Page 17 - TheGoldBug1928-29
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\lei I M·I Vol. 6, No.5 October 25, 1928 AUTO- HARRISON CHRISTIAN MUSIC AND PLAN SPEECH DEPART- COLLEGE CALENDAR LIBRARY RECEIVES OF WILL 1929 ALOHA WELL UNDER COPY GRAPHED INTERESTING MENTS PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 26- IRWIN'S HOOVER" WAY FOR COMING YEAR "HERBERT so-rot Hours, 6:30-9.00 P. M. All Western Mnryland students who VARIED PROGRAM RENDERED enjoyed the "sing" ill Smith Hall will SATUJU!A Y, OC'l'OBER et-. Interesting Art Theme Promised Franklin and hlar be interested to lar it, for \'arions American the Love Went A·Riding Bridge The Senior elass is small this and will require a lifetimo for you to einrting a Ilumberof Sa/Imlay medals of the senior won Seniors in work it out. It ma:)' be regardNl ns the nlty will be started on 2Ilr. Christian unswcrcd the npplaU!res being :Misses Lesher, Noble, magna charta of spiritual liberty. If new photograph of the footb~\l tenm will with tb<' followll\g ell~ore numoors, ~IarligllOni, Smith, 'l'1lylor und yon would kno\\' life, know the Sermon be made. 'rhese photographs will be "Pretty, Pretty Creature," an English 'fhe Junior Class, on the onthchlount." forwarded to the Cnnton Engr~'.I'ing and ballad, urrauged E. WilsOll; other hand, has fl ,'cry large enrollment. Elcetrot)"plllllOUnCe the following rulings: (1) Ruth Staley announced the Sherwood to be divided into two good sized rooms every two or three weeks, the system for thc previous year who to renew A girlmusl h:n'e an U\'erage of "C" be· Ed" Conference which is to be held the it has beell deeided to partition it off ehanging to be in the hunds of the com· theil' actil'ity in debating, the president fore she is to becomc a member we~k.end of NU\-eUlbn 10 (It the Johns into a living·room and a bed·room. mittee. Two freshmlln girls, one lIlan and manngers elected by thcse debaters, Ol nnJ Ulliv&ait.y, and requcstod and one womlln from cach of the upper nnd nell' members of the varsity teams the W. i\f. C. organization of "Y" The girls in tho Freshman Class, whQ body and two hcnds will bo placed ar. chosen to succeed those not retuwillg arc taking the nome Economics course, to the teullls. These new members ure for one s(-)\Olnstic year before she's selldsnsmanydelegntesispossi1.Jlc. cneh During a set period at the 10 become a member of any so- wero initiated into the club at the last aclected by the varsity debaters from the end.of the year class tables will be ar· lllceting. bestm'lteriuloftheliterarysoeieties. dub. ranged. The heads of toe tables will W. M. AND U. OF M. TO be required to co-operate with the auth 'l'heissnessclected fordebatc are: FACULTY TEA PLAY IN BALTIMORE cneouraging to students in orities ATHLETIC RELATIONS ('upy the places assigned to thelll in the Resoh'ed: ThaL and the drama reprcsenta!.i,'e be arts, ex' (Ie literatnre, should held A empt RENEWED WITH ST. JOHN'S dining room; the for head~ this or purpose tables regnlnr will Hesolved: from That censorship. American jnry sys f:!cuity tell ill was McDuniel by liaU, the l"di~s the of after ';he The Western ~faryland College Ath on of thc the meetings be held. It has becn suggested that the tem should be abolished. lIoon of Odober Z~, 10 the mothers and lctic Assoeiation announced .Monday Dean's table be mo,'ed to the center ~f Resoh'ed: 'I'hat a }'ederal Department of friends of the students of Westcrn night thaI the 19Z9 Western 1laryland- The Athletic Association ann.ounces the hal!. Education with a Secretary in the ).1aryland 'I'he hall was beau University of ).1aryland football game the achievement of the re-establishment The committee invites the co·eper Cabinet, should be established. tifully The faculty ladies will be played December 7 in tIlt, Balti. of athletic relaUons witn St. John's ation of the student body. and faculty The captains of the men's and wo° prOl'ed charming hostesses for the ocea· more 1[unicipnl Stadium. post-seaSOll is College, Annapolis, Maryland. in making constructive criticism of he men's teams elected by the Council arc: sion. since The the game end of the a acason usually contest comes The aUllOullcement states that the re cooking and service. All such criticism .Man·in Sterling on '1'honksgivmg Day or the following Jatious will be established in football lIlay be reported to the Dean of men. Granville Eaton If you want 'l'IlE GOLD BUG this Saturday. The cause of this postpon· and basketball in 19Z9 and soccer and Franees Ranghley year, kindly scud in your subscription boxing the following year. SOPHOMORE ANNOUNCEMENT Margaret Martignoni. illl111ediately in order to receive the next ment until after the regular sens(m 'l'his brings the ]lumber of sehoo:s 'fhe interest in tiebating is runniug copy. Mail subscription to closes is due to the o"er·crowded sched willi whom athletic relations ha"e been The Sophomore class wishcs to an Circulation Mannger, THE GOLD BUG, ule course of of the the Terrapins during the regular season. ri:':l~:r;'~: a:;e re·established to four since Coach IIar BOUnCe that the an Dual color rush will ~~~~n!~ei: ;:a:i1e t:a~~:e b. k,eo. f Western )._faryl1lnd College, This, howCI"er, is very advantageou~, low has become the director of Athlet be held Tuesday, Odober 30. In place the honor to represent OUr Alma .Mat)!'r Name since it will be regarded as a champion icS'. During his first year here Getty~ of the nsual skirmish, the young men of "0 th'" ",m, ,I",ld Shlp game and as there are very fell' burg was brought back to the fold, and the class are planning an unusual per· The managers promise an early en Street games scheduled for Saturday aft~r last year the local mentor added Mt. formance to be given on IIof'fa At]] nouncement of the schedule of tl ese City. Thanksgiving Day, it should draw Ii. very St. Mary's and the University of ~fary· letie I~ield, E,'eryone is invited to a~- debates with colleges worthy of our ! kill large crowd, land to li$t of old opponents, tend. and on .issues \lnnsually interC!Ji:lIlg. State ..
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