Page 23 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 23
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. PAGE THREE T ERR 0 R S v s. LOYOLA ISPORTS I ISPORTSi Saturday, November 5 Baltimore Stadium Terrors Defeat Schuylkill by LOYOLA'S POSSIBILITIES SHIPPENSBURG BOWS TO BABY FOOTBALL DOPE TEACH- STATE COLLEGE ERS Substantial Margin, 19- 0 Loyola, Terror Baturday af- TERRORS, 26-0 And the boys came turougn. temooninthe Municipal Btu- Broke Schuylkill's three-game winning dimn, do not appear very strong on streak. The Terrors, smarting und~r last Sat· lille and Neal took it over on an off Uost important, broke up all Ihe passes urday's defeat by Maryland, completely play. Neal missed the extra paper bnt one, and that made but four stopped the highly-rl\ted offense of the point. Under the yards. Schuylkill Lions und won an easy vfc- The second Iouehdown was scored by Comerford, the have Iosr ing two touch·downs almost immediately. Charlie Havens played the entire game tory 19·0. Bates. Neal kicked to Barkman who all but one of four games. Two losses This makes the second victory ot the with his left hand badly gashed. The Lion backfield with the fast run the ball to the 20 yard line. only touchdowns and the third season for the Baby Terrors out of Eknit.Is fell down twice. Once on an ning backfield ns leader, ",'ere play failed and on the next play, was not a run away. The team is get tntc-eeptton with a clear field and by mllny, to tear the Terrors to 11 pass from center struck Barkman's However, the over Washing- again when a pass was thrown to ton of is not so him with a clear field ahead. Got to great it is that the get the knees up, George. Shorcmcn have hardly any material for Wiggy got his left eye entirely closed. defense to have come out team. end runs, WllS perhaps the But stayed in the game. the pass and Schuylkill completed These facts, however, are to be dis- of Barney Speir's charges. One of the roughest gnmea of the year. oue pass out of eight for a .four qUMter when Neal went over on an off regarded, because every follower of the Other stars were hard to pick out, each Barkman was stopped The Terror backs showed tackle play. After a succession of line game nnd ncr)' Western man having played .'1 good game. Bol· Bates had his eye on the defense against pnssiug in two bucks and off ta(-klc lIe missed dent knows that every time .T<,snitA t.on played fnll-bnck for .Tones, who was Grrasy came through with some mo~c years. the extra point and Terrors meet fur fifes and the con out of the due to injuries re great running. Although outplayed, the Lions held the test is usually the hardest on the Ter ceived in the game. After the wemnger again thrilled by his run back Terrors scoreless during the first half. ror schedule. So, do not take Loyola first Ilvc minutes of plr y "Ging" Pin of punts. The ball beiug ill the Lion territory too for they may "rise up" cum decided that he had no more use Dick appeared well pleased by the team's during the entire half. 'rhe Terrors dope-bucket. for his head-gear. 'I'his hefty certain work . .made six first downs in this half, the Loyola, lost quite a number of ly looks mighty good Oil. the defense. The boys travel in style. Nifty hus. Lions making nary a one. but as one glances o\'erthe kicked off Stopped in Lebanon. Nice little town. The Lions threatened but once during of the Baltimoreans last Sat- back to The team got Monday off for their fine the entire game, that in the third per- will be found flve of last iod. Getting the ball in midfield, Bark- eleven arc on the team, these are: It is easier to write up a win than a lose. man ran around left end on a reverse left guard; Mosscr- all-Maryland within seonng dist nnce and Holton took State rival Saturday-e-Loyola. for fifteen yards and Sehnylkill's first 'I'he Terror made fourteen ilrnt downs guard; Captain Bunting, tackle; Can· the ball over for the first touehdcwn. Played in the Stadium. down. Then four straight bucks at the to the Lions four. non, right half and Monohan, fullback. Baker successfully kicked the try for Make it two in a row, team. line netted another first down. Another The Jesuits also have a good hard point. buck failed and on the next play, an- Lineup: The second touehdowu was even easier. 'Other reverse, Barkman ran around right wcstcru )_Jarylalld Schuylkill requiring only six rushes. Bolton again THE CHEERING SECTION and until forced out of bounds on the carried the ball over r or the second Terror four yard line by Gomsak. Two Bates L. E. T. Boyle '1'he second home gamc is little more o 'Lear L. T. Snyder touchdown of tae gumc. The try-for- line bucks and another reverse lost foul' a Vun Buren L. G. Shimmer failed and from then 011, the than week off. Most of the students yards and on fourth down, Greasy Havens c. Yeager was defeated last year by a bucked up enough to stop the will be ~ble to go to the Loyola game, grounded a pass back of the goal line. Mt. Weisbeck R. c. Yetzer score, but this year Loyola appears easy advance of the Frosh. but all will be able to be at the That ended the Lion threat. St. to be played en Hoffa The Terrors lost a chance to score in. 'Wilker R. T. Carney to have a much stronger team. So far The third 10. Clark R. E. Kostoa this season they have made impressive the first period. A series of bucks and Q. B. .T.Kopp showings against some very strong teams. There was a decided Improvement over off tackle plays brought the ball to the Ekaitis L. II. Norrls Last Saturday, St. Francis, another (Of last year in the cheering section, at the Lious' 10 yard line. Then a fumble, Wellinger Neal (capt.) R. H. Barkman the Terrors' future opponents, defeated Shippensburg's 8-yard line. Dickinson game. Why not start pre and Schuylkill punted out of danger. (capt.) now to make it oeHer at the Mt. The Terrors continned to threaten the Loyola 7·0 in a Yery hard fought game. In the second half the Teachers ral Koscllinski F. B. Petronlonus St. Francis has one of the best teams lied to hold the Baby Terrors game' rest of the half but never got closer in Western holding Du- touchdown, scored by Clary The eheer·leaders have been working than the 20 yard line. Western "Maryland 00136-19 of The third period started the scoring. Schuylkill 00 00-0 qllesne, score. the conquerors can give us aud.T., line to a on int.he qUll.rter. hard all this year, but the support of the a This GO After the Lion drive, Greasy kicked to student body is necessary to make a midfield, a Lion' fumble was recovered by Ex. Loyola's strength this year. wortll while cheering seetion. The girls the Terrors. Two line plays failed an1 Dick is not under· rating the Loyola aretobecomillondedontheirspirit. It .Neal passed to Gomsak for 20 yards. thctcnmhardnftcr the boy., have it (spirit) Three line plunges failed ancl Neal Dick mainlains now· they seem ashamed to snow it. kicked to the Lion four yard lille where dangerous and under e"cr, the Tenchers rally came rather late lend your lusty voiceato the ball was downed ono yard from the amer, Pelton Norris for Pel· and, with the p:xception of one or two side line. An attempt to run the ball ton, Downer for Wilker. Schuylkill: moments in tIle last quarter, gave the The men are as necessary as the girls ()ut of bounds failed and another at· h.norr for T'etronlonus, "Mac}~arlane for WHAT THE TERROR OPPONENTS Frosh nothing to worry about. to a good section. tempt to bring the ball to midfield also Carney; Petronlonns for Knorr; Hnrris 'rhe last quarter was the closest of lile failed. Then Bllrkman tried to kick bnt forJ.KopPi Shaeffer for Yeber; White DID SATURDAY game, neither team makiug a t.all.Y. ~vas llUrried. Two off tackle by for Norris. The 'rerror opponents had the most During this Barney Spei. sent Neal took the ball to the five line. Referee: Albert M. Barron, Penn successful week end of the season, thus in G. Lomb at C('uter and A penalty brought the ball the on~ State. llammill for Bensol! at end. N~ar the far, last Saturday. Five of them WOll, end of the game, the Tellchers had Conaway Motor Co. two dropped their contest aud one tie,l. worked their way dowu to the }'rosh's W. M. BEATS LANCASTER COL- Dickinson nosed out Ursinus, by a sin 6·yard line by meatls of for\,ards. Here, gle point 7·6. 'rhis game was well Daily Coaches to and from Gettysburg, LEGE AT SOCCER !loll'el'er, the Frosh held and punted well fought Dnd was the third straight gnme Emmitsburg, Taneytown, "\Vestminster out of danger before the game ended for the Carlisle eleyen. and Baltimore. 'fhe Western Mnryland soccer Temple made it fil'e straight by run 'l'he should a show team won the opening homc game Schedules posted in College Halls, Post rough shod oyer the elel'eu of ing Saturdoy .1gll.inst ()Ithecurrentseason Saturday after· 'rhe final score of this en }'rosh, perllflpa the hardest team on the offense of the visitors. Trice Office and Dean's Offiee. noon from the representatives of Frank· sthedule. Their ground-gaining power and1'ruudaathnlfbacks up the gagement was 47·0 lin and Marshall Collcge. The Pennsyl .llt. St. Mary's, the llome Coming on the offense was great and tiley show· Phone 267 or 173 vanians scored their only goal in the front liue well and also afforded stiff Day Attraction, won its scoond game of ed ability on the defense as well. Line first quarter when Sipple, the center oppositiou. 'The front line compos~.j the year by defeating CMholic Uni\'cr' up and summary: forward, made a shot from the penalty 01' BenSOI!, Noble, Beauchamp, Hart and sity12G. mark. The visitors kicked off but the Hollaud offered more opposition thnn The Gettysburg Bullets upset the do,pe W. M. Frosh S. S. 'f. Varsity hard and very Beldom during the remain· the I'isitorsdefense could handle,espec bucket when it took the strong Bucknell Benson L. E. Cable T.W. Mather « Sons der of the game was the ball in the ially Hart, who was high scorer and eleven into camp l-!-O. The victory rates Barnett L. T. Frank &reen and G(lld Beauchamp, who accounted for the other the GettysburG outfit on the East. L. G. Mitchell The local team tied score when two '1'error goals. 'fIle line·up: A 70·yard run by of St. c. Punk Westminster's Leading Store Captain Beauchamp sent the oval past w. M. F. &.?-.f. Francis, enabled his team to nose ou: Wallaec R. G. Forem.1n ~b-oalkeeper Witmer from the penalty Loyola. The run eame abont the middle Pincura R. T. Sinclair mark. The visitors kicked off but the Howard G. Witmer of the first quarter ll.nd was the only Engle R. E. Barbour home team took the ball away from Smith L. F. Hager seore of the game. Clary Q. Fortney them and kept the hall in the Blue and Hastings R. F. McConahy hluhlenburg continued its losillg wnys Baker L. H. Fenstermacher Over 38 Years of Square Dealing White territory. Then with but two Trice L. c. II. B. Lippy dropping their contest with Lehigh R. H. Green minutes left in the second quarter Hart, Willis II. B. Albright 13·7. F. B. Byers (eapl.) Terror inside-right, took a pass from Trunda R. II. B. Yoder The University of ){aryland and Vir Beauchamp an(l placed the ball neatly in Hollaud o. L. Chambers Institute elevens hattled Score by quarters: Smith « Reifsnider the lower-right hand eorner of the goal (Captain) Both W. hl. Frosh 13 6 7 0-26 to put the Western Maryland eleven Noble 1. L. ". Weaser 0000-0 Westminster, Md. aHead two goals to one. Bell.uchamp C. Sipple Bolton (2), CiaO' (2). The Franklin and Mar, hall aggrega (Captain) Substitutions: G. Lamb for McClellau, Lumber, Building Supplies and Coal lion tried to break into the scoring eol· Hart 1. R. Clark ingpunch. Hamill for Benson. Benson o. R. Hansen umn again but brilliant goal-ending by Sash, Doors, Blinds lind General Mill Officials: Referee-Davis tLebanon Val Howard and fine kicking by Smith, left Score hy qUll.rters: ley), Umpire-Shorts (Bucknell), Hd. Work fullback, prennted them 110m adding to THE PROBABLE LINE UP L'inesman-Shoekey (Gettysburg.) their score. Western :Maryland 0202-5 Roofing MaterialS 1'ime of quarters: 15 min. Annoyed by !heFranklin and Marshall Franklin &. )[ars1la1l 1000-1 Charlie Havens probably will no~. outfit's threat on their goal the West start the game owing to the injury to his Summary: Goals from penalty-Sip ern Marylanders came back with ven' hand gotten in the Schuylkill game and pIe aud Beauehamb. Goals from field Green and Gold Special 15c geance and rushed the former's repre· thll.t will leave a big gap in the Terror -Hart (3), and Beauchamp. Snbstitn sentati,-es off their feet to score three line that will have to be filTed. Ha,'ens tions-Brilhll.rt for Albright, Keller for times in the last period. After fourteen is rated as One of the best centers in the minutes had elapsed Beauchamp scored Belote for Keller. Referee- state and his loss will be greatly felt. GRIFFIN'S GOODIE SHOPPE his second goal on a pass from Benson. Time of quarters-22 minutes O'Lear also had his arm injured. The A minute later Hart again found his rest of the team came ont of the Sehuyl trusty right foot and hung up goal num One thing about the G. O. P., it be- kill game in good shape and with the SODA CANDY TOBACCOS bet two. The latter several minutes exception of Ha,-ens, Dick will prob later sent his third goal of the after liel"ea in lookiug forward and not aly start the same team he used against noon past the goalkeeper. back. Schuylkill, with G(lJll~lIk in KO$caitlski's Hot :Coasted SandWiches All the Western )Jarylund team play. -The Bueknellian. place at full,
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