Page 21 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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w. GOt Vol. 6. No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE. WESTMINSTER, MD. November 1. 1928 JOSEPH S. MILLS DIES PEOF. AND MRS. RANOK ENTER- COLLEGE OALENDAR OOLLEGE AND SEMINARY STU- ANNUAL COLOR RUSH DENTS GUESTS OF LO·OAL TAIN OLASS .IN AMERICAN AS RESULT OF ACCIDENT GOVERNMENT 'l'IlURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1- M. p, OHUROH PROVES MOST VIGOROUS Qn MonilllY evening, October 29, the Poets' Club Meeting 1l.t the home The .Methodiat Protestant church, of Was Confined to Hospital for Almost class in Amertcan go,·ernulCnt were the of Dr. Stephens lit 8:00P. M. \\restminster, entertained at a reeep- New Idea Incorporated in Traditional a Year guests of Professor and Mrs. Ranck at ],'R.JDAY,NOVEMBER 2- tion I'ucadny evening October 23, for Event their on Longwell avenue. AJI Schubert recital by students of the ccttcge students und members of The funeralscrviee of Joseph Stevena 'I'he purpose of the evening was to die- the Music Depnrtnu:mt, Smith Hall the seminary. The guests were greeted The conflict between the- annual Mills was conducted Monday morning, cuss from various viewpoints the issues 4:00 P. .M. by the reception committee and made Sophomore and F:t:eshmen men took October 2ll, at cluven o'clock ill the in the present Prnaidentdal campaign Varsity Soceer, Towson State Nor- to f()(jlvery much at home. 'Ithe memo Starr Methodist Protestant church, Gar- and to gain a more intimate insight into mal-Sehcol vs. weetem Maryland, hers of the church had arranged a very pillce Wednoeday at.1:00 on Hoffa Ath rison Boulevard, Baltimore. The pastor, tho capubilitios of the two candidates 0Idllthleticfield,3:00p1,M. interesting progrum .for the evening's lctic Pield in the form of a pole flag· Rev. J. N. Link, assisted with the sen', Formality was dispensed SATURDAY, NOVEMBBR 3- entertainment. The opening speceh 1. Although he was with us but a compara- his admirable executive work during speech by Dr. Eldcrdlce, of thc Semi Interest ran high throughout the tively short time, we learned to know the wnr when he served liS Food Compo 'I'PESDAY, NOVEMBER 6- lIis topic was 'COld Sweet· morning, and immediately uftoy any capital at all, but he of white whose intensities nre as Below him the victor watched his class· of the League in Alabama. Since then It needless to say thatre did have all that was necess.ary. God nC1\rly as one Imndred is to nine· mates struggle desperately to defeat he has held this position and resided in lIlllde a Mppy ending to lin gives to each of ns as much capital, or ry; 011 other hand, a bee can nnder time and keep any SophomoTe from Birmingham, Alabama. Joseph's moth· c,·eniHg which e,·crrone seemed to en we lilay call it talents, 1lS we cnn usc. the s.~llle conditious differentiate two snatching the coveted ribbons. At 1:12 cr, Mnrtha Dix Stevens, was a gradn· JOY. Since we each bave onought to do the spots of light only when their intensi· the wltistle w~s blown again and all ate of Perdue aud a teacher of mathe· work God designed us to do, we must are 1\Sdiverse as one hnndred is to eonfliet cellSed. Tho Jo'roshwere cheered maHes. PHILO not despise the aUlount we have. Tbink sixty, or at best, seventy. the vietOTs or the day, and Haatings Dr. Ward, in paying tribute to him of tho magnitude of little things, of The third division of the thesis slid down the pole beaTing the hard·won who.m he knew frolU childhood sru.d, Philo's meeting of last Monday night the greut work done iu the world by HeatS. of what is usually known as trophy. All animosty cCa1:!edwith the "He was a fine boy. I never knew a was an ent.irely literary one. Varions the despised little things. Gpd never "color vision." However, for know· conflict alld esch class grouped together better. lie was always happy and did members of the read a number made a truly little thing, but :made ledge's sake than of kno'vledge for the and cheered the other. ThE tired war· not complain iu his illness, thongh he of famous poems by of differ· each thing big enough to do wltat he sake of commereiali am. riora tnen made their way up the hill eonIa notmo,·e He hadful· ent nati[malities. wanted it to do. Therefore we must Dr. Bertholf received his Phd. degree and a buzz of explanations, puffing and filled IJis mission. He haa done in his The program was as follows: not diseonnt ourselves and our talents. officially on Jnne twelfth of this year, arguments. brief life three times as mnch as many Two poems by I_eigh Hunt, Frances The third lesson is taught by tile but his work did not end there. lie This pole flag·rush is something new of us will do who live long lives Raughley; two poems by Wordswortll, investment. The boy Ulay have spellt lJ1epast summer in collecting ad· Oll the Hill and took the place of the I am better for having touched his Lillian )Jadoxj "Invictus", ,Villiam E. a small eapital, but lie mndo Ii wise ditiOllal data to round out Ius papor annual color rush, which was a more in· life." Henley, Clara Conway; verses from investment. Our success in lif<)will not more fully. The work will be printed dividual encounter. It proved very "The Rubaiyat", Khayyam, Mary depend on how much caJlital we have, in three sections, bound, and the usual popular for both participants and on· Walzl; lloem by Bobbie Burns, Virginia hut On how we i.llv.estit. 'fhis is e13pe· one hundred·fifty copies prosented to lookers and probably will be eontinued College boys arc believed to be :Merrill; "Cremating of Sam MeGeo", cially applicabJe to the investment of Hopkins Uni'·ersity. At present Dr. in the fntnre. In both appearance and strongly in favor of the air mail, hav· Robert W, Service, EveJyn Collison; our mental .ti.J~dintellectnal eapital. Dr. BortIiolf is engaged ill polishing tho reality it was a tough figllt but after ing found out this year that it enables poem by Edgar Guest, Belcn :Dennis; Elderdice closed by saking evc.ryone third di\'ision of hisdisse.rtation, which the smoke had clcared away the real them to get m·oney froUl home just "Requiem", by ,Stevenson, "Crossing the '{jll\':stiou,"JIow are you iuvesting he will deliver in New York at Christ· purpose of the conflict has been twenty·four ],ours quicker.-New York the Bar", by J'ennysou,-Edna Nord your ca.p)tal, and how are yon exerting llIas before the American Association achieved; increased clasa loyalty aud Evening Post. wall. your influence'" for the Advancement of Science. schoolspiritl
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