Page 18 - TheGoldBug1928-29
P. 18
PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. ]inril'tll G As Inu ffiikl' 11t 11utl'l·-QInlll'!,lintl' REVIEW AND OF LIFE Nl'WS BOOKS, PLAYS it heah, "Ghosses Bhosses d tar, and How yet is be home that sick' we can be at school THEATRE NEWS -The Bllckn61Zian. Ghceses floatin' The long awaited Theatre Guild Sea- Official newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thursday during Eberywha tr," son begins this week at Fords, in Bal- tho academic year by tho students of Western Maryland College, Westminster, Atteution Freshmen! timore, with j'erene Molnar's comedy, Maryland. Entered as second-class matter at the Weetmtnater Postoffiee. The negro, with his "ivid imagination For the first time in its history J_ynch· The Guardsman, which has successfully aubscrtptton Price, $2.00 a Year and extreme sllperstitions beliefs, will burg College opened its scholastic year two hundred and seventy-one declare that this is "de troof,dat yo' is alias ill dangnh Db bein ' pursued by with a Preshman Week. The "Crito· at the Garrick and Booth and comment MANAGING STAF'F some bad ghos'." If you are interest· offers to this the new men nt Lynch this roles arc taken by Alfred The Lunt stellar and ed in being amused, as well as in safe- Editor-in-Chief .. .Casper P. Hart, '29 guardlngvyourself against all of the evil burg: Lynn Fontaine (in private life Mr. and . it has no doubt become evident Mrs. Alfred Lunt), who play the parts Managing Editor .. .Joseph L. Mathias, Jr., '29 spirits that surround you, get some old to the first year students that they have of The Actor and The Wife. In the you his Asst. Managing Editor. .. Edwin Warfield, '29 negro keepin' to tell de gnoasca fnvortte "rehnwms received at best nothing but a guide and supporting eMt arc Ernest Oossart, The The ne- fo Jane Mama, Business Manager ... . Paul Bates, '31 gro haa a ready supply, always wei some suggestions about their courae-c- Critic, Alden, Wheatley, Hannan The Clark, Hor- The tense come and Asst. Business Manager .. ......... J. Hammett Simms, '29 a chance to tell them to somebody that tho and real weeks test which will make np during the com the is the story of an actor who, in days Advertising Manager .. . Marvin B. Sterling, '30 Religion furnishes t.he negro with a Besides the problems of life as to whether or not his wife still the he Circulation Manager. .R oy L. Robertson, '29 great many of his cures." If find that which college student in is offers will fl himself as a member of life you read a verse of Bible backwards, James A. Stach, '30 number of problems which must be met the Guards and then makes love Asst. Circulation Managers .. Braun, '30 then fold the pagc, and pnt a knife and by those who would. find the highest joy to the lady. To his distress, he finds . . .. { Thomas fork within it, you will not be in danger and benefit by their stay here. himself in as grent n difficulty aa before; Leslie Grover, '30 of having a "ha'nt" enter your house. There is no fixed formula for success if his wife responds to the love-making, Art Editor.. ."Pete" Gomsak, '3"0 another means of dismissing unwel in college. There is not even a fixed he will be convtneed that she has no come ghostly visitors is to ask them, definition of success. But the student 101'e for her and if she scorns Sports Editor. . ..... L. G. Ekaitis, '31 "What in de name ob de Lnwd does who has a determination to wo-k, '0 the guardsman, he know that his yo' wnut t ' If this does not succeed REPOR'fORIAL STAFF and to reverence the truth wher- powers as nn actor arc mediocre. 'rhe in driving the "ha'nt" away, thcn'{ax be found is the student who working out of this muusing situation News Editors him fer some money an' he'll sho ' to grow into a fuller life. makes a highly entertaining play. W. G. Eaton, '30 Margaret Martiguoni, '29 leab." This last is always just as aue- is all important .. "The Gunrdsnwn" is the beginning of cessful with ghosts as with human he· Whatever may happen in tbecourse or the Theatre Guild's lh-e week engage- Associate Editors lUgS. the year, let us keep up onr interest in mcnt in Baltimore. The following week the the Man" Mary Walzl, '29 Curvin M. Seitz, '29 Another thiag that ghosts do not lihe, our belief our in desire 'worth·while· and Bernard Shaw's "Arms and Eugene 0'- to know and Edith Kinkead, '29 Roy C. Chambers, '29 nccording to the! negro, is a strong experience llighest ,alues which can sulphur Evangeline Lathem, '29 CIHlrJesE. Rensch, '29 smell. will Some keep old all shoes or visitants come to men and women. Life is a great nnearthly burned away. Whiskey or vinegar poured on and we are the adventurers." Reporters Freshmen, but also upper the ground will keep a ghost from chas· by ad,·lce. Virginia Merrill, '30 ~~h/~~~\;'~~'dS,'31 fQr he will stOll to drink it. can well "the profit foremost that American Sara Freeman, '29 will not go ncar new lum· the school, of the vast EuBois Heywood. Helen G. Dennis, '29 C. E. Punk, '29 n is interesting to note that while the Catherine Reed, '30 Jnckson W. Day, '31 changes which have Theatre Guild is presenting' 'The Guards- l'helma Reid, '30 Paul Howard, '29 marked the present eelltury," holds th:lt man" in Baltimore, Mr. Gilbert Miller is Elizabeth Clough, '30 ~~~l'C~e;~i~~~~~I,'::5 education is life. Indeed it is in our presenting Olympia, by the same author, Dorothy Johnson, '29 schooling, in college, that we iu New York; the first is a decided Grace Armstrong, '30 Wilmer V. Bell, '30 first come with .he Helen Wheeler, '29 William Brown, '30 adventure, Life In college we are our oll"n." ,'Ie must meet and solve problem after problem, or else fail ut Fantainne and Alfred terly. If we fire strength· Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct news. ened to meet and the other ditIi Lunt their training in the in dramatic insti· nary bullcts, the ghoBt will "slap yo' culties that lie in our ,,·a.)" ahend. If theatre itself, Th() and former not began her career haid aronn' and gib' yo' a crooked unsuccessful, we know better hOI\" !O role in a panto- IE-D-I-T-O-R-I-A-L neck." O\'ercome the next handicap. Lane Theatre in. And so it goes. It is native eity. After lenrn about the llumerous of small parts, Miss WEEK-ENDS ARE COLLEGE MEN WANTED? We must nel'er forget that lifo is ways that the negro has dedsed !Hade a hit as "Li~zie," in worth the and that well·earned purpose of outwitting the evil the wor play, Out There, by Hartley With the college ~'ear well under way, succesels all that it costs us to These are some of the opinions which that his superstition has made so ~Ianners. Mr. Lunt started his drama- the old question of week·ends appears gain it. Franklin S. Clark, of tile Forbes busi him. tic earcer as an extra with the ol.! Castle a~ pertinent as e,er. College life, ss Furthermore, we have obligations to ness men's magazine, has gathered from Company, and finally achiel'ed easy aa the short story writers ha"e succeed. Quotiug from the "Poly prominent executives in America today. snccess ag Georg!.! Tewkesberry made is not by any means one of of the Baltimore Polytechnic plain This business of wading Ur. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., presideut ()f THE ORIGIN OF FOOTBALL "Our parents ha"e faith in ]~eynold8, in The Country Cousin, that through mnES of facts forever in Grnernl Motors Corporation and a grad· us. They have provided e\"ery Booth Tarkington was inspired to 1"iew tends .,t times to become! very un untc of the.ll.fas!!aellllsetts Institute of No, we arc not so far rcmo\"cd from for Ollr e01'l'enienee. They ha\"e write Clarenee, especially for him. interesting and boring. And it is pre Technology, says: "Whether a man haB our ancestors as we might think. Ac· us grow since we llwde pictures and cal Thc Guild lias had nn inter· cisel)" at that moment whcn a week·end cording to authorities many sm'agc csting from its beginning, te!l a college diploma or not, ile must in uo endars in the grades. What do they not ago, as n Yery modest organiu· frQm it all docs the most tribes enjoyed football just as much as wise consider his education finished expectofusf to its prescntstatus Do arepresen- and preparing one for we did the j\laryland game lnst Satnr' when he enters General ]\Jotora. of real dramatic genius. Shortly long period of stndent hfe. Varieiy, day. Th!.! Greeks and the Romans of course, prevents theennni and drab "Peraonally I think a college educa· ed a game with an inflated Our teacher mu~t not grow weary of after the war the newly banded guilders ness that life Qften into. An tion should help a llIun make his place ha,-e beell the forerunner of our they must be proud of their set up their headquarters in the tiny ,Ve must succeed. Garrick Theatre in Street, oecasional week·end one aWfly in industry but with General from the qniet waters of eQllege life in· !llotors every employc~ mnst make goed with some old scenery been left to the more turbulent streams and firs1;as a man-and if he happens to be behind by the l"reneh director, Jacques lea1"€s the iml)ressiQn that the world is Copeau. One of the members carrien a college man, so much the better. draperies frolU his own home to be used still going on and that the matter of "In General Motors whcthcr the man 11]('a"s that we will, in our later lives, in the A group of bankers picking np the broken threads after Iw\"e a firm fOllndation upon which to were to furnish fnnds, and pre· graduation will be! a doubly pleasant has been in college or not, he must have l·'ootball was forbidden by Edward stand; so this is your Du'ty-, 'Study sentations were gil'en, which succecded task. Of conrse there is the extreme had cxperience first hand in doing the 11 (1314) because of "the great uois~ and succeed'" in snme eases and failed in others. One student who throws the books away on most ordinary jobs extraordinarily well in the city eaused by hustling over scason saw fOllr consecutiye failures, but c"ery Friday afternoon, locks the door before he is considered to be possible large balls." Both Henry YHI and sucress was nel'er fnr off. This year the and rnshes into the city to re·establish exeeutil'e material. We find most col Elizabeth enacted law!! against the "Scicnce and in1"ention, medical and cd Guild has been able to take up touring the associations which ae broke the pre lege men are not interested in the jobs game which seemed to them a most \"io utational reasearch, and what not else, in a serious way for the firErt time. ceding week. '1.'0 him life is a kaleido at the bottom." lent sport. our life an easier, a more n was scopic re1"ue of books, buse3, The personal director of the Standard Stnbbs' "Anatomic of Abuses" welcomed Qf existence. Blectricity Theatre Guild purely placed by accident that on the :;s Baltimore shows and so on, ad It is und radio, painless dentistry and peppy the Qld question of the medium. Oil Company, C. R. Dooley, states that speaks of the gnme as "a dc'" health foods, arc all contribnting toward touring list. Until very recently, th\l the college man with a definite idea lf pastime." It was played in the onr welfare. All ill all, we wonld not ~lonumental has been consideNd what 11e want!! to do is rare. "The col n.1rrow, crooked streets of the towns. places with the youth of a gen· hostile to the theatre. As II CONCENTRATION lege man who does have a pnrpose," he There were no rules, consequently the ago. The little cnstoms of even g.1me often ended in homocide, murder, of its tour last year to declares, "is the ideal person when yon a goneration ago become euriou~!~' The factors which go to make np a do find him." and other disflstrous results, making it (Jueer. Today laughs and wonders gil'e The Doctor's Dilemma in the city goed mind arc many, but the single fae unsafe for people to walk along the at yesterday's methods." 01 Johns Hopkins for the benefit of the tQr of concentration is the stabilizing in· All the men interviewed agree that street where the game was being played. physic inns nnd medical atudents. The fluenco of them all. How man~' times education, whether obtained in or out of Under Charles II football became We of lim'ing ns.we do a more was snch a .decided success hav!.! we set off a period in which to school, pins the "right stuff" or per popular at Cambridge, and later in all inclusil'e more comprehensivc lif~, Baltimor(> l,as been permanently study only to find a myriad of other sonality, constitutes the ideal bnsiness look back with a feeling of proud satis· plneed on tl:e Guild's touring list. the English schools. In 1863, the thoughts entering our mind which tenil faction at the accomplishments Qf our !ish Football Association was to relegate our prime pnrpose to the containing two local clubs. It had pioneer forefathers that engenders in us background. And so the process eon 1!l09 under its jurisdiction over a senfIC of calm self·resped, by which tinue!! through the whole lI.';signment un· Homeric Scrap.-DowlI in Arkansas l\lllateur dubs and 400 we, in our turn, become pioneers of a Humbert's til we close our books with the amount a mall was tried for assault and bai· clubs. more perfect and enlightened ci\'iliza of assimilated facts almost nil. Intel tion. tery with iutent to kill. The State pro- ligenee we might have in abundance bu~ In America the game has been elab duced as evidence the weapons used, a (formerly Shipley's at thc Forks) unless we have the power to shut off, or.ated more than in any other country. rail, a gun, saw, and rifle. The de- 'fl* code of laws of 1871, drawn up for The nniversit.y man, acknowledged or· as it were, distractiug influences, we ae eomplish little. The trait is by no fendant's counsel exhibited as the oth· the first intercollegiate contest which acle in the world of men's wear, has re· meaps inherited, since with a little exer- er man's weapons a scythe blade, pitch wa" staged between Yale and Eaton, al· turned to sanity in dress, according to cise of will the ability to concentrate fork, pistol, dog, razor, and hoe. After lowed dribbling, which was calleu snr"eys of three widely separated edd- For Things to Please Your Palate may be aeqnircd. And by degrees we being out several hours the jury gavc ".b.~bYing," and also batting the bail cationajinstitutions. may enter that stage where one may w1tl\ the fist. The team was composed In the Yale University was sci this "crdiet: "We, the jury, would have rded as a uni,ersity in a "uni· opcn your door without your being con· given a dollar to see the fight." of tt"O backs, sixteen forwards or rush· I'ersity .in the South, Vander· scious of it, so deeply engrossed are you ers, aud two rovers or "peanutters" Phone 324 in your task at hand. -Charleston News and Courier. who latayed ncar the opponents' goal. (Continued on Page Four)
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