Page 25 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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w. COl Vol. 6, No.7 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. November 8, 1928 IN DEVELOP- IS ACTIVE MUSIC DEPARTMENT HAS PROGRESS OF AT RECENT FAOULTY COLLEGE EXTENSION COURSES IN LIEUTENANT WATERS LITERARY SOOIETY REPORTED ING FIRST RECITAL OF YEAR MEETING THREE CITIES RECEIVES PROMOTION j'or the Illst few Jenrs the opportuni The committee of faculty advisers fur SHUBERT PROGRAM GIVEN the iiternry sncietlea made tI,e;r report HAS NOTABLE WAR RECORD for October fit It faculty meeting M,m day evening, November 5. 'rhe commit· The Music tee whi(·h consists of .1tis~ Hart, )["$ Professor SehofleJ,: lind Pro reported that the liter· UTy societies were making vcr y sutisfnc curred on 13 when he was no tor)' progress. tificd b:-' the War Department, and ae· The literary societies, in the opinion A e eptcd the eommission. of the conuntttcc, IHl\'~ made ~n impro,.e Caplain Waters attended the Second ment ill thAt 11:1I"c bee-uno more S~ Officcr~ Truiniug Camp during the rjou~ minded in progrnm. In Dill World War and received hla eomrniaaiou er words, their progrnms nrc intended about the composer and told a number not to entertain, but likewise (0 iu the Infantry Officers Roeorvo Corps of iucldent s connected with his life, In order bettrrto fulfill this at Per-t Oglethorpe, Gn., on November Shubert is one of the few truly great purpose the women's soeieties have de '2i,191;. He served overseas as an In- musicians. "No composer has ever writ (;irled to re-establish the ptncc of tIl(' telligcnce Officer with the 328th Infuu- ten more melodies." Lid has erltic on the pro!::ram, trv of the 82nd Di\'ision. Whilo there said of him, is the most po he was CnptQin of the famous Betgeant etlc musician that c,'er .iI'ed." His Both the n-,en's societies have had York. Whilo overseas he commanded work consists of ten several good nttcndnn('e during October, and a hundred songs for mallY sufficient number of Freshmen have e\-ery tOUlpan~' in his Bnttnlion at one olher songs, Shubcrt ts was obscure joinc(] each one to assure its success for time or another and was in command and une'\'entfnl, but he was a jovial com' this yea.r and :IS lo"!:: as the class Df '3~ my, West Point. of the Battalion itself when it camo panion ~ud IYell loved by those who knew is interested in activitics. Both Y. W. C .. -\. and Y .. H. C .• -\ home and was mustered out. His record him, All through his life he had a con societies are consideriug the ings !l.30 P. )1. o verecas WIIS such thnt wl,en the Army stunt stt'uggle poverty. Ha once ;llter-SQ(·iety dccat e, to be held Decem- Shakespeare Club, 8.00 P. 1L was rcorg~llizrd nfter the war he was suid ".My works are lhe b,r 7. During the month of October off'cred and accepted a commission as ucts of my gen-us and o'v these who seemed to have promise were first licutenuut in the regular nrmy, be reQUel5t, Shubert, when he WE MUST MAKE FRIENDS S'lH(lers nnd a with the 12th U. S, put on the programs and gh-en an buried near Beethoyen, the ])C~ll "1Ililkr. )lost of the ext~lJsiOIl fortunity to drlllonstra\e their cian, who hnd been his PRESIDENT WARD URGES t'Ull!'ses are nlso offered nt the rollege Programs have been of a f~irly scrious for whom he held a regard wHit such lllodifientions as lhe different 'Vest.rrn Maryland's R. O. T. C. unit llaturc, hut thel'len:ent of fun has not amounted to worship. rOIl(1itioH$ WIlrrant. All of the e:dcn wns p"cnlillrly fortunate when Cap· been as was eyideneed by a The program of the evening was as President Wnrd took the text for his S;OH work is in chlll'ge of Professor Is, tnin \Yuters WflS detailed to duty here cle\'cr moek staged a few wecks ago follDws: allogle. in 19'25_ 1'1'e entire R. O. '1'. C. at lr-ying Li\er~l.ty Society. Impromptu;n A Flat Unit, fcels proud to ha\'e such nn E"clyn Jnckson :\father outstnndinginstruetor. Who is Sylvia' :\.turgaret R\lth Caple WESTERN MD. ASKED OFFICERS' REORGANIZE Impromptu in G }'lal thc el"ilspirils out of !he m:ln into the CLUBAT FIRST MEETING Alice Catherine Hobby TO JOIN RED CROSS swine, explaining how this man, go who lI'as TERRORS AND MOUNTAINEERS Du bist die Ruh Charlotte Belle Zrpp ~ured, untura1ly wallte(1 10 with RENEW ATHLETIC RELA- Christ, but that Jesus told llim 10 g~ The Petition of Scabbard and Blade TIONS SATURDAY Wanderer }~antnsy (fir~t,]1lovement) home to his friends nnd tell them what Nila Virginia WallaBe President Ward Appoints Committee to great things the Lord had done for him is Proposed 'fhe Green nnd Gold 'ferrors of West- Liebes botselwft Supervise the College Campaign President Wnrd tllen s;JOke of What and the Blue and White Clara Katherine Grumbillc we This the illitinl meeting of Ih,' Oill of ),Iount Saint }Jary's "home" At first Due!: Symphony in C l\1ajor (.ers' Club was called to ol'de,· ]<'ridny, will re-establish football relations Sntur Western )bryland is a~ked to respond Andnute Con "Moot Udober Hl, II.'" E. t;1!riHr, day ufternoon on Hoff:l Field. 'fhe con- to the roll rall m::tde annually by the Fiuale Red Cross workers of this eountry, !le' H. O. 'r. ('. and oftkrrs of whi,·h is the aunnal Alumni HOllie Primo: :\firinm Irene Royer to an annOUlleement "'!lde by sthnlnstic will b~gin at 2.30 0 'clock number of nlulllui present Miss Gesner played the Ward in el13Jlel :\Iollday morn President, !larry A. ~Ia('ham- ments for the voice students also ing, ~DI'elllber ii. Nor will Western \-ietory the Green nut! the cr, H. O. 'r. \-ice·presidcnl, Pint Jllayed in the duet with )Jiss Royer. "1Ilnrylnnd be in this mntter, sinre l.'l'U\. John e, It O. '1'. C.; see- Ihe roll will be nmong the ,'nrious L, 1I11l1hias, R. 'fhe 'f~nors fresh from their reeord eolleges and nni"ersilit,s of the entire ntar.Y. C'lpt"ill l.i~ut. John H. un"lkillg st'ore of 69-0 o,'cr T.oyola in ~ountry if the present of the Red O. T. C.: lreasul'er, the Bnltilllore St:,dinlll lns\ Saturd.~y ure SCIENCE CLUB .";mms, R. O. '1'. C. Cross come to a This plan It W:lS then nIOI'l't1 tlnlt Il,e Oftie,'l"S' determined 10 rnll their string of vic- Thc Science Club held its initial is somewh.1t of n precedent since the col- {'luI! Inert t he first 'l'hnr~day of eaeh toril'sto lhree strnight. All of the men meetiug of the yenr in the Chemistry I~ge, RS Iln institution has lle\-er been lJHJst I'a[ue our confnds with them. month"t 1:!.--I'; P."-I. 'rhepurposeor WhD in the Loyola gnme lecture room on 'rhursday, Nonnnber npproaehed before ii, this matt a by the Often students attelllpt to put IL smokc camc out susl~iniug any injur- 1. President Shril'er called the meet org'lnization. srrecn between them and their ies. Charlie Hanns, who sustained two in order thnt it will·\Je easin to l)roken ill 1he conte~t, iug to order. A discussion of plnns for 1,.,-" in the semester was eonduated; a short with ~cntcr. If not, be his b~ck understudy, place :\lose at talk by a good local speaker is prom- gTe:\t denl 10 "1Ilacliamer, who played center Snturdny interest ised for Nonmber 8. riatiolJ Df which Mrs, dents by therefore we shonld can go j,omc ,,-ill be in this same position against tl'at'hers, 'l'he club extends an in\'itutioll to all is in charge. President our tcndll'rs. Condl \falloy's gridders. those interested in scicneo, whcther a mixed committee from Con{'h Harlow is not underating the they are majors or not, to come out and (COil tinned on Page 3-Col. 5) upon the will tnkc place enjoy the meetings, of "1Ilrs. i~ f"J"J"ed 'IS a with such a fJ'l'wtity of book;, unit for drill puq)oses. with a few really great ones. ,\ disrussioll owns then enl~rtnil\ed i!! TENTATIVE FOOTBALL SCHED- PRESIDENT WARD RECEIVES Pl','sid('nt ULE FOR NEXT SEASON LETTER FROM HARRISON The Hed Cross need~ no introductiml ANNOUNCED CHRISTIAN to lhe ordinary person, Its work both during the war and in times A te"tati,-e schedule of ten gaUle~ known to el'er:-'one its The following letter was received for next year has \Jeen announced b~- eomplete n1ientionlulS hnd to be dire(" ter W4S laid on the tuble ror future dis by President Ward from :Mr. Harri friends, are made. W'e should atrire to the ntlJlrtic offkc. Two of these will ed upou the honwless nlong the floodcd t'ussion. the baritone, who sang make friends of :lnd lhen iuliller be at home and banks of tl'e In ,-iew of The meeting \\":l~ lhen adjourned. in Alumni October ]llth: we will get from the in· Three will is almost eer Baltimorc !lnd Dedr Dr. JJ7ard--- lain that we hal'e made. Youth is the BROWNING 1 shall always think of Westmin- pecilllly, will time to lllake the friends, which in 1311'r ster ns hal'iug the of a heart_ life we must depend on. "Radio-land of \V.)1. C." featured in there. '!uest of the Three neweomers (mi! possibly four E,-eryone was so me, that I President Wnrd closed the of Browning on lI[ondny are 011 the c::tnl. 'rheae are Baltimore should like to thnnk <',-eryoneinriivid cuehonPshouldmnkea when the Junior girls cuter- ually,3nd :lm I grateful tr PLEASE NOTICE Lord Chesterfield Ollce said to his SO", Sc,-ernl girls, playing tho par,s you Hnd:\frs. "There is only oue gentlen1311, the m~_n of alumni, gathered together to get 1 hospitality_ If you wnnt TTJE GOLD Buo this of G::tlilee." 1£ we want life to the fuil Brownillg program O,'CI" the ail' from This was, (,8 JOu know, my first year, kindly send in your lIUhseription cst, we mU$t make n f,.ienil of J(SHS stat.ion W. IIl_ C. 'rile followillg are concert in :\mericn since my return immediately in order to receil'e the next (,hris! and go home to him. lhe members which made them want to from 1taly, und it will therefore oc copy, Mail subscription to \-isit again-"The Hill." cupy n plaee in my memory that will Circulation Manager, TilE GOLD BUG, The 'l'hree Bunnies A Bedtime Stor~- Oct. nwn~·. l:!-Amer, Univ_,-Westminster. neyer grow old or cold. His Large Ears Ellen Garcelon The climax of your consideration Western 1Iiaryland College, Old }'armer Hayes young Calkins Sunrise and You A ~oprnno Solo Oct. 9_T€mple r.t Balto. or Phila. in your message to the "Lynchburg passing by and ,jnst frDni eollege) Amanda Bell Oet. 26-Schuylkill at Reading or St. New'S", me(lns much to me as a pub Name -Good morning, Jimmie! Speech by Go\'ernor Alfred B. Smith Thom~s nt Scranton. licexpressionofyourpersonalappre, Jam~s Calkins (hnffily-l did n 't Mary Ann Engle Nev. 2-St. John's, Baltimore. Street No,'. ] I-Loyola, Baltimore, ciation. Speech by lIon, Herbert C. Hoover Please thank everybody for me. speak Noy,16-1lt.S •. Mary's, Emmitsburg Most sincerely, City . Old Fnrmcr H~yes-Oh, I thought Grace Armstrong 1\0\', 27-:Mulllenburg, Allentown. H.-I.RRISON CmuSTIAx, did, but it musts been )-onr ears Chopin's Valse A Piano Solo Dee. 7_\laryland, Baltimo.e. State. ping.-Detroit News. Betty Brengle
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