Page 22 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Mar)'land College, Westminster, Md. lIIaril'1t! GOt UG A PLAYS AND OF LIFE BOOKS, REVIEW "Many, Many Moons," by Lew Bar- ett is a slIlali volume of poetry descrip-' Hallowe-en is tjvc of the life of hte Chippewa Indiana. Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during timcs, as tllere is It deals mainly with the Indian as be is the academic year by the students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, today, having adopted many of the Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Westminster Postoffice. notions sueh remark white mall's customs, yet clinging with Subscription Price, $2.00 a Year as those by whleh this 1S a pathetic persistency to his own eere- Eve' is distinguished. The monies and interpretations of nature. leading idea of Hauowe-c» is, that it The book is divided into three sec- MANAGING STAFF is the time of an others, when super tions. The poems in the first part, Editor-in-Chief .. . Casper P. Hart, '29 natural influence prevail. Everyone who "Flying " and those in the ntgut, part, Managing Editor. ......... Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 wisllcs on this deep.' can call souls third aceordlng to author, Monologues" no are, "in Asst. Managing Editor .. .Edwin Warfield, '29 cf the British Isles, as sense literal tr.1nslations of original ut Business Manager. ......... Paul Bates, '31 in nuts nuts uud nre only are tcrnnce of aboriginal song and council Asst. Business Manager. .. J. Hammett Simms, '29 eaten nrc used to interpret love' talk; they nrc rather, The very free, has broad "en author interpretations." Advertising Manager . .Marvin B. Sterling, '30 affairs. "It is the custom in Ireland, past . dea"oredto interpret the original In young women suggestive Circulation Manager. .Roy L. Robertson, '29 when the lovers nre faithful, would to put know three if "l comment and criticism ana wonders With the smell of dry dust, lIloy be physical or it may be mental, rod brother. This thought is expressed Judging from the recent announce· the;1' are not ell'arcd of the practi· but it is the tormer that is often ne ments of the deans, it seems as if the useless \"olulnls with winch they Cooked Ghee, :lnd mnngoes and a keen mind by tlle poet in this selection from s)'stem of table assignments is to be en· are no\\' filled nud lnade a more service. The harsh scent of bids Greek culture. "Whirling Rapids 'falks," a poem in chief forccd. At first sight such an arrange· able unit of Ihe system. 'rhe E'loats on the stagnnnt brceze whidl It is, purpose of a col which to the representatil'es is speaking of t.he to his people wllite Hnd men. ment secms arbitrary and to be deny volumes are of snch a that refer seems so stale lege education to us for the tasks of towns ing the students the right of enjoying en(·e to tlle!H is uS\lall~' nerer a neces £,'cn the Icnves must cease their rustling' lile in a lI'ay that will best bellefit those "From the many many, waves many of whito men- Carne their meals with friends and close nc· sit.y. The preseut systcm at the tale. fonr phases of lil'ing and not to empha· Big quaintancea. Of course there arc many is n:ry commendnble and on the wa"e, big wal'e, size anyone to the detriment of the oth· Wave, wave, wal'e. other points of l'iewtakenonthesub· yery little atherse criticism is justifi AU ,Ill the house tops er, but to maintaiIl a happy medium in And my people wither like the oak jed, but that seems to be the one most able. New books are being Lie brown, snn·tired bodies theexerciseofench. leaves; eommonly held. It is only natural that added to the lists. These -Cal/IOUe U'Tliversity of America "TII~ And stalks ~bout my Village; afewminutes in the best modern and past 8trekhed on bare eharpoysj Tow~r." little my intimate whieh tl1C meal run the of rcview and are Gnly is the silenee And oftcn in the spots Moon·oI·Freezing children; And hour affords. On the other hand it mny considered of study. Wily not Brokrn by someone murmuring wearily, do not confineyonr ideas and 'J'he chantings for the dead are as be said that thcre is the rest of the day start Ilt one of the tier of shehes Seeking for sleep where sleep can never opinions or likes and dislikes entirely to many during which such ~onrersations may be with these books, or that which eould b~ b •. Olle group. Be a person who is willing ~o As the wailings or tne starl'ing pan- held. College is a place where many remo,·cd from below, and gradually fill eome half .way. Be yomself. :llake thers. lasUng friendships are formed. More in the entire floor' In order to atimul Thnt nnd the echo friends with everyone on the campus. Ai-yeec! Pity us! than that it sheuld be a place where ate this plll.n each sradnating class Of the jackals howllllg, Here is represellted almost eyery race Ai·yeee! Pity us! new acquaintances should be continually could contribnte a moderate sum to and creed. Be friends with them. Lcnrn made. With a resident enrollmcnt ap· be used towards the general Shrieking in triumph about them. Do not allow the false as· proaching four hundred ereryone should fund. It is praeticall)' an Round some carrion morsel .. sUlllptionthat in order to be popular and EVERHART finally know the other, :llld on rather in· tradition that alumni gi,·e the libra!)' Just thnt, flnd silenee; .18 remorselessly lo,-cd you must belong to a C(lrtain timate terms. But too often a student worthwhile books and el'cn money to b~ The stifling, sickening hours come crawl clique, and to that clique alone--be BARBER and BOBBER is satisfied with a small circle of friends used for that purpose. (' rtainly with ingby. yourself. with whom be passes the all too few col· this eyer increasing snpply of books the -ThB Schuylkill News. At The Forks lege years. The purpose of this table shelves in qnestion could he filled in a Over tHe city rotation is primarily to enable one to ycry little time and in such awaJ'as to In its deathly stillness, know morc fellow students and to get make unnecessary a general redistribu· )roTHER GOOSE AT B. U. insigbts into indi,·idual makenps that tion. PatientTy waiting A cross old professor Through n sleepless darkncss, will help one to get along more easily In view of the increased attendance t~ Took his book from his dresser Humbert's in the daily life. The purpose is de· the library th,S plan, or one which looka Till, rolling up towards the dawn·split To a poor student a"A"; feated when the various "circles" re toward the usage of these sheh-es, should sky, he looked at the page, fuse to go to the tables assigned but, be The ll:mount of assimilat· Rings from the minaret t!Je muezzin's lie tlew in a rage, on the other hand, go to other tables ed and eoncentration possible un· ery. And sent the poor student away. (formerly Shipley's nt the Forks) where their aequaintances are. To der the existing crowded night conditions -Literary Digest. speak frankly, one may not like his tao is open to specnlation and one wondcrs Oh student friend, ble companions. But in nine cases out whether conditions could not be improv Come answer the roll, of ten, the dislike is because we do not ed. Study, by Its \'ery nature, is best John in Wonderland.-Young Cool The class's in the classroOlll, For Things to Please Your Pala.te know much about them. It seems to be conduced by freedom of movemcnt and carne to work in a biue suit, blue Education's their goal; natural for people to be indifferent to sequestration from all annoying move Jnd tie, and the chief clerk in Where in tne boy ward each other until a mutual inter· ments. Tables and ehairs placed in },fr. Droege's office. nis first duties 'l'hat's '0 answer his name! change of and ideas tends to aisles of the second floor would do will be of a gray hat. He reported at JIe's over at the Inn break the icc leads to a more ami mnch to relieve Illc lower floor during once to routine nature.-Santa Barbara Entcrtailling a dame. able attitude. Undoubtedly such a pro· rushuQurs. (Cal.) paper. _TlTe Eueknellian. Phone 324
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