Page 24 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. a11&11.9, a)lub, &nb~ndl'ty iningn IIorlll Nuus Ruth Harryman '26, "Dee" Beachley WEBSTER LITERARY SOCIETY DELTA SIGMA KAPPA '26, Irma Lawyer '26, Mrs. Adkins (nee Hilda Long) '22, Mrs. Moss Carrteo webster Literary Society enjoyed Miss Katharine Grumbine entertained ("Bill" Stcrlings '25), "Fran" Bratt another fine program last Monday even Delta Sigma Kappa at a movie party ing of Iris peace pact. Latin America, Reamy '26 and his wife; Mrs. Kim- '27, Maud Brown '27, John Wooden '27, ing. The first number on the program on 'I'uesday evening, October 20. being affected most by the Monroe mey; L. Herr and E. Herr; Mrs. O. Bill Hahn '28, Hilda Young '28, "Dot" was a piano solo by Mr. Forlines en- Delta Sigma Kappa entertained at a Doctrine is naturally most interested Herr; Estella Essig '27; B. I. Barnes, Gilligan C. Wantz '26, Mrs. Wright titled "Lieberstraum." As an encore tltcat.rc party in Baltimore on the even- in it, and at the present time is striv- Ruth Sehlinke '28; Mr. and Mrs. Wills (nee Swann '28). Mannie he played "Bcarnmouche", by Cha-.;mi- ing of October the twenty-seventh. ing for a removal of the doctrine by Caroline \Vantz '26; Ann Reif- Curling '27, Mere :Rayme '27, Dot Ny- nand. Upon a motion by Mr. B. H. the United States. 'I'he larger countries snider L. F. High and llis wife: gren '27, Jimmie Owings '27, Mr. Her- Philips the aoetety stood a moment in Y.W.C.A. of Latin America seem to feel that Mr. '26; Elwood and W. Haw- man Reekord, Baltimore, xre., Mr. Har- silent prayer in the memory of Mr. Jo- there is now no danger of European iu- kins; Mr. Royer; Elva Dittman 'U. ry Gilligan, WashingtOll, D. C., Charles seph Mills, who was a member of Web The Y. W. C. A. meeting of last week terfcrQueo in their affairs, or of any Amallg the alumni seen at the Mary- Foutz, :-'Ir. and Mrs. G. Russell Benson, ster. was a short but inspiring (Inc. Each European power gaining a foothold in land-Western Maryland football game "Ann" Relfsnider '28; Frances Nor- Mr. Warner enlightened the society girl brought to "Y" her favorite Bible the Americas. They believe that North were Olivia. Green '22, Alfred Gruitt ment '18, "Rats" Bennett '28, Charles on the topics of the day a humorous verse I11HI first telling why she liked it Americun pr oteet.iou is no longer need- '18, "Toby" Groton '25, "Em" Allnutt lIolt '25, "rr. and Mrs. James R. Wheel- r~ading was gi,·en Mr. Rein. A de- and under ,,-llat circumstances the verse ed, although they freely admit that it '25, E. Bentson '25, Gladys Benson '26, er, Bob Carmen, Mr. Roger Whiteford. bate was held in the question was snid or written, she then read it to once was a godsend. The Government was 'debated: Tha.t a woman's love can the whole gronp. Various "favorite" of tho United States, however, is in no be won easier by gifts of flowers than hymns were sung during the meeting an'l hurry to void the Monroe Doetrine, PROF. AND MRS. RANCK ENTER- from:; discussion in class some days as a closing number Charlotte Zepp considering it essential to American by candy. Mr. Etzler upheld the af- TAIN CLASS IN AMERICAN ago when u few minutes were set aside firmative while Mr. Koockogey was en snug "A Prayer," by Tosti. self-defense, especially in the Carri- GOVERNMENT to diacuss the leading issues of tho the negative. Mr. MeGowan assisted Eleanor Noble announced the "Fac· bean sea, where the maintenance of an campnigu. The ones finally decided at the piano by Mr , Forlines sang a ulty-Student Tea" whieh is to be given open Panama Canal could be (Continued from Page One) upon, in order of their importance, are "Shipmatt's of Mine". Mr. Link on Monday afternoon October 29. This dangered by an antagonistic as follows: tea is the promised "Y" house-warm- a speech on Prohibition. Messrs. hold. Smith wae the most important question 1. Prohibition ing. Kcl- Schaffer and Schofield, the men's ad- 'I'hc relation of all this to Mr. facing the voting public. It was de- The Y. W. entertuined the faculty _. Religion visory, were present at this meeting. Anti-War Pact. is obvious. Six clarcd that the enforcement of the 3. and the women's student body a.t tea on Argentinia, Brazil, Chile, Amendment was inefflcieut Farm Relief Monday afternoon, October 28. Colombia, Ecuador, and Paraguay have that some change was necessary to ,t. Immigration IRVING so far refused to sign tho pact. Mr. command respect for it. As it stands Tariff BROWNING Kellogg believes the key to the Latin today, the prohibition amendment is a Irving had its usual varied and in· Amcrieun reluctance is held by Argen- dangerous totheeuforcement teresting program Monday night. The tina. If that country were to acquicsc of other laws. The plan or SAflUEL COHEN meeting wag opened by the President the rest would soon fall iuto line. Ar- state enforcements was brought for- 45 E. .Main St. Mr. Roby Ray, after which prayer was however, seems to be wniting ward. The general opinion here was 'reI. 21-J offered by Mr. Shriver. A motion was discover what reservations are made that SGch a. measure was useless amI Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing made, seconded and passed that the so- to the trea.ty by the United bad-for a dry state sur· 'l'he best presser in town. ciety I,ay for a 200 watt light recently States especially any that COli rounded wet ones could only bring Special Rates to College Students placed in the society room to give it cern the Monroe Doctrine. Purely do· chaos. adequate illumiuation. The program fensiye war is permitted the Anti 'rhe religious isslle was anotller "Dad" SMELSER then IJroceeded. An interesting talk, \Vnr Pact and Latin source of discussion. The in "·What I expect Irving to do for me", was that although factor ICE CREAM, SANDWICHES, was given by Mr. Murchison, oue of ha,"c no bearing whatever upou COLD DRINKS tIle promising Freshmen. Mr. Keller, ones decision as to the more fit and cap- a most attractive appearance. Open every night utltilll :30 p. m. another Irvingite, followed with a The ball was opened by the Grand able candidate, unfortunately it wouM reading. A joke contest ·ensued be· }larch which was led by the debutante Naturally enough the J.
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