Page 15 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 15
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS vs. UNIVERSITY of MD. \SPORTS \ I SPORTS I Saturday, October 20 College ParK, Md.. Terrors Lose First Game of the NEW TEMPLE U. STADIUM DEDIJ Western Maryland and University eATED AT W. M.-TEMPLE GAME Year to Temple University 7-0 The dedication of the new Temple of Maryland and the Coming Game University Stadium was Ileld before the The Terrors lost the first game of the to Hansen, gniucd nothing, and Hansen Western Maryland College-Temple Tho of hlaryland,the next lice that this is !lIe same team with two year to Temple, 7·0j in one of the hard to the Western Maryland 35yar,1 Unjveralty football game. opponent appear" on the Terror exceptions that represented .Maryland in est fonght games of the day. Neal gained a yard. Miller gam- Tho dedication ceremonies opened schedule has lost two of its three games. 1927.' Temple used a diversified aerial at ed f Neal punted to the Temple with the formal of the key 'I'lle two defeats, however, do not mean Western Maryland will be without tack which had the Terrors baffled at ~l line. Two Temple rushes lost to the stadium .Marylnnd does not have a good team. the services of seven mcn. Thcse men times and scored the only touchdown of three Turds and Hnnaen punted to the However they have had real opponents are ineligible because the Sonthern Con· the game by this method. The game Western 40 yard line. Neal against them. Last week a superior ferenec, of which • .Maryland is a mem· was evenly contested except was downed his tracks. :Miller gain· North Carolina team nosed the Old Lin· ber, forbids playing any man agaiIL~t when Temple took to air. In ed four yards on the uext play. Mill"r ers ont by a single touchdown the :fiual Maryland who has plnyed football on Wearshing, Temple had one of the fin- and Hansen was downed On his score being 20·19. Last Saturday the the vanity team in his freshman est pass heevere seen in a time. yard line. Wearshiug and Schul,", College Parkers wcre defeatcd by South This makes His passes were all accurate well en three rushes made a first down, on Carolina, which tcam defeated Chicago Clark, Norris, placed. their own 48 yard line. A forward pass on September 29. The Southern team amer, guards; Havens, Long, and Cham· was grounded. Wearshing gained six of then defeated Virginia, which held bers. The Templars wore given the harde~t battle of the season by the Terrors. yards through the line. Temple was Prineeton Saturday afteruoou to a score- Wilh these men out, Coach Harlow scored fourteen first nine peualized fifteen yards, and Hausen speech reo less tie. This rates the South Carolina will a tl!nm from the following by aeri:ll route, to the punted to the Terrors' 35 yard line. facilities eleven with the best in the country. mcn : Pelton, Fox and Batea ; eight, one of which was m~de by a p~ss. Neal gained a yard, ::\[iller gained a an impro· .xlarylnnd has :from its 1927 squad ten Tackles, Wilker, yard. Miller gaiucd four yards. Miller vised gridiron in a eornfluld. Greasy Neal wag easily the best ball A brief address by Hen. Harry A. tetter men. Thcse arc Dodson and Downer j Guards, Van Buron, carrier on tho ficld. He made brilliant punted to the Owls' 15 ynrd line. :Mar- Mackey, Mayor of Philadelphia, brought ends, Keenan and "!IfeDonald and Whitcraftj Centro, Tillman runs :from 15 to 25 yards and drew up- cello gained six yards. western Mar.Y the ceremonies to a close. The music Crothers and Wondrack guards, Oravetz; Quarterbacks, Miller and Law- plauso from the Temple rooters with his land intercepted a pass just as the half for the oceasio'n was furnished by the at Roberts and Halfbacks, Weninger, Ekaitis, long runs. It is hard to tell what ended. O. Score, Western Maryland, OJ Unlverstty Band. The stadium Snyder, Parsons full and Pullback, Gomsak and Ko 1I"0uld ha\'ebeen the final result had the Temple, by Henry P. Sehueider, and bnck , Followers Df the sport will no' !:IChinske. Terror captain been able to use his usual ",Vestern Maryland received the kick the architect was Clarence E. Wund~r. si:iffarm. More than once lie broke clear and the ball wns dowued Dn the 35 yard with the Temple safety between him and line. Neal gained nine yardl;! and )fil GIRLS' SPORTS FOOTBALL DOPE the goal line Dnly to be brDught down. ler made first down. Neal gained ten FRESHMAN FOOTBALL NEWS The second was lost. On. the defcnse Clarke, Van Buren auu yards and another first down. :Miller Freshman-Sophomore Field MaJI Game A tough one to lose. Hanns were easily the Dutstauding galned two more and then got five Barney Speir hRS been giviug the Passes did it. Terrors. Clark shDwed why he has been through the line. Neal puuted over the Fro&h some stiff work-outs during the T1le first Df the women's inter·class All·Maryland for two years in succes goal line on the next play and the blill field ball games was won by the Fresh Clarkie played a wonderful game. An past week, keeping the squad blliJy and man team. The score was 2·1. Both All-American if el'er there was onc. siou and Havens and Van Buren were was bl"Qught out to the Temple 20 yard defects uud weaknesses shown sides had excellent pJaycrsand mainly for 'l.'emple's inabil line. Wearshing puuted to t.he 40 Plebe game. The open ity to the 'rerrDr line. Miller running the ball Ii gamc thut will most Fightiug all the has gi"en him a full For Temple, the work of Wearshing two weeks ill to get the "Baby most interesting of the back. Slwuld b," far surpassed that of Hansen. It was gain. lI.[iller punted and it was 'rem Terrors" iu trim :for their game with Lino·up; lin AIl-Americl1u. "Wearshing who furnished the con.stant pIc's ball on their 31 yard line. Wear U. of ?If. Frosh tllis week, !lud he is }o'reshmen Position Sophomore "'''ear"hillg sure could throll' a pass. threat. Hansen was completely stopp?d shing gained sel'en yards. A forward taking full ad"antage of it. "\Vea\"er left wiug Nock Ele"en fighting meu slarted nntl they by the Terrors. The defense wDrk of pass gained 28 yards bringing the ball the infant of the Bishop left inside TuB were fighting at the end. Shultz and )brcus was very good; to the 'Western Maryland 32 Crowther center forward Todd Wiggy raised his rear. And How! these two broke up most of the Ter· Hansen gained nothing on a at the .Marion Humphries right inside Davis Havens aud Vau Bureu were in alulDst ror's threats to break Temple's line. line. Another forward pass ).fnr yHumphries right wiug Lougridge el'cQ' play. Both played greut defeu Dick used only eleveu men duriug the yards. "'''earahiug lost u yllrd, and of His Ebnugh left half A. Holland $1\'e games. entire fr~y. Not a siugle substitute be .. then threw a forward pass to Hansen to the A. Evans center half Cockburn made. ~ri1ler and Clark were both orer the goal liue :for the only touch· line. Timmons right half Raulll Temple has a \"Cry fine team. but resumed play. Temple useu down of the game. Buchnuon kicked Barnett is rounding ont into a won Fontaine left fullback ilecht Buddie was knocked cold. But he only a few substitutcs. successfully for the extra point. Score: derful placement kicker. The other dny Bush right fullback Barnhart came back full of fight. Sure is:; good Teinple, 7; '\'vestern Maryland, O. field·general. The Play by Play Account of the Game be sent the ball within en yards of the Christ goal Rognu Team as a whole played a fine ganw. Western .Maryland kicked off anll goal pDsh. Keep it up, Barneyl Western Marylarfd kicked off to Rubican returncd the kick 20 yards to Dick is in splondid form and Tough luck. Nuff sed. Schultz who was dowued on his 29 yard the Cherry and "White 40 yard line. hns been the squad some valu· WHAT OUR OPPONENTS DID )Jaryland next Saturday. line. Wearshing gaineil a yard. A Schultz fumbled, but Wearshing reo able on defensive charge. )Jeal, Clarke, Hnvens, Mnchamer will forward pass was grounded and Schul~z coyered for Temple. The play costing SATURDAY he missed. puuted out of bounds on the Western Temple five yards. ?I!illcr fumbled Barney hns beeu kept supplying 0" to ~Inryland! Marylaud 48 yard line. A forward pa~s Wear~hing's punt and it was Temple's men for Wallace tackle. 1~or the second week Terror opponenh which netted two yard" was the :first ball on the Terror 32 yard line. A pass the lighter is subs. afraid of h'utiug soma Df (lid not hal'e very successful results. SAflUEL COHEN grouud gaiued by the 'rerrors, Mill,:,r gained ten 'yards /lnd a first down. 'l'wo chalked up victories, four werc de 45 E. Main St. punted to Han.seu, who was dropped 0(1 Wearshing lost two but a for aud the results of the other two 'l'el.21-J IllS 18 yard line. Hausen gained a yard. ward pass to hlnr~us lHlother THE CHEER LEADERS are known. A fDrward pass with We~rshing receil' first down, bringing the to the 11 ~rar.rland, which will ge met Saturday Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing ing gained twenty yards for the first yard line. Wearshing gained three yaro;ls A l\'ord tor our cheer leaders. Per· afternoon, October 20, went down to de The best presser in town. down of the game. Wearshiug found a through the line just .1S the quarkr haps some folks have noticed them prae· feat before a last quarter rally by South Spcein1 Rates to College Students solid line. Temple was penalized fhe ended. Score; Temple, 7j Western tico all the week before the Diekinson C:Holinn. The !:ICore was 21·7. yards for off-side. Hansen and Wear· )[aryland,O. game and a few more noticed tile de- The result of the Schuylkill game IS shing gained ten yards for a first down. cided improvement. Ned Shriver is to not known. Schuylkill will be th(l Ter. Conaway Motor Co. Western Mnryland took a time out. A Wearslling attempted to pa!!!;;, but on October 2;. finding no one to pass to was tackled 1;; be congratulated on his interest and a powerful third quarter forward pass was gronnaed. Hunsell dcsire to help us have a real cheering Daily Coaches to and from Gettysburg, yards behind the line of scrimmage by netted 19 poiuts enabled gaIned a yard. Another forw~rd pa~s section when we go auywhere. "\Vc are Emmitsburg, Tuneytown, Westminster Wilker. Hnyens recovereil n Temple the Jesuits to trounce ",VashingtDn Col was grounded and Temple was penalized pleased at this because last year there fumble. Nenl punted out of bDunds on lege of Chestertown 32-0. The LoyO!'l and Bnltimore. Ii"e yards. Hansen punted poorly ~o were more than a few remarks passed Western Maryland game is scheduled thc middle of the field. :Miller gnined 'femple's 4;; yard line. Templo "'·"IS Schednles posted in Collcge Halls, Post penalized fi"e yards. Wcar· about our ehcering seotion and they for November 3. a yard each on two tries at the line. shing to Hansen, gnined and were not very complimentary. If a few .\it. St. Mary's, Western .Marylaud's Office and Dean's Office . :Miller then punted to Hansen who was a first down. Clark of us would gather some of the spirit home·coming day attrsetion, brDke into downcd on his ten yard line. Hnnsen Phone 267 or 173 on his 21 yurd line. Neal throu!~h shown by our oheer.leaders, perhaps w<.! the win column by the Un i- gained 17 yardgaround end for another could get a few worda of praise. of Delaware 31-0 Newark. first down. Wearshing lost two yards. for a 27 Yllrd ruu, but lost the ball wh"n outclassed the home team A forward pass gained only a yllrd and tackled. Wearshiug failed to gain. A Ned has been llolding a regular class The Wearshing punted to Western Marr' :forward puss was grounded, but another, every evening and the fellows who have from start to finish. The ball being III . laud's 40 yard line where Miller W
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