So from that 'I'his is a collection of poems day night. _ dfty ovening, November 1, at eight thc of which have o'clock. All members are urged to point of view nlonc it wonld be advis· Iy printed and pledged come, and bring an original poem, on able to consult the advertising columns buy. Each contributer purchases as SHAKESPEARE CLUB to determine wherc to buy. Reds and golds and soft browns ming the geneml theme of Tll1lnksgiving. A many books as pages ho has filled in cordial tnvitanon is extended to any- To go furt.her it is au establislJCd ling- It is requested that any persons the volume. Glowing days with clear frosts ting· one who may be interested in poetry. fact tllat those who advertise in the wishing to join j!ho Shakespeare Club Gold Bug are interested in serving the Professor Herbert Stephens, of our ling- pay their national dues ($1.00) to Miss has been for thrre years a con- students to whom it circulates. Other- Sound of bells and ehild's song jing- Catherine Read before the end of the wise they would not go to the expense to this worthwhile book. His ling- first week in November, as a complete BROWNING of putting before the student body their is illustrative of that phil- It is Autumn. list is to be submitted to the National spirit which is traced in most wares. Noll' isn't it logical aud sane Associn tion at that time. works. This poem, "When \Vin Heads in pence Oll sweet leaves lying- The Freshmen of Browning were in for one to den I where his trade ia ap is included in the 1928 Feet with winged swiftness flying-s- charge of the program for last Mon- Bookfeflow's Antholo· Hearts witll rupture laughing, erying- day evening. After a short business IRVING It is Autumn. session, the was handed over -Virginia. Merrill. Besides the regular program of short to the Freshman committee. Mary Lu body, and all other subscribers directly "1'he wind blows cold through tnc oak talks and music at the Irving Literary Shipley sang "Beloved", accompanied through your paper, and that they will trees sere Society Monday night, an election Wa9 by Eva Dryden at tIle piano. Mary do the thing that is just and right-- There's a flurry of snow, and winter is THE UNDISCOVERED TOPIC held for the office of President, to Ore Hering gave a most amusing read- patronize to the fullest extent the ad- near; ing entitled "A Confidonee". After a which Mr. Roby Day was elected. After vcrtiscra in the Gold Bug. The hills once so green, are rugged (With due thanks and npofogtaa to the Vice President, :Mr. James Stach, piano solo, "Whines", by Sehumnnn, nnd bare, Adelaide Proctor, autllor of called the meeting to order, Chaplain played by Eva Dryden, the lights went WHY EDITORS LEAVE HOME And the world seems tinged with a "The Lost Chord") Wesley Day lead in prayer. The elec- out in Browning Hall. Since there was sad despair. tion was then held to fill the vacancy no way to get lights in tho room the I have found a quick and very aatds Sented tonight {It Illy table, made by the absence from college of meeting had to he closed. Though they factory plan to brown the meringue ou The harvests of gold arc gathered in 1 nm sleepy and worried quite; Mr. Earl Lippy, who was elected Presi- could not finish their program the old a pie by brushing any loose rust or dirt shock For 1 cannot think of a topic dent last spring. Upon :llr. Day's tak- members of Browning wish to thank from the burner on a hof plate and ill Th" red, still clings to Ute To write on with skill tonight. ing the ehair, Mr. Andrew Oravetz was thorn .for the one they gave and vesting it Mrs. E. R. Mil- elected by a unanimous vote to take lris prepared to give. ler. -Ollio Paper. Leaves of the maple are fluttering My thoughts wander idly onward, place as treasurer. The program which nround- From fancies and trees and things, followed ineluded: butterfiies ovcr tiltl To ocenn8 and horses and people- "If I Were to Die Tonight", Mr. Sny- The Trip Was Made in an Old Open But they seem to go 'roun"d_ in ringsl PHILO der; "The Meaning of Success," Mr. Faced Ford, \Vhich Extended Over The clouds, uneasy, are ~kurrying by a pnssage from Shakespearo Coale; irnprnmptu-"The Literary So- a Thonsand Miles J,ike fowls bewildered in a joy Will me to do my best; ciety is it \Vorthwhilc!", Mr. Addison; It took the SOllhomores to take tho -Ericson (Nebr.) Journal. Ono of Romeo's love, pinno solo, Mr. R. Day. Philo members back to the swept when Philo wns ~·oung. 'fhemoon on. with a veiled face, Of the famous lovers at rest. After the critic's report was read, And tlte sun, grown cold, sinks away Mr. D. C. l.furehison was received into L. Gadinez hns paid a $5 fine for in space. There is the moon to eonsider- the fellowship of the dub, and the speeding in the court of Judge W. Co- Be she inconstant, light' wflsgi'-en: meeting was adjourned. burn cook. -Turlock (Cal.) Journal. The world seems bl('ak, and the pros- She has a marvelous beauty The meeting was called to order by ]lectdrear As I gaze on her tonight. the presideut, Liz~ie Abbot (Victoria Wlten the sad, gray days lIlark the WEBSTER Smith), after which the minutes were passing year; She gives to the trees vague shapes, Thomas was in the act of alightiug read and the roll was called by t.he But Kature has happily gone to A nd sheds a mystery there The members of Webster Literary So· Kitty Tull. Theu a ncw memo from the bnss at the time of tho colli· While the fnithful stars love's 'l'hat somehow reminds me of fairies ciety enjoyed tI,e best program of the bel', E"a Dayis (Dorothy Wheel sion, and suffered a fracture of the leg· kc('p. Whieh seem to iloat in tlJC air. year on Monday, October 22. Mr. Amoss er), was into the society with al a result thereof. He died two ways covered very well tho current topics of all tIle pomp and ceremony due her latcr in the hospital. She will wake again, nnd lI'ith glad· That babble I hear from my window- the day. Mr. \V. \Varren, the ImIHorist Aftcr tJle old and ncw business was _Panama (C. Z.) Stat anit Horald. ue~~ sing, Is Or it is t.he fairies' stream's mirth' soft murmur, the it of t.he society, ('!ltertaincd with some transneted a critic's was read by Arrayed in tlte gorgeolls robes of As it flolYS o'er the earth' of his jokes. The feature of the even- 1li)(jred }{aum. At point in the Spring; ing was a debate on the following mecting :Mary Estelle Todd (Dorothy Frank F. Hiue was home long enough c\nd the Mayflower's pink, and thc The ('arth-ah yes-that reminds me question: Resolved: That Preshmcn Todd) entered the hall and was called to get bitten on the hand by his dog. wlllows green, Of the topic 1 sought to find, should be required to attend parlor. down for being Inte. The entertain· He is now in New York having the Wit It laughing blooms will adorn t.heir Which has gi\-eu birth to my efforts )Jr. W. Bell contended that shoulil ment consisted of the following num wound pastuerized and expects t.o be Queen. Of Illy first attempt at rhyme. be required to attend parlor Mr. bers: able to return home for another bite Let Winter come, with its soft, white -ET_ISB GRAYSON HOBBS, '29. "Billy" Mather spoke on tlLe negati"e Solo, Mabel Garrison (Louise Wantz), about Cllristmaa. aide in behalf of his class. The speak· accompanied by Mabel Harris (Anna -Brewster (N. Y.) Standard. "Oad" SM ELSER ers evoked mucb laughter by their re- May Gallion). There is life in the sleeping buds he- ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, marks on tIle question. low Mr. J. Warren spoke of the wrestling Debnte--Resoh'ed: That a Woman _Ai· What we \\'I\ut to sec is one who can Let the winds blow on with undying COLD DRINKS prospects for the eoming year at W. M. Should Marry for Love or Meney. ?est.- firmntive side: Elsie Stoops (Vivian breast into thc world, do a nwn's Open eve!')' night until 11 :30 p. m. C. The society then listened to a saxa· For the world in eneh Season's Riggan), Willow Belle 1l0lid~y (Cnth· work, and still preseTl'!) his first an,\ change is blest! phone solo by Mr. Koockogy, assisted erine Downing). Negati,'c side: Tnez pure Clljoyment of exist.cnce. .at the piano by Mr. Forlines. Messrs. Raughky (Mary Bnrnhard), Suzie -Stevenson. _HERBER'l' TAYLOR STEPIIENS. Rein and Smit.h gave impromptu Sharrer, Gorsuch & Starr speeches on "How It Feels 2B Bo! AC Jenkins (Bett.), Cain). EVERHART of Ullturned Faces". 'l'he latent talents Rending-"A Coquette Punished", The Newest and Best Clothing and ).fannie Lense (Evf.'lyn Collison). These things I to ha,·o- of the society members are now becom- PUl'llishiIlgS ing evident and many more well-rell- At the close of such fln interestinll BARBER and BOBBER to know:'__ dered programs should be presented this reading, refreshments, consisting of At 'I'he Forks year. lemonade and cake, were scrved. Uc,llnd God,and Mi!sGarbo. Goods for young men '1'0 these three I'll tunl my baek- Dn,ir;er, beer, and an old wise craek. Westminster News Company 10 pel' cent off to college students INTER·COLLEGIATE NEWS She (to dinner pnrtn('r)-"Do you -Columbin Spectators. like t~a r' A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner (Con tinned :from Pflge Two He-"Yes, but I like the next letter WE HANDLE THE Have Yonr Shoes Repaired at the bilt was chosen, for the same reason. much better." BALTIMORE SUN Babylon & Lippy Company An(l for a middle grouud, Prineeton College Shop wUS!JCleeted. "What's worse than raining eats and Chas. Kroop FLORSHE]l\I SHOES In all of these,obsen'ers found that dogs'" King's Pharmacy almost Ilninamously, the students had "What'" 25 E. Main St. STETSON HATS reverted from the "slouchy" college "Hailing taxicabs." W. E. WARFTET_D, College Rep. 'l'HR REX,_o\_LL S'l'ORE tendency of recent years, to n tidiness -Philadelphia Chaptcrgrnms. 55 E. Main St., Westminster, Md. and care in dress that was surprising. International made-to-measure In all the colleges, the starched collar was found to be so nearly uni\'ersal that D. S. GEHR Somehody, Somewhere, Wants Your The Prosperity Plant Suits itappeara to consti'utenlmost a uni form. The comfortable low, pliant (Established J866) starched vnrieties were most in demand Photograph Cleaning and Pressing in both ).forth and South. Wholesale and Retail 1I00T CHAMBERS Extreme cuts o.f trousers, absurd HARDWARE DistinctivePrinting shirt, collar and tic combiuations and Ward Hall 143 otlier freakish effeets ha,·c disappeared. The Wilson Studio ED. WARFIELD The colleGe lllftn, according to Ol1e Phone 318 Senior Hall PERSONAL STATIONERY student, realizes that hc is a poteutial Westminster, Md. ANNOUNCEMENTS wage earner, and that lie is judged by Represputing U. W. MILLER NAME CARDS his habits in clothes as well as in his PROGRAMS other practices. lIe IS llot attractive a~ MENUS his colleagues, to the co·eds or to his See Hoot Chambers Westminster Savings Bank NOTES fulure employer in SILVERWARE WATCHES By That is why he has '0< Capital $50,000_00 A. H. Felling Company COLLEGE JEWELRY 350,000.00 reasonable clothes. "WESTERN MARYLAND" SAnUEL COHEN MANur ACTURING JEWELERS Ri11gS, College Belts, Fraternity Pins, Surplus "Earued" PRINTERS 45 E. Main St. l~. TIIOS, BABYLON, President. 'I'el. 21-J 314 Charlea St., North Club Stationery, Favors and Programs. MILTON P. MYERS, Vico PreB. Times Printing Co. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Baltimore, Maryland J.-\COB IL HANDLEY, Treasurer. The best presser in town. Represcnting Westminster, Md. Special R·ates to College Students CLASS PINS CLASS RINGS SKILLKRAFTERS Security Savings Service
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