Page 19 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 19
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE TERRORS VS. SCHUYLfiILL \SPORTSj Saturday, October 27 Reading, Pa. jSPORTSj Green Terrors Lose Hard Fought SCHUYLKILL'S RECORD Baby Terrors Trim University Game at College Park Saturday is undoubtedly the best of Maryland Frosh 18- 7 we ,,'Ill have to face," said in reply to a question TIle Western to :/IT:uyIand's line. Here the of the status the Terror opponents on College Park, October 20-Barney contented thcmselves by simply making 'l'errorscnlled for old dead man's Saturday. Speir's Baby Terrors won an 18·7 vic one buck and punting each time they play which failed to baffle Maryland, A resume of the present season will tory here today over the U. of .M. Fresh got possession of the ball. Thcse tee lund's football team. After the who understood thel pIny It) show that the local mentor knows what The game was on Byrd tics allowed the Terrapins to work down ten minutes of pIa:; the contest was one be tried. In Miller he is about. The Pennsylvanians Pield ns a preliminary Varsity to the Freshmen 5·yard line when the of the most interesting games CVH wit- passed to EkuitiS', who run yards to season at Bucknell. ~'l.l contest between the two institutions. half ended. nessed at College Park, Early in tIle pass over Mnrylnnd's goal line. The try defeated 7-0, the loscrschnlked This marked the second game and the The third quarter was about even, first quarter Umvoralt.y of Maryland for point after touehdQwn failed. firatdoll'ns to four of the first victory for the Baby 'I'errors, who Mnrj-lnud getting within scoring dis- registered two touchdowns before the Western ua winners, losing the game on two for· showed great :;:mprovement over the ball on once and then losing the Terrors were well in ........ Bates wardpRSSCs over the goal-Line. Navy plebe game, especially on the de TIle game was the between fense. Lcmbard . . L. T. Wilker A week later the boys from Reading the two schools for years. Al wondrnek .L.G ... Van Buren engaged thc representatives of Mt. St. and Chalmers were the hghts of thong]' Western Maryland ,,"us defeated, C. . 'I'Illman )[ary's College and defeated them 26-0. the Liners, while Jones, Doughty, serves, the Terrors were in possession of the .... R.G.. WeiBbeck The Schuylkill coach removed his first Clary und Pincum played well for the to make their only touchdown of the ball most of the time und O'Lear tcam from the game after the :first. Green and Gold. gnmc. Chalmers made most of the gains Pelton qU(lrter. The was ideal for football and. which paved the way for this tally. The ... Miller The following week the Reading from the whistle until late in Liners' wns score successful, seven bringing points. to Wellingrr eleven bent Gallaudet 5]·0, ngain using the first the Baby 'J'etrors walked The remainder of the match was played ... Gomnsk their first team one quarter. away with U. of M. frosh. Barney ill U. of M. territory and the game end .. Ekaitis 1'he same procedure was enacted with Speir was content to let the remainder of the game ride with a team eompoaed ed with the ball on their 30-yard line. St of Brooklyn, when they de- largely of reserves, who held the Cub! Shorty Halperin, as reserve center, 37-0. the team feated 00-13 to a siugle touchdown, made in the last made a stellar recovery on a fumble. 6000-6 'I'he very fact that the Sehuylki:J quarter. The team in general is evidently in team hns been used only a quarter each for Unil'ersity of )[aryland. rhe Substitutions. Maryland - HeinLz in the last three makes it very The Univeraity Frosh won the toss good shape for their game with Ship· of Wellinger at le:t.l!llf was com- for Woodruek ; ·Western ~laryland- hard for the to mnke a state and kicked off. Barney's charges took ]lensburg Normal on the 27th. his car- Gomaak for mcnt relative to strength of the two the ball on their 37 yard line and pro' 'i\'. M. Frosh U. of M. Frosh hnd for Gomsak, teams. ceeded to march for a touchdown. A Benson JJ E Rooney Wetlinger for In the person of Barrett, the Schuyl· INries of straight bucks and runs car· Pincora L. 'I.'. Koelle Miller. Touch· ricd the ball to the 3¥.l yard line where \\'allilce L. G. Krajcovic killers ha\'e a man who will "ie for hon· ors with our own Greasy. Barrett is Jones took it across for the initial tOllch. :!IJcClellan C. Ford said to haye made more ground for down. The try-for·point failed, ani! Willey R. G. Wilson last aeRson than Red Grange the Terrors took the ball, after Barnett R. T. Hayden did Illinois in 1925. The Reading kick·off, on their 24 y~rd Engle It E. J. Norris team also has a fine bucker in the per- tape. Q. Bettino Time of son of Petrilonis. The pigskin wns lost an out of L. H. May the ex bounds punt, and after a of bucks n. H. C. Miller tra point. Soon after another touch· and runs, the quarter ended with the ball JOlll'S 1,'. B. Peaae down was made Robcrts for Univer· on the Terrapin's 13-yard line. FROSH SOCCER TEAM LOSES TO FOOTBALL DOPE Score by Quarters: sity of Maryland. endcd the Ter FRANKLIN H. S. Two end rUllS and a buck carried the w. ~r. Freshmen G 12 0 0--18 rapins' scoring. From then on to the ball over for the second touchdown of U. of :'11. Freshmen 0 0 0 7-7 er,d of the gamo W~stern had I_ost two in 11- row. the game. The Old Liner Cubs were the Terrapins on the but to The ·Western Maryland Preshi~s lost a The scoring punch was missing. pr~tty well broken up and a fIIuight Tou~hdowns: Joncs (2) j Clary. little aynil. Steady marches down the well playecl soecv game at the hands or passes were responsible. murch down the field of consistent til·e· Substitutions: University of Mary· :field stopped a few yards short of the Franklin High School booters, on rUlllllflg agam was spec· resulted i11 tlle third tally lalld Freshmen-Faber for Ford, Kuhn the when the Old J,iners took a new October 15, bythcseore of 4·2. Weather taeular. Baby Terrors. for Wilson, Chalmers for C. Miller. lense on life and withstood ronditions permitted a fair sized crowd six times! the game well on ice, ~ ·Westcrn "lfd. Freshmen-Bolton for the battering aUacks of lhe Terror to attend. Hnmber of Grepn arid resen'es WCTe Jones, Van Metre for Wallace, Halper ""1'ielJ. The Franklin tenm st:uted .tJ,e ball sent in. Although tlllS was the first in for )'IcClellan, Lamb for Barnett, rolling, but cou](i not rnthom the Terror time that some of the second stringers Hammill for Engle. bocks until about the middle of the tirst estern :Marylanle put the pigskm on tne year. Their ambition is the Offiec and Denn's Office. game with thc Freshies on the end three downs to get 3 cuti\'e game by defeating int(,r·eolleginte title. An article in the of the score. \Villard, the Terrol' goal held for downs and )1ilitnry College by the score Ill-G. Sw" some days ago gil'€s one some idea Phone 267 or 173 keeper a fine keeping the Temple Uni\'ersity W(ln its fourfl of their condition, ~nd players. H. S. ont of ~traight game of the current season by "In nddition to football trimming Albright College by the one- three other branehes of sport nnder W. )L (' }'RANKLIN H. :-:. sided score of 32·0. way at the Nnl'lll Academy The T.W. Mather & Sons G. W~llalll Atlllstrong soccer squad under the direction Tom 'rhe Terrapins tnn-atened early in th~ P. F. B., Dennis, Grove'r Burkholder urda), ran roughshod over the '.raylor, staged its opening workout this first quarter when Kessler called for n N. Owings team of Sf. John's, of Brooklyn, 37-0. afternoon. Westminster's Leading Store double pasa. With the ball snappsd L F. B. Flater R. Owings which will be played NowllI' "TOlD Taylor said the 19~8 Nal'Y Dodson WRS off to thc right end. R. H. B. Grorcr, Trnnda Stevcnoon their contest with Duquesne, goccer season should pron to be on~ broke through and speeded to C. H. B. Hastings Hobbs conquerors of Washington aDd Jefferson, of the most interesting since the sport wnrds Kessler, who threw the ball ovcr L. H. B. P. Owing~ in the last fIloment of play, when the was established nt the Academy. This o. S. h Johnson lattcrtea\ll8cored via Iheaerial route year should Na\'y defeat the Pennsyl· Over 38 Years of Square Dealing mnin group, composed of Lafayett~, .\.!ount ·S!. \Iar.Y'S and l.Jebanon Val· C. P. Noble J_.'.rrunda Pennsyh-nrua, Penn State, Ha\·crford 1. S. R. Reed Lehman, Beane ley battled sixty minutes without cither and Swn~thmore, it might" easily claim !llall. O. s. ]~. Etzler Penn, Kel~y tealll scoring a point. The Mounts the national collegiate soccer champions Smith & Reifsnider and Timer-Willis. arerted defeat in last qnarter by taking "The Tars will open the season with tile ball from tllc Pennsylvauiafl
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