Page 16 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. (!Hunn, Qllub, UUll ~oridy 11I01ugn iliilrrarll lExl'rrssion THE VALSE Margaret Kyle, is teaching at Dot Mellott, PHI ALPHA MU Y. W. O. A. bury, Md. '28, is teaching at Salil!· Vienna, Maryland. '28, The first few notes of the piece, un- PM Alpha Mu entertained at a Cab A musical program was given at tho der the touch of this muaieial, are auf- Margaret C. Vorbiss, ex-'29, is at- Anne Swann, '28, is now Mrs. Wrigltt :net Party on Friday evening, The last meeting of the Y. W. C. A. The ficient to make one forget all reality. tending Barnard College. Wills. She was married June 28, at gucete were served dinner in a Spanish victrola was used :for the musical num- I forgt to watch the people. I forget Chapel Point, M. Night Club, with appropriate entertain- bers. to watch the graceful movements of the Wm. M. Garrison, '98, is going moose ment between courses. "A Migllty Fortress is Our God," slender fingers on thc keys. I :forget hunting in Canada for a couple weeks. Chapin Day,· '25, is now at Princeton Phi Alpha Mu takes pleasure in RII' song; Facts from the Life of Martin myself. I am in an attic, sitting Universlty where lH~ is studying in the Douncing that Miss Evelyn J. Mather Luther, Eleanor Noble; "The Volga the floor, and dreaming dreams; and OIl Alice Small, '28, is teaching history graduate school. He intends to enter has been informally pledged to the Club. Boatman," played on victrola; "The the rain is making music Oil the shiug- and superintending music in Fairchance the ministry. P,. Story of the Volga Boatman," Oath- les of the roof. I am reading some pap- Alumni seen at the Temple football erine Reed; "The Dance of Death," ers which I have taken from an old seen on the Hill were Jimmy game were Bill Bay, MoItoby, Jimmy Y. M. tl. A. 'Phose played on victrola; tho story of "The trunM, while the rain still mllrmors on Lusby, Marjorie Lewis, who visit- Lusby, Charles Foutz, Ann Rcifsnider, Dance of Death" and its composer, ed .Miss Tbm Reed, Frank snue, "Chalky" In place of the regular meeting of the roof, The scene changes. I am Mr.. E. C. Wceks, '06, the Y. }'L last week, the members hiked Virginia. Merrill; "The Battle Hymn outdoors witll the refreshnig rain beat- visited his F'reshman daughter. Hannold. to Tramp Hill and enjoyed a picnic of tIle Republic," BOng; origin of "The ing against my face. Here is an inter- Hymn of the Republic," Elizn- Battle supper around a bonfire. Latcr in the beth Cloyer; Dvcrkts "New World val when I see no picture, only hear LIBRARY HAS RECEIVED MANY "Dad" SMELSER evening a group discussion took place the muaie.c-c'I'hen the light, cheerful NEW BOOKS THIS YEAR CREAM, SANDWICHES, on the topic: "Does the campus offer Symphony," Dorothy Robert; "Swa.nee patter of tim rain drope ha s faded into ICE a fair chance to allf" River" sung to the melody of "Hu- the depth 6f a quiet beauty, I am (Continued from Page One) COLD DRINKS morcsque," Amanda Bell. now looking into the stillness of dark spun," by Gerald \V. Johnson; «wu- night until11 :30 p. m. water, a perfect mirror in tho sunlight, helm Hohonzollcm, The Last of the Kai· Open every PHILO reflecting a wall of vine-clad rock, scr>s;' by Ludwig; Elizabeth Shad- WEBSTER topped with long-leafed trees. A water .dnne's "George Eliot and Her Times" EVERHART Philo's program this week was a ne- rat comes from the opposite shore and and "Andrew Johnson, Plebian and Pa gro entertainment. The Junior qunr- The weekly meeting of the \Vebster breaks the mirror into ripples as he triot," by R. W. Winston. BARBER and BOBBER tette, composed of Ruth Staley, Pat Literary Society was held Monday swims toward me. I am enchanted Some of the volumes on drama and Prosky, Edna Nordwall, and Minnie evening, October 15, at 6:45 in Web· with peacefulness. literature which seem particnlarly At The Forks stor Hall. After the usual preliminar- Strawbridge sang two negro spiritual enjoyed a most 'l'he vision is gono like a flash. worthwhilenre: songs entitlad "Old Blaek Joe", and ies the Society members Mr. Forlines Tho music has stopped. People are all "The Organization and Personnel of interesting program. "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot". Alma opened the program with a piano selec- plauding. Why do they do this' I the Shakespeare Company," Baldwin; Westminster News Company Taylor gave a most delightful reading cannot. "The Progress of Drama Through the tion, Shubert's Marche Militaire. The A. R. ORNDORFF, Owner and dancing skit about an old negro at selection was so well received that Mr. Centuriea;" Stauffer; "A Short His- WE HANDLE THE a camp meetdng. The closing number tory of the Drama," Beelinger; "The given by Mary Weber Broughton, Ruth Forlines found it necessary to add a THE BARGAIN COONTER Story of the World's Literature," BALTIMORE SUN One of the new mem- snappy encore. Gleichman, and Virginia Scrivner, was It was with reluctllnce that I 'Hllked Jolin Maey. a seleettcn from "Uncle Tom's Cabin" bers, Mr. Etzler, made a speech on IIp to the Hosiery Bargain Count-cr. Those students taking Speech will King's Pharmacy in which thc main cha.racters are Miss "I'm in the Army Now." The apeak- llad just cOllie from the pretty hosiery I find material in such produe Ophelia, Topsy, and Eva, er's keen humor and pleasing presen· tions us: Complete Poems of Paul THE REXALL S'fORE tation made quite a "hit" with the au section, where I had asked quietly anll Laurence Dnnhar," "Great Storics )f dience. Mr. Stillivagon, another ne'v sednt.ely to seo something in chiffon. all Nations," by Licken and Williams; 55 E, Main St., Westminster, Md. IRVING member was called upon to make a 'rhe pretty little salesgirl had brou
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